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Graded [Azuran City] Seekers of Lore and Legends: The Monsters for Tuition program

  • Drunkover - Bolster [Strength, Speed] F - character amps up strength and speed by 1 grade for a post. - F grade - 0 post cooldown

Axel rolled on the floor after the shadow burst got him, to the surprise of him, he was alright.
"Im alive, god, im alive." Axel stood up, and looked at the wizard boy and the girl who saved his life.
"Hey, you two, who the heck are you?" asked the two.
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Scene 2: The Cryptic South Quad
Scene: The Cryptic South Quad.
Players: Sebastian Cokak VIII Sebastian Cokak VIII Darkbloom Darkbloom Scarletti Scarletti with NPC's Cassius, Octavia, and Lilith.

As the chaos in the Shade Hall settled, Cindy, Thomas, and Axel each took a moment to process the events and prepare for the next phase of their adventure: the journey to the crypt.

Cindy, having helped Axel, returned to her group with a sense of accomplishment. She congratulated Thomas with a slap on the back, impressed by his display of time magic. Her attitude towards him changed from skepticism to admiration. “Well done time magic boy! I didn’t know you were that powerful!” she exclaimed. Her thoughts briefly turned to Damien’s punishment, musing over his reckless behavior, before she eagerly suggested moving on to the crypts.

Thomas, meanwhile, was concerned about the well-being of those around him, especially the tieflings. He moved through the crowd, offering apologies and assistance, his empathy evident in his words and actions. His concern for Octavia was particularly noticeable, given the close call she had with the flies. Thomas's encounter with Cindy left him pondering the risks of using his body as a conduit for magic. He scanned the room for a professor or The Crow, hoping to gain insight into the potential consequences of his actions.

Axel, somewhat dazed from the recent events and Cindy's intervention, picked himself up off the floor. Realizing he was alive and unharmed, he looked around in a mix of relief and confusion. Approaching Cindy and Thomas, he asked, “Hey, you two, who the heck are you?” His tone was a mix of gratitude and curiosity, still trying to piece together the situation.

As Cindy, Thomas, and Axel navigated the aftermath of the hellfly chaos, the remaining tieflings and various adventurers in the Shade Hall reacted and interacted in various ways.

Cassius, trying to maintain his air of superiority, approached Thomas. “Remarkable use of magic, young man,” he said in a tone that barely concealed his envy. “Though one must always be cautious with such... unorthodox methods.” His gaze lingered on Thomas for a moment, a mixture of respect and rivalry evident in his eyes.

Octavia, still visibly shaken but trying to regain her composure, responded to Thomas's concern with a forced smile. “Thank you for your concern, Thomas. It was... closer than I would have liked,” she admitted, her voice betraying her usual confident demeanor. She brushed a stray lock of hair from her face, her hands still trembling slightly.

Lilith, her caring nature in full display, was busy tending to a few of the students who had been particularly traumatized by the incident. “We need to be more mindful of each other,” she said softly, her eyes meeting Thomas's with a look of gratitude for his efforts to help.

Meanwhile, other adventurers in the hall were discussing the events animatedly. “Did you see how those flies just vanished?” one adventurer exclaimed, awe in his voice as he recounted Thomas's spell.

Another, a seasoned warrior, nodded in agreement. “And that girl’s shadow magic – haven’t seen anything like it. She took down those flies like they were nothing,” he said, nodding towards Cindy with a newfound respect.

A group of younger students huddled together, discussing Damien’s suspension. “I can’t believe he’d do something so reckless,” one student whispered. “But then again, it’s Damien. He always pushed the limits.”

DALL·E 2023-12-22 20.57.04 - A haunting and atmospheric scene depicting a crypt at the souther...png

As midnight drew near, the crowd began to shift towards the South Quad, murmurs of excitement and anxiety filling the air. The adventurers and students, including Cindy, Thomas, and Axel, gathered, ready to embark on the next leg of their journey. The crypt, with all its mysteries and dangers, awaited them.

The Crow, a mysterious figure shrouded in shadows, appeared to lead the way. His presence added an air of solemnity and mystery to the occasion. He gestured for the assembled groups to follow him, his movements silent but commanding. He spoke not a word. He made no sound.

The journey to the crypt was eerie and silent, the only sounds being the soft footsteps of the adventurers and the occasional rustle of leaves in the night breeze. The silence was a weight that was terrible and heavy. A soft drizzle fell from the sky like tears shed at a funeral. The crypt itself loomed at the southern most point in the South Quad. An ancient structure with intricate carvings and puzzling inscriptions adorning its stone facade. It was over five stories high and send to descend endlessly downward.

As they entered, the flickering torchlight cast long shadows, revealing skeletons and other undead creatures lurking in the recesses of the crypt. The air was thick with the scent of decay and the weight of centuries of history. The adventurers knew they were not alone, and the feeling of being watched was inescapable.

This was where their true test would begin, in the heart of the crypt's secrets, where danger and discovery awaited in equal measure.

The Crow stopped on a circular platform that spun upwards and downwards like twin octopus's stretching both up to the heavens and down towards the Hel-gates. Eight arching, intertwined staircases lead upwards. Eight intertwined staircases descended down into the depths.

In the center of the platform was a thirteen-hour glass. A massive artifact of blood soaked silver dust descended from the top towards the bottom. The Crow nodded and then silent waited for the groups to make their decisions and tempt fate.

DALL·E 2023-12-22 20.59.15 - A mystical and enigmatic scene featuring a circular platform, wit...png

Upon hearing the question from Axel, Cindy would answer him with her own question, “the name’s Cindy! I’m just a noob who’s here to farm some EXP from the crypts today. What about you? What brings you here today?”

Next up, the tieflings would be impressed with Thomas’s performance. Besides the tieflings, even the other adventurers were talking about them. Cindy then turned to Thomas. “Seems like we left a good impression on em. We’re like heroes or something now! Hopefully we can also perform well during the crypt exploration though,” said Cindy, as she beamed at him cheerfully.

However deep down, she knew that she probably had to rely more on her teammates further down the line. Despite having access to a large arsenal of skills, her highest ability grade was merely F. She had versatility, but was lacking in terms of power.

Following that, the groups made their way to the crypts. Cindy would admire the ancient inscriptions and such on the crypts. It reminded her that she really was in a fantasy world! Her heart thumped in excitement as she skipped along the way. Entering the zone, 8 staircases would be presented to them. “Now then, shall we split up or move together as one? Moving together may be the safer option, but splitting could allow us to cover more ground and thereby discovering more secrets within.” The girl asked aloud while facing the others.
It took a bit of time before he realized a question was asked. "Oh, me? I'm a nobody, really... from a small town with a small population. We don't have much, but we've prospered together for many years. Right, a name. Thomas Carter." He still appears to be distracted by whatever he's thinking about, pausing every now and then to reply to people around him. "This isn't the first time I've had to deal with those flies." Thomas replies quietly, loud enough for Cindy to hear. "The scars on my group are all because I wasn't strong enough to prevent major disaster the first time..." He recounts the exams with evident pain in his eyes, probably the regret of not being a better chronomancer. "Honestly, I just want to learn how to use this better. I'm not setting out to be a hero, but at this rate it might be inevitable." Thomas releases a long, brooding sigh. The Crow is silently standing on something floating. Seems like a good source to ask about his reckless move. Thomas approaches him, halting his steps when his presence is noticed. "Excuse me sir... I have a question. Is it dangerous to use my body as a conduit for chronomancy spells? That's what I did to make the flies vanish, but if there's any risk in it I want to be able to avoid doing that again. Or very sparsely, at best. The research on time magic is hard to find."

gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Scarletti Scarletti Sebastian Cokak VIII Sebastian Cokak VIII

  • Drunkover - Bolster [Strength, Speed] F - character amps up strength and speed by 1 grade for a post. - F grade - 0 post cooldown

"Ok, thanks." said Axel to Thomas and Cindy.
Axel did not care for the tieflings, firstly because i did not even noticed them on the place, not until he took a glance to one of them and thought "what the heck is that thing, like, horns, a tail, are they demons?" but the question quickly left his mind.

He continued walking, he took a small glance at the ancient symbols and thought "imagine if all of this text true meaning is just "haha dick poop", and the people imagine is, i don't know, how was the childhood of fantasy jesus, or something down the line."

Axel reached the crypt, then he took a glance at the glass, "Wow this is a huge sand clock, what is its purpose? oh it seems to be infested with monsters..." Axel took a great sigh and then h
e said the most sincere word he could have said "Crap..."
Scene 2: The Crypt and Running Out Of Time
Scene 2: Inside the Crypt. Round 2 (out of combat).
NPCs: Several group of adventures proceeding on different stairs.
NPCs: The Crow watching over.
NPCs: Octavia, Cassius, and Lilith in the PCs party.
PCs: Sebastian Cokak VIII Sebastian Cokak VIII Darkbloom Darkbloom Scarletti Scarletti

The interior of the crypt, with its ancient carvings and puzzling inscriptions, was both awe-inspiring and unsettling. The adventurers, including Cindy, Thomas, Axel, and the tieflings, stepped into this realm of the forgotten, their torches flickering in the oppressive darkness. The air was stale, heavy with the scent of decay and the passage of time. The long shadows cast by their torches revealed ominous figures lurking in the corners—skeletons and other undead creatures that seemed to watch the intruders with hollow eyes.

The Crow led them to a circular platform in the heart of the crypt, a place where reality itself seemed to warp and twist. Above them, eight arching staircases spiraled upwards, reaching towards the unseen heights of the crypt. Below, another eight staircases descended, intertwining like serpents into the unfathomable depths. The platform itself was a marvel, spinning slowly, as if caught in a dance between the heavens and the hellish depths below.

In the center of this eerie platform stood a massive thirteen-hour glass, its contents a macabre mixture of blood-soaked silver dust. The sands flowed steadily from the top chamber to the bottom, a silent but potent reminder of the passage of time and the inevitability of fate.

The Crow, ever silent and enigmatic, simply nodded at the artifact and then stepped back, allowing the groups to make their decisions. The adventurers exchanged glances, their faces a mixture of fascination and trepidation.

Whispers filled the air as the groups deliberated their choices. “Should we ascend or descend?” one adventurer asked, his voice barely above a whisper. “Each path must hold its own secrets... and dangers.”

Another, a young woman with a determined look in her eyes, said, “I say we go down. The deeper we go, the closer we might get to the heart of the crypt’s mysteries.”

Around them, the other groups made their choices, some opting for the ascending staircases, their torches casting long shadows on the ancient walls as they began their ascent. Others chose to descend, disappearing into the darkness below, their steps echoing in the vastness of the crypt.

Cindy, Thomas, Axel, and the tieflings found themselves at the heart of this decision. The air around them was thick with a sense of anticipation and the unspoken knowledge that whichever path they chose, there would be no turning back.

The atmosphere was laden with a gothic solemnity, the crypt itself a testament to forgotten eras and hidden lore. As they stood there, on the cusp of their journey into the unknown, the weight of their decision was palpable. The crypt awaited, ready to reveal its secrets to those brave enough to venture into its depths.


Meanwhile, Thomas wandered off to talk to the Crow

As Thomas approached The Crow, the enigmatic figure turned to face him, his presence as cryptic and aloof as ever. The Crow's eyes seemed to pierce through the darkness, fixing on Thomas with an unreadable expression.

"You seek understanding of your powers," The Crow began, his voice low and resonant. "Your recent act... channeling energy through your body. It is a risky path, one that many dare not tread."

The Crow paused to allow Thomas to soak things up, or maybe to see if Thomas would leave during the long silence.

Eventually, the Crow continued, "You felt the magic more intensely because you were closer to its source. However, do not be mistaken. You used your Catalyst, not your body, to channel the energy. Therein lies a crucial distinction."

Again, the Crow paused for several minutes letting his words sink in and cocking his head to the side, peering at Thomas with one black eyeball like the bird he was named after.

"Some mages do indeed use their bodies as natural catalysts. But this method bears significant risks. Any backlash from failed spells impacts the body directly, bypassing the usual defenses afforded by artificial Catalysts." The Crow's voice took on a grave tone. "This direct channeling is not only perilous but also expensive in terms of personal development. It demands a profound understanding and control of one's own magical energies."

The Crow's words had weight and finality to them. The dangers of magic were apparent, and the advice was a stern reminder of the need for caution and respect for the arcane arts.

"Proceed with care," The Crow concluded, his gaze drifting towards the crypt. "Spend your time how you please, but I've not no more for you."

With these cryptic yet enlightening words, The Crow turned away, his attention returning to the motes of sand dripping from the hourglass.

The skill Compontentless Magic, allows you to use your self as a catalyst (like a "natural catalyst equivalent to natural weapons"). It also includes the Focus skill in it for 21 points per grade.

Without the focus skill, if you cast magic and use a move ability in the same round (or just move your body) your magic fizzles).

#Componentless Magic F (21 points)
Type: Augmenter!
Pre-req: F Grade Magic skill
Note: Only effective for abilities of the same or lower grade.

Character can perform the magic without performing chants or gestures or staff or some combination of the ability components.
#Focus F (7 points)
Type: Auxiliary!, Augmenter!, Utility!
Pre-req: E Grade Character!
Note: Each grade of Focus enables a character to use 1 additional magic item at a time.

The ability to concentrate in stressful situations, and the knowledge of techniques to center the mind and spirit. Can be an important skill for mages and marksmen. Allows character to ignore varying degrees of distraction as it levels up to improve ability effectiveness even while moving or under threat.

Darkbloom Darkbloom Sebastian Cokak VIII Sebastian Cokak VIII gmimperfecti gmimperfecti

Cindy cocked her head to one side as the drunken stranger before them seemed to have missed her question. Oh well! She was trying to help prompt him into introducing himself, but it seems like he doesn’t want to do so. Maybe he had stuff to hide or something, or he wanted to be a cool mysterious figure.

Thomas would then reply Cindy regarding the flies. “At least you’re growing from your mistakes. As a wise man once said, treat every failure as a lesson. I think you’ve done that well, seeing how you’re more than capable of handling those pests now.” Cindy nodded her head approvingly. Thomas would then heave a long sigh, mentioning how being a hero may be inevitable. As he did so, Cindy threw a light punch at his arm. “Geez, brighten up already gloomy head! Being a hero isn’t all that bad. Look around you, you just saved everyone with your time magic. You’ve already got what it takes, easy peasy!”

Seeing as how time was ticking, it was time they chose a starting point. There wasn’t really much clues differentiating each staircase. The girl would take a quick glance around, before taking a couple of steps to the nearest descending staircase. “Alright, I’m gonna head in this one. You guys can split up or come along if you’d like.”
I used my catalyst...? Yes, I always have it with me. I just let the flow of magic run freely instead of trying to control it and that worked pretty well... Thomas pulls himself out of his headspace to reply. "I appreciate the help. I had a feeling there was risk using one's own self." It sounds like Cindy is eager to get going. "My team and I will be going into the crypt now. Until next time." He returns to the group. "Going down? I agree, I like that a lot better than going up. I'm rather deathly afraid of heights, you see..." Thomas follows Cindy to the staircase, turning to the tieflings and the drunk. "Are we all in agreement? No problems going downstairs?" gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Scarletti Scarletti Sebastian Cokak VIII Sebastian Cokak VIII
Scene 3: Puzzle of the Whispering Stones
Darkbloom Darkbloom Scarletti Scarletti Sebastian Cokak VIII Sebastian Cokak VIII

As the group gathered around the intertwining staircases, Cindy and Thomas made the decision to descend. The tieflings, Cassius, Lilith, and Octavia, responded in kind, each expressing their thoughts on the matter.

Cassius, always looking to assert his authority, nodded in agreement. "Descending seems a prudent choice. The secrets of such ancient places often lie buried in their depths," he said with a tone of conviction. "Let us proceed with caution and keep our wits about us. This crypt is bound to hold more than just dust and bones."

Lilith, her empathetic nature always at the forefront, added, "Sticking together as we descend will ensure we can support each other. There's strength in unity, especially in unknown territory like this." Her eyes scanned the dark stairway, a hint of concern flickering in them.

Octavia, adjusting her attire, replied with a touch of reluctance, "Well, I suppose descending is the only viable option, though I do hope it's not too... unsightly down there." Her gaze lingered on the eerie shadows cast by their torches, her usual veneer of vanity momentarily replaced by apprehension.

The group, now in agreement, began their descent down the chosen staircase. The air grew colder as they ventured deeper into the crypt, the oppressive atmosphere intensifying with each step. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings and puzzling inscriptions, their meanings obscured by the passage of time.

They soon came upon a chamber filled with ancient stones that emitted eerie whispers. The sound was both haunting and mesmerizing, echoing off the stone walls. The whispers seemed to be in an ancient language, possibly a riddle or code that needed deciphering to reveal the path deeper into the crypt. Or maybe it was just how the whispers echoed about the chamber that twisted the words?

Other sounds soon joined the whispers...low guttural rasping sounds and the wet slurp of blood mops on rough stone...a group of heartless zombies emerged from above, descending the stairs somehow behind the party! These undead creatures moved with a haunting, slow gait, their eyes vacant and hollow, yet filled with a malevolent purpose. The most striking and unsettling feature of these zombies was the hollow cavities in their chests, eerie voids where their hearts should have been.

As the zombies shuffled towards the group, their intentions were clear – they were driven by a hunger that transcended the grave. These were no ordinary undead; they were guardians of the crypt's secrets, perhaps once warriors or protectors now turned into grotesque sentinels.


Objectives and Challenges in the Crypt​

1. Deciphering the Whispering Stones​

  • Objective: Uncover the meaning behind the eerie whispers emanating from the ancient stones.
  • Challenge: Use knowledge and wit to decode the whispers, which may be in an ancient language or form a complex riddle.
  • Clues: Look for patterns or symbols on the stones that might provide hints. The Crow’s cryptic notes, integrated into the wall carvings, could hold the key to understanding the whispers.

2. Skirmish with the Heartless Zombies​

  • Objective: Survive and fend off an ambush by a group of slow-moving, heartless zombies.
  • Challenge: Utilize combat skills and teamwork to overcome the zombies. Each zombie has a hollow cavity in the chest where the heart should be, hinting at a possible weakness or a clue to defeating them.
  • Tactics: Coordinate attacks, use the environment to your advantage, and aim for the hollow cavities as potential weak points.

3. Piecing Together the Puzzle​

  • Objective: Solve the puzzle of the whispering stones while dealing with the zombie threat.
  • Challenge: Balance the need for combat awareness with the intellectual task of solving the puzzle. The solution may require understanding the cryptic notes left by The Crow and how they relate to the whispers.
  • Approach: Divide tasks among the group members, with some focusing on deciphering the puzzle while others handle the zombies. Communication and teamwork are key. You can suggest different NPCs help in either task 1 or task 2.

4. Understanding the Crypt’s Secrets​

  • Objective: Realize that the crypt is more than just a burial place; it's a repository of forgotten knowledge and hidden truths.
  • Challenge: Look beyond the immediate threats and puzzles to piece together the larger story of the crypt. The environment, carvings, and artifacts all hold clues to the crypt’s true nature.
  • Method: Pay attention to the details in the carvings and the layout of the crypt. Discuss theories and observations with fellow adventurers to gain a deeper understanding of the crypt’s secrets.
The walls and the words were fascinating! He would have to spent no small amount of time deciphering what they meant. However, this thought was cut short by the low guttural sounds of monsters lumbering down the stairs behind them. These monsters were deathly frightening, though Thomas still feared the hellflies a lot more. But they were also moving pretty slow. It should be easy enough to take them down, but Thomas comes to realize there might be problems down the road if these things decided to suddenly swarm everybody in large numbers. He takes a quick stock of everyone's abilities. Cindy is really good at close combat with her weapon, so she's on the offense team. Lilith has some kind of cleansing magic so she is also on the combat team. The guy that hasn't introduced himself seems to be clumsy and uncoordinated, and not so smart. He probably wouldn't be able to decipher the words on the walls, but maybe his perspective could be useful. Thomas will ask him to study the wall. He hasn't seen much from Cassius, but since the creatures aren't moving very fast this could be his chance to show what he can do. Thomas recalls one or more of the tieflings using fire magic back at the exams, he's just not sure who. Likely Cassius in all respects. Then Thomas turns to consider Octavia. She doesn't like the idea of unsightly things and this certainly counts as one of those unsightly things. So she'll be on the research team with him and the drunk.

Now was the time to spring into action. No one has done anything yet, leaving a gaping hole for someone to be the boss. Thomas is probably the likely candidate among everyone in the group, if one were to stop to think about it. But the time to think is running out as the creatures get closer. He hopes everyone will understand given the circumstances and his quick thinking about the role everyone should be able to play. "Cindy, intercept the creatures! Your combat abilities are required!" He looks at Cassius. "You as well! If you have fire magic, now is the time to use it!" He spots Lilith and speaks to her next. "Your cleansing magic is perfect for these creatures. Please join the fight to keep them at bay!" Thomas pulls Octavia and the drunk together. "The two of you will help me figure out what this wall is saying. If the creatures get too close I can be a good backup. Now let's look at this wall." They are surrounded by eerie whispers as the others hold off the zombies. "Listen closely to the whispers, team. If we put our heads together we're sure to come up with a solution!" Thomas quiets his mind, attuning himself to the whispers coming off the walls. Damien's sentence about what the Crow was saying comes to mind: "In the shadows of the past, lies the power of the future." The shadows of the past were likely the zombies descending upon them. The power of the future has him stumped, though. It couldn't be relating to his time magic, could it? No, that was impossible. Unfortunately, Thomas didn't hear the Crow's line about the crypt mirroring the soul. So he only has half of the advice from the Crow. "Does anyone else remember what the Crow said? Was Damien leaving something out that could be more helpful in this moment?"

gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Scarletti Scarletti Sebastian Cokak VIII Sebastian Cokak VIII

  • Drunkover - Bolster [Strength, Speed] F - character amps up strength and speed by 1 grade for a post. - F grade - 0 post cooldown

gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Scarletti Scarletti Darkbloom Darkbloom

Axel who was staring at the zombies, he was soo tired of this crap.
"You know, im tired of all this zombies and monster." Axel said as he pointed to the zombies
"So im challenging you all brain eaters, dance fight!!!" Axel said as he began to dance, it seemed that he was still a bit drunk.

He was dancing quite well actually, one confused zombie approached, and was recieved by a kick to the hollow cavity.

"Prepare yourselves, because, U CAN'T TOUCH ME" Axel continued to dance.

Thankfully the others didn’t mind coming along with Cindy to the stairs that led below. Thomas mentioned that he was afraid of heights anyway, but she wondered if he was just looking for an excuse to come along with her.

As the group descended, they’d come across their first 2 obstacles. The first was a wall with strange inscriptions, and the second was a chamber with strange whispering. Welp, Cindy wasn’t particularly good when it came to solving puzzles and riddles, so it was time to let the others fill in that role. On the other hand, a bunch of zombies showed up from behind them, blocking their path. Thomas commanded her to take them on, just as she had already planned. "Good call." She'd say to him regardless.

Moving nearer to the zombies, she’d unleash her usual attack, but this time additionally using the darkness to wrap around her foes and tangle them, make it harder to move.

Shadow Burst - blight F (darkness), accurate F, area F, selective F, range F, reach F, continuing F, homing F, incurable F, indirect F, penetrating F, Energized F, tangle F - Cindy swings her glaive, sending out a wave of darkness that affect an area 5ft in radius, 10ft away, homing in onto enemies while hitting them even if they are behind cover. Their speed is treated as 1 grade below, and their item they use to defend is also treated as 1 grade below. The darkness continues swirling and attacking them after 1 round and the damage is incurable to F grades. Also tangles them, requiring 1 action to break free if they get tangled. - 1 action - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

  1. Move nearer by 20ft
  2. Shadow burst
  3. Shadow burst
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Round2: Hollow Heart Zombies and the Whispering Stones.
Sebastian Cokak VIII Sebastian Cokak VIII Scarletti Scarletti Darkbloom Darkbloom

In the crypt's chamber, Thomas, Cindy, Axel, and the tieflings sprang into action to confront the dual challenges of the whispering stones and the heartless zombies.

Cassius: Heeding Thomas's call, Cassius stepped forward, his eyes narrowing as he began to recite demonic chants, summoning dark forces to aid in their defense. "By the shadows of the abyss, I call forth the flames of the damned!" he intoned, his voice echoing through the crypt. Dark, ethereal fire sprang up around the zombies, aiming to sear away their corrupt flesh without harming his companions.

Lilith: Lilith, focusing her energies, called upon her cleansing flame. "Purify and protect," she whispered, her hands glowing with a bright, holy fire. She directed the flames towards the zombies, the controlled bursts seeking to burn away the corruption while preserving the sanctity of the chamber.

Octavia: Next to Thomas, Octavia concentrated, her eyes closed as she tapped into her Thought Thief ability. She reached out with her mind, trying to connect with the residual energies of the stones. Whispered thoughts and ancient memories began to coalesce in her mind, providing pieces of the puzzle.

The zombies, slow but relentless, advanced towards the group. Cindy, with determination, moved closer to them. She unleashed her Shadow Burst, the tendrils of darkness wrapping around three zombies, hindering their movements and causing them to struggle against the constricting shadows.

Axel, still showing signs of inebriation, approached the zombies with an unorthodox tactic – a drunken dance. His movements, surprisingly agile, allowed him to dodge and weave through the undead. As one zombie approached, Axel delivered a well-timed kick to its hollow cavity, causing it to stagger back.

The chamber was filled with the sounds of combat and the eerie whispers from the stones. Thomas, trying to make sense of it all, recalled Damien's words and The Crow's cryptic advice. "Think, think... what did the Crow mean? How do these shadows of the past shape our future?" he muttered to himself, his mind racing to connect the dots.

In the midst of the crypt's eerie chamber, the battle against the heartless zombies raged on. Cindy, with her shadow magic, proved to be a formidable force. Her Shadow Bursts, emanating waves of darkness, had struck with precision and power. The first burst enveloped the trio of zombies, their forms struggling against the engulfing shadows. The second burst followed suit, and three of the zombies crumbled to the ground, overcome by the relentless assault of darkness.

Axel, in a less orthodox confrontation, found himself in a perilous tango with one of the undead. His drunken dance had its moment of success, but it quickly turned dire as his foot became lodged in the hollow cavity of the zombie. The sensation that followed was unexpected and chilling – the cavity was cold as ice, exuding an aura of despair that began to climb up his leg and gnaw at his emotions. It was only Lilith's timely intervention that saved him. Her Cleansing Flame enveloped the zombie, turning it to ash and freeing Axel from the cold grip and the consuming despair.

Cassius, channeling his dark magic, conjured a living dark flame that latched onto a cluster of zombies. The flame, akin to ignited oil, clung to the undead, consuming them in its fiery embrace. As the zombies burned, they emitted harrowing shrieks, a sound so piercing that it momentarily interfered with the whispers of the stones.

Octavia, utilizing her Thought Thief ability, picked up on a crucial detail. The pain inflicted on the zombies by Cassius's dark flames had a distinct effect on the Whispering Stones. Unlike Axel's dance and Lilith's flames, or even Cindy's shadow assaults, which made the whispers grow louder but not clearer, Cassius's method caused a noticeable reaction in the stones.

Thomas, observing all these events and pondering their significance, had a profound insight.
He realized that the Whispering Stones were not just echoing the past – they were resonating with the emotions and energies being released in their presence. The pain and despair inflicted upon the zombies by Cassius's dark flames had altered the stones' whispers, suggesting that the stones were sensitive to the emotional and magical energies around them. This meant that the key to deciphering the whispers lay not just in understanding the ancient language, but in understanding the emotional and magical context in which the whispers were being emitted. Thomas's realization was a crucial step forward in solving the puzzle of the Whispering Stones and uncovering the deeper secrets of the crypt.

As the trio of zombies fell to her shadow attacks, she’d notice the drunkard simply running in and weaving among the zombies while dancing. It was an odd way of combat, proving dangerous as his foot ended up getting caught in one of the zombies. Thankfully, Lilith’s intervention helped destroy the zombie before it could get to him. He seemed a bit of a cuckoo head, but at least it was entertaining to watch.

Next up, when Cassius summoned his dark flames, there was some interference with the whispers coming from the stones. Perhaps that was the key to solving the puzzle here. Turning to Thomas, she’d ask him for his thoughts. “So what’s the plan?”

  • Drunkover - Bolster [Strength, Speed] F - character amps up strength and speed by 1 grade for a post. - F grade - 0 post cooldown

gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Scarletti Scarletti Darkbloom Darkbloom

Axel looked at Lilith, and he waved his hand.
"Thanks horn lady" He said as he gave a few more moves.
He then stared at the crow, and then whispered...
"What is that weird bird guy?"
"A breakthrough!" Thomas exclaims, snapping his fingers crisply. "The only thing left is to translate or learn the ancient language. Though that's beyond my capabilities." If only he paid more attention in foreign languages class instead of thinking about other things. "What I've determined to this point is, the Whispering Stones aren't simply speaking of the past. Part of the key to solving this is understanding the context springing forth from the emotional and magical senses. They resonate with the emotions and energies being released in our presence. See? Take a close look at what's happening as the creatures scream." Thomas waits for a few moments for the party members to see it. "Isn't it amazing? The only thing we need now is someone who can understand the language." He speaks clearly enough for everyone to hear above the screeches and sounds of fighting. "Is anyone familiar with this language enough to understand what the whispered words are saying?" Thomas noticed the effect of the drunk dude's kick. It seems to have done some kind of good. "Target the creature's emptiness!"

gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Sebastian Cokak VIII Sebastian Cokak VIII Scarletti Scarletti
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Round3: Hollow Heart Zombies and the Whispering Stones.
As the eerie whispers continued to fill the chamber, Lilith approached the burned remains of the zombies. She extended her hand, fingers gently tracing the residual energy in the air. "These creatures... their pain, their despair, it's imprinted here. The stones are reacting to their emotions. We need to understand their stories," Lilith murmured, her eyes focused on the scorch marks left by her cleansing flames.

Octavia, using her Thought Thief ability, delved into the memories of the fallen zombies. Her eyes glowed with a faint psychic energy as she concentrated on the corpses. "I can sense their memories, their final moments. It's like a distorted echo," Octavia shared, her voice carrying the weight of the revelations she uncovered. The stones responded to the psychic probing, resonating with the memories embedded in the zombies' minds.

Octavia, noticing Axel's eccentric dance amidst the chaos, grinned at his antics. "Well, Axel, your dance sure added a unique touch to the battle. Maybe the stones enjoyed the show too," she remarked, a playful tone in her voice. Nodding towards Cindy and turning to Thomas, she continued, "What she said. So, what's the plan? Any ideas?"

Meanwhile, Cassius, observing Lilith and Octavia, interjected with his own observations. "The energy is not where it should be. Verruca senses a void, an emptiness within these creatures. It's as if their hearts are missing, replaced by darkness," Cassius explained, his demonic chants resonating with the arcane.

Lilith nodded in agreement with Thomas's insight. "Understanding their emotions might be the key. If we can connect with the emotions imprinted here, we might decipher the whispers more clearly."

Octavia, focusing on the cryptic notes left by The Crow, added, "The Crow's symbols seem to be intertwined with the stones. Whatever these creatures experienced, it left a mark that echoes through the stones."

The cryptic atmosphere persisted, with the ancient stones whispering secrets and the tieflings offering their insights into the unfolding mystery. The challenge now lay in connecting with the emotions and deciphering the tales woven into the very fabric of the crypt's secrets.

OOC: I invite each of you to creatively use your skills to resolve this puzzle. While I have ideas on how it can be solved, I'm open to creative solutions using your skills, abilities, and other character traits that can apply.

For example, Thomas can use his Domain Time to "remember" an ancient language by simulating the Language Skill.

Cindy has resonance with darkness, you can make up some insight or whatever is applicable.

Axel has Wealth and Performance, Domestic Arts and Nature knowledge. He could put on a show.

Whatever you come up with, I encourage you to take what's been offered and use it to put forth how the puzzle can come to a resolution.

OOC2: Sorry about taking so long to reply back. We went out of town, had a freeze (kids had to stay home from school) and I got sick.
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Time... understanding ancient languages... ancient languages that existed, well who knows how many years ago? Thomas thinks it over. There's something he's missing, but it feels as close as the bond with his parents. Understanding the emotions in the room... honestly, that seems like more someone else's ability. But the thing that connects everything and everyone... it starts to make sense now. The thing that connects everything and everyone is time. No one can run away from it. Nothing can escape it. Just as fruit grows moldy and unedible, so do the living animals and creatures get old and die. Just like these creatures they're trying to fend off. Maybe the hole in the creatures are where their hearts were removed from. But how? Removed ceremoniously? Removed violently? Either case would make it easy to understand why they're restless this way. "I want to try something. I don't know if it'll work, but if it does I'll be able to understand the language." Thomas uses [Domain - Time]. The hallway is basked in a green glow, reflecting off every surface and giving some amount of light. The smaller clock face begins to turn backwards, speeding up gradually until the desired effect takes place. The words dance across Thomas' eyes as he begins to perceive and understand the stories of the ancient times when these creatures were still alive like the group is today.

Skill used
Time Domain simulation Language F: Ancient Languages

gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Scarletti Scarletti Sebastian Cokak VIII Sebastian Cokak VIII

As Thomas attempted to use his time magic to decipher the languages, Cindy decided to brainstorm a little on her own. She couldn’t just leave it all to poor Thomas and just stand around waiting for answers! “Hmmm… Earlier, the stones were affected by the screams of the zombies when they were attacked by Cassius’ flames. However, is the reaction in the stones due to it reacting to the emotions felt by the zombies, or were they reacting to the dark flame energy made by Cassius?” She voiced her thoughts aloud. She then turned to Cassius. “For starters, could you try emitting that same energy closer to the wall? Something like holding up the fire within your palms and move up to it?”

She then turned to the rest. “Meanwhile, we could try to guess what emotions were felt by the zombies when they were being burnt up in flames. I think the most obvious would be fear, as they were being burnt up into ashes. But that would be too simple. If those zombies didn’t fear death, then it could have been freedom that they felt as they were finally released to the afterlife. We could try recalling any memories that trigger those emotions of fear, or of freedom. See if that works out or not.” Cindy shrugged her shoulders as she racked her brains. She still didn’t know how to connect the past and the future though.
Scarletti Scarletti Darkbloom Darkbloom Sebastian Cokak VIII Sebastian Cokak VIII

As Thomas delved into the mysteries of the crypt, he invoked the power of time magic to bridge the gap between the past and the present. The crypt's ancient whispers, once incomprehensible, now flowed into his mind like a river of memories. The green glow cast by his time magic bathed the surroundings in an ethereal light, revealing hidden details in the carvings on the walls.

In that moment, Thomas felt as though he had become a part of the crypt's history, a witness to the tales of love and tragedy that had unfolded within its cold stone walls. The words, once unintelligible, now formed a tragic poem of lost love and broken hearts.

In cryptic whispers, ancient tales do weep,Of love's embrace, in death's cold silence kept.Two hearts entwined, in sorrow's silence sleep,In bonds of fate, their promises unkept.

A tragic tale of love, once bright and true,Now lost to time, in shadows it resides.In crypt's cold heart, where secrets long accrue,The whispers tell of love that still abides.

The missing hearts, like echoes of the past,In hollow cavities, they dwell unseen.Their absence leaves the undead's souls recast,In endless torment, in a crypt so mean.

As time unwinds the crypt's enduring song,The answers lie in verses dark and long.

Thomas murmured, his voice echoing the prevailing laments of the crypt. The stories of the past played out before his eyes, like a timeless drama etched in the very stones of the crypt.

The ties between the Raven's cryptic messages, the missing hearts of the undead, and the tragic poem of love and loss began to intertwine, revealing a deeper layer of the crypt's secrets. Thomas had unlocked a key to understanding the language of the past, but the true significance of these revelations remained shrouded in mystery.

The chamber seemed to resonate with the emotions of those long gone, as if their spirits lingered in the words Thomas now comprehended. The crypt's secrets were slowly unraveling, but more questions than answers remained.

Cassius, intrigued by Cindy's idea, decided to test her theory. He stepped closer to the wall, focusing his dark energy into his palms, creating a sinister, flickering flame that danced in his hands. As he moved closer to the crypt wall, he noticed that the whispers from the stones grew louder and more pronounced. It seemed that the dark energy he wielded had a direct effect on the stone's reactions.

Turning to Cindy with a sly smile, he remarked, "Well, well, it appears you might be onto something, my dear. It seems that my dark flames do have an impact on these Whispering Stones. They resonate with the emotions I channel into my power. Quite fascinating, isn't it?"

While Cassius conducted his experiment, Octavia, always preoccupied with her own image, seemed more concerned with her own thoughts than the ongoing investigation. She pretended not to look around to see if everyone was hanging on her every word. "Darlings, isn't this whole situation just dreadful?" she exclaimed dramatically, not quite grasping the gravity of the situation. "But worry not, Octavia shall solve this puzzle and reveal the secrets of the crypt. After all, I am the most brilliant among us."

Lilith, ever the empathetic one, had been quietly observing the interactions between the group and the crypt. She watched as Cindy's ideas and Cassius's revelation unfolded. Deeply attuned to emotions, she couldn't help but notice the resonance of loss in the crypt's atmosphere. She turned to Cindy and Cassius, her voice carrying a weight of understanding. "It's not just the dark flames, Cassius. Cindy's attacks, too, are tied to the concept of loss. Her shadows represent the absence of light, the loss of illumination. Perhaps it's not just emotions but the essence of loss itself that the Whispering Stones respond to. We need to explore this further, to understand the connection between our emotions, our abilities, and the crypt's secrets."

Octavia scowled at Lilith, "His flames are from his dead mother, aren't they Cassius? The last spark of her soul fire, the pyre of her deathly incineration is the fuel for your dark flame. No wonder it resonates with those heartless zombies."
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While the history of the past played before his eyes, Thomas could feel tears coming to his eyes. A love between two people that was never meant to be and then the tragic ending of the two involved was heart wrenching. "I understand... a little more now..." He wasn't able to pick up everything, but it seemed like the zombies would maybe stop attacking if the group were to help out the two lovers depicted in the poem. Although there's more to be solved at this wall. Thomas caught a glimpse of the words on the wall from the green light emitted by his time domain before it disappeared, signaling the end of the skill's use for now. He wipes his eyes to clear his vision. Maybe the hearts of the two lovers are in the crypt somewhere and they need to be restored to their original owners. And then the creatures will stop attacking. "I'm not sure how much closer we are to solving the mystery of the crypt, but I was able to understand a little bit after simulating the ancient language here. Like I originally thought, some mix of emotional frequencies may further the solving of the mystery. Here's what I got from my language simulation."

Thomas then recites the poem from memory.
"In cryptic whispers, ancient tales do weep, of love's embrace, in death's cold silence kept. Two hearts entwined, in sorrow's silence sleep, in bonds of fate, their promises unkept.

A tragic tale of love, once bright and true, now lost to time, in shadows it resides. In crypt's cold heart, where secrets long accrue, the whispers tell of love that still abides.

The missing hearts, like echoes of the past, in hollow cavities, they dwell unseen. Their absence leaves the undead's souls recast, in endless torment, in a crypt so mean.

As time unwinds the crypt's enduring song, the answers lie in verses dark and long."

Sebastian Cokak VIII Sebastian Cokak VIII Scarletti Scarletti gmimperfecti gmimperfecti

Seeing Cassius’s dark energy react with the stones, the boy grew excited at the findings. “That’s nice and all, but what does that do to these stones exactly?” She mused to herself.

Cindy then raised an eyebrow when she noticed Thomas crying. What got him crying exactly? She wondered. That was when he would reveal his findings to the rest of the group. When he was done, she would nod her head as if she finally understood things now. Except she didn't. “So there used to be this couple, however they died before achieving some sort of promise, huh… This seems interesting.”
Scarletti Scarletti Darkbloom Darkbloom Sebastian Cokak VIII Sebastian Cokak VIII

Scene 3: The Hollow Zombies and Whispering Stones, finished
The resolution in Thomas' heart, the tear shed, and poem shared amongst the living again quieted the whispering stones. The bodies of the zombies lay destroyed, mangled, and most unrecognizable. Were they a warning of what lay ahead? After all the zombies had come from the path ahead, deeper into the crypt. And there were oddities about both groups of zombies. Or perhaps not so odd. Neither group evoked the "pair of lovers" as both groups of zombies were of five.

It was Octavia who gave voice to this concern as she nudged one of the fallen zombies. "They look..." She squatted down, her dress flaring around her. "Were these students?"

It was hard to be sure without suitable skills or abilities in detection, which none of the tieflings possessed. Octavia had a strong fashion sense and entitled narcism, so the closest ability she had to use was called "Fashion Sense" which was an appraise variant with etiquette and presence. Which she explained in great detail as she ticked off all the poor fashion choices of the tattered remains of the zombies.

Like having a loved one taken suddenly from you, the resolution of this encounter left a lingering sense of unfinished business but with the stones quiet and the zombie bodies still, what more was their to do? Indeed, in the quiet aftermath partially heard and partially felt was the falling grains of sand, each moment they ticked by.

Scene 4: The Hall of Mirrors, Round 1

The path ahead led them deeper into the crypt, and they soon found themselves in a new place. The Hall of Mirrors stretched before the group, a corridor adorned with tall, enchanted mirrors that radiated an eerie, otherworldly glow. The air was thick with a sense of anticipation as the reflections within the mirrors seemed to hold secrets and mysteries.

Haunting Reflections. Octavia, Cassius, and Lilith accompanied Cindy and Thomas, and as they moved deeper into the hall, the reflections in the mirrors took on a more unsettling nature. Octavia, who couldn't resist admiring herself, suddenly saw her reflection change into a grotesque, monstrous version of herself. Cassius, with his connection to dark forces, witnessed the reflection of his first love, which brought back painful memories. Lilith, always attuned to emotions, was confronted with her deepest fears watching everything she loved get tortured and die while she was helpless to do anything. The trio was so immersed in what they saw that they stopped moving. Each mirror completely captured their attention like a nightmare they couldn't wake from!

Cindy saw a reflection of herself in many of the mirrors standing at different crossroads, each path leading to a different part of the crypt. There were eight different mirrors each leading in two different directions. Version of Cindy, young and old, healthy and sick, paired and pondered which way to go. Meanwhile, Thomas witnessed a vision of his recent past when he'd failed to help the tieflings and the blood flies had ran a muck. This time he watched as the tieflings bodies exploded into chunks as swarms of the hell flies bred and burst from parts of their bodies, spreading to other class mates in an ever expanding tide of exploding flesh and swarms of the flies. Worse the flies were spread to more and more mirrors, their buzzing filling the quiet of the halls. Then they managed to cross over into one of the eight mirrors reflecting Cindy at a cross roads! The swarm infested her body and Cindy saw the reflected version of her fall the to the ground, shadows and darkness tearing at her body in an attempt to rid her of the infestation only for more swarms to arrive!

And yet there, amidst the shifting illusions and unsettling reflections, the silhouette of the Crow occasionally appeared in the distance or the side of a mirror. In one mirror, it pointed towards the third mirror and the right path, only for the Crow to disappear. In another, it beckoned Lilith away from the nightmare.

“Hey, what’s up you guys?” Cindy said as she noticed the trio of tieflings stopping all of a sudden. She’d then notice the numerous mirrors all around her. What kind of room was this even? She thought to herself. Within the mirror was herself, but strangely she was standing between different crossroads.

That was when a familiar fly invaded her mirror, infesting into one of the Cindys. Shuddering at the sight before her, she gripped her glaive tightly, unsure if she should just continue watching or just smash the mirror up into bits and pieces right then and there. She then took notice of the Crow within the mirrors. Was he guiding them?

Her eyes would follow the path that he pointed to, as she followed along it going from mirror to mirror. That was her only clue now, at the very least.
Scarletti Scarletti

As Cindy greeted the trio of tieflings, she noticed that they had come to a halt, their expressions filled with a mix of intrigue and unease. Cassius, Octavia, and Lilith exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the peculiar nature of this Hall of Mirrors.

Cassius, with his affinity for the dark and the demonic, studied the reflections intently. His eyes darted from mirror to mirror, searching for clues hidden within the illusions. Octavia, ever enamored with her own image, seemed to be adjusting her attire, oblivious to the unsettling transformations her reflection underwent. Lilith, with her empathetic abilities, appeared deep in thought, her eyes reflecting the emotional turmoil around her.

Cindy's reflection in the mirrors was split among different crossroads, each path diverging in a different direction. The eerie presence of the fly invading one of the mirrored Cindys actually seemed to send a shiver down her spine, like a single ice cube sliding down her spine. There was some link between them and her. The reflections had some bond or coherence with here.

Amidst the mirrors, the Crow's silhouette occasionally made its presence known, offering cryptic guidance. Cindy followed the path the Crow pointed to, moving from mirror to mirror as she sought to decipher the enigmatic clues. She managed to out pace Thomas' hell flies. The mirrors seemed to respond to her actions, shifting and distorting as she progressed.

As Cindy ventured deeper into the Hall of Mirrors, the tieflings remained close, their reactions and interactions with the mirrors reflecting their unique personalities and abilities. The cryptic nature of this place continued to challenge their perceptions and wits, with the Crow's guidance serving as their only beacon in this labyrinth of reflections.

(Easy - 5 effectiveness): The Duplicate Switch
Before her stood three nearly identical mirrored Cindys, and she needed to determine which one was real. Each Cindy seemed real enough, but one was subtly different. It had a faint, shadowy aura around it. To pass this challenge, Cindy needed to identify the real reflection.

(Medium - 6 effectiveness): The Shadow Waltz
In the next set of mirrors, Cindy encountered her own shadow, which seemed to move independently. To progress, she had to engage in a dance of shadows, synchronizing her movements with her shadow's erratic steps. Achieving harmony would lead her to the next phase of the labyrinth.

(Medium - 6 effectiveness): Echoes of Choices
Cindy faced a choice in the mirrors, each reflecting a different path. However, she noticed that one of the paths revealed a faint whisper of a shadow lurking in the background, hinting at a hidden danger. To proceed safely, she needed to discern the path without the lurking shadow.

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