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Fantasy AWOP [OOC] [FI]


Also because I have to replace it with a name that I can't fucking read.
You gotta be kidding me, I was literally about to post for my guy when I started reading these, oh well
Saw them talking about the time skip, guess the haven't done it yet
Hey Damafaud Damafaud is Cain supposed to notice your character or not? Like should I post in direct response to it or just note that it happened?
Eh, up to you. I'm open to him recognising her weird beauty, fall in love with her, or ignoring her completely.

Damafaud Damafaud I just realized I forgot to have Beelzebub respond to Dinah. Let's just assume he did that on purpose cause he's that condescending.
Sure. I'll make him sense her magic and they can meet. She's a mermaid or something like that, right? Could quicken the pace of Cain's plan for a middle realm alliance.

EDIT: Oh she's a demon lmfao well that's interesting then.
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I'm going to say two things.
1. Sorry for that wall of text you are about to be hit with.
2. I kind of metagamed with your character Damafaud Damafaud , sorry for that but I deemed it necessary to forward the plot without having 20 posts added to the IC. At least I gave you a place to reply at the end where it matters though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm going to say two things.
1. Sorry for that wall of text you are about to be hit with.
2. I kind of metagamed with your character Damafaud Damafaud , sorry for that but I deemed it necessary to forward the plot without having 20 posts added to the IC. At least I gave you a place to reply at the end where it matters though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Actually, that's godmodding. I'm fine with it since Dinah did nothing out of ordinary, but I'll feel better if you ask before doing so next time~

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