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Dice Ashes to Ashes

My thinking is that Longinus is a upstanding person I get a Paladin feel from him and well Casket is one step away from being a full out bad guy in this world of greys. The two men probably get into it quite often over Casket selling drugs and taking advantage of the sick and injured. Casket sees longinus as a threat but does respect the man due to his politeness and good treatment of Robin and Tweedie when he sees them in town.
DreamingofRoses said:
@WlfSamurai As I understand it, going aggro is "do this or I'll shoot you", yes?
It's a very general move. That is definitely a very pure version of how to use it. Yes.


Napalm on Toast] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7880-wlfsamurai/ said:
@WlfSamurai[/URL] ... I'm not actually sure if I'm allowed to use a NPC to basically gather a gang, so... uh, lemme know if I'm cheating or something I guess?
Oh sure. Why not? You're fine. You'll see.
So whats a good general time to kind of wait to see if Moon is going to put in their two cents before forcing the encounter to move on? I've felt bad enough about how long it's taken me to be able to look into this as it is.
FFS. Would've posted ages ago but I thinking 'oh surely when the other player addresses me I'll be alerted or even tagged again'.

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