• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
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Auren's Forever Partner-Search

If you were a pie, what flavor would you be?

  • CAKE!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Apple

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Peach

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blackberry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Raspberry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


7th Level Procrastinator
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Auren’s Forever Partner-Search

Temporarily Closed


I’m so excited that you decided to click on my Interest Thread!! My name is Auren, and I like to go by Auren. >D (hehehe)

Anywho!! It’s really nice to meet you. Okay, so first off, be sure you read everything here! I have lots to say about things, but I’ll try to be concise and quick about it. I really love to roleplay, and it’s been a while since I’ve gone down the 1x1 road. I hope the detail here doesn’t scare you away, and I look forward to roleplaying with you!

What I Expect:

First off, my main pet peeve is when I write a post that is pretty lengthy ( approximately 3 or more paragraphs), and I get a very short reply back. And by short I mean 1 paragraph compared to my 3 paragraph. In my experience, the shorter reply often skips over details (which makes me think you didn’t pay attention or read properly) and doesn’t often respond to many things within my own posts, things the other character would have noticed. So, I guess what I’m getting at is, attention to detail, and responding so that I know you read my reply is really key to roleplaying with me.

My only length requirement is that your reply responds to actions and dialogue of my reply, and then Progresses the roleplay. To further explain, if my character, Sally, knocks over a glass, stumbles around, and says a few lines, I’d expect your character to respond in some fashion (internal or external) to her actions, and then “progress” by doing his/her own actions, such as walking toward Sally, saying some dialogue, getting Sally away from breakable objects, etc.

As far as grammar goes, I’m no nazi. Just know the difference between your and you’re, their/there/they’re, put apostrophes for things like “Sally’s notebook”, and know that a comma is not a period. Easy peasey? O__O

Yah gotta help with the plot progress and NPCs. I won’t be the only one putting down ideas for a story, and I won’t let you be the only one either.

And yeah, of course romance will be a thing. But think of it more as a spice to the story rather than the main course. ( also, no explicit content via RPN rules )

I do like character sheets, and I will be asking you to make one for our roleplay. Character sheets help in my opinion, and they keep a good reference for when you have multiple roleplays going. I expect character flaws, and no Sues or Johns. The amount you want to write on the CS is up to you, as I’ll trust you will know how you do CS best. But, you must stay consistent with your character.

Third Person Perspective. Nuff said.

Lastly, Commitment. To me, this means you stay in contact with me via PM or OOC or however. If you can’t reply for a week, no stress. I can wait, always. Real life before roleplay, yah know? BUT don’t disappear or give lame excuses. If you lose interest, or just don’t have the time anymore, that’s fine. I would rather you be honest with me about that instead of leaving me hopeful for another slice of your amazing-reply pie.

What I Do:

So, I will do everything I expect of you. I tend to write more than two paragraphs when left to my own devices, mostly because I like to have a lot of character development and reaction. That doesn’t mean I’ll write 5 pages about some object that doesn’t progress my character. I try to make sure that my replies have a purpose with my character, and that I’ll do my best to always progress the story.

I may always be about on RPN, but I am not always on a computer. Usually I’m checking with my phone for important PMs, or reading other RP replies. I will do my best to reply in a timely manner, but don’t be surprised if it takes a few days. Sometimes my schedule gets a little hectic, and, well, stuff happens.


I will do my best to always keep my roleplay partners informed, and I’ll let you know if I start losing interest in a RP.

I generally enjoy being able to talk to the people I roleplay with about the RP, and things. I understand if you don’t want to be social though, and would rather just RP and keep conversations to RPs. :3

I will only be doing Female main roles this time around. I can do male NPCs, but my main charries will be female. And I’d prefer to keep the relationships of the main charries as F/M.

The roleplays will have more than romance. I like a lot of story building, setting building, politics, etc. to spice a story and make it interesting. I find that without the other elements, the roleplay can get boring quickly.

**I prefer using threads over PMs. Generally, I only use PMs or OOC to plan RP things, but the roleplay will take place in a thread.

Pairings + Descriptions of Plots:

I will play the parts on the left. If you ask me which part I’ll play and I have to direct you to this portion of my post, I’ll assume you don’t pay attention to what’s written, and will likely not pay attention to my replies in roleplay. That means it’s likely I won’t play with you. It’s a bit of tough love, but I don’t want to take chances with someone that won’t read my posts.

I have ideas of what I want to do with these pairings. I’ll list them here. The Roleplays will start after what is stated. So, for example, in the Queen and Bodyguard/Queen’s Guard, the roleplay will start where the description leaves off. I hope that makes sense.

The hearts rate my craving for the listed pairing.

Sea Witch [x] Villager or Pirate

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤


Sea Witch

lives on a cliff that overlooks an ocean front. She has lived there for many years, and is over sought out for medical potions or blessings by some of the local villagers. Sea Witches can either been seen as fearful, or as helpful depending on how they use their magic. Though, the name has a very bad reputation to some of the neighboring villages.

If we go the


route, then the

Sea Witch

will be seen as an enemy by a nearby village (due to rumor or a “faulty” potion or something), and the


is sent to either kill her or negotiate peace, depending on how you want to play. OR the


is familiar with the witch, and often visits her on behalf of his village in order to retrieve potions. Unfortunately, one of the potions doesn’t work (or something similar) and the


is commanded by the village leader to attack the

Sea Witch




route would have pirates come into one of the villages that she provides services for, and there would be an altercation. OR, the


is stranded and the

Sea Witch

tries to help him, unbeknownst to her that he is a pirate (with or without prestige.)

Queen [x] Bodyguard/Queen’s Guard

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤



has ruled the country on her own for the past two years, as her husband recently deceased with no heirs. The country she rules is a liberal one, and has let her keep her power until she can find a new husband or appoint a worthy male heir. Because of this, she is often courted by the males of similar prestige, but she doesn’t seem to show interest in them. Tensions are raised high in the courts at this time, since two years have passed and the


doesn’t seem to be interested in finding a new husband or heir. She often confides with her

Bodyguard/Queen’s Guard

as a best friend, though relations seem to be growing.

Rebel Princess [x] Demon King (post apocalyptic)

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Earth is in ruin and the human race seems to be dwindling. An alien race that humans have taken to calling Demons have conquered the world, and often use humans as slaves. But, some humans are still free, and within their ranks is a small rebellion that is trying to fight against the Demons. They want their race’s freedom back, and have to fight the tyranny to get it. Within their ranks is a girl known as the Rebel Princess, and she has lead many battles against Demon hordes, and won. But, in her last battle, she was captured, and was being taken to the Demon King to be used as either a pet, or slave, or sentenced to death as a prisoner.

Master (F) [x] Butler

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤



lives with her siblings in a large castle, and both parents recently died, leaving


as the one in charge of the estate. She struggles to handle things on her own, and often seeks the newly appointed


for assistance. But, the


may have ulterior motives, and with the


in her late teens, she could be gullible to his advice. Only time and their relationship will tell the effect of those motives. (insert political stuff, and bigger setting stuff later)

“Angel” (experiment) [x] Intern Scientist

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Inspired in part by Maximum Ride: There's a private/secret facility that holds the beings that are the results of experiments of crossing humans with animal traits. One of the successful experiments is the


, codename Blue Bird. She has been born and raised in this facility, and so have the rest of the experiments that live there. They have their own room and board, and the facility is set up like a large camp, with a fence and guard patrol. The scientist do not treat the experiments as sentient beings, preferring to dehumanize them even though many of the experiments, including


, show signs of being just as human as the scientists. When a new set of young intern scientists enter the facility, they are shown the experiments. That's when the

Intern Scientist

first sees Blue Bird.

Celt Woman [x] Viking

❤ ❤❤ ❤ ❤


Celt Woman

lives in a small village where vikings have pillaged and either kidnapped or killed all the men. This village is run by a strong woman with bright blonde hair, and she is seen as a devil by many who trade with the village. She runs the village with an iron fist, and has done well to have it prosper. The

Celt Woman

works within her, now deceased, father's tavern. On one early morning, vikings invade the village and try to claim it and it's women as their's. These vikings don't enter the shore with weapons to pillage and kill like the previous ones though, and when the village leaders goes out to meet them with her own sword and band of fighters, a bargain is struck instead. The vikings would provide a steady trade and protection for the village, and the village would allow them to court the women. Many of the women, including the


, complain, but they also come to an understanding that their village will need to the trade to survive the winters. Then, while working the tavern one evening the


and a few of his friends come, and that's where the story starts.

Pirate [x] Dragon

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤



finds the stash of a


while the dragon is away, and tries to take quite a bit of it for herself. While she is leaving the cave, the


catches her and instead of killing her, turns her into his servant. To save her live, the


agrees to basically a slave and do the dragon's whims, which often include going into nearby towns and learning knowledge and politics.

Alternate-ish scenario with NPC and more drama: Then, after about six months of service from the


, the


becomes interested in a beautiful princess, and orders the pirate to retrieve her. The


declines, at first, until she is reminded of her slavery to the dragon by fire and a harsh burn. She grumbles about fetching some fancy princess, but does the dragon's bidding. After brining back the princess, the


grows to detest the dragon, who can turn into a human, and his little fling with the princess.

Forest Witch [x] Centaur

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤


Forest Witch's

mentor recently passed away, and has left her cottage in the woods to the

Forest Witch

. She takes over her mentor's duties and responsibilities toward the neighboring villages. This also means that she must reinstate many contracts of protection from the creatures that live in the woods, and one of the first contracts is with the centaurs. They are wary to pass their protection to her even with her mentor's blessing, and they send one of their new warrior


to watch her for six months, and deem if she is worthy of a contract in that time.

Princess [x] Crow (transforms into Man)

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

When war hits the


country, she is hidden away with a court sorceress and her crows deep in the woods. She was very young when this happened, and barely remembers her time at the castle. Being in the woods her whole life, she acts more like a wild fae than a princess. She is friends with many of the beings of the woods, and always has a crow or two following her.


is one of the sorceress's most powerful crows, and often the one she sends out the most to watch the


. The


does not know that the crows have abilities, or that they can change into humans.


I don’t generally do Fandoms, and by that I mean, I rarely do canon. The Fandoms have to have a good twist, and I’d prefer to play an OC, or create a canon character with my own twist.

I have no Fandom cravings at the moment. But if you have a good idea for something, and think I may be interested, you may post below or PM me.


By applying I assume that you have read what I expect from you, and that you are willing to comply.
Post this Application Below in this thread, please.

Preferred Name:

Biggest RP Pet Peeve:

Favorite Part of RPing:

What Pairing(s) Interest You: ( if you have an idea you think I might like, you can detail it here )

Links to


RPs You’ve Been In: (if you don’t have previous RPs, PM me and we can talk about substitutes)

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Preferred Name: Calling me by my RPN screen-name will suffice.

Biggest RP Pet Peeve: My biggest pet peeve would be short replies, something I find makes it impossible for me to get into the story, effectively limiting my imagination with the lack of clarity and elaboration. Another big pet peeve of mine is characters that one dimensional or don't follow what characters would actually do in a given situation. The easiest example of this would be relationships which suddenly happen overnight. Sure, you might kiss or something, but you're not going to go from feeling each other to being in a committed relationship that fast.

Favorite Part of RPing:
My favorite part of roleplaying would have to be exploring ideas, plots, and character reactions in a different world or universe with someone else. There's nothing more exciting to me than throwing characters in some scenario or situation in a roleplay, and then discussing what how characters would react to that. I'm also a big believer in a slow burn, the kind of story where things pile on bit by bit, until suddenly the dam breaks and surges forth. Seeing the payoff in writing from things you've been setting in motion weeks or days prior is incredibly satisfactory.

What Pairing(s) Interest You: I would be most interested in pursuing either the Rebel Princess x Demon King, Forest Witch x Centaur, Princess x Crow, Angel x Scientist, or Pirate x Dragon. Those are in no particular order. I may some ideas for some small tweaks or ask for further elaboration depending on which pairing you would prefer to do.

Links to Two RPs You’ve Been In:
I have taken part in a few thread roleplays. but I do my best roleplaying via 1x1s which I tend to do in PMs for convenience sake. As such, I'd prefer to provide you some writing samples from said 1x1s. If you want to look at thread roleplays, I am currently involved in Megapolis (hosted project) which you can find my character thread here: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-wig-party.122538/

I've also created a character for Darkness of Aedra, but the roleplay was put on hold due to Dusky going MIA. It's more of a writing sample than a CS so it will hopefully suffice: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/as-we-knew-it.114081/page-2#post-3139725

If you still want further samples, I can give you samples from my PM 1x1s.
Preferred Name ;; You typically call me Dessy, but I'm open to several other nicknames such as Descy, Harp, etc etc.

Biggest RP Pet Peeve ;; Not really to the fault of my partner, but to the fault of me - sometimes, I won't know what to do next or I'll be unsure of what I've typed, and I'll end up not asking and things will stall. It's a real pain in the arse. On my partner's end, though, it's when I can't understand what the hell they're trying to convey. Sure, your writing may be gorgeous and your grammar great, but if I can't comprehend what you're trying to tell me with your fancy letter placing then it's really worth nothing.

Favorite Part of RPing ;; The ability to be able to work with people and co-create a fantastical piece of work simply through writing and collaboration is, well, exciting, to say the least. It's fun and something that I also see as a 'bonding exercise' to help make new friends.

What Pairing(s) Interest You ;; These are in no particular order - if you already have these filled in by now or no longer feel like doing them, I am open to all your other ideas as well c:

  • Princess [x] Crow (transforms into Man)
    ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
  • Master (F) [x] Butler
    ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
  • Queen [x] Bodyguard/Queen’s Guard
    ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Links to Two RPs You’ve Been In ;; It's been a little bit so I don't really have any active RP's that have officially started yet, but below are roleplays which I have participated in.

  • Simple Pieces with SBChase. This roleplay has come to a halt due to the fact that we got slapped with IRL things (finals, homeowork, vacations, and ((on my end)) family deaths) and have yet to resurrect it.
  • Music to Drive My Soul with SaphireTsuki. Stopped due to the fact that Tsuki disappeared for IRL things.

Other Notes ;; For some reason, roleplays don't seem to last long before they fizzle out. I try to be communicative but to be honest, I'm really shy and it makes it hard. Also, I like to make things colourful for no real reason other than the fact that it looks nice c:
Preferred Name: Rabbit / Whatever nickname you want.

Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Characters who are moody all the time. I don't mind brooding, cold, or angry. But a character who is permanently depressed, and only ever acts like every second of existing and being around other characters is the worst moment imaginable is something I just don't enjoy roleplaying with. It's in no way a criticism of people who really do have depression or other mental disorders, but inconsolable characters in roleplays tend to bum me out. I over empathise a lot so :P

Favourite Part of RPing: Creating really cool worlds with lots of juicy detail and getting into interesting character interaction with tensions and subtext and all the good stuff. Yes that's two. Yo ho fiddle dee dee, you'll just have to forgive me.

What Pairing(s) Interest You: 'Princess x Crow' (This sounds amazing) or 'Rebel Princess x Demon King' if not that. I could go for some 'Queen [x] Bodyguard/Queen’s Guard' too if we did some cool world building.

Links to Two RPs You’ve Been In: I'm a noobie little noob who can neither PM you, nor link you to RPs, but if you PM me I shall do my best to make up for it.

(Also Pie Flavour. Though Cake was tempting too.)
[QUOTE="Run Rabbit Run]
Preferred Name: Rabbit / Whatever nickname you want.
Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Characters who are moody all the time. I don't mind brooding, cold, or angry. But a character who is permanently depressed, and only ever acts like every second of existing and being around other characters is the worst moment imaginable is something I just don't enjoy roleplaying with. It's in no way a criticism of people who really do have depression or other mental disorders, but inconsolable characters in roleplays tend to bum me out. I over empathise a lot so :P

Favourite Part of RPing: Creating really cool worlds with lots of juicy detail and getting into interesting character interaction with tensions and subtext and all the good stuff. Yes that's two. Yo ho fiddle dee dee, you'll just have to forgive me.

What Pairing(s) Interest You: 'Princess x Crow' (This sounds amazing) or 'Rebel Princess x Demon King' if not that. I could go for some 'Queen [x] Bodyguard/Queen’s Guard' too if we did some cool world building.

Links to Two RPs You’ve Been In: I'm a noobie little noob who can neither PM you, nor link you to RPs, but if you PM me I shall do my best to make up for it.

(Also Pie Flavour. Though Cake was tempting too.)

PMs for newies can't be responded to either until you reach requirements. No idea why that was changed. And linking to another site with an rp or something you were in could get us both in trouble. xD

I may just have to take you on good faith. I could show you links to some RPs that I've done if you want to see what your getting into?
Auren said:
PMs for newies can't be responded to either until you reach requirements. No idea why that was changed. And linking to another site with an rp or something you were in could get us both in trouble. xD
I may just have to take you on good faith. I could show you links to some RPs that I've done if you want to see what your getting into?
Eep, I'll have to get posting to get up to my 10 posts marker then. I could potentially send you a writing sample when I acquire the mystical skill of PMing, but I appreciate the good faith if not *fingers crossed*.

I would love to check out some roleplays, please :) If only to familiarise myself with how they 'roll' on this site, since I also have faith.
Preferred Name: Kanata, Katana or Kano

Biggest RP Pet Peeve: One liners

Favorite Part of RPing: It gets me away from the real world

What Pairing(s) Interest You: (I'm not too fussed )

Links to Two RPs You’ve Been In: (only roleplays I've done are 1 on 1 in pm)
Auren said:
PMs for newies can't be responded to either until you reach requirements. No idea why that was changed. And linking to another site with an rp or something you were in could get us both in trouble. xD
I may just have to take you on good faith. I could show you links to some RPs that I've done if you want to see what your getting into?
((Also according to someone in the live chat, the rules were changed or something and I am able to reply to PMs. I'm hoping they are right :P The official thread about it makes the same claim.))
Auren said:
Psydrium: A Tale of Psionics

Chivalry: A Pilgrimage

A World Untamed


Could you PM me quoted samples from your PM role plays?


Auren said:
Psydrium: A Tale of Psionics

Chivalry: A Pilgrimage

A World Untamed


Could you PM me quoted samples from your PM role plays?
Nick walked through the cold dark streets with a limp, he felt lonely, he wanted to knock on a door but he was too scared. He wasn't sure what he would do. until he saw someone..... a girl he tried to yell for help but he found it hard, so he ran up to he with his sore limp. he got dizzy but he kept running. but she was too far away so he did it he yelled help at the top of his lungs then collapsed on the floor he thought it was all over

Phew shes asleep i better get some myself he started to drift of until he heard a voice at first he thought it was Nicole but she was asleep he got out of the bed all he could hear what groaning as if someone were in trouble he looked around and heard it coming from a room but it was locked he looked through the key hole and saw a man all tied up struggling he ran to the front door to escape but it was locked. He heard footsteps behind him his heart stopped....

  1. Ariana stopped for a moment to equip her favorite sword. Of course she had to have it just in case. Plus when she got to the boss she would need it any how. "This should be easy." She laughed to her self, a bit to over confident for her own good.
  2. Kanata could see the boss room in the distance he equip his one handed tiger, the best sword he had and in his left hand equipped his angry hornet his favorite dagger, he put on his light armor he was ready, ready to fight. *bang* "Who are you" he looked at the girl hoping that she was not going to the boss room
  3. Grumbling Ariana looked at the boy she had just ran into. "Ariana.. and you?" She was slightly displeased. She could tell he was going to the boss room too. There was only room for one of them in there, well at least in her mind any way. "You're going to face the boss to.. right?"
  4. "Yeah are you?" he knew she was heading to the boss room but he had a plan to get her away
  5. Ariana just raised a eyebrow at him before huffing. "what do you think? Of course I am." she told him already plotting to deal with him. Maybe dealing with him would prove to be more rewarding then fighting the boss.
  6. "nah you look way too young to fight a hog let a lone a level 76 boss"
  7. Ariana turned red in the face. "I'm short, Okay! Not weak." She stomped one foot clearly upset now. His comment had really gotten to her.
  8. "Just go home and help your mommy with the kniting" he tried to get here away but there was something inside him, did he like her? "Do i like her, no thats impossible she is kinda cute no shut up" he slapped himself and clicked back into reality
  9. The madder Ariana got the more her cheeks puffed out. Getting right up in his space she stood on her tip toes and looked right into his eyes. "Say that again. I dare you." She warned him with her eyes narrowed. A part of her couldn't just walk away or duel him like she normally would have. What was it about this boy? This highly annoying creature in front of her.
Preferred Name: Eras, Erasney, Neo

Biggest RP Pet Peeve: A lack of detail. It's irritating to try and make a post when I feel like I lack details. I'll often contact my partner if I feel that is the case, since OOC talking can often spawn other ideas.

Favorite Part of RPing: I like the feeling... Like I'm being transported out my reality and to somewhere else. It's the whole reason I roleplay, and why I often seek ones with a fantasy element, or anything that isn't really common place.

What Pairing(s) Interest You: Any and all? Forest Witch [x] Centaur, Queen [x] Bodyguard/Queen’s Guard specifically

Links to Two RPs You’ve Been In: I'll have to pm you, since I only have one on this site. I'd also like to point out that my roleplay abilities are reflective of my partner. In short, good partner, good roleplay.
Preferred Name: Bloody or Daimyo. Or Karmichael if you prefer!

Biggest RP Pet Peeve: When good RPs die. Or when people just disappear for long instances without any warning or words as to why.

Favorite Part of RPing: Being able to practice my writing, and seeing a story unfold infront of me.

What Pairing(s) Interest You: The viking x Celt, Sea Witch x Pirate, and Master x Butler ones all seem pretty cool.

Links to Two RPs You’ve Been In: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/unbound-skyrim-rp-w-dovahgirl.125242/ https://www.rpnation.com/threads/guardians-of-the-forest.122058/

As you can see, I like to vary my post length, but I can keep it at a minimum or something if you'd like. You seem like you know how to make an RP fun, I'd love the chance for a 1x1! Thank you for considering me!
  • Preferred Name: Ayl
  • Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Meaningless Post (Nothing that contributes to the plot/development/etc)
  • Favorite Part of RPing: The unpredictable situations your partner/s put you in.
  • What Pairing(s) Interest You: Celt Woman X Viking. I would expand, but I'm on the clock.
  • Links to Two RPs You’ve Been In: You know 'em.
Preferred Name: Amy

Biggest RP Pet Peeve: I hate it when people don't capitalize the first letters of proper nouns, the start of a sentence and I's.

Favorite Part of RPing: It gives me a chance to be someone who I'm not.

What Pairing(s) Interest You:

Master (F) [x] Butler

❤ ❤ ❤
❤ ❤

The Master lives with her siblings in a large castle, and both parents recently died, leaving Master as the one in charge of the estate. She struggles to handle things on her own, and often seeks the newly appointed Butler for assistance. But, the Butler may have ulterior motives, and with the Master in her late teens, she could be gullible to his advice. Only time and their relationship will tell the effect of those motives. (insert political stuff, and bigger setting stuff later)

“Angel” (experiment) [x] Intern Scientist

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Inspired in part by Maximum Ride: There's a private/secret facility that holds the beings that are the results of experiments of crossing humans with animal traits. One of the successful experiments is the "Angel", codename Blue Bird. She has been born and raised in this facility, and so have the rest of the experiments that live there. They have their own room and board, and the facility is set up like a large camp, with a fence and guard patrol. The scientist do not treat the experiments as sentient beings, preferring to dehumanize them even though many of the experiments, including "Angel", show signs of being just as human as the scientists. When a new set of young intern scientists enter the facility, they are shown the experiments. That's when the Intern Scientist first sees Blue Bird.

Links to Two RPs You’ve Been In:


Preferred Name: I care less for names, you may call me whatever you wish.

Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Two words: One. Liners. I can't stand them. Especially when I pour my imagination out to the partner and he comes back with just one line, or even one single paragraph made out of 2 phrases and a proposition. Just... no. Two paragraphs and up is what I enjoy. The more, the better.

What Pairing(s) Interest you: Sea Witch [x] Villager or Pirate.

Links to Two RPs: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/two-worlds-atherium-x-rosie.102901/

Preferred Name: Mya

Biggest RP Pet peeve: Being abandoned without notice

Favorite Part of Rping: Character interaction!!!! Especially if development takes place, ugh I live for that.

Interested in: I really like the idea of the Master and Butler Rp. Especially with the ulterior motive in place. I was thinking it would be even better if the Butler was originally of a lower class and the Master is enchanted with the idea that they're pursuing a sort of forbidden love (as a teenager in her place might) and therefore is in even more denial that the Butler means harm.

Previous Rps: - https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-jewel-closed-for-otter-box.77248/

- https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-politics-of-ruling.76685/

Hope you'll consider me! We have a lot of the same preferences. And it could be fun.

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