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Fantasy Ashfallen Academy

?Stella Dreem?

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Name:zon dexan




Personality:a shy passionate person whom is weak to cute things. he loves to laugh and is easily overpowered due to his shyness

Bio: Zon was born an orphan, he never knew his real parents and was completely fine with this fact. while alive he was not a very sociable person because of his shy and easily out ruled attitude. this attitude attracted all kinds of characters who wanting nothing more than to pick on Zon and use him.He bared with it all the way up until the eighth grade when he refused to listen to the biggest delinquent in school who had been using Zon as a shuttle for the last two years. The bully, outraged, dragged Zen off after school, along with his gang, and severely beat him. as if that weren't bad enough as he was walking back to the orphanage he was kidnapped and killed by a serial killer whom only targeted kids. Zon heard a voice as he was about to die. it said "are you unsatisfied with your death?" of course he was. he was only a middleschooler his life was not even in its prime yet. two days later he woke up in a morgue with his head detatched it seemed the murderer had beheaded him. after sneaking out he made his way to an abandoned building where he found lots of old yarn and a sinle rusty needle which he used to sew his head back on.

Powers: Resurrection, immortality

Weapons:the only thing he carries that can be considered a weapon is his knitting needle which he uses to sew back on his ocasionally falling off body-parts



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Name: Light

Age: 19

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: He's a guy who likes to do everything. He don't want to bother anyone with work even if he's sick. Beside that he's still a very sociable person.

Bio: He was born in a normal family where he lived a normal life. When he was 12, his powers started to show and that's when his parents got scared and kicked him out of the house. Since that time he pratically lived in the school. (The rest will be explained in the rp)

Powers: Heal, Read and control mind

Weapon: His intellect?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb7e87095_animeschoolboy.png.161cd9df17199c058c379c71f6328bca.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140796" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb7e87095_animeschoolboy.png.161cd9df17199c058c379c71f6328bca.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Lula Areen

Age: She died at 17, but has since lost count.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual (After all, what kind of ghost could possibly find a mortal attractive?)

Personality: Lula is bored with her hollow existence and often chooses not to mingle if mortal affairs, should it be plain or simple. She is kind at heart, though often appears terrifying and wretched when surrounded by her wisps and sprites. She doesn't care for much and will choose not to possess people unless it is of the upmost importance because she has become sickened by the thought of mortality. She fears romance because it has the possibility to be the key to moving on, which she has little interest in doing.

Bio: "Do you really care who I used to be!? I don't even care all that much. Fact is, I was just a dumb girl who died young. End of story. I've picked up a few tricks here and there, but, honestly, what else am I supposed to do with eternal wakefulness? No, I have not murdered people in rage before and no I don't haunt. Haunting is so boring... Why am I here? Well, it's been a while since I saw a freakshow, so it could be fun."

Powers: Levitation, Immunity to physical trauma (she's dead already, duh), Posession, Passing through solid objects, Dark Arts, Curses and Charms

Weapons: Wisps: Small fire spirits that use intense cold to damage enemies

Sprites: Small corrupted fairies that gravitate to her dark aura

Other: Lula doesn't care for combat, but her dark magic is fierce when needed. She can't physically attack people due to her lack of a physical body. In fact, she mostly uses her sprites for menial daily tasks, such as turning pages or carrying her parasol. She uses a parasol because being in the sun stings and immobilizes her, hence why she also curses her current dwelling to experience permanent night, often removing the curse as she leaves.


Repear Form


Human Form











"I am emotionless I have as much personality as the cast of twilight."


"You know I have been dead for so long I don't even know what my own life story is but I am a reaper I harvest the souls of the dead what else do you expect me to do."


Soul Harvest (Harvest the souls of the dead with a sycthe)

Short Range Teleportatation (About 5ft to 20ft)

Soul Teleportatation (Can teleport to the nearest soul of the dead)

Expert with weapons (Can use any form of bladed weapon masterfully)

Levitation (Can levitate about 5ft to 10ft above the ground)



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Name: Luna Kishinami

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Though she doesn't express herself very often. Luna can be a very caring person, albit can be a smartass at times. She can be very flexible with comes to anything really, socializing, doing work, you name it... but don't expect her to do some work very often, since she can be lazy at times. A great personality trait this girl has, is never giving up, even if the odds are againat her. But... this can be her just being a stubborn asshat. Another trait that this woman has, is being carefree. Perhaps being too carefree. Because of this, Luna has a tendency to speak out her mind, and doesn't care if it's a teacher or her own parents. Usually though, those words would get her into a fight with a student real quick.

Bio: Luna was born into a family of mediums, meaning she has a very strong connection to ghosts and spirits. Though she never really tries to enhance her powers what so ever. Because Luna is seen as the bottom of the barrel when it comes to channelling her spiritual powers and looks. So, a plan to rectify this little problem, her parents decides to sent her to Ashfallen Academy, in hopes to somehow make this girl that has great potential, seize it and make a name for herself in the family.

When Luna was going throughout her school life before coming to Ashfallen, she was being called plain... or uninteresting. And to their surprise, Luna agrees with them. "If I was in one of those harem animes, I would definitely be a background character. No doubt in my mind" With those words uttered, Luna has adopted the nickname: BG aka Background.


Super-Human Speed, Strength, and Stamina- During her middle school days, Luna discover her great speeds during P.E class, and her strength when fighting some boys that wanted to fight her. When she discover that she didn't get tired after a two mile run, Luna decides to run in a straight line for two days. That's when she confirmed that she had more stamina than the average human.

Spirit Gun- A long range projectile that comes from Luna's right index finger. It's an attack that's filled with pure spirit energy, and can be enhance the more she charges it.

Spirit Enhancement- She can channel her spirit energy into different parts of her body, or even spreading across her body as a whole. To futher increase her strength and speed. When holding the Defender in her hands, she can power up the blade itself.



Other: Luna doesn't mind being called plain or bland... heck even being called uninteresting. Because she knows that's the truth really. Despite carrying the Defender around. she perfers to fight with her fists in all honesty... though she only carrying the sword because of her parents. And to note off, like all the people in the family, she can speak to the dead.

Hope I can still join?


Name: Lilith Takawa

Nickname: Lily, Taka, Seaflower

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Lilith is very observant and quiet. She likes to keep mostly to herself and also likes to inmerse herself into her music. Yet, if she finds someone who she deems worthy of her trust and friendship she will be a bit more open towards them. However, even with this kind of personality, there are rare cases in which Lilith can be seen acting a bit mischivieous and silly, mostly when she surrounded by animals or when she goes to her favorite natural habitat, the ocean.


Lilith comes from a wealthy household of sirens who lived underwater in the Pacific Ocean. The kingdom she lived in was ruled by a kind and elderly king, who was becoming a little senile with age. Yet, the majority of his subjects still loved and supported him. Lilith's father was one of them, a king’s knight and he did his best at his job, protecting the king, their kingdom, and his family. However, fairy tale beginnings never seem to last long, and one day Lilith was forced out of her homeland, the day a rebellion swept across the kingdom.

Her mother fled with her by her side towards the coastline of Ireland which was the closest to their home. She sat Lilith on the rocky outcropping, swearing to return when the fighting and bloodshed was over. But she never did. The next morning, Lilith was found by an elderly fisherman and his dog. He took the toddler in and reported her missing to the authorities, but of course her parents could not be found. The man was given permission to foster Lilith until a home was found for her, but over time he became accustomed to the tiny siren girl and adopted her himself.

After some years the old man died and Lilith, who was already 10 years old, went to an orphanage. By now, Lilith knew she was different to other children, she knew that she was special. So, she tried very hard to not let anyone know how different she was. If they ever saw her other form, she knew they would treat her very differently. However, even after she tried to be as normal as she could be, that didn't stop older girls from bullying her. So, when the time came to be adopted, she did her best to be the first option of the people that went there. And one afternoon, her hardwork paid off, a couple, who had tried to have a family by natural means but due to some medical problems couldn't, walked inside the orphanage and decided to adopt Lilith after spending a nice day with her.

What happened after and how she became the girl she is now is a story for another time. Now, the important this is that she is starting her first high school year at AshFallen Academy and she was still not prepared for it mostly because the Academy was not Ireland and it will be her first time out of the country, her real mother left her.

(Still a bit of work in progress, have to edit parts of her history a bit)



Atmoskinesis: The power to manipulate the four natural classical elements. A combination of air, water, earth and fire elements. However, due to Lilith being a siren, her power's are more inclined towards the control of the water element. Yet, she has a bit of experience with the other three elements, but she does not like to used them since her expierences with them have not been good ones.

Siren Song: The user is capable of emitting astonishingly beautiful and enchanting singing voice that is capable of summoning/luring anyone who hears it to come towards the singer.

Animal Communication: Ability to communicate with animals. However, Lilith is new to this ability and due to her heritage she is mostly able to communicate to sea animals, yet there are times that she can understand other types of animals but it is very rare.

Weapons: A guitar that enhances her musical abilities and can also be used to channel her elemental powers through it and attack with them through its sound waves.





All musical instruments.

+Drawing and Painting

+Peaceful and Quiet Places

+Sea, Ocean Animals


-People with no respect for nature, specially for water ecosystems.

-Spicy food


-Abusive behaviors towards others
[QUOTE="Airam Juvie]

Hope I can still join?


Name: Lilith Takawa

Nickname: Lily, Taka, Seaflower

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Lilith is very observant and quiet. She likes to keep mostly to herself and also likes to inmerse herself into her music. Yet, if she finds someone who she deems worthy of her trust and friendship she will be a bit more open towards them. However, even with this kind of personality, there are rare cases in which Lilith can be seen acting a bit mischivieous and silly, mostly when she surrounded by animals or when she goes to her favorite natural habitat, the ocean.


Lilith comes from a wealthy household of sirens who lived underwater in the Pacific Ocean. The kingdom she lived in was ruled by a kind and elderly king, who was becoming a little senile with age. Yet, the majority of his subjects still loved and supported him. Lilith's father was one of them, a king’s knight and he did his best at his job, protecting the king, their kingdom, and his family. However, fairy tale beginnings never seem to last long, and one day Lilith was forced out of her homeland, the day a rebellion swept across the kingdom.

Her mother fled with her by her side towards the coastline of Ireland which was the closest to their home. She sat Lilith on the rocky outcropping, swearing to return when the fighting and bloodshed was over. But she never did. The next morning, Lilith was found by an elderly fisherman and his dog. He took the toddler in and reported her missing to the authorities, but of course her parents could not be found. The man was given permission to foster Lilith until a home was found for her, but over time he became accustomed to the tiny siren girl and adopted her himself.

After some years the old man died and Lilith, who was already 10 years old, went to an orphanage. By now, Lilith knew she was different to other children, she knew that she was special. So, she tried very hard to not let anyone know how different she was. If they ever saw her other form, she knew they would treat her very differently. However, even after she tried to be as normal as she could be, that didn't stop older girls from bullying her. So, when the time came to be adopted, she did her best to be the first option of the people that went there. And one afternoon, her hardwork paid off, a couple, who had tried to have a family by natural means but due to some medical problems couldn't, walked inside the orphanage and decided to adopt Lilith after spending a nice day with her.

What happened after and how she became the girl she is now is a story for another time. Now, the important this is that she is starting her first high school year at AshFallen Academy and she was still not prepared for it mostly because the Academy was not Ireland and it will be her first time out of the country, her real mother left her.

(Still a bit of work in progress, have to edit parts of her history a bit)



Atmoskinesis: The power to manipulate the four natural classical elements. A combination of air, water, earth and fire elements. However, due to Lilith being a siren, her power's are more inclined towards the control of the water element. Yet, she has a bit of experience with the other three elements, but she does not like to used them since her expierences with them have not been good ones.

Siren Song: The user is capable of emitting astonishingly beautiful and enchanting singing voice that is capable of summoning/luring anyone who hears it to come towards the singer.

Animal Communication: Ability to communicate with animals. However, Lilith is new to this ability and due to her heritage she is mostly able to communicate to sea animals, yet there are times that she can understand other types of animals but it is very rare.

Weapons: A guitar that enhances her musical abilities and can also be used to channel her elemental powers through it and attack with them through its sound waves.




All musical instruments.

+Drawing and Painting

+Peaceful and Quiet Places

+Sea, Ocean Animals


-People with no respect for nature, specially for water ecosystems.

-Spicy food


-Abusive behaviors towards others

I want to let you know. As soon as you made your character, you can hope right in. Since y'know... the dude left and all.

Angelostar4 said:
I want to let you know. As soon as you made your character, you can hope right in. Since y'know... the dude left and all.
Thanks for the info, though I don't know how to start, I mean I don't know where everyone is and I don't want to intrude on anything anyone has going on. Can someone tell me a brief summary of what's happening right now?
[QUOTE="Airam Juvie]Thanks for the info, though I don't know how to start, I mean I don't know where everyone is and I don't want to intrude on anything anyone has going on. Can someone tell me a brief summary of what's happening right now?

Well... it's just some people going about their school lifes. My character just got to the school, and is walking around campus. The others... I don't know.


Name: Agni

Age: 15

Gender: female

Sexuality: lesbian (will figure it out later in the story)

Personality: Agni is enthusiastic, optimistic and kind; her loyalty has no bounds. She's warm and affectionate, doesn't know the meaning of "personal space", which can make people unfortable when they first meet her. Agni is not afraid of speaking her mind, but always choose the words to avoid hurting other people's feelings. She always see the bright side in the worse scenarios, gives her best at everything. But her straight-forward nature can be harmful to her abilities and training, since she's always thinking on the future and can easily get frustrated when she can't do or learn something immediatly. Agni can be impatient and easily bored.

She can be quite naive due to her kind nature, often ignoring maliciousness in other's words and actions, thinking that they don't mean to be harmful on purpose.

Bio: All she knows is that she was found sleeping and unharmed on the ashes of a house burned to the ground at the age of ten. She was sent to a orphanage, it didn't took long or the nuns find out about her gift. Agni was locked into the "sinners room" for two months before she was transferred to an isolated temple in China. She didn't had any control over her powers, and everytime she got frustrated or upset her eyes would glow and her skin would turn into fire feathers. The monks teached her how to control her fears through meditation, yoga and martial arts. When she completed thirteen years of age she was forced to leave the temple due imminent threats of an attack to capture her. Since then Agni wanders the world looking for guidance to complete her training.

Powers: She can control and turn into a phoenix.

Weapons: Besides being able to control fire and turning into a phoenix, Agni is also a deadly sword fighter. She relies on her agility, quick thinking and precision to defeat her enemies, but can make bad moves in a fight due to her straight forward personality.

Other: When she feels a good strong emotion (joy, love, pleasure, etc.) her heart glows. She loves to sing and is very good at it.

Note: english is not my first language.
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Name: Havoc Geno Bastion

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Havoc, high key, is a rebel that hates higher-ups, popular people, and corrupt governments. Havoc is also high key stubborn and hates love. Low key, Havoc loves love and is a caring person. He would fight for people he loves.

Bio: (Will be shown in the role play)


Controls Dark Flames: Havoc grew up with this power so he is most powerful with this power. His Mom and Dad gave this power to him, since they both control flames. These Dark Flames are very strong than usual, but they are the same type of flame as a regular flame. So it has the same weakness, but Havoc is very well trained with Dark Flames.

Controls Sound Waves: Havoc learned this power from his friend that died at the age of thirteen (So original xD ). Anyways, Havoc fully learned this power at the age of fourteen and usually uses this power through his headphones. Whatever music is playing will conflict with your ears. So yeah, have fun.

Weapons: Havoc's powers and his headphones.

Other: Havoc usually listens to; Dubstep, Rock, Piano Music, and More.





I measured and she's 19 feet long and weigh 440 pounds....



Ashley Ven








Well it always depends, she's a young teenager. Usually nice but don't talk to her at a bad time or well...


A pretty normal teen that was homeschooled by her mother, she knows pretty much everything about modern things and basic knowledge of nearly everything. She's tried and failed at being in other schools merely because of her species and how bothersome they can be sometimes, but her attitude is also a reason. On the streets some people laugh and some people run away just because she's part snake. Lamias exist, just they aren't well respected. But anyway, she got the letter and applied immediately. She's excited for this new school. Her life doesn't have anything really sad or tragic about her life, really.

Powers/weapons(Not sure if one or the other...):

Ashley has a long, dexterous tail which can make really short work of you turning you from normal into being completely immobilized by tight coils. These are so tight that they pretty much turn your bones into cereal.


She does have a weakness and that is the end of her tail which is supremely sensitive to pain.

Ashley is cold-blooded like any other lamia out there.
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Appearance: doesn't really have one, is made of pure hell fire.

Name: Dante

Age: N/A

Gender: Male

Sexuality: asexual "love is useless in my line of work"

Personality: dark, cold hearted. Respects the ones who share his opinion. Finds others in his way.

Bio: Dante is the closest thing to pure evil and hatred. After burning many towns and people to a crisp he was eventually detained and sent to ashfallen to see the "other side of life, whatever that means" he is aware of others with powers, but doesn't expect such a diverse range of them.

Powers: Fire, He Is made of pure fire so he has access to almost all fire magic.

Dissipation, being pure fire he can dissipate and pop up somewere else.

Weapons: himself.

Other: he has a trail of flames all ways following him can't leave the academy due to a casted spell. But he can if he gets help.
Nexion said:
Appearance: doesn't really have one, is made of pure hell fire.
Name: Dante

Age: N/A

Gender: Male

Sexuality: asexual "love is useless in my line of work"

Personality: dark, cold hearted. Respects the ones who share his opinion. Finds others in his way.

Bio: Dante is the closest thing to pure evil and hatred. After burning many towns and people to a crisp he was eventually detained and sent to ashfallen to see the "other side of life, whatever that means" he is aware of others with powers, but doesn't expect such a diverse range of them.

Powers: Fire, He Is made of pure fire so he has access to almost all fire magic.

Dissipation, being pure fire he can dissipate and pop up somewere else.

Weapons: himself.

Other: he has a trail of flames all ways following him can't leave the academy due to a casted spell. But he can if he gets help.
Forgot to mention, Dante's human form is my profile pic I can't add photos I tried everything

Skin: Light brown

Hair: Short, curly, graying light brown

Eyes: Blood red black glasses

Height: A little tall

Weight: Fit enough






Risk-Taking: Sometimes

Curious: Rarely

Self-Controlled: Occasionally

Trusting: yep

Loyal: Sometimes

Affectionate: Occasionally

Flirty: Generally

Observant: Usually

Logical: Occasionally

Social: Somewhat shy

Emotions: Fairly controlled

Bio:i was hated and neglected by my friends and my mom died giving birth to me. my dad always hated me for that and never forgave me he said i was the reason that our family suffered so i ran away and the someone saw me and gave me a letter leading to ash fallen academy

Powers:chronokinesis,clairvoyance,elemental abilities,intangibility and heat vision

Weapons:i have a blue staff but i pprefer to use my hands



Name: Lyrus Cath

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight as a rainbow

Personality: (will be revealed in the rp)

Bio: (will be revealed in the rp (Hopefully it'll be dramatic :P )


Fire control




Other: N/A

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