• This section is for roleplays only.
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Dice Ashes to Ashes

I always wonder what Alice listens to to get inspired. I would never ask Teh Frix what she listens to. I would be afraid to fInd out it is ghouls feasting on kittens with electric carving knives.
I don't really have a specific playlist honestly, just kinda queue up my favorites and let it go!
Blind Guardian, Disturbed, Metallica, Within Temptation, Nightwish... I listen to a lot of music to get inspired.

Sometimes it's even Johnny Cash, as evidenced by Longinus.
All right. We have everyone's questions answered. Let's get to Hx get this game started. I let you know where to put it.

Hx is up. It's poorly written, but you guys get the idea. If there're questions, just let me know.
If your Hx post doesn't have specific names tied to the stuff you're doing for Hx please edit the post and choose people to point those statements at.

Sorry for the mix-up.

One more to go!!!11!!!! Woo!!!
I think we're going to move on. Anyone missing their Hx can just post it at any time and I'll link it to the table of contents. Expect a post to highlight stats next.


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