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Fandom AVATAR: Legend of Futeki OOC CHat

Would it be okay if my next pose includes my character meet the avatar?

Would it be okay if my next post includes my character meet the avatar?
I am incredibly sorry to have to make this announcement but I must take a hiatus from RP for some time. My life just got extremely complicated, and I don't have the time or mental capacity for it. Sincerest apologies everyone
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Post haha

yus x3 but i was waiting on others to post

My character needs a reply.

hmm :O  from?

I am incredibly sorry to have to make this announcement but I must take a hiatus from RP for some time. My life just got extremely complicated, and I don't have the time or mental capacity for it. Sincerest apologies everyone

aww okies Kenzo! <3  hope your life gets situated soon, and you feel better/more secure! ^^
Honestly still not sure what to post. Guess i was just paranoid about making my character too skilled.
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