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Fantasy Ashfallen Academy

Nenma Takashi

Terribly Terrible









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Appearance: Tall, Muscular, Fangs, Claws, Red eyes, Hard Grey Skin, Short Black Hair, Batwings. (I can be a half demon right?)

Name: Michael 'Gargoyle' Camerons

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Dispite his outer appearance Mike is a fun loving go getter. He is caring and loyal. But has a bit of a temper

Bio: His mother was human and his dad was a demon. He soon developed strange powers and moved to Ashfallen Academy

Powers: Stone hard skin, Flight, sharp claws

Weapons:His teeth and claws


Name: Misty May

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexuality: BI

Personality: Just turned vampire, lusts for blood, wants to turn people, wants to eat people, wants to try and survive.

Bio: Misty was an average girl, who was just a normal teen. She was walking home one night when she was attacked. Being raped would have been one thing, but she was bitten. She tried to fight back against the kink fetish dude but was overpowered. He blood was taken from her as he sucked before she blacked out. She woke up the next morning at his house confused. She thought she had died and felted the mark on her neck. She saw the guy who attacked her and before he explained she rushed him and stabbed him with her hand. Realizing she had become a vampire took some research and testing as she almost killed herself many times. She learned about the school and hoped she would be able to go and learn.

Powers: Vampire speed, vampire strength, night vision

Weapons: None

Other: Likes to listen to her music to calm her thoughts. She was turned only a month ago and does not know how to control her powers.
Appearance: A creature made of pure shadows and nothing more. He's held together and given definite form by the clothing he wears; dark blue boot-cut jeans, worn sneakers, sleeveless long shirt with a sweater over top, and a thin black jacket with the hood always up. A set of glowing blue eyes hovers in the darkness.


Name: Dark

Age: 18

Gender: Unknown

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Quiet and introverted. He tends to stay away from others, especially those with too happy and cheerful personalities.

Bio: An assumed demon that originated from some voidless darkness. He has no recollection of anything prior to simply, suddenly existing.


Darkness Manipulation

Dark Energy Manipulation

Dark Element Manipulation

May cause nightmares in others, especially potent when near those with powers over dreams.



Weapons: N/A

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Irona Azusa Caste


Irona "Narrow" Azusa Caste


Six-Teen and A Half


Cisgender Male


Pansexual || Leans towards men


Introvert At First [] Bubbly [] Out-Going [] Absent-Minded [] Sensitive [] Awkward [] Easily Frightened [] Has Trust Issues and Strong Insecurities

Growing up the way Irona did the things he does and things he says come as no surprise. Irona does't talk about his past much simply because he doesn't actually remember all of it. When he was younger an event occurred that caused his brain to malfunction, and he lost all of his memories because his brain wiped them away. Even so, the teenager gets weird moments of deja vu and sometimes has dreams of events that he feels he's been through before. And his mother won't tell him what happened either. This had always caused a big scar between the two.

Setting that aside, Irona has always been a big introvert for as long as he could remember. And because he was homeschooled he turned up a little smarter than other children. His mother spoiled him despite how poor she was and treated him like a king. He stayed cooped up in his room most of the time or out in the forest that was his backyard. When he and his mother would interact, Irona always noticed how she flinched when other men touched her, and didn't seem to trust anyone. That behavior rubbed off on her child quickly as he flinched when anyone would touch him and was even very uncomfortable when people touched him. He still is.

Despite this, Irona is quite the bubbly child once you've known him for a while. He can become talkative and hates the quiet. Whenever a room is filled with silence he tries to break it with some sort of noise. He even has a music box shoveled somewhere in his pockets or bags just so that he is able to cut into silence.


Irona can't remember what happened to him in the past. For as long as he could remember he remained cooped up in the small building he called home. Because of his differences from other people he never went outside and wasn't even allowed out there. However, the boy would always sneak out from a window or something to hang out in the forest that lay at the back of his home.

For the most part the only person he would ever talk to was his mother because she was the only person he ever saw.


Irona only has one ability that differs him from other people. Other than his strange horns the boy was able to cover himself in a shadow-like substance that forms him into a strange beast that looks something similar to a deer, but also a dog.


Irona has no known weapons other than perhaps a pocket knife. Other than that he's considered completely harmless.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/needless-opening-setsuna-speed-after_images-pose-cool-hand_out-five.jpeg.fc46728201a051bcc478e2d9721022b0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136641" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/needless-opening-setsuna-speed-after_images-pose-cool-hand_out-five.jpeg.fc46728201a051bcc478e2d9721022b0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/needless-12-setsuna-shoujo_butai-villain-speed-fighting-smile.jpeg.b936ba37ff1849af3c1d579bd0efe344.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136642" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/needless-12-setsuna-shoujo_butai-villain-speed-fighting-smile.jpeg.b936ba37ff1849af3c1d579bd0efe344.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Setsua Ashfallen




Personality:Setsua is a loner but can open up when she wants to, her due to her family and her otaku ways she has devolped a nervous habit of speaking like a typical shounen hero or villain depending on the situation. She can get nervous very easily and will simply run away when faced with too much social interaction. Although she would never abandon a friend or someone in need.

Bio:Setsua's family come from a long line of assassins so from a young most are taught to kill. Setsua was an exception due to her being the youngest her mother, father, brother, and sister all thought she should have a choice. Setsua though being an assassin would be awesome since she had seen so many animes about them. But her father thought it'd be better if she just go to school like normal and afterwards she could decide. She did get some private lessons from her older brother and sister but nothing too serious. Her father sent her to the school that her uncle runs in order to better her abilities and make some friends.

Powers:Setsua has super speed and due to her otaku ways has named specific skills and moves the Dean Drive Series.

Dean Drive Blackbird-Setsua punches at rapid speed throwing 300 punches in 4 seconds but her hits don't have a lot of impact to them.

Dean Drive Foxhound-Moving at highspeed she disappears from the eyes of an unprofessional fighter, breaking the sound barrier causing a sound similar to a dog howling. While doing this she chops with her hand moving so fast she can cut someone not deep enough to hit vitals but enough to bleed. This is the second hardest move in her series and the second most tiring having to go from 0 to 200 in a second to use it correctly.

Dean Drive Rocketsled-A slide meant for defense more than offense Setsua uses this to fake people out by running at them like she'll attack but then slids under them then attacks their back or escapes.

Dean Drive Impact-The move Setsua is most scared to use she moves at high speeds then stops then goes at high speeds then stops then goes at high speeds again creating after images that hold in the sonic boom she makes from her speed, the sonic booms are released when something touches them or Setsua snaps her fingers, the explosion is less of a grenade and more a huge gust of wind which can hurt. Almost like being punched by someone all over the area hit by the wind.

Weapons:Setsua carries only a two knife proof gloves.

Other:Setsua is extremely embarrassed by her shounen mode as she calls it as she can say some pretty dumb stuff example. "Hmph you think you can beat me I'll settle this in the blink of an eye!"



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Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_m6i2o9u6In1r9vjiho1_500.gif.1bda781c8bc995561a67803de5958f37.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136644" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_m6i2o9u6In1r9vjiho1_500.gif.1bda781c8bc995561a67803de5958f37.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_m821x5oQME1rafdmlo1_500.gif.03b2f55d3bb3942057e30d82701f63fb.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136645" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_m821x5oQME1rafdmlo1_500.gif.03b2f55d3bb3942057e30d82701f63fb.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Alexander Ashfallen





Bio:All that is known is he started the school not even Setsua one of his family members knowns why or almost anything about him.



Other:No one has ever seen him without his sunglasses.



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Atro Febros

Appearance: Is 5'3 and 100 lbs. Has long, blonde hair he braids to keep it out of the way. He's scrawny and wears long white robes with gold trim.

Name: My name is Atro Febros, God's messenger at your service.

Age: 16

Gender: The braid would have you think I'm a girl, but contrary to popular belief I'm a guy.

Sexuality: W-what's it to you?

Though he won't say it, he's bisexual

Personality: Atro is loves to act like he's seen the whole world. Arrogant, cold, and a know-it-all, he's the last person you would expect to be a messenger of God. But, he was handpicked by God to deliver the message, so who can argue? Growing up in an isolated home, he gets super flustered when talking to anyone he finds attractive or when asked about romance. What he wouldn't tell you is that he's a romantic at heart. You'll just have to break through the cold exterior and find the soft heart of child that wasn't taught how to interact with people properly.

Bio: Atro was born into a long line of messengers. His father held the voice, but lost it when Atro gained his full potential. Trained from day one to hold the voice, he definitely didn't get a normal education. He was taught how to hear the voice and handle the importance of his position. What he wasn't taught, was how to talk to people. He was so used to having to talk condescendingly because all he talked to as a child were his parents and grandparents. He hated being talked down to, so gained an intimidating persona so others would see him as an adult. This made sure he was never able to be a child and explore his creativity or emotional side. When he finally got to leave the house, he knew nothing about friendship or relationships. God finally told him to attend this school to "expand his mind".

Whatever that means

Powers: Only the voice of god. But that doesn't mean I'm weak!

Weapons: I wield the Holy Blade Urias!

Other: Actually falls in love/ attaches to people quite easily

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Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/b3703c1eae3af6dbb535f486696c84c11299023449_full.jpg.7463b4d2e69bd471bc1c7074f7b8210c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136681" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/b3703c1eae3af6dbb535f486696c84c11299023449_full.jpg.7463b4d2e69bd471bc1c7074f7b8210c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Joseph Mors Ozpin

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: He is cold and when provoked he will be merciless, manipulative, and sadistic. He is kind to those he believes deserves it though.

Bio: All that is known is that he is a descended god of death who decided to take a 'vacation' in the mortal realm.

Powers: Unknown

Weapons: Unknown

Other:He loves to drink alcohol and smoke a lot, but seemingly takes no repercussions from either activities.



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Appearance: he is very small and scrawny for his age standing at only 4'7" and weighing 70 lbs



Avery Whitten Snow

Age: 15






He is very shy and unsociable when he is around others and likes to avoid contact. When he is alone however he becomes very childish and playful often doing silly yet fun things like dancing around or lip singing dramatically. He will only show his childish and playful side to those he really likes and trusts.


He was raised in a forest and his parents died at a young age leaving the other fairies to take care of him. Since he had telekinetics, and uncommon thing in the fairy race the other fairies treated him differently and he was bullied and teased in every way possible. Finally the fairies got tired of it all and sent him to the academy.







He loves to play the piano and sing and can play other instruments as well

He is a fairy (is that allowed 0_0)

He is scared of the dark

He hates putting things on his feet
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Appearance: Flaming red long hair. Bright purple eyes. Freckles and pale skin. She is 5ft1






Personality:Kind, loving, and caring. With a reckless and fierce streak.

Bio:Was orphaned at a young age and has just recently come to the academy.

Powers:Fire manipulation

Weapons:bow and quiver
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Name: Tyrique Jamal

Nicknames: JT, Jay

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Jay is a social butterfly. He loves to talk to and be around people. He's extremely goofy and fun to be around. But Jay is also a pretty conceited and stubborn guy. He believes that he can beat pretty much anyone in a fight, and it takes a lot to make him admit defeat. Jay absolutely adores music. He always has his headphones and Mp3 player with him, jamming out to his favorite EDM songs.

Bio: JT, was adopted when he was born, never really meeting his birth parents. When his powers first started to show up when he was 11, Jay hid it from his parents. He did a pretty good job at it too. Jay secretly practiced using his powers at night, and when her parents weren't around. When he turned 13 his parents found out, and 2 years later, they found an academy where he could perfect his powers. They didn't hesitate at all to send him there.

Powers: Sonokinetic Constructs: Jay can turn sound into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures/buildings of varying permanence.

Sound Nullification: JT can nullify sounds, making them weaker and quieter.

Sound Amplification: JT can increase the strength, duration, and potential of sound to it's fullest.

Weapons: Mp3 player and head phones.

Other: Adores EDM!!!!



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Appearance:5'6, pale skin, green eyes, brown hair, and average build

Name:Cleo Smith




Personality: Quirky and reserved at first, but once she begins to open up she is loyal and caring. She can be curious almost to a fault.

Bio:Cleo actually had 2 loving parents and grew up in a relatively normal home. After hearing about the academy and much begging to her parents, they allowed her to come and attend.

Powers:Cleo can heal others at the cost of her own energy, but also heal herself at the cost of someone's else energy. Must have skin to skin contact.

Weapons: N/A

Other:Fun fact, she is a terrible singer, but thinks she is great.


Name: Sierra Springs

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual, prefers females.


Sierra is typically a very energetic, cheerful, and upbeat girl. She very rarely gets mad at anything, except those that obviously stare at her chest or otherwise make pervy comments. People that do thus she will go off on. Otherwise, she's generally kind to everyone and likes making friends. Typically, she is very protective of said friends, possibly overly so.

Bio: TBR(?)


Sierra has the unique abilities to bring almost anything she draws to life and at she can draw flawlessly at an insanely fast speed. She can't make nukes or impossible to kill creatures or anything of the like, however. At the most she could summon a T-Rex, and doing something like that would take a lot of magic. Everything but food items and the like dissapear after a short period of time. Food and such tastes like real food and can be eaten harmlessly.

Sierra can heal most wounds that aren't immediately lethal at varying speeds. Enough said.



Sierra owns a magical paintbrush that never runs out of ink and can change between different colors at will. Can also offensively toss ink blobs at people to either blind them or slow them down.

Other: Carries a satchel around with three sketchbooks. One with pre-drawn food and drink, one with pre-drawn weapons/things for offense, and one blank for drawing.
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Name:Samson Ridley




Personality:Samson is a lazy and relaxed young man who doesn't seem to have a care in the world,he is a bit airheaded and rarely pays attention to his surroundings. He is usually really generous and considers himself a nonviolent peace keeper.

Bio:Samson grew up in Houston Texas,and he was born with his power. He never got sick or even bruised. His childhood was rough for his parents as he didn't seem to respond to spankings at all. They found out that he was very different when he was seven years old.

They got in a car accident, he slipped out of his seatbelt and flew through the windshield...but there wasn't a scratch on him anywhere!!! His clothes were shredded but he actually thought it was fun. They kept it a secret as long as they could but when he hit puberty his strength began to grow at an exponential rate, Until at seventeen he could barely control it. He can't seem to use a phone without crushing it, or even give a simple high five without breaking the recipients hand. His parents figured he needed help and so they sat down with him and explained the academy to him and asked if he wanted to go (nobody makes Samson do anything)

He agreed and was actually happy about it, he let his parent hug him and drive him to the academy.

He finished highschool and went to the academy...


Nigh invulnerability: Samson is immune to most forms of damage able to withstand incredible levels of force, he could walk away from a nuke without a scratch (or any clothes). His mind is also virtually impregnable. However he still needs to breathe.

Immense strength: His greatest feat of strength so far has been lifting a seventeen ton piece of stone that had fallen over the mouth of the cave his Friends were exploring (he was to lazy for all that so he said he would watch the opening). He threw it out of sight over the horizon, it landed 74 miles away in the Canadian forests. He didn't even break a sweat...

Weapons:Doesn't believe in them.

Other: though he cannot be effected by mental assaults he is still able to be influenced by illusions that are made outside of his mind, for example if the illusion is made by implanting an image into his mind it will not work, but if it is projected from the creators mind onto the air he will be succeptible to it.



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Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.0b089497660319b1e7066cbcae85c2dc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139787" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.0b089497660319b1e7066cbcae85c2dc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nenma Takashi] Name: Amaris Hatico Age: 18 Gender: female Sexuality: straight Personality: she is the more introverted type and you will usually find her somewhere outside reading in or next to a tree. She loves nature and she loves animals as well. Bio: Amaris grew up in a small community in Alaska and learned to control her powers. She was bullied a lot as a kid because she wasn't as strong as the others which kept her withdrawn from other people. She came to the academy to try and get a fresh start. Powers: Amaris has the power of the sun. Meaning the sun is her power source. She can call upon her powers at any given moment. Her only weakness of her powers is when there is a total eclipse in play. Weapons: no weapons but she is pretty good with a sword. Other: [/QUOTE][URL="/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.0b089497660319b1e7066cbcae85c2dc.jpeg said:


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb63c414c_ScreenShot2016-06-24at11.30.19AM.png.c30b2feecc99bfd6fcb6f513fcf19ba7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139854" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb63c414c_ScreenShot2016-06-24at11.30.19AM.png.c30b2feecc99bfd6fcb6f513fcf19ba7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Evan Wright

Age: 19

Gender: male

Sexuality: hetero/straight


- Loyal

- Passionate

- Resourceful

- Observant

- Dynamic

Bio: Evan lived in a small town where lots of things were slightly out of place, but only evan could see them

Powers: super sight can see very far and very detailed

Weapons: silver dagger




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Name: Darkhan

Age: 18

Gender: male

Sexuality: straight

personality: friendly, likes to do bad jokes, he likes to scare people

Bio: He grew up alone in the street and learned everything that he knows from people who were passing by him. In the streets he once encoutered someone who made him be more confident about him.

Powers: He controls dark magic<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb659fdd5_animeboyheadphones.jpg.56fcc8823827242e911ecba1c8435525.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139910" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb659fdd5_animeboyheadphones.jpg.56fcc8823827242e911ecba1c8435525.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon: Hidden dagger




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Name: Raya Peters

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Very Flirty, Manipulative, Secretive in a way

Bio: After being abandoned and betrayed by her family, Raya has been wandering by herself, looking for someone to love/ someone to accept her

Abilities: Can Charm/Glamour people into doing what she wants or fall in love with her. Can Control Light

Weapon: Bow and Arrow

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Dalisander said:
Name: Raya Peters
Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Very Flirty, Manipulative, Secretive in a way

Bio: After being abandoned and betrayed by her family, Raya has been wandering by herself, looking for someone to love/ someone to accept her

Abilities: Can Charm/Glamour people into doing what she wants or fall in love with her. Can Control Light

Weapon: Bow and Arrow

View attachment 309682
Really interesting character in my opinion
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.a1ae1a32b223ade045ce73e4a82506b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140164" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.a1ae1a32b223ade045ce73e4a82506b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Jake "water boy" Marco




Personality:Jake is your typical skater boy type, always joking and making a fool of himself for kicks. He's really friendly but can seem very focused when he is putting his mind to something. He is very social and always tries his best to accommodate people regardless of his personal feelings.

Bio:Jake was raised in Honolulu Hawaii. His father was a native while his mother was a tourist from Norway. When they met it was love at first sight and a year later Jake was born.

His life has been amazing, his parents were loving and supportive not not only to him, but to each other as well. He grew up in a very stable environment with no real issues so to speak. Even his school life was enjoyable, he was quite popular. It wasn't until he was around 11 that he discovered his true passion... surfing. The boy was a natural able to conquer the biggest and baddest of waves with minimal effort, it wasn't until he started getting older that he found out why. His abilities start manifesting when he was 16 years old and in the year they have grown more unstable and more powerful the slightest emotional outburst could cause the pipes to rupture in the house, serious emotional issues could result in floods and Tsunami. After thorough research his parents were able to find Ashfallen Academy, It seemed the perfect place for Jake to not only learn his abilities but to learn how to use them for The right reason.


Hydrokinisis:Jake is able to manipulate and shape water, he can increase or decrease its density it will, even going so far as to make water dense enough to stop bullets, he is not restricted to Waters natural formlessness and can actually form constructs out of water.

Hydrogenisis:in times of extreme emotional distress Jake can actually Create large amounts of water. This water doesn't materialize out of thin air instead it will start to rain with no moisture being present,or geysers will burst out of the ground. This is the primary reason for his being sent to Ashfallen Academy.

Hydroform:not only is Jake able to breathe and move freely in water, but he is also able to make his body into water allowing him complete manipulation over his body,and even allowing him to combine his previous two abilities with this one creating a massive multiformed water elemental

(is not aware that he possesses this power)

Weapons:A bottle of water

Other:Jake likes to surf a lot. Going so far as to open fire hydrants so he can create his own waves.

@Nenma Takashi



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@Nenma Takashi Appearance:

Name:Devin Blueblossom




Bio:Devin parents was in the war during the fight between the dragons,pyromancers, and Titans,Thaumaturge.Before his parents went out to the war his parents handed him the book of pyomancy called the Salamondra.A sacred book that been in there family for generations.After the war Devin found that his parents died in the war and became homeless and confused of his powers and didn´t know his full potential.

Personality:Devin is quick to temper but is very passionate.He will do anything to protect the the ones he love.He is very persistent too.He is a very smart person but may be a little clueless because it's his first lime ever being in a school.His emotions can be shown on his body very easily.His body temperature will go down if he is sad.His body will steam when he is mad.And his body will turn red when he is embarrassed.He don't like when his body do these physical changes so he may try to hide it if he got a chance.


Weapons:The Salamondra

Other:Also Devin wears sunglasses everywhere he goes and he also carries his family fire book,the salamondra, with him at all times.He don't need the book to cast spells but keeps it with him in case he forgets a spell or wants to learn a new one.The book contain information about different creatures and different spells.The book also has a curse on it so if someone touch the book without his permission it will burn you REALLY REALLY badly no matter what or who you are.Devin uses rhymes to cast some spells

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