Ask me a question, I dare you

On a scale of 1-10 how much mustard is used to complete the hardest math equation in the span of spam?
if you were a flavor of icecream, would you be stored in a pint, or served on a cone, or served on a cup
Interesting question, I thought you were going to take it a different direction there, haha! I would be stored in a pint and saved for later.
On a scale of 1-10 how much mustard is used to complete the hardest math equation in the span of spam?
That is a trick question! It would require a spam's span of mustard squared to the degree of the hardest math equation, which is unspecified.
When was the first nuclear reactor opened?
Twas not an answer
Twas an answer, just not the one you were hoping for ;)
Oh, but I'll humor you. The first nuclear reactor was opened before the second nuclear reactor was opened. Probably not what you were looking for either.
how to solve a Rubik’s cube?
The captions you see on the tv, and on phones for the hearing impaired community, how are they generated?
The captions you see on the tv, and on phones for the hearing impaired community, how are they generated?
Little elves inside the screen are forced to labor without pay for hours upon hours writing the captions. How did they get there you ask? A long time ago, but not so long ago before we had tv...

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