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Fantasy At Sea, With Me...

Midnight Paragon

Savior of Dusk
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
*= Optional




Race: (Basically only for the magical creatures and the like.)



Appearance: (Picture of any kind or a description will work.)


Navy, Pirate, or Other:

History/Bio: (At least a paragraph.)

Personality: (At least a paragraph please.)

Combat Experience: (How good are they at fighting and how did they get to be at that point?)


*Signature Move: (Basically like a finisher. Describe what it would look like if they had one.)

*Rank: (Pretty much only applies to Pirates and Navy people.)





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Morgan Danser

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 186 lbs

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Navy, Pirate, or Other: Pirate


Morgan found himself around pirates at a young age. He had been mending sails at the docks to bring in some funds to his poor family when he suddenly found himself swept out into the salty winds and scrubbing decks. He had been a rather fortunate tramp, coming into a small grouping of ship at the age of 24 and fought hard to keep his rank of Captain while expanding his force. One such mutinous clamor had resulted in the plucking of his right eye, and it is a wound he wears with pride. He can be found slinking away in the port town of Gretingshan as his family is rumored to still hold residence there.


He is boisterous and loud with a dark and cruel sense of humor. He stands firm on his decisions, though takes all input into consideration before deciding. He is calculated and precise, always looking for outcomes to any situation that benefits him and his crew. He understands the fragile position he's in as a Captain, and that any stability rests on his ability to provide for his subordinates.

Combat Experience:

He is very skilled. He has spend years working with swords and knives and a pistol here and there. He has lost his fair share of fights but has managed to hone his skills.


Two dirks that his keeps tucked in one boot and his belt, respectively. A thin and light recurve blade he acquired in his travels - No one has seen him pull this blade.




Pretty women, the open sea, hot mulled mead on a stormy day, a good festival.


Authorities, predictable people, and rain forests.





Gender: Male

Race: (Basically only for the magical creatures and the like.) Demigod

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 155 lbs (average)

Appearance: (Picture of any kind or a description will work.) See profile pic

*Sexuality: Straight

Navy, Pirate, or Other: Pirate

History/Bio: (At least a paragraph.) Josh was born to the god Poseidon. Which as you can guess, comes in very handy seeing as he's a pirate. When Josh was born he became very skilled at swordsmanship, he also learned a great deal of magic from some old, dusty magic books he found locked away in his parents vault. When Josh was in his adolescence he joined the navy but quickly mutinied after his wife was hung for an apparent conspiracy against the throne. He is now trying to work up the ranks and become captain of his own pirate ship.

Personality: (At least a paragraph please.) Josh is a runner. That pretty sums up his personality. But if you want to go into more detail then, okay. Josh is very witty, intelligent, loyal, and charming. He can be a little hot headed at times though.

Combat Experience: (How good are they at fighting and how did they get to be at that point?) Josh is very skilled with a sword. And not your usual cutlass either. Josh wields a Celtic longsword. He's lost his fair share of battles, but that has only strengthened his swordsmanship. He also has practiced with a bow, he isnt the best at it though.


*Signature Move: (Basically like a finisher. Describe what it would look like if they had one.)

*Rank: (Pretty much only applies to Pirates and Navy people) Chief mate

*Other A durable enchanted sword called Anaklusmos



(Though she goes by Rin and hates when anyone uses her full name)


  • Age: 20

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Height: 5'5"

    Weight: 117 lbs

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Navy, Pirate, or Other: Other (see history)

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Name: Raphael Hauster

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 6'0

Weight: 175 lbs.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images-59.jpg.75ef7a79ff3feb0e6d8477f34fe29ec1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132198" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images-59.jpg.75ef7a79ff3feb0e6d8477f34fe29ec1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Navy, Pirate, or Other: Navy


Raised in the Imperial City of Katharsis, Viegsteed, Raphael was born to a family of high ranking nobles, second to none other than the King. As such, the Royals and the Hausters were rather close. Raphael was raised from birth to be a scholar, and was given the finest education money can buy. But as he got older, he found himself being drawn more and more to the allure of adventure. At age fifteen, he began to take fencing classes from a private tutor, a man who had years of experience in its art.

It took Raphael only a month to best him.

The King took notice of his combat prowess, and began to track his progress as he grew. As soon as he hit twenty, the King ordered him to be drafted immediately to the coast to serve in the Navy. This surprised nearly everyone; the Hausters had specifically asked the King not to draft their darling protégé. There he spent two years under the watchful eye of a dear friend of the King's, Captain Reinhart. Raphael quickly rose through the ranks as he adapted to sea life, which he rather enjoyed. It was only recently that he was majorly promoted to Admiral, and he takes his new position rather seriously.

Personality: Rather serious, but extremely driven. He isn't one to take lip from an underling, but he is patient enough to know when to take their advice. He tends to jump into situations without really planning ahead, and this usually gets him into trouble. He almost always relies on his prowess with his Rapier to get himself out of sticky situations. He is rather friendly when it comes to speaking with friends, much different than his usual self, and values them a great deal.

Combat Experience:

A protégé in the way of the Rapier, Raphael has trained tirelessly in its use. He is considered to be one of the best Swordsmen in Katharsis, and has seen lots of combat with his time at sea.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2016-06-05-18-54-17-857362593.jpg.1311937b32384b1bb79564e182f7051a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132199" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2016-06-05-18-54-17-857362593.jpg.1311937b32384b1bb79564e182f7051a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Amethyst, his personal Rapier.

One hidden flintlock pistol.

*Signature Move: He will strike one leg, then the other, which will cause his opponent to fall onto their knees. A flurry of five quick thrusts will find contact in the chest of his opponent. Then he will bring up his blade, trace it down the face of his opponents gently, then quickly give one slash to the throat.

He calls it 'Amethyst Finale'.

Rank: Admiral, one of the highest ranks in the Navy.


Sword fighting

Cold days

Moonlit nights





Most magic users

Quirks: N/A

Secrets: Loves to dance, and usually does it in secret.

Other: N/A



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Name: Meara Chevalle

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Race: Sarkany (Dragon that takes the form of a human)

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 155


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/9ee3ebb15152a29bbdfc7b2c6e15fccb.jpg.1e7ad828ed22d928f509a6e23fb858ea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134809" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/9ee3ebb15152a29bbdfc7b2c6e15fccb.jpg.1e7ad828ed22d928f509a6e23fb858ea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Navy, Pirate, or other: Other - Bounty Hunter

History: A long time ago Meara was the royal messenger of the kingdom Sarkany's thrived in, Vezan. She had delivered a very important message to their neighboring kingdom and had given it to the king's "loyal" adviser. Little did she know that the adviser was seeking to start a war. After taking the message, he tampered with it. Causing an uproar between the two kingdoms. The fault fell to her as the messenger having her exiled instead of execution due to her her and family's history of allegiance to the royal family. A year after her exile she heard about a war brewing but it was too late. An assassin had invaded, murdering the king of Vezan, thus sending the kingdom into disarray. It was at this point the very next day that a surprise attack was set against Vezan; Leaving very few survivors, not including her family. Meara vowed to get revenge on the adviser one day and she did.

She became a bounty hunter to track down bad men and get information about him since he too later on got exiled. The king suspected him of one day overthrowing him. After finding and murdering him she went on aimlessly doing the only thing she now knew how to do; Bounty Hunting. She was damn good at it too with her being able to become a winged-partial-dragon beast and summoning fire at will, but only does it when she absolutely has to, to capture her target. The government sometimes hires her to do the dirty work that they are not allowed to do. Currently, the problem is pirates, but she is basically a pirate herself, just one that is protected... and capturing other pirates. Her and other authority figures don't get along due to this fact.


-A cocky woman that can also gets hot-headed, in which both of these are a real weakness against her.

-Doesn't like to be ordered around nor does she like working with others so she usually is alone.

-She drinks a lot of alcohol to drown out her past and the fact that she has no direction now.

-Sometimes likes to flirt but never expects to get anywhere with it. She usually does just to fluster the guy or to get what she wants.

-If someone were to earn her respect she would become a loyal friend willing to die for them if ever faced with the task.

-Loves a good challenge when it comes to fighting.

Combat Experience: Being the royal messenger in the past wasn't as easy as it sounds. She had to be ready for any assassins or bandits that would try to steal or intercept her way. Everyone else in her family were blacksmith's but she refused to become one herself and started to practice with the weapons rather than make them as she grew up until finally she made into the guard, then became a captain and then was sent as messenger since they soon realized that after she had become captain she was better off on her own doing private tasks because she did not get along with others so well, let alone giving orders.

Weapons: She is mostly skilled with dual blades and can control fire, meaning she can summon it or engulf it. She can also change into a humanoid dragon state where she has wings, claws, scales, and horns; or she can fully turn into a dragon, but only the size of a drake.

Quirks: Talks to herself when she is trying to figure things out.

Secrets: Does not like her dragon form because she thinks it makes her look fat.



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[QUOTE="Maeve Valor]Name: Meara Chevalle
Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Race: Sarkany (Dragon that takes the form of a human)

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 155


View attachment 299236

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Navy, Pirate, or other: Other - Bounty Hunter

History: A long time ago Meara was the royal messenger of the kingdom Sarkany's thrived in, Vezan. She had delivered a very important message to their neighboring kingdom and had given it to the king's "loyal" adviser. Little did she know that the adviser was seeking to start a war. After taking the message, he tampered with it. Causing an uproar between the two kingdoms. The fault fell to her as the messenger having her exiled instead of execution due to her her and family's history of allegiance to the royal family. A year after her exile she heard about a war brewing but it was too late. An assassin had invaded, murdering the king of Vezan, thus sending the kingdom into disarray. It was at this point the very next day that a surprise attack was set against Vezan; Leaving very few survivors, not including her family. Meara vowed to get revenge on the adviser one day and she did.

She became a bounty hunter to track down bad men and get information about him since he too later on got exiled. The king suspected him of one day overthrowing him. After finding and murdering him she went on aimlessly doing the only thing she now knew how to do; Bounty Hunting. She was damn good at it too with her being able to become a winged-partial-dragon beast and summoning fire at will, but only does it when she absolutely has to, to capture her target. The government sometimes hires her to do the dirty work that they are not allowed to do. Currently, the problem is pirates, but she is basically a pirate herself, just one that is protected... and capturing other pirates. Her and other authority figures don't get along due to this fact.


-A cocky woman that can also gets hot-headed, in which both of these are a real weakness against her.

-Doesn't like to be ordered around nor does she like working with others so she usually is alone.

-She drinks a lot of alcohol to drown out her past and the fact that she has no direction now.

-Sometimes likes to flirt but never expects to get anywhere with it. She usually does just to fluster the guy or to get what she wants.

-If someone were to earn her respect she would become a loyal friend willing to die for them if ever faced with the task.

-Loves a good challenge when it comes to fighting.

Combat Experience: Being the royal messenger in the past wasn't as easy as it sounds. She had to be ready for any assassins or bandits that would try to steal or intercept her way. Everyone else in her family were blacksmith's but she refused to become one herself and started to practice with the weapons rather than make them as she grew up until finally she made into the guard, then became a captain and then was sent as messenger since they soon realized that after she had become captain she was better off on her own doing private tasks because she did not get along with others so well, let alone giving orders.

Weapons: She is mostly skilled with dual blades and can control fire, meaning she can summon it or engulf it. She can also change into a humanoid dragon state where she has wings, claws, scales, and horns; or she can fully turn into a dragon, but only the size of a drake.

Quirks: Talks to herself when she is trying to figure things out.

Secrets: Does not like her dragon form because she thinks it makes her look fat.



Asvoria Zurie


63 years young








133 lbs


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/eb257bd68e4c99dc9314ceaf9e37f12d.jpg.81caa321bf198b7b0db4c030d9a7f116.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135395" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/eb257bd68e4c99dc9314ceaf9e37f12d.jpg.81caa321bf198b7b0db4c030d9a7f116.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Navy, Pirate, or Other:



She was raised in a bar by her father while her mother was away at sea. Asvoria never saw her mother because of the sea, therefore, for the longest time the little girl hated the sea. She hated the way it looked, smelled, everything about it. One day her father took her on a small cruise and her mind completely changed, she finally saw why her mother loved it so much. That's where she grew a passion for the sea. At age twelve she became a swabbie for one of the biggest ships in the land and eventually worked her way up to Boatswain over the years. She was offered higher ranks, but turned them down because she didn't want such responsibility. She felt that she already had enough responsibility with Boatswain and also taking care of her father.

She never actually saw her mother for her entire life, and her father died when she turned thirty seven. The death was tragic because they were very close, and she mourned over him for months. Soon after she found someone to share her time with. She got married, but not for long after she found her husband cheating on her for a younger woman. They were divorced after five years of marriage and she is still independent after that experience. From her experiences, she has learned very many things and knows a lot about life. There are lots of other things that could have gone into this, but I don't want to write a novel. The rest can be displayed during the rp.


Asvoria is very feisty and is definitely in extraordinary health for her age. She does not take nonsense from anyone, and if anyone gives her sass or raises their voice, she won't be afraid to use her signature move (see down below). She loves telling jokes and loves to laugh, she feels that being sad or angry is just extremely exhausting. She is trustworthy and wise, and mostly gets a long with everyone. Although she has no children, she can be very mothering and is in general a very caring person. She is extremely strong both mentally and physically. Asvoria is also very good at giving people advice, people often come to her with their troubles.

Combat Experience:

She is a master with pistols and even hand to hand combat. While her father worked in his bar, she found a way of entertaining herself. She would secretly take her father's pistols and play with them. After finding beer bottles laying around outside the bar, she'd use them as target practice and got good on her own. Her father didn't find out about this until about five years later because she would always reload them before putting them back in their cases, giving the appearance that they were never touched. She eventually told him and he wasn't angry, he got a good laugh out of it. Afterwards he offered to teach her how to fight hand to hand on his days off. She took the offer, good thing, because now she can kick some ass. Yes, even at her age, don't doubt her abilities.


French Sea Service Pistol

Black Beard Queen Anne Pistol

European Plug Bayonet


Signature Move:

A slap to the face, and she likes to call this one "Watch Your mouth"

It is typically used when people tease her about her age or disrespect her.


Boatswain (In charge of checking sails and the rigging, reports this to the captain in the mornings. In charge of deck activities including weighing, dropping the anchor, and handling of the sails.)



Telling scary stories

Being out on the sea

A good laugh

A good fight


Being called "Old"

Bratty children and adults


She tends to tap her foot or fingers when feeling impatient​



  • eb257bd68e4c99dc9314ceaf9e37f12d.jpg
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[QUOTE="Iridescent Beauty]


Asvoria Zurie


63 years young








133 lbs


View attachment 300291

Navy, Pirate, or Other:



She was raised in a bar by her father while her mother was away at sea. Asvoria never saw her mother because of the sea, therefore, for the longest time the little girl hated the sea. She hated the way it looked, smelled, everything about it. One day her father took her on a small cruise and her mind completely changed, she finally saw why her mother loved it so much. That's where she grew a passion for the sea. At age twelve she became a swabbie for one of the biggest ships in the land and eventually worked her way up to Boatswain over the years. She was offered higher ranks, but turned them down because she didn't want such responsibility. She felt that she already had enough responsibility with Boatswain and also taking care of her father.

She never actually saw her mother for her entire life, and her father died when she turned thirty seven. The death was tragic because they were very close, and she mourned over him for months. Soon after she found someone to share her time with. She got married, but not for long after she found her husband cheating on her for a younger woman. They were divorced after five years of marriage and she is still independent after that experience. From her experiences, she has learned very many things and knows a lot about life. There are lots of other things that could have gone into this, but I don't want to write a novel. The rest can be displayed during the rp.


Asvoria is very feisty and is definitely in extraordinary health for her age. She does not take nonsense from anyone, and if anyone gives her sass or raises their voice, she won't be afraid to use her signature move (see down below). She loves telling jokes and loves to laugh, she feels that being sad or angry is just extremely exhausting. She is trustworthy and wise, and mostly gets a long with everyone. Although she has no children, she can be very mothering and is in general a very caring person. She is extremely strong both mentally and physically. Asvoria is also very good at giving people advice, people often come to her with their troubles.

Combat Experience:

She is a master with pistols and even hand to hand combat. While her father worked in his bar, she found a way of entertaining herself. She would secretly take her father's pistols and play with them. After finding beer bottles laying around outside the bar, she'd use them as target practice and got good on her own. Her father didn't find out about this until about five years later because she would always reload them before putting them back in their cases, giving the appearance that they were never touched. She eventually told him and he wasn't angry, he got a good laugh out of it. Afterwards he offered to teach her how to fight hand to hand on his days off. She took the offer, good thing, because now she can kick some ass. Yes, even at her age, don't doubt her abilities.


French Sea Service Pistol

Black Beard Queen Anne Pistol

European Plug Bayonet


Signature Move:

A slap to the face, and she likes to call this one "Watch Your mouth"

It is typically used when people tease her about her age or disrespect her.


Boatswain (In charge of checking sails and the rigging, reports this to the captain in the mornings. In charge of deck activities including weighing, dropping the anchor, and handling of the sails.)



Telling scary stories

Being out on the sea

A good laugh

A good fight


Being called "Old"

Bratty children and adults


She tends to tap her foot or fingers when feeling impatient​

Hm. A rather odd choice, but accepted nonetheless.
Name: Kamille Windgrace

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human


Weight: 104lbs


*Sexuality: Straight

Navy, Pirate, or Other: Healer

History/Bio: Kamille was born with a... Unnatural gift of magic. Of course, magic was rare and rarely seen in humans but yet there Kamille was. Kamille's mother practiced in herbs and other medicines of healing, for she was a healer, but she did not have an healing magic. Kamille never saw her father, or heard of him, all she knew was that he wasn't there, and he was apart of the Navy. Kamille kept her gift a secret, for magic was either a good thing to have or a bad thing. It was a good thing her magic was healing magic, as a child, whenever someone got hurt, Kamille would make sure nobody saw before chanting a small word to heal their wound. As long as nobody saw she did it, most kelt her secret, but eventually... Word got out.

Kamille and her mother were at home one night, when men barged into their home, attempting to take Kamille. Pirates. They wanted to use Kamille for her gift, for their own special gain. Kamille's mother wouldn't let them get hear Kamille, and tried to fight them, telling Kamille to run. Kamille hid in a hollow log not far from her house. Hours later, when Kamille was sure the coast was clear, she ran back home for her mother, but Kamille was to late, her mother had already bled to death. When airs got out to the Navy, they also hunted her down, not as brutality as the Pirates though, they were a little more discreet. They tracked her down and found her multiple times, asking if she wanted to help them, when Kamille continued to refuse, things started to turn more hostile.

Kamille goes port to city, helping sick, wounded, or dying people in secret, always being on the run from pirates, and the Navy, she's always on the move.

Personality: Kamille is very untrustful of people due to bring on the run so much. Kamille comes of, shy quiet and a little hostile if approached. Kamille Is sensitive and very easily angered. Kamille is always alert, but has remained kind and loyal to her friends, and would protect them with her life, she is kind when approached generally, unless they looked armed, or look like a pirate or Navy member.

Combat Experience: on a scale of 1-10 Kamille is a 3, she's good at dodging and has quick reflexes and is nimble and quick, but lacks in any fighting abilities or strength


-Silver stiletto

*Quirks: Kamile hums when she's bored out of habit.

*Secrets: Kamille posses a gift of healing magic.
DarknessSpirit said:
Name: Kamille Windgrace
Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human


Weight: 104lbs


*Sexuality: Straight

Navy, Pirate, or Other: Healer

History/Bio: Kamille was born with a... Unnatural gift of magic. Of course, magic was rare and rarely seen in humans but yet there Kamille was. Kamille's mother practiced in herbs and other medicines of healing, for she was a healer, but she did not have an healing magic. Kamille never saw her father, or heard of him, all she knew was that he wasn't there, and he was apart of the Navy. Kamille kept her gift a secret, for magic was either a good thing to have or a bad thing. It was a good thing her magic was healing magic, as a child, whenever someone got hurt, Kamille would make sure nobody saw before chanting a small word to heal their wound. As long as nobody saw she did it, most kelt her secret, but eventually... Word got out.

Kamille and her mother were at home one night, when men barged into their home, attempting to take Kamille. Pirates. They wanted to use Kamille for her gift, for their own special gain. Kamille's mother wouldn't let them get hear Kamille, and tried to fight them, telling Kamille to run. Kamille hid in a hollow log not far from her house. Hours later, when Kamille was sure the coast was clear, she ran back home for her mother, but Kamille was to late, her mother had already bled to death. When airs got out to the Navy, they also hunted her down, not as brutality as the Pirates though, they were a little more discreet. They tracked her down and found her multiple times, asking if she wanted to help them, when Kamille continued to refuse, things started to turn more hostile.

Kamille goes port to city, helping sick, wounded, or dying people in secret, always being on the run from pirates, and the Navy, she's always on the move.

Personality: Kamille is very untrustful of people due to bring on the run so much. Kamille comes of, shy quiet and a little hostile if approached. Kamille Is sensitive and very easily angered. Kamille is always alert, but has remained kind and loyal to her friends, and would protect them with her life, she is kind when approached generally, unless they looked armed, or look like a pirate or Navy member.

Combat Experience: on a scale of 1-10 Kamille is a 3, she's good at dodging and has quick reflexes and is nimble and quick, but lacks in any fighting abilities or strength


-Silver stiletto

*Quirks: Kamile hums when she's bored out of habit.

*Secrets: Kamille posses a gift of healing magic.

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