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Bʟᴏᴏᴅ, Sᴡᴇᴀᴛ, & Dᴇɴɪᴀʟ (Tᴀᴛᴇ & MɪsᴛᴀʜJ)


Your Queen

Varying degrees of violence.

Explicit language.

Dark themes.








Tate as Norma Bates


MistahJ as Alex Romero


Following the events that occurred after the Season 3 finale, "Unconscious". Many of the characters are dealing with the deaths of others and not in the most orthodox of ways, either.

Only @Tate and @MistahJ are permitted to post here.

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Norma Louise Bates

Everyone thought Norma Bates was crazy for buying and renovating the Seafairer Motel. Uprooting her and her son's, Norman Bates, life right up out of the ground and dragging him along with her. To that, Norma would disagree. She wasn't crazy, she was out of her goddamn mind. Not only was she responsible for a house and a motel, she was responsible for her psychotic son. Not that she would ever say that aloud. At least, the part about her son. It was her job to protect him, and protect him she did.

Up until she knocked Norman out cold and tied him up in their basement, all proven to be in vain when she returned with Dylan to get him some help and to find Norman gone. Just...

Thankfully, Norman returned. Norma had been too afraid to call the police. She knew what her son may be very well doing, but that's not exactly what scared her. It was Norman getting
caught that scared her the most, hence her reluctance to dial the three simple numbers on her phone, 911. Despite her hesitance, in a time of desperation she swallowed her cynical beliefs and called Sheriff Alex Romero and told his voicemail-- considering Alex hadn't picked up the freaking phone for some godforsaken reason--vaguely what had happened. Actually, all she said was that Norman was missing (again) and that he was probably in someone's car (though she intentionally failed to specify whose), bags packed 'nd all. That he was making a mistake. She tried to sound less frantic, but she doubted that had made a difference even in the slightest.

"Norman! Oh, thank god you're okay!" Norma gushed, holding her dazed, out-of-it looking son by the collar of his shirt and then bringing him into a big hug. "Do you have any idea how worried I was?! Where were you?"

"What are you talking about, Mother? I was with you," Norman replied slowly as if Norma had been the one to disappear for hours and return out of no where. She pulled away to examine Norman's face,

"Ugh," Norma rolled her eyes, not bothering to question his antics. "I'm just glad you're home," She sighed. It wasn't relieved nor filled with disdain. It was filled with exhaustion. If this boy in front of her wasn't the thing that aged her-- or better yet-- killed her, she didn't know what was. Again, not something she would ever admit aloud. She had learned her lesson on sharing time with James Finnigan after he squealed to Bob Paris. They say it's unhealthy to keep everything bottled up inside, but it's the only thing keeping her afloat right now.

Norma pulled away, noticing stains along his face and as her icy blue eyes traveled down, she realized he was covered in them. His right hand and sleeve, chest of his shirt, and specks along his face were covered in some sort of crimson liquid, some patches dry and others still damp. She swallowed hard.
"Honey..." She began slowly. Oh lord, another girl. The Bradley girl had always been bad news. Hell, everyone, including Norma, thought she had committed suicide up until this point. The blood spatter suggested something brutal and Norma shivered at the thought and at the guilt of how exactly she knew that.

That Bradley girl was definitely dead now.

No, Norma. You don't have any proof. This could all just be... circumstantial, Norma thought to herself hastily. He could have just gotten his hands on a cat or something. Don't get ahead of yourself, now...

{ Fast Forward - The Next Day - Morning }

The next morning, Norma didn't wake up refreshed. Not at all, actually. When she wasn't disposing of the evidence that Norman had on his clothes from whatever crime he may or may not have committed, she was tossing and turning. Not to mention getting Norman to go to bed and stay in bed was a challenge (after clonking him over the head and tying him up, he was more than a little reluctant to comply to Norma's wishes). As well as work out arrangements for the Institution she wanted to send Norman off to. The cost was steep, if you consider twenty thousand dollars cheap, but if it would help her sick son, money was no object. She would sell her limbs and kidneys before she let her son go on like he was. Unless she could figure something else out to do with him. Find out a way to channel his homicidal needs into something less homicidal.

Norma had a lot of things to worry about. Her son, what her son did--
might have done. Not to mention having to worry about Bob Paris spewing her secrets to everyone and their mother, courtesy of the loud-mouthed shrink she poured her soul out to. Not to mention slept with. Now she cringed at the thought.

All that said, Norma needed a breather when she woke up. Pleased to find that Norman was still asleep, she sneaked out onto the porch and leaned against the railing, looking out at her motel. What once was an opportunity for a second chance was now her own personal hell.

There had been a nagging feeling gnawing at her insides since she first opened her eyes, but she passed it off as jitters. Nervousness. Her whole world was collapsing. Okay, her whole world had already collapsed. This was just debris, if she's being totally honest. The feeling was as if she was forgetting something. Nothing necessarily major, but something. Maybe she needed to call the Institute and ship off her son. No, they probably didn't even accept calls this early.... But it had to be

Norma was reminded as soon as she saw the first glimpse of the police van with the letters
S-H-E-R-I-F-F across the side. She forgot to call Alex back and tell him everything was fine.

"Son of a--," Norma cursed under her breath and pinched the bridge of her nose. Even if that was the case, why did it take him so long to head on over? So much for swallowing her cynical nature.

Taking a breath, Norma pushed off of the railing and straightened out her dress and tucked a few stray golden tresses behind her ear before beginning to head down the steps to meet Romero at the bottom. Perhaps take it to the Lobby of the Motel if necessary. She didn't want Alex seeing Norman. Not like this. Not now. And Alex was
bound to be pissed. She's been lying to him left and right. Not to mention her rejecting his affections. There was definitely going to be some bad blood there.

"Hey!" Norma greeted as pleasantly as she could manage."You didn't need to make a personal appearance, you know," She added lightly as she made it to the lot where Alex had parked, pausing a comfortable distance away and allowing for Romero to climb out of the car. "Sorry for not leaving another message. It was just a big misunderstanding. You know how dramatic teenagers can be," She laughed slightly, trying to make light of it. "Completely slipped my mind to call you again,"

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She was lying to him before he'd even gotten out of the car and Alex couldn't say that he was surprised. Norma Bates never changed, not even when she'd called him for his help. Alex pushed the door of the police van open and stepped down, slamming it behind him before he leaned back against it to consider the woman standing in front of him. She looked no better than he did this morning; it appeared the two of them hadn't had an easy night.

The truth of the matter was that he felt guilty. He'd seen his phone screen light up with the letters Norma Bates bright across the screen, he'd simply chosen to ignore the call and stuff his phone back into his pocket. The previous evening had been a tough one for many reasons; answering questions as to why Bob Paris wasn't at his place when the cops had shown up had been the least of his problems. Hiding a body had taken up the majority of his evening; though the rest had been spent ensuring that if the body was recovered that nothing could be linked back to the Sherriff in any form. He wasn't about to lose his life because of some low-level scumbag.

"Norma," He looked at her with tired eyes, not even bothering to disguise the fact that he failed to believe her. "You called me, remember? And now you're saying that it was all a misunderstanding?"

He'd listened to the message she'd left on his phone sometime into the early hours of the morning and had considered going over to the motel then, but of course he'd been busy. Busy helping her out yet again. Bob Paris had deserved to die, Romero still very much believed that. But his death brought possible problems that Alex had been hoping to live without. He couldn't tell Norma about what had happened, not just yet.

The decision not to tell her had been made in the car and Alex wanted to stick to it. She clearly had enough problems with Norman, he didn't want her worrying about what he'd been getting up to as well.

"Where is Norman now?" Alex asked, pushing himself away from the car so that he could take a few steps towards her. "Maybe he can explain to me what the hell went on last night.


Norma Louise Bates

"Norma. You called me, remember? And now you're saying it was all a misunderstanding?"

Norma resisted the urge to bite the inside of her cheek or make some snarky remark, reduced to an exhausted silence. There was a bit of guilt that bubbled up inside of her, but she did her best to force that down and she instead looked at the dark haired, blue eyed man pushing off of his car and nearing her, making her take a step back.

"Where is Norman now? Maybe he can explain to me what the hell happened last night."

Icy blue hues widening, she shook her head and averted her gaze to the house, down at the gravel along a different part of the lot, and finally back up to meet Alex's intense stare.
"He's asleep," She nodded once, averting her gaze again before returning it. "And like I said, nothing happened. It really was just a misunderstanding. Norman just-..." Norma's voice faltered a bit as her words were venturing dangerously close to the truth. "-he was just confused. He's fine, now. I promise," Norma tried her best to sound sincere.

Oh, how she wished her son was
actually fine. That he didn't disappear with Bradley for hours and come back home in the early hours of the morning with blood on his clothes. Instead of a shrink, maybe she should have slept with a lab geek. Maybe she could have gotten some DNA tests done on Norman's clothes. Norma had to physically restrain herself from cackling at the thought. Even if that was a possibility, it would only come back to bite her.

really didn't need more on her plate right now. Nope. Not at all.

"But he's going to need his sleep," Norma said with a ting of finality to her motherly tone, hardening her eyes at Romero's intimidating glare. She put her hands in the pockets that blended in with the fabric of her blue floral dress.

She couldn't let Romero talk to Norman. At least, not yet. Not until Norma got the entire story on what Norman
thought happened last night. She swallowed, hard, and glanced back up to the house, unable to hide the worry creasing her brow. The Institution may not even be able to help him. Norman kills people. Blacks out and doesn't even know what he did the next day-- sometimes even hours later. It was terrible, but Norma would be damned before she ever said that.

Okay, her being damned happened long ago whenever Norman blacked out for the first time.

"Listen," Norma turned her attention back to Alex. "-I'm sorry you made a trip all the way out here for nothing," She emphasized the last word. "But I really have to get back. I think I might've left the stove on--" Norma finished quickly, offering a smile. Another wave of guilt washed over her, always lying to Romero whenever he'd done nothing but help her, but she couldn't trust him. She couldn't trust anyone but herself right now. The guilt plaguing her didn't stop her from turning quickly and attempt to make her escape.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/images1DDUNITX.jpg.700765925520557f8c4eb6ab20c0ec6f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83600" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/images1DDUNITX.jpg.700765925520557f8c4eb6ab20c0ec6f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Alex felt as though somehow he would always be chasing her and he wondered if she would ever tire of running. It looked as though she'd been running her whole life and his town was just a stop along the way. Norma Bates seemed to be very good at running. Almost as good as she was at looking him straight in the eye with a defying gaze and lying to him. He admired her for it; the way she could lie with conviction even when she knew that he knew she was lying. It was a gift.

"Norma," His tone was sharp, something he knew that she was used to by now. So used to it in fact that seeing him happy was almost foreign to them both. Perhaps now that Bob Paris was out of the way he would find a few more reasons to be happy. Then again, with Norma Bates around he couldn't ever anticipate a quiet time.

She'd intrigued him ever since she first moved into the motel with Norman. The boy had always been strange and Norma had always been too protective, though now Alex understood why. Something was very wrong with Norman Bates and his mother was doing all she could to keep his secret. Alex supposed that if it were his child he'd want to protect them too, just not to the extents that Norma went to.

The Sherriff reached out before she was able to move too far away and took hold of her elbow, though he did so without force in the hope that she would choose to stay and listen to him. Normally she would hear what he had to say. It didn't mean she would ever listen to him but she stayed until he was finished.

"I don't know what went on last night but if it's something that concerns the police I'll find out, you know I will, so you're better off telling me yourself."

It was second nature now to guess that Norman had done something wrong. He always seemed to be around when things went bad, not that his mother ever wanted to admit that it was her son's fault. Norman always seemed to be around and Norma was soon there to cover up for him.

"If you're not going to tell me that's fine. But I need to speak to you later, in person. Call me when you're free - when you've managed to turn the
stove off."

Alex's eyes shifted from her face to look above her, back at the house that stood tall and looked incredibly lonely now. "Norma," Alex cleared his throat and slowly bowed his head into something of a nod, directed back at the house. "It looks like Norman doesn't have the same thoughts when it comes to his sleep pattern."

Alex took a step away from her and the house for a few moments longer. Standing in the upstairs window of Norma's bedroom was her son and Alex couldn't say he was surprised to find Norman watching them. Finally, Alex sighed and started the short distance back to his van. He'd have to head into work now, whether he looked forward to it or not.



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Norma Louise Bates

Norma stopped moving whenever there was a grasp on her elbow, making her look up and meet Alex's exasperated gaze. She turned slightly, as if to say that she was listening without actually using her words. Norma swallowed as Alex went on. It was true; one way or another he was going to find out. For some reason, she actually wanted to tell him. Wanted to get it off of her chest. Take some of the weight of it off her own shoulders, but she knew that it would only weigh Romero down until eventually it came back around and crushed her. She had to remind herself of what would not only be best for her, but more importantly, Norman.

"Norma, it looks like Norman doesn't have the same thoughts when it comes to his sleep pattern."

Looking up and over to the house after Alex nodded towards it, Norma's icy blue hues averted up to the window that was unmistakably to Norman's bedroom. There he was. Just standing there, watching them. A lump rose in her throat and a frown twitched at her lips, but just barely. He was just making it harder and harder for her to protect him. It was downright
frustrating. "I, uh... I guess so," She murmured under her breath in a bittersweet tone.

The hand on her elbow disappeared and she sighed in relief. Taking a moment, she inhaled, but then she turned and started making her way back up to the house. She didn't run, but she didn't saunter. Norma ran a shaky hand through her golden tresses, really starting to feel how exhausted she was. Narrowly escaping Romero's almost-interrogation, she decided she deserved a cup of coffee or two. Or
five. Then she needed to make a few calls before she'd have to call Alex, as he strongly encouraged. Ugh, she needed to do some interrogating of her own.

Getting back inside her house, she closed the door and then leaned her back against it, resting her head back as she looked up at the ceiling.
One thing at a time. One. Thing. At a. Time. She reminded chanted in her head. Pushing off of the door, she heard a roll and a few thuds of footsteps coming down the stairs, and as she neared the staircase walking further into her home, she saw that it was Norman who was walking down the stairs. She inhaled deeply and sighed. His dark eyes didn't hold the same disdain as before when he would look at her. Despite her clocking him over the head, he seemed okay. As okay as Norman could be, anyway.

"You hungry, honey?" Norma questioned softly, cautiously. Right now would be the worst time for him to have one of his little episodes. A more gentle approach would be needed if she wanted to prevent another black out so soon. She doubted she'd be able to stop them entirely, but subduing him even for a few measly hours could work wonders.

"Yes, Mother." Norman replied with a smile as he made it to the end of the steps.

{ Time-Skip - Later That Day - Afternoon }

Norma had actually ended up enjoying cooking breakfast for Norman that morning. All he did was sit at the table and wait patiently, muttering some small talk every once in awhile that Norma reciprocated. She indulged herself in the simpleness of that morning. It eased her. That was until they started washing the dishes and she asked Norman a question, to which he only gave her a heart sink worthy reply.

"I don't know why you keep on asking me that question. You were there, Mother. Don't you remember? You helped me push the car into the lake,"

Certainly not the most reassuring thing to tell your mother, because, actually, Norma was
not there when it happened. Whatever had happened. But as she continued asking questions, the more concerned she got. Oh Merlin, was she ever going to catch a break? Pfft, what was she thinking? Of course not.

Norma did everything she could, in a span of a few hours, to figure out something for the twenty thousand dollar a month fee for the Institution. She was tempted with selling the motel, but she quickly dismissed the thought. On top of every thing and anything bad happening here, she doubted very highly she'd ever get this place taken off her hands. And if she ever
did, she doubted it would be anywhere near enough to pay for it. Besides, this place held far to many secrets for her to leave it in the hands of strangers.

For a moment she wished she could just go ahead and disappear from the face of the planet, but she dismissed that thought immediately.

She talked to Dylan and discussed it, to which he sounded ready to help. Said something along the lines of him being able to pay off some of it. Norma didn't doubt he gained it in less than legal ways, but whatever helped, helped.

Norma kept Norman busy with work around the house and motel. She didn't allow him to go back down in the basement because she thought that that could possibly trigger something. Besides, normal people his age were out having fun and painting the town red, not in their mother's basement doing
taxidermy. Okay, maybe painting the town red wasn't the best metaphor, because that exactly the opposite of what Norma wants right now.

The hours in the day time were dwindling and she was rushing around. Maybe she had a long lost relative with no heirs to their fortune? Cross that out. Maybe there was some hidden in this godforsaken hell hole? Cross that out, too.

Thankfully, Norman had yet to have an episode and everything went as normal. Norma got a few more things out of him, things that could possibly help her help him. Protect him. She found out the lake that apparently they
both pushed the car into. She drove by and subtly checked the place out, under the guise she had some sort of business there. When she found nothing palpable that could link whatever happened here to Norman, she quickly proceeded to leave.

When she arrived back home, Norman was still there. She kindly suggested that he go get some groceries and then, once he'd left, she sat down in the kitchen, arms crossed over the table and her head resting on them, burying her face in the crook of her elbow. She exhaled heavily.


With a groan, Norma pulled out her phone. She ran her thumb over the Alex Romero contact reluctantly before finally pressing it. It was better they met sometime soon than for him to show up uninvited later on and witness something she would rather him not know. What she knew about Norman was a burden and one she alone could carry. Somehow. At least, that's what she likes to think. She didn't doubt that Romero would show up whenever he damn well pleased.

The ringing stopped whenever Alex picked up the phone. She didn't wait for him to say hello.
"Hey, Alex," Norma greeted quickly. "You said you wanted to talk? Turned off the stove," She joked humorlessly, knowing that he hadn't believed her in the first place. He knew her a bit too well when it came to her lies, even her good ones. "I'm free now,"


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His day was as exhausting as expected with the DEA breathing down his neck, along with pressure from his fellow officers throughout the Sheriff's department. Nobody quite understood what had happened or why Bob Paris had disappeared seemingly out of thin air, but there was a search to find him and Alex played his part nicely throughout the day as though he wanted the search to be successful. If the body was found, it would look as though someone he'd done wrong to finally fought back and killed him. The initial questioning wouldn't be directed to him and if they did question him it would be unlikely they persued him as a suspect.

If all went well, he was safely out of the clear and Bob Paris was out of his life. He could get back to doing his job, something he missed doing without being questioned by others. Alex was sick of having to speak to people that didn't know his town about his town, nobody was more qualified than he was when it came to his position as Sheriff. Sometimes people forgot that; or grew so accustomed to him that they thought he was a push over.

Alex finally got home that evening and his first thought was going straight to bed. He was exhausted from the day and the previous evening, but there was no way of him sleeping just yet. There was too much to do. Alex instead tidied the living room and hallway, then took a scolding shower in the hope of waking himself up a little more. He'd be expected to be in work early the next morning and he could handle that if he planned his evening well. The house was quiet, often a little too quiet without the noise coming from the shower. Norma's shouting had livened the atmosphere within the house when she'd broken in not too long ago; it had been an inconvenience but at least it made the home seem lived in.

On the way into the kitchen, dressed casually which felt much better than wearing his uniform, Alex heard his phone buzz from the counter and quickened his pace to catch whoever was calling. He screened the call whilst reaching to pick it up and sighed roughly when he saw the name written across the screen. He was shocked to see that she was getting back to him; perhaps she was beginning to learn that it was easier when she talked to him.

She told him that she was free and Alex leaned back against the counter with the call on speaker phone. "Good evening to you too," He responded dryly, choosing to ignore her making jokes due to how she'd behaved that morning. It was no different to how she usually behaved when it came to Norman but he was still a little annoyed. Or a lot annoyed, something he rarely was able to hold back on showing.

"I can't really talk to you about this on the phone. Is there somewhere we could meet?" He asked. Even though Bob Paris was dead Alex still felt strange about talking him about him, it were as though one of Bob's people were listening or perhaps another officer waiting for him to slip up. He knew he'd feel much more comfortable seeing her in person.



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Norma Louise Bates

"Good evening to you too,"

Norma resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the dry comment and instead bit her lower lip. There was a pause in the line and it went static-y for a moment until Alex spoke up again. Of course they wouldn't be able to talk about this over the phone. For all she knew her phone could be... what did they call it? 'Bugged'? She didn't know enough about the stuff, only what she learned from a couple shows she's watched in the past when she actually had the
time and wasn't always busy renovating and keeping a motel in check, and her homicidal son from getting caught.

After a beat of silence, Norma considered where they could meet. Norman probably wouldn't be back for awhile; she'd given him quite the long list. And she even came up with a few chores to do around the house once he got back. Wash the linens, dust everything in the living room, clean his already fairly clean room. Perhaps if she kept him busy enough he wouldn't have the time
nor the energy to go off killing people.

With a sigh, she finally answered.
"Yeah," Norma sat up in her chair some, drumming the pads of her fingers along the table's surface. She was about to suggest the port, but decided against it. Just in case. She had no idea where exactly the car was and the irrational side of her brain started gearing up a bunch of horrible fantasies, all of which she'd get screwed over in. Okay, no port. She thought for a moment longer. She realized then that she didn't have the car; Norman had taken it to go into town. Son of a--"I'm actually carless right now. You'd have to come to me," Norma sighed softly, running her free hand through her light locks. "Is that good for you, or...?" She questioned. "I'd, uhm, I'll be up at the house," She continued, worrying her lower lip with her teeth. "See you in a bit?" Before Alex could reply, she hung up. If he really needed to speak with her, he'd come over. Besides, she was exhausted.

A sudden rush of panic spiked through her nerves, making her sit up straighter almost instantly, immediately looking around. Norma hadn't missed any cleaning up, had she? And with Romero's eye, he'd be able to spot something off a mile away. And she just invited him over. Quickly, she got up and started looking around. Nothing, nothing, nothing. She grimaced at some of Norman's taxidermy hanging from the walls. She was still freaked out by those things.

Once she had done a full search of the house, Norma relaxed a bit. Then she went into the kitchen. Maybe she could whip up something before Alex actually made it over. Complimentary sandwiches or something. It didn't take her long, and she set them on the table, snatching one off the top for herself. She couldn't recall having eaten anything today besides breakfast, and even that was only a little bit. After attempting to wash the blood out of Norman's clothes, it was hard to stomach anything.

Hearing a rapping at the door, she assumed it was Romero and went to answer the door. On the way, she straightened out her dress and fixed her hair a bit, then proceeded to let a slight smile onto her face as she opened the door. Low and behold, it was Alex.
"Hey," Norma greeted rather casually despite her predicament. Despite her heart racing in her chest. It could have been a number of things; covering up yet again another murder, the whole Bob Paris situation after Alex had warned her about him and she tried to blackmail him anyway, or the fact that not too long ago, she was tearing through Romero's house and then broke down in his arms. Yeah... Not the most comfortable she's ever been. She never liked for people to see her like... well, that. "Made some sandwiches if you're hungry," She said, stepping aside to let him in, closing the door behind him. She glanced at the clock and realized it was dinner time and all she made was sandwiches. Must've been the stress. Time flies when you're busy. Again, far to casual for the situation at hand, but that was her. A lie. Pfft, her entire life was a lie at this point.

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Once the line had gone dead, Alex set his phone on the counter beside him and looked down at his state of dress. He wasn't quite dressed to go out just yet, not even to drive over to the Bates Motel for a short time in case he bumped into someone he knew along the way. So Romero left his phone in the kitchen and made his way back upstairs to find a shirt, feeling no real need to hurry. He assumed Norman was out if Norma had invited him over, but the longer Alex spent at the motel the more likely he would be to see the young man.

While he got himself ready Alex tried to decide upon what he was going to say when he saw Norma. Following their encounter earlier in the day and the time he found her after she'd broken into his house it was becoming increasingly hard to remain formal. He'd already so much as told her that he was attracted to her and she'd shot him down, though it hadn't necessarily stopped him from wanting to be involved with her. With Norma it was hard for him to detach.

Alex made sure he had his keys and his wallet before he left the house and began the drive to the motel. He left the radio playing to quieten his thoughts and kept an eye out at the town along the way, though it appeared that most people were now leaving work and setting off home for the night. The number of cars on the road was standard for the time of day and he passed a few familiar faces on the way.

Once he'd arrived, Alex left the car outside of the office and started up to the house. He assumed she was expecting him, so not long after knocking he wondered if he ought to go inside. Perhaps catch her off guard while she was doing something sneaky that would explain why she'd called last night. Though before he had the chance to do so Norma was opening the door and allowing him inside.

"Hey," He greeted in response as he stepped inside. It was hard for him not to notice her; she looked worried, like she did when her son had done something wrong and she was covering for him. She also looked tired, less so than she had that morning but the tiredness still reached her eyes. Yet he still found her incredibly attractive. "Yeah, suppose I could eat."

Romero followed her into the kitchen and chuckled slightly at her efforts. Norma always tried to please people and when it came to him she certainly didn't have to. "Where's Norman?"



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Norma Louise Bates

"Where's Norman?"

Norma froze for a moment, feeling her heart stutter in the slightest. She looked at the clock. It should still be a bit before Norman gets home. Besides, even if he did come back earlier than expected, Norma doubted very highly that he'd have much to say to Romero.

She sat at the table and scooted the plate Alex's way on the table, offering them before she released the plate and clasped her hands together over the table, twiddling her thumbs absently.
"He's out getting some groceries and supplies for the motel," She answered honestly, offering a small smile. She averted her gaze momentarily, chewing on her lower lip. When she returned them, she refrained from a small sigh that touched her lips.

Norma felt bad--
terrible-- for a lot of things, so she didn't need this in her life, too; feeling bad about lying to Romero. She was tired of it all, but she needed to persevere. Her son needed her to. Keep their secret, if only for the little while she had left.

"What did you want to talk to me about, again?" She questioned dumbly. "I already told you that calling you had been a misunderstanding. I've apologized. What else is there to talk about?" There was no bite to her words, she made sure of that. Though she was annoyed with herself, Norman, and pretty much the entire world, one of the only people who are helping her, who have helped her, Alex being the only loyal friend she's had in what? Years? He didn't deserve to be snapped at because of the crappy situation she put herself in. That her son put her in.

No, it was
her fault, not Norman's. If she had gone to get help before and not let if go on this long, things would be different. Things would be better. "Is there something else on your mind?"

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Now that he'd successfully gotten her alone to talk Alex wasn't entirely sure what he wanted to say. There was a lot that he wanted to say, that he ought to say but finding the words to form a sentence seemed difficult. He couldn't be totally truthful with her, he'd decided that after having pulled the trigger to kill Bob Paris. Norma, despite the comfort it would bring, was too fragile at the moment to hear he'd shot and killed a man in cold blood.

Alex moved slowly across to the table and picked up a sandwich with a small thankful smile. She normally used food as a tool to distract conversation, but here she was using it as a reason to start one and he wanted to give himself time. "Glad to hear he's out of bed." He didn't mean it as a snide remark, they both knew he hadn't believed her but he'd taken the answer all the same. Norma had her reasons for keeping things to herself and as much as he wanted to Romero couldn't bring himself to enforce more questioning just yet.

As he ate the last mouthful of the sandwich, Alex sat down in a chair beside her and leaned back so that he could look at her. Looking at her was something he just found himself doing now, he'd come to terms long ago with the fact that he found her to be beautiful. He certainly knew how to pick the wrong women at the worst possible time.

"I'm just going to say it Norma." Alex told her, deciding on the spot that if he got out the information it would make the whole encounter far easier. "Bob Paris is missing, the cops went to his place a few nights ago to arrest him and he's gone. He took a bag and left, someone must have tipped him off that they were coming." He spoke in an even tone, choosing to tell her as near to the truth as he could.

Bob was missing, it was true, only Alex knew exactly where he was. "They are going to keep looking for him but I wouldn't worry, he'll be starting fresh in some European country and making more lives miserable. But at least he's doing it away from my town."



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Norma Louise Bates

"Bob Paris is missing...someone must have tipped him off that they were coming."

Norma nodded slowly, absorbing the information. Bob Paris was missing? There was a wash of relief that ran through her and she let out an equally relieved sigh left her. Her shoulders visibly relaxed, but then tensed again just as easily. Just because he was
missing didn't mean he was gone from her life. Bob was probably just as present in her life as before, all things considered. He might still be holding a grudge, maybe wants to enact revenge before he really leaves. Or maybe Norma's thoughts were completely irrational and she just needed to calm the hell down for a minute. Bob wouldn't risk going to jail over someone like her and the petty idea of 'revenge'.

"...But at least he's doing it away from my town."

'My town', Norma smiled a bit at Romero's words. But it faded again. She shifted in her seat and ran a hand through her light blond locks. Making more lives miserable. At least they weren't hers or her sons. Especially her son's. "He's missing?" She said slowly, looking up and over to Alex, as if for some sort of confirmation. Norma had heard him clear as day, obviously, but it was a lot to take in. In the best of ways, only, of course. It was one less thing she had to worry about.

"At least he'll be doing it away from your town," Norma repeated, agreeing. She nodded a couple times. "Wonder who it was who tipped him off," She thought aloud, but it was more rhetorical than anything. Norma furrowed her brow slightly, thinking on it briefly before giving it up. Bob Paris was a powerful man who probably had someone in law enforcement in his back pocket. Wouldn't surprise her. Not one bit.

Norma chewed her lower lip quietly for a couple moments, then unlatched her teeth from her lower lip and looked at Alex again, just realizing her gaze had drifted and averted itself elsewhere; nowhere in particular.
"Thanks, Alex... For letting me know," She gave a grateful smile. Looking over his face and her eyes flickering back and forth between his two brown hues, she was struck for a second or three. He was attractive, that much was obvious to anyone. She liked how his hair was getting a bit longer; it wasn't longer by much, but it was just enough to make a difference. It made him look less... troubled,or maybe that wasn't the word she was looking for. Close enough to the right word, anyway. Regardless of her attraction, she learned the hard way (multiple times) that she just wasn't any good with relationships. It would just create more problems that just didn't need to be there.

"Is there... something else you wanted to tell me?" Norma questioned, the pads of her fingers thumping softly against the table rhythmically. Her mind screamed at her not to push it, though. That maybe he'd tell her something she didn't want to hear or maybe he ask her something she didn't want to answer-- something she couldn't answer. At least, not just yet.

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Alex watched Norma silently as the information sunk in, able to guess the thoughts that ran through her head without her voicing any of them. He knew she'd be thinking about how Bob Paris being missing could effect Norman, whether it was a good thing or not that he was gone. Alex assumed she would settle with the idea of it being good, since there was nothing she could do either way until he showed up again. Only Alex knew that there was no chance of that happening, unless the police found where Alex had hidden the body. Perhaps then Norma would be brought some peace.

She carried the weight of too much on her shoulders and he felt compelled to help her, to continue to do so until he was no longer able. As long as she lived in his town then he would protect her, for reasons he wasn't too sure of. Why did this infuriating women have such a strong hold over him? He'd cared for a couple of women during his life but nobody in the same way as he cared for Norma. It was a strange notion that the woman who had broken into his house was the one woman he wanted to keep close.

"I thought you should know," He replied with a slight nod of his head, "And I'll keep you updated if anything comes of it, but I'm honestly hoping I won't have to hear his name again."

Killing wasn't a big part of his life, he didn't particularly enjoy doing it. But sometimes it was a necessity when someone had lost their way, he had to protect the people of his town after all. If anyone in the world ever deserved to die, it was Bob Paris. He'd certainly lost no sleep over it, the only thing that remained on his mind was the possibility of his body being found. Not that it would cause him any great hardship if it was.

Upon hearing her question, Alex gave her a slightly questioning look. There was a lot he wanted to tell her, but ultimately nothing that he really should tell her. He could tell her exactly how he felt when she'd broken down in his home, or how angry he was that she couldn't trust him enough to let him help her without her leaving it to the last possible minute. Alex glanced down at his hand that was resting on the table for a moment then looked back up at her, having chosen his response.

"No, that was all. I just thought you should hear it from me." He assured her, his lips forming the slightest smile as he looked at her. "Just, uh, try not to get into any more trouble." Alex flashed her a knowing look, a somewhat teasing look. Norma Bates and trouble went hand in hand, he'd learned that very quickly.



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Norma Louise Bates

Norma nodded as Alex denied that he needed or wanted to tell her anything else. There was something about the way he looked at her that she knew that he wasn't telling her something. And for her to get that much off of his normally stony expression, it had to be important. But she didn't push the subject. She didn't need to know. Norma trusted Alex enough to know that he'd tell her whatever it was if it really affected her. So him not saying anything, then she was content with not knowing for now.

When he smiled, she smiled back. It was only a ghost of one that touched her lips, but it was still there. And then a roll of her eyes at the mention of staying out of trouble.
"Mm," She hummed, looking amused. "Sure. I'll try. Just for you," Norma promised, though she was metaphorically crossing her fingers. She knew her problems didn't stop with Bob Paris. There was still the issue of Norman.

"I'm...--" Norma began, but she stopped herself, not knowing how much she was about to say. She thought long and hard, and in real time for a full minute. She thrummed the pads of her fingers on the table thoughtfully, though this time it seemed to be a more anxious quirk than anything. "Alex... Can I, uhm-- can I tell you something?" Dumb question to ask, Norma knew, but that didn't stop her lips from moving. A golden lock fell into her face and she pushed it back, tucking it behind her ear. There was something she could tell him. It was something he'd be finding out one way or another. He already knew a glimpse of Norman's indiscretions, that was made clear after she'd broken down and he'd asked her who killed Norman's father. Norma didn't have to say it to get the point across, for how blindly and desperately she was taking the blame for his murder.

"I'm going to be putting Norman--"

"Mother, I'm home!"

Speak of the devil.

Norma jumped in the slightest when he called into the house unexpected and she flushed as if she'd been caught doing something she wasn't supposed to. She looked at the clock. Jeez, that was fast. Then she looked back at Alex and smiled sheepishly.
"Excuse me?" She got up before Alex could say anything to keep her there and she hurried to the front door, hoping to cut Norman off at the pass before he made it into the kitchen with the groceries.

"Hey, sweetie," Norma greeted him with a warm smile, going for the few bags in his hand.

"Hello, Mother," Norman smiled at her. It was surreal. Having confessed to murder not too long ago (maybe not directly, but he still did), he was so calm and casual. He even smiled a bit. That was until something clicked in his mind and his eyes narrowed, getting from Norma that there was someone here. He'd seen Romero's car out front, but didn't really think much of it due to how frequently he was around, whether to question them, 'protect' them, or well... question them some more. "Who's here? Sheriff Romero?"

Norma nodded.
"Yes, he's just in the other room. I'll take the groceries in there. Why don't you go down in the basement and--" Taxidermy? What the heck would you even call it. "Or--"

"The last time I was in the basement, you knocked me out. I'd rather not go down there," There was an edge to his voice and Norma chewed on her lower lip, fighting the urge to hush him. "What's he doing here?"

She quickly disregarded his question and took the bags, barely balancing them in her arms that she realized were trembling.
"Then how about you go up to your room? Maybe call Emma's dad and see how they're doing?" Norma suggested.

"I'm hungry, Mother,"

"I'll bring you up some dinner, okay? Alex and I are talking and I--" Before Norma could finish her sentence, Norman moved passed her and made his way for the kitchen. She followed closely behind, finding him nodding a greeting over to Alex briefly before he turned to the fridge. Norma laid the bags out on the counter, then turned to her son. "I made some sandwiches, Norman," She gestured to the plate on the table, defeat in her eyes. "I doubt we're going to finish them," But all he did was shrug and give a faint 'No, thank you,'.
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She'd almost told him something about Norman and Alex could barely believe it. Very rarely did Norma actively give out information about her son, normally he had to pull information out of her and it never came easily. But she'd trusted him enough to tell him something, perhaps it hadn't been important but it was a start. Though he doubted he'd get the chance to find out now, Norman's entry into the house had no doubt spooked Norma enough to the point that if he mentioned it again she would dismiss him.

The urge to follow Norma to the door and greet her son himself was almost overwhelming but Alex stayed put in his chair. He could hear muffled conversation, mostly from Norma, no doubt she was trying to explain why the sheriff was over once more. Alex leaned back in his chair and took another sandwich, feeling vaguely awkward as he sat and waited for some indication as to what he should do.

Now Norman was home it would be the perfect time to question him about the truth behind Norma calling him the night before, but if he pushed the question Norma would no doubt shoo her son away. If he got the chance, he'd have to be cautious yet he doubted he'd be able to act too subtle. He was a police officer, of course, and was used to asking difficult questions outright. Besides, it wasn't as though Norma would be shocked to see him take an opportunity when it was presented to him.

As footsteps drew near to the kitchen, Alex finished the last bite of his sandwich and gave a nod of greeting in response when Norman walked in, shortly followed by his mother. Alex watched Norma for a few moments, then he made to stand up from his chair. "Would you like any help unpacking?" He asked, able to see that she'd been at least truthful about the groceries.

While Norman moved around by the fridge, Alex turned his gaze to the young man's back and kept his tone neutral. "I haven't seen you in a while, Norman, how is everything?"



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Norma Louise Bates

"Would you like any help unpacking?"

Norma looked up and smiled at Romero a little, opening her mouth to say 'yes', but then Norman spoke up.
"I've got it," Norman replied quickly, swooping over to help Norma put away the groceries, seeming to dismiss his hunger for a moment. Norma murmured something of grateful 'thank you'. They worked well together whenever it didn't involve speaking lately. Or having much interaction. Maybe the reason behind that lately was that Norma was pushing it a bit too hard-- the whole Bradley situation. Sure, Norma never liked the girl, but she didn't deserve to die.

"I haven't seen you in awhile, Norman, how is everything?"

Norma nearly dropped something at this question, but caught it, taking a breath to recompose herself. Norman stopped putting things in the cabinet for a second and turned around slightly in order to looked at Alex.
"Wouldn't you consider that a good thing?" He laughed a bit, referring to not having police at the motel in awhile. Norma smiled a bit at the thought. It was true. They had the police out here all the time before. It seemed like they were out for one reason or another so much Norma was starting to get used to the company. "Everything's okay. How about you?" He questioned, but went back to putting things away, occasionally looking back to Alex expectantly, waiting for an answer.

Norma felt relief was over her whenever Norman didn't say anything more, though it was still early. But she stayed silent, thinking perhaps if she intruded with her thoughts, it might spur a less than desirable reaction out of her son.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/images1DDUNITX.jpg.42a9a2f9fd9ce4975707f96f3222629e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88415" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/images1DDUNITX.jpg.42a9a2f9fd9ce4975707f96f3222629e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

There was something so polite and unassuming about Norman Bates and it made Sheriff Romero feel incredibly awkward. Norman always acted like there was nothing at all wrong with him, perhaps he was a little less outgoing than your average young man but he seemed normal enough. Though Romero could read people quite well and he knew not to believe the mask many people put up, many people including Norman Bates.

He watched quietly as mother and son put away their groceries, feeling as though he was imposing on their time together despite the fact that Norma didn't seem to be pushing for him to leave. That was a surprise, normally whenever Norman was around it was Alex's cue to leave. He wondered how long he could stay before either of the two suggested he had better things to be getting on with. "Oh I'm not complaining, I'm pleased that you've been keeping your head down." Alex wasn't sure how true that statement was, it was likely Norman was raising more hell than ever before, only Alex hadn't found out about it yet.

The Sheriff stayed close to the table and nodded slightly as Norman spoke, only glancing briefly at his mother to check her reaction. "Everything is okay with me too." He answered slowly, a little put out by how calm Norman was acting. "I was just checking in on some things with your mother, nothing too important. You didn't look too good this morning when I saw you, glad you're feeling better."



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Norma Louise Bates

". . . You didn't look too good this morning when I saw you, glad you're feeling better."

Norma looked up from the task at hand at Alex's comment on how she looked this morning, surprised with the fact that she looked
better than earlier today. She felt worse in a lot of ways, but everything seemed to be calming down. She was coming to terms with a lot of things baring her ill will. One, the fact that Bradley was probably dead and at the bottom of the bay not too far from here. Two, Norman was seeing her in places that she just simply wasn't. Bob Paris being missing, though. . . That one was a better piece of news. She'd really appreciate more of it, but she would take what she could get.

"Yeah, thank you," Norma looked over to Romero for a moment, simultaneously putting away a jar of something or another, and she half smiled. Her gaze flickered on over to her son whenever he spoke. "Feeling a lot better, actually," She lied.

"You were feeling ill this morning, Mother?" Norman frowned a bit and reached out to touch her forehead with the back of his palm, as if to check her temperature, his face contorting with some type of concern. "Why didn't you say anything? I could have--"

Norma pushed away his hand before it could touch her. It was more out of reflex and instinct than what she actually meant to do. Any other time she probably would have welcomed her son's concern and affection, but not right now. She was drowning in mess after mess that he was putting her through, as if she didn't have enough of her own, and right now she just. . . Couldn't do it.
"Norman, I'm fine," Norma brushed it off and shook her head some, looking back at the sack of groceries in front of her. They were almost done and Norman could leave them be for a moment. She retracted her hand. "I'm just tired,"

Norman's brow was furrowed, not expecting the rejection, but the frown eased.
"Well, why don't you take a nap? You spent all night cleaning the house, no duh you're tired,"

If she had had a mouthful of drink, all of it would have been spat out. But instead, she had a can in her hand that ended up slipping from her fingers and landing with a couple thuds on the counter, loud enough to make her flinch. She narrowly got it before a third
thud and felt heat rise to her cheeks. Cleaning the house might have been a normal thing for people to do, especially for someone like her, but it was why she had cleaned it top from bottom that had earned such a response.


"Norman. . . please," She got out exasperatedly, pinching the bridge of her nose between her thumb and index finger, closing her eyes. "Just take a couple sandwiches and go,"

Norma was surprised and relieved to find that thereafter, Norman complied, albeit reluctantly,to her wishes and left. Sooner than expected, too, because he didn't bother with food. She heard a door close and it sounded like the door to Norman's bedroom. She let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. Taking her hand from her face, she continued to put things away silently for a moment, only a couple things left before finally turning to address her company with a cool head.
"Sorry about that," Norma offered a sheepish smile.

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Romero knew that she'd be quick to lose her temper on the subject if he kept questioning the phone call she'd made to him, but it was in his nature to want to find out what was going on. Knowing Norma Bates, she was in some sort of trouble and Alex would rather know about it, though he knew it wasn't strictly his duty to keep trying to ensure Norma was safe. As Norman left, Alex leaned back against the table and studied Norma for a few moments. She looked shook up, definitely unnerved. Clearly her son hadn't been supposed to mention anything about the nature of the night.

"It's fine," He responded in reference to her apology, since the two of them had certainly been in more awkward situations. Alex could plainly see that Norman was fine and that Norma seemed to be fairly okay too, it made him wonder momentarily if perhaps he was just expecting something to be wrong. He had no real evidence that anything had happened. Although, he knew the family well enough to know when something had gone on. Something Norma was likely trying to cover up.

"You spent the night cleaning?" He asked, giving her the faintest questioning look he could muster. "Do you often decide to do chores in the middle of the night?"



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