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Dice Ara - Fate Core - Dice Log

Dice Log for Ara - Fate Core

See Main Thread: Casual - Ara - Fate Core | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

How to roll Fate/Fudge dice on RPNation

You start with the formula 4d3-8 and then you add any roll modifiers and such to that 8. So a Great (+4) would be made as follows: 4d3-4. Fair, 4d3-6. You get the idea hopefully.

Just post the link to the roll here as well as what you're using it for. There shouldn't be a heavy need to link the roll posts to the correct IC posts, so don't worry about it.
First notice Check for Kai Success [dice]10542[/dice]

but did NOT make it to check 3
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