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Fandom Arsenal


Oddball and author
Sentinel Charm

This team’s equivalent of a morpher. It’s a gem in the Rangers’ respective colors, infused with ancient magic. The Charm can be either embedded in a bracelet or a necklace. If possible, the Rangers should wear their charms at all times. It allows them to receive and send messages (such as locations of monsters, etc.) either telepathically whenever they’re around others, or by holding the charm and speaking their message out loud.

Sentinel Staff

The standard weapon all rangers are equipped with. It can be used as a large battle-staff, of made a smaller size and harness magic in the form of blasts.

USP (Unique Sentinel Power)

Each of the rangers has a USP, one elemental power linked to their personality/ranger color/heritage.

Red: Fire
White: Air
Blue: Water
Green: Nature
Brown: Ground

Sentinel Sword

Red’s unique weapon.

Sentinel Crossbow

White’s unique weapon

Sentinel Mace

Brown’s unique weapon

Sentinel Trident

Blue’s unique weapon

Sentinel Glaive

Green’s unique weapon

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