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Fandom Avengers Academy Character sheet


Janet Van Dyne

Superhero Identity:

The Wasp






  • Bubbly
  • Dramatic
  • Upbeat
  • Perky
  • Fashionable
  • Girly


  • Flight (approx 40 mph)
  • Size Reduction (with gain in strength)
  • Bio-electric energy blasts
  • Skilled Fashion Designer


  • Cell phone
  • Purse
  • Sketchbook


  • S.H.I.E.L.D HQ
  • Robo Dojo
  • Blasting Range
  • Pym's Lab


  • Club A
  • Campus Quad
  • Avengers Park
  • Avengers Dorm




Janet is a daughter of a wealthy scientist named Vernon van Dyne. During an experiment, Dr. van Dyne was killed. However, her father's associate, Dr. Henry "Hank" Pym, had created a substance called Pym Particles which allowed her to shrink in size
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I can take it out that's fine :)  I was just looking on some pages on the Avengers Academy Wikipedia and saw it but I'm cool with taking it out 'cause I understand.
Here you go!

Character Sheet
Name: Peter Parker
Superhero Identity: Spiderman!

Gender: Male




 Personality: Peter Parker is a cute loveable nerd. Absolutely in love with science and robotics, it wasn't shocking for the middle schooler to be a wiz at it. Sadly this didn't really help getting and girls or friends, but Peter Parker didn't mind! All he needed was the love of his Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Peter Parker also loves cracking jokes, but he can be very shy especially to his idols. He also has a habit of getting himself into a lot of trouble, but at least his superior Spidey instinct can save him.
Powers/Skills/Abilities: Superior Spiderman instinct and reflexes. He can also crawl on walls and/or ceilings. Has acute senses and is very durable and agile.

Equipment: Spidey lenses in his suit assists with his sensory abilities. Also has web slingers on his wrists that allows him to shoot web. He created it himself.

Studies and Hangouts: Pym’s Lab, Stark Tower, Avengers Park, Robo Dojo, Club A
Dorm: Avengers Dorm

Backstory: Raised by his Aunt and Uncle, Peter Parker had an okay life. He did well in school and was rather satisfied with his non-existent awkward social life. It was okay, at least to him. He was bullied often, but he had his dear guardians to comfort him. One day in sixth grade Peter was bitten by a genetically modified spider on a school field trip. Since then he developed all the abilities of a spider. As a result he became Spiderman- or at the very least Spiderboy. At his young age, Peter needed guidance and a sense of self discovery. After his Uncle Ben was killed, Peter couldn't live with himself as he believed he could have prevented it. With Hydra on the rise, Peter ran away from home and faked middle school transcripts saying he was fourteen years old graduating into high school instead of the twelve year old middle schooler he was. Completely new to the world around him, Peter hopes he could make a difference.

Name: Selene Gallio

Superhero Identity: N/A

Gender: Female





- Arrogant, manipulative, power hungry

+ proactive, inquisitive, knowledgable (even if sometimes she doesn't know where her knowledge comes from)

Powers/Skills/Abilities: (She has a lot of powers canonically but I'm going to weaken all of these considerably and I can get rid of something if it's too much)

Life-force absorption (Energy Vampire): Selene can psionically drain the life forces of other human beings or animals into herself, by physical touch. Selene must feed after using her powers as it weakens her. If she drains a person’s entire life force from them, the victim dies and their body crumbles into dust.

Superhuman abilities: By using the absorbed life energies that sustain her, Selene can enhance her physical strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes, and durability to superhuman levels. She also has low levels of telekinesis. If she tries to exert it on people or massive objects she must use a massive amount of energy.

Telepathy: High Order telepath. She is capable of displaying various psionic feats with the minds of others including reading and communicating with thoughts over vast distances. She can protect herself from mind reading. She can project psionic force bolts which have no physical effects but which can affect a victim's mind so as to cause the victim pain or unconsciousness. And she can Astral Project.

Magic: She can cast and counteract spells.

Immortality: Great expenditure of power causes Selene to age, but she can rejuvenate herself by absorbing more life force. Selene will not age as long as she maintains her supply of absorbed life force effectively making her immortal.

Equipment: A magical amulet that keeps her from draining human's completely of their life force. It also keeps most of her memories locked away from her.

Studies : Timeless Archives, Asgardian Forge, Madam Hydra's Class

Hangouts : Timeless Archives, Maverick Dorm, Bifrost, Club A

Dorm: Maverick

Backstory: Selene was born 17,000 years ago. Considered to be the first mutant, she was a powerful witch that needed the life forces of her acolytes to sustain herself. In exchange for spells of protection Selene was brought sacrifices to appease her hunger, but she was never satisfied. While Selene was worshipped as a god, she was nowhere near one and so her main goal over the millennia has been to absorb the needed souls to give her the powers of a god. Her plans have been foiled time and time again before she was finally defeated. Drained of all her power it looked like Selene had been killed for good.

But she was just dormant. Selene was resurrected by Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. as a teenager, but fitted with a magical amulet before she regained full consciousness. The magic of the amulet has locked away her memories and severely restricted her powers. Without so much power at her disposal she doesn't need to feed as much and she ages normally. If after expending her powers she is low on energy she was taught to feed on animals. Selene was told never to feed on humans, and has done her best to keep by those rules. 

Enrolled in the Academy, Nick Fury is keeping a close eye on her, to make sure she is learning to use her powers for good. But even though they blocked her memories it hasn't changed her personality. She still feels hunger within her and as she pushes herself more and more she can feel the mental block on her mind. She doesn't suspect her new handlers are behind her limitations but she's working to find out why she feels incomplete.
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Character Sheet

Name: Stephen Strange

Superhero Identity: Dr. Strange (Title: No title yet, Apprentice to the Ancient One)

Gender: Male




Age: Looks to be around 17. 

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 140 lbs.

Eyes: Grey

Hair: Black and straight. Messily kept.

Face: A few pimples but nothing to lose one's astral form over.

Strange is currently at a cross roads of his Eastern Upbringing and Western heritage. His cloak is short and less refined in accordance to his mental wish. His under armor like set is a result of some tampering by his Caretaker Wong. Wong likes ninjas ... nuff said.

Over that he wears sneakers and a loose pair of pants along with some leather welding gloves with burnt checkered patterns.


  • Cocky
  • Arrogant
  • Hard to read
  • Flirtatious
  • Pig headed. Unable to let go of something he can't achieve/ overcome.
  • Honest ... to a fault.
  • Strong mental faculties. Logical.
  • Knowledge seeking but not a gossip. Hoarder of facts.
  • Experimental with his abilities ... interesting results.


  • Apprentice of the Mystic arts.
  • Uses mystical energy invoked upon by spells/incantations or by the power of divine beings to manipulate forces of the universe. Or at least he tries to ...
  • Projection of mystic energy as bolts, slashes, binds, shields, or a scattered array of energy appearing like electricity.
  • Minor control over matter and magical constructs. Opening or sealing mystical portals to other realms(Whether he wants to or not), teleportation or dimensional travel, seeing through illusions, invisibility(Work in progress but he's improving) and intangibility through astral projection
  • Increasing mental powers such as low distance telepathy communication with the dead and spiritual entities, removing spirits or placing them back into bodies, summoning supernatural beings, or using the powers of supernatural items.


  • The Apprentice Supreme possesses a queer arsenal of magical artifacts, two of which are particularly recognizable-- the Eye of Agamotto and the Cloak of Levitation. The Eye of Agamotto is an artifact with many uses of which he has yet to fully achieve mastery in. Such as vastly extending Dr. Strange's psychic abilities, emitting a light that pierces through illusions and is anathema to evil beings, serving as a protective talisman (and good luck charm with the ladies).
  • Similar to Mjolnir, the Eye can only be used by those it deems as morally worthy. So it may not work properly depending on the action he decides to take. So no using the eye for panty raids. 
  • The Cloak of Levitation is like a third pair of hands for Dr. Strange, responding to his thoughts to entangle opponents, and allowing him to fly and levitate. It is virtually indestructible and can shield him front attacks as well.(Take that Harry and Aladdin!!)
  • His robes are custom made to match modern ware while being imbued with protective charms. Nothing else has as of yet been entrusted to him by his Master.


  • Timeless Archives - Like reading and Eidetic memory helps store it all.
  • Asgardian Forge - Working on pet projects.
  • Blasting Range - Test out spells in a sanctioned location.
  • Madam Hydra's Class room (Totally not going there to check out the hot teacher)


  • Club A
  • Stark Tower(Best booz... ambience... because underage drinking is baaaaaad)
  • Avengers Park (Meditation)
  • Avengers Dorm

Dorm: Avenger.


Stephen Strange became an orphan at a young age. Only 13 years into his life and he'd lost touch with both his siblings who went on a journey to discover their place in the world using the inheritance left to them. Deemed too young to take care of himself he was assigned multiple guardians who all failed to keep up with the growingly more troublesome youth. It was only when he was assigned with Mr. Wong did he finally meet his match. The stoic man was unmoved and seemed to almost read his mind several moves ahead of the actions themselves coming to be.

When he finally did start to relent he got to learn more and more about Wong and through him about the ways to heal one's soul. Using the teachings he sought to rid himself of the pain of loss and abandonment he'd felt till that point. Even going so far as to take on the Title of Doctor as he used to tell his parents he'd one day be.

One late night as he went to Wong's room he saw a glowing light beneath his door leaking into the hallway. The lights flashed a multitude of colors before finally settling to white ... followed by a steady wafting of chilled air. Frightened and worried about Wong he tried to open the door but could not. As he got more and more frantic he finally got the door to budge before falling head long down into a slope of ice. He was panicked but after calming himself and trying to conserve warmth he gauged his situation. The 'door' hung a few meters above his head and out of reach while all around him was icy snow.

Only after the winds died down a little did he see a large building carved into a mountain face well over a few kilometers away. With morbid determination he made his way their. His warm slippers did little aside from protects his toes but that was still better than his hands. Hours later he was nearing the structure before a gust of wind hurled his tiny frame across some frozen rocks. The ice pierced his hands and the wind swallowed his screams. Unable to extricate himself he felt himself lose consciousness as a fluttering object approached him. It appeared crimson and tattered but it some how wound him tight and lifted him up. He passed out shortly.

Once awake he was greeted by a concerned looking Wong and an even Older Oriental looking man. The man stroked his fine beard while chanting what sounded like Buddhist hymns. After getting some rest and realizing he'd suffered severe frostbite and damage to his hands he was distraught.

(Similar Dr. Strange training montage. You know the schpeel.)

Once he was 17 he was deemed trained enough to pursue complete his studies in the land of his origins to round off his person and learn how to better deal with his issues as a bridge between generations of mystical knowledge and modern day. Wong prepared his attire and tools of which he was given two powerful artifacts.

Stephen was very eager to go back (Junk food,girls, video games ...) home. But home was going to prove to be just as strange as him. 
Kinda did a mix and match of canon lore and how much influence he'd have suffered gotten from being taught the Asian mystical arts at his younger age.

He does have siblings, parents are dead. He was rich enough to afford the luxuries mentioned. He does have issue making relationships prior to and even during his adult age. 
Wong is best Nanny ever tbh.
Nerfed him by age. Also cut short his years of training to just 3~4 as opposed to how much he'd have undergone at a later age. This increases his future potential as he started early but does little for his current self.
Doesn't have his Tome and other magical books yet so limited spells. Like imagine a more advanced Harry potter but still not at his Dr. Strange level of having a spell for each eventuality.
Name: Logan

Superhero Identity: Wolverine

Gender: Male




  • Loner
  • Tough
  • Introverted
  • Slow to trust
  • Has a warrior's instinct but tries to hold it in


  • Healing factor
  • Bone claws (not adamantium yet)
  • Animal-like senses
  • Low-level superstrength
  • Expert brawler
  • Knows some stealth and survival skills



  • Arena of War
  • Avengers Stadium
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ


  • Club A
  • Power Gym
  • Maverick Dorm

Dorm: Maverick Dorm (he might get moved to the Avengers dorm if he learns to control his rage well)

Backstory: Logan was born to a rural family in northern Canada. His mother died at a young age, but otherwise he had an ordinary early childhood until he discovered his healing factor at age 13; he tried to keep it a secret. A secret organization known as Weapon X became aware of his powers two years later, before his parents did. Before anyone could suspect anything, two Weapon X agents broke into Logan's house. Allowing himself to unleash his an savage instincts, Logan discovered his claws and entered a berserker rage, slaughtering the two agents but killing his father in the progress. Emotionally damaged and wanted by the law, Logan spent the next year or so as an outcast, moving from place to place until he eventually crossed the American border and found an academy that could possibly take him in.
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@ManyFaces You can be Rocket if you want just check the Campus guide for help and I'll get back to you when your done

Omg thank you fixed it

Ahem.. I was going to do Groot and Rocket since they are a great pair. But when I was copying Rockets Abilities it copied EVERYTHING and I couldn't delete the face

Rpnation needs a backspace XwX
Omg thank you fixed it

Ahem.. I was going to do Groot and Rocket since they are a great pair. But when I was copying Rockets Abilities it copied EVERYTHING and I couldn't delete the face

Rpnation needs a backspace XwX

Lol feel free to be both. Can't wait to see your profile(s).
Name: Rocket Raccoon and Groot

Superhero Identity: N/A

Gender: Both identify as Male

Appearance: Rocket is 4'0" ft while Groot is 23'0 ft. (Rocket, Groot, then Rocket & Groot)





Rocket-Talkative, cocky, heroic, grouchy, intelligent, easily-angered, crafty, rude, critical, aggressive, impatient, sarcastic, cynical, good-hearted, caring, impulsive; yet hides a lot of pain

Groot-Sensitive, benevolent, cautious, simple-minded, loyal, helpful, funny



Raccoon Physiology: Rocket possesses the same enhanced abilities attributed to Earth raccoons, including an acute sense of smell and sharp eyesight. A raccoon's grayish coat mostly consists of dense underfur which insulates against cold weather.Enhanced Senses: Being a raccoon many of Rocket's senses are heightened to levels well above human. Able to see much better than the average human and extremely well adapted to near dark conditions. His enhanced sense of smell allows him to detect subtle changes in scents around him enabling him to detect the approach of others and increasing his ability to operate in darkness. With his broad auditory range, he can perceive tones outside the range of the human ear as well as subtle sounds caused by vibrations on the ground. His hyper sensitive paws allow him to identify objects before touching them with vibrissae located above his claws.

Expert Marksman: Rocket is well-versed in the use of high-powered firearms, from all over the Galaxy.

Martial Artist: Rocket is an expert in hand-to-hand combat being very skilled in multiple fighting styles.

Master Tactician and Strategist: He is an accomplished strategist. Both on and off the battlefield. He is able to formulate battle strategies and his brilliant tactical sense allows him to alter any strategy to fit the changing need of the situation.

Pilot : Rocket is an accomplished starship pilot.


Cellular regeneration: Groot has been seemingly killed on three occasions, each time regrowing from a sprig. This may be a major contributor to his botanopathy.

Growth: Groot can grow at an extremely advanced speed at will, growing to his normal size from a sprig, or growing from his normal size to a giant form.

Plasticity: Groot has the ability to stretch his limbs for long distances and reshape them for a variety of tasks. He normally takes the shape of a large tree-like humanoid, but can also weave his limbs into a dense tangle of vines.He can grow individual limbs to currently undisclosed lengths, allowing him to have stretching powers, similar to Reed Richards'. This may be related to his cellular regeneration and his control over plants.

Superhuman Strength: Groot's tree like form provides him great strength.

Regenerative Durability: Groot's hide is composed of wood dense enough and durable enough to make him immune to most conventional weapons, including gunfire and fire which would consume most woods.

Control over other plants: Groot especially has the power to control other plants, or his own physical form, therefore he can turn his hands into blades, or grow in size altogether, or even use that power to heal himself from fatal wounds.

Genius Intellect: Groot has received the finest education from Photonic Knowledge of the Arbor Masters. He was highly intelligent and has a tremendous grasp of quasi-dimensional super-positional engineering. Again, allegedly, as reported by a man openly known as "Maximus the Mad".

Combatant: Groot is skilled in combat. Though he prefers not to fight. He can use many forms of weaponry formed from his body, causing change in fighting style. Groot tries to be nonlethal in most attacks.



Rocket-powered jet boots

[SIZE= 12px]2 laser pistols as well as other assorted heavy weapons[/SIZE]

Studies: Robo Dojo, Blasting Range, and Pym's Lab

Hangouts: Club A, Stark Tower, and Avengers Park

Dorm: Avengers despite some of Rocket's tendencies...



Centuries ago, a group of alien humanoids settled the largest planet in the Keystone Quadrant star system. They built a complex to house and treat the insane, recording their medical observations in a psychiatric diary. When the "Shrinks" funding was cut, they abandoned the project, but not before they created a staff of robot stewards to provide for the humanoids. They then separated the quadrant from the rest of the galaxy with an impenetrable force field.

When a nearby star went nova, ensuing radiation gave sentience to the robots, who quickly chafed at the illogical directives of the humanoids, or "Loonies." Seeking to end their servitude, the robots used genetic engineering to give intelligence and awareness to the animals that had been left as companions for the patients. They charged the animals with the patients' care and protection, then relocated to the far side of the planet, which they proceeded to strip bare through industrial endeavors, one of which was construction of a vast, humanoid spacecraft called Ship. The half-industrial, half-verdant planet became known as "Halfworld."

The animals continued to care for the humans, and the robots provided a lot of equipment, weapons, and parts for toys. The psychiatric diary left by the physicians (now known in legend as the "Shrinks") became an indecipherable icon called Gideon's Bible. Toys played an important part in Halfworld society as entertainment for the Loonies. Without toys, the Loonies lapsed into a deep melancholy, so the animals made certain nothing interrupted production. Two otters formed the first toy factory, and upon their death it was taken over by the mole Judson Jakes, who established his headquarters in the Spacewheel space station built by the tortoise Uncle Pyko. Pyko designed toys, weapons, an army of robots clowns, and the bat-like Drakillers. Rocket took part in a rebellion against the Pyko minions. This ultimately left to him forgetting his history, replaced with decoy memories. 


Groot was a Flora colossus from Planet X, the capital of the branch worlds. The sapling that would come to be known as "Groot" came from an "Enobled Sap-line" and gifted in quasi-dimensional super-positional engineering...at least, according to Maximus the Mad.

Groot did not get along with his fellow saplings, instead preferring the company of the "Maintenance Mammals" who the other saplings treated with prejudice. After Groot killed another sapling to defend a maintenance mammal it was brutalising, as well as releasing a human subject that was kidnapped for scientific purposes, he was exiled of the planet by the "Arbor Masters". With no place to go, Groot set to explore other galaxies.
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Hey sorry I think I'm going to have to pull out of this roleplay

Im extremely far behind and does not understand a single thing of what is going on. I'm not mad or anything though! It's my own fault. You see, I just moved last week and I also had a convention to go to just this past few days so I've been utterly exhausted... I apologize!
Hey sorry I think I'm going to have to pull out of this roleplay

Im extremely far behind and does not understand a single thing of what is going on. I'm not mad or anything though! It's my own fault. You see, I just moved last week and I also had a convention to go to just this past few days so I've been utterly exhausted... I apologize!

awww bye Spidey and really nothing important has happened so far just some minor character interaction so really needed was to walk up to anyone in the roleplay and say Hi my name is Peter and your character would of been caught up with everyone else for the most part
really nothing important has happened so far just some minor character interaction so really needed was to walk up to anyone in the roleplay and say Hi my name is Peter and your character would of been caught up with everyone else for the most part

^ Yeah nothing impossible to catch up with.
@ManyFaces Accepted. But technically we'll count them as two characters but as they hang out together practically all the time they're one.

Hey sorry I think I'm going to have to pull out of this roleplay

Im extremely far behind and does not understand a single thing of what is going on. I'm not mad or anything though! It's my own fault. You see, I just moved last week and I also had a convention to go to just this past few days so I've been utterly exhausted... I apologize!

If its too much I completely understand but as @Ilikepie and @Mathias No Bias said its still only the beginning and I'm sure most people would love to interact with you. Also can we try to keep this in the OOC please  :P
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Name: Sersi

Superhero Identity: N/A

Gender: Female


sersi_by_feydrautha81-d9k33k0 (1).png



  • Flighty
  • Impulsive
  • Outgoing
  • Charismatic
  • Hedonistic
  • Vain
  • Inwardly insecure


Equipment: Doesn't really carry much around, since she can transmute objects into almost whatever she wants.

Studies (Timeless Archives, S.H.I.E.L.D HQ, Asgardian Forge, Asgardian Gauntlet, Arena of War, Robo Dojo, Blasting Range, Pym's Lab, Avengers Stadium, Madam Hydra's Classroom):

  • Asgardian Forge
  • Asgardian Gauntlet
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ

Hangouts (Avengers Hall, Club A, Stark Tower, Campus Quad, Power Gym, Bifrost, Avengers Park, Avengers Dorm, Maverick Dorm):

  • Club A
  • Bifrost
  • Avengers Park
  • Avengers Dorm

Dorm: Avengers

Backstory: Sersi is a member of the mysterious superhuman race known as the Eternals. Not much is known about them, but they are often said to have some connection with the Asgardians and ancient aliens called Celestials (Thanos is an Eternal), and and the modern day they have either mostly died out or completely lost interest in Earth.

Sersi can't recall her early childhood. She doesn't know who her parents are or where she lived for the first part of her life. The first thing that she remembers was being taken in by HYDRA at a young age and being raised as a test subject and raised as a living weapon. She hated the conformity and their seemingly evil motives that were unknown to her, but was too intimidated to try to leave until age 15. That's when the base was attacked by a group of SHIELD agents. The attack was overall unsuccessful, but it gave Sersi a diversion to escape. She quickly realized that she was even more powerful outside of the HYDRA base, as they had some kind of device that suppressed her powers. She initially was overwhelmed by her abilities and used them selfishly and rapaciously, but soon became insecure and questioned whether she, or anyone, is deserving of such great power. She has recently decided that she should use her powers for good and has willingly joined the Avengers Academy.
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