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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Currently, Ultron 2 is weaker than the original Ultron, but he will become more powerful when he changes his form again.
Name: Marko Boltagon

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Hero Name: White Bolt

Child of: Black Bolt and Medusa

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Since his voice is literally a weapon and just a whisper could level out a block, Marko doesn't speak. He instead communicates by hand signals or writing things down on a piece of paper. He is kind and caring, and likes to help people as much as he can. He is also quick to anger as well, which is a dangerous thing to do.

Powers: Just like his father, Marko's voice is a destructive power. His voice is powered by electron energy, which he can also use in other forms. He can fly with it, shoot out energy blasts,enhanced strength, and also able to manipulate matter. However, be doesn't know how to manipulate matter yet. He is also more durable than a normal human, since he is an inhuman. He is also decent at fighting, since his father taught him how to fight.

Weaknesses: Marko is more durable than a normal hero, but bullets still hurt. He is also very reluctant to use his power, so he will most likely be paying more attention to controlling himself than the fight itself.

Favorite Pass time: Marko is a stoner, and also loves being with his friends. He also likes kids, and usually tries to help them when he is able.

Favorite Song: Thousand Foot Krutch- The part that hurts the most is me
Appearance: totally forgot about that

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/uploadfromtaptalk1433720945651.jpg.c7a3715a5097083cc3b5e761815ac1fb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55812" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/uploadfromtaptalk1433720945651.jpg.c7a3715a5097083cc3b5e761815ac1fb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@sitanomoto told me there can be more than one child per hero. So there can be three kids for Nick Fury. Also sorry I put Furry for their last names, it was a typo, I'll fix that.

Name: John Maximoff

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hero Name: None

Child Of: Wanda Maximoff (Yes, Dimitri and this character are technically cousins.)

Sexuality: Bisexual


Personality: John is a master con artist and negotiator. With this, he relies on his cunning to get him out of most situations and challenges. John is also, and he has the right to, he believes in the supernatural. Though knowing a great deal about them he almost never communicates with them. He is also adept in escapology and hypnosis.

Magic: He has the ability to use magical spells though he rarely uses it. Unless he really has to, especially in combat.

Divination: A method of reading the future, present, or past. Though he still needs to learn how to read the future. This can be achieved by communicating with the supernatural.

Demon Summoning: As the name suggests, it summons demons. Though this can backfire, leaving the summoner with a number of misfortunes and physical harm. John prefers not to use this because of the risk.

Curses: These consist of effects such as bad luck, sickness, and insanity.

Magical Resistance: This makes him resistant to most basic magical attacks and some major attacks. Though there are still spells he can’t handle.

Golemancy: The ability to summon golems to aid him in battle, of course he does not have the energy to create something, such as an armor though he can summon 1-3 at once.

Illusion Casting: The ability to create illusions. It is used to it's most when he is persuading someone to do something.

Synchronicity Wave Traveling: An instinctual supernatural ability to be in the right place at exactly the right time. This has led John to uncanny luck, like winning incredible amounts of money from Arcade machines and Casinos. Avoiding harm. And more times than not - to meet the right kind of ally to help prevent or stop an apocalyptic event from happening. This also lets him reshape the battlefield to his advantage.

Mind Control: Obviously controlling someone’s mind, speedsters such as Dimitri and Pietro can not be effected if they are moving fast enough, or if he can not see the target. Though mind controlling a meta-human leaves a great deal of physical strain on the user so he will usually target normal humans.

Chaos Reality Warping: Pretty obvious.

Weapons: None

Weaknesses: Other then his basic magic which consists of things such as fire, most of his other spells such as demon summoning and curses leaves him in physical and mental strain depending on the intensity of the spell.

Favorite Passtimes: Practicing magic, making allies, reading, and smoking.

Favorite Song: None
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Name: Jaon Of Asgard


Gender: Female

Hero Name: Joan

Child Of: Thor

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

(Hero and/or casual) (Any form is fine)

Personality: Joyful yet mysterious

Powers: Godess of lightning Duh

Weapons: Thors Hammer

Weaknesses: She is half god Half Human.

Favorite Passtimes: Swinging her Hammer around

Favorite Song: I don't wanna die by Hollywood undead

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/downloadfile.jpeg.7e32f3786022676987ab8c618e8fbae2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56030" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/downloadfile.jpeg.7e32f3786022676987ab8c618e8fbae2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Liona Jackson RDJ

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Night Wolf

Child Of: OC

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):Without Armor:

With Armor:

Personality: She is cold and secretive. She doesn't take crap from anybody and has an authoritative presence. She doesn't like to show weakness, but will do anything to save a life.

Powers: Enhanced strength, agility, and reflexes.

Weapons: Her armor has a mounted miniature rail gun and a whip-like tail. The armor makes her faster and stronger. Her armor allows her to use thermal vision and night vision, and much like a wolf uses scent to track enemies.

Weaknesses: She has PTSD from when she was a kid and has hallucinations occasionally on the battlefield. Also, when the ball in the middle of the armors head, she loses her thermal, night vision, and scent tracking.

Favorite Passtimes: Training to get stronger, working on her armor, and reading.

Favorite Song: Pain by Three Days Grace
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