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Are you my pirate? [and other plots and pairings] (Searching for male partners!)


a literal potato
I am finding myself in need of a new partner or two and I am hoping that you're just the person I'm looking for!!
A little about me before we get started. I hate just jumping into things. After all, I like to make friends with my partners.
⚜ I am a 23 year old, female who works part time at a bank (Boring... I know.)
⚜ I used to manage a spa where I worked 50+hours a week, so this whole part time thing is killing me slowly with boredom...
⚜ I am an insomniac so I am almost always online.
⚜ I am a makeup artist and a digital artist as well (it helps take up all my free time).
⚜ I also make and sell bath bombs, shower fizzies, and shower jellies. (Also kills time and makes my whole house smell great haha)

Now to the important boring stuff. It'll all be over shortly... I promise ❤
⚜ I role play exclusively as a female. I have attempted to write as a male and it did not work.
⚜ I role play exclusively heterosexual pairings
⚜ THIS IS NOTHING AGAINST THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY. It is just what I am comfortable with and I hope you can understand.
⚜ I am just fine with romance and such, but I would like the main plot not to be centralized around it.
⚜ I can post anywhere between one to four paragraph per post depending on the day and what you give me to work with.
⚜ Having so much time on my hands give me the opportunity to post maybe 2-3 times a day, maybe more if I'm off!
⚜ Most of my posting will be done after 6 p.m. EST
⚜ I prefer to play through email, mostly because I am a boring adult who lives in her email. Also, because its easier to organize.
See! I told you it would be over soon! Good job for making it this far!!
Now for pairings! If there is something here that I have not posted and you would like to try, go ahead and message me about it! I
am a huge fan of trying new things and, if it piques my interest, I would totally be down for trying it! Roles that I would like to play
myself will be in bold. If I don't care either way, I won't bold anything!
⚜ Arranged Marriage
⚜ Strangers
⚜ Test Subject x Test Subject
Test Subject x Scientist
⚜ Celebrity x Non-celebrity
⚜ Human x mythological/supernatural being *
Good girl x Bad boy
⚜ Boss x Intern
⚜ Employee x Intern
⚜ Royalty x Servant
⚜ Royalty x Royalty from other Country (possible suitor scenario??)
* disclaimer: This could be your choice if you choose to be the mythological/supernatural being.
But I do not like furry, werewolf things. It's really not within my comfort zone. Please be mostly humanoid!!
I hope that will be alright with you.



I am not a fan of making detailed plots because I believe that role play stories should be molded by both parties and not just by
one person. A plot is a baby; it takes two to tango!!
So I have a few generalized plots that we can expand on together!

A pirates life for me
**You would play Muse B**

Muse A is a princess of a prosporous kingdom. While her father takes regular sailing trips annually, he hadn't come back from his
most recent trip. It had been a year since his disappearance. The royal court had begun to spread rumors of his betrayal and, though
Muse A had fought all that time for assistance to search for her father, they denied her pleas and started to set forth take over of the
kingdom. Not even the Navy which once swore itself to the service of her family would assist her. As a last option, Muse A sneaked
into the palace dungeons where the pirate Muse B had been locked away for crimes against the thrown. In exchange for his freedom
and the promise of a reward, Muse A hires him to sail her across the sea to search for the Lost King.

This could go a couple of different ways. Muse A and Muse B could meet by passing while traveling, not really getting much of an
impression of one another (or they could end up leaving a bad impression which makes things harder for them later on). Something
could happen to their mode of transportation, leaving them stranded or the only survivors and they must help each other to survive.
This would work with post apocalyptic scenarios also.

That's all I can think about for right now, mainly because I am hungry and can't focus on anything but the dinner waiting for me in
my fridge! If you think of anything you would like to try that I didn't type out (mostly because I only managed to write out one
plot line...), message me and we can throw some ideas around!!!!
Hope to hear from you soon!!

❤ Racey ❤
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I would pretty much be up for doing any of these, I can match your level of detail and post timing if need be but I generally do high-detail when I can. If you would like to discuss this further then feel free to drop me a message.
I just wanted to let you know that "please be mostly humanoid" is one of the best stipulations I have read. Like, not just for roleplaying. 
If you're looking for a detailed partner for the Pirate RP I'd gladly invite you to message me personally. Hope to hear from you soon.
I would hands down, LOVE to do the pirates plot with you. I'm an enthusiast in the subject, so I can promise I'll offer a lot of detail! :>
That princess and pirate story actually sounds pretty awesome. If you don't have anybody for that RP yet, I'd be down for it.
Hello there, first things first; I unfortunately will not be able to post that frequently, I'm a college student and work full-time so I will be able to post once a week. If that works for you great if not I understand.

Just in case you are alright with my posting frequency, I'd be very interested in Arranged Marriage, (and have an idea for it), Celebrity x Non-celebrity, and Royalty x Royalty. Thank you for reading this, and I hope your search goes well.

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