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Community ~*April 2024 Buddy Event!*~

Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Failing to catch this goddamn thing and watching as it fled in terror. Izuru was utterly dismayed at his lack of success in catching another Buddy. Knowing that the only way forward was to leave these grassy plains. The dragonkin made his move to go over to the Volcanic Zone. Sprinting with his arms behind his back once more. Izuru could feel the temperature get much warmer the closer he got to the new biome. Perhaps different types of Buddies would allow for difference in growth once he started blending them up to feed to his cloud.

  • x6 Buddy Balls
  • x1 Bait
  • x1 Wind Buddy
  • x Lightning Buddy

.Travel to Volcanic Zone
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry

  • and the

    “Oh come on! Please join us. You won’t be alone. You’ll either have me…or Nickelas to keep you company…”

    Griffin said after taking out another Buddy Ball. Nickelas jumped around excitedly. Although it didn’t work last time, Griffin did silently pray to the goddess of Luck, Delilah. But what fate had in store could be very well the opposite. He tossed the Buddy ball lightly.

    Action 1:
    Attempt to catch Buddy with Buddy Ball after giving bait.

    Supplies: 0 Bait, 6 Buddy balls.

Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Moonberry Moonberry
Completely free from the pain of trying to catch just one buddy, she grabbed her bird-in-a-ball and grinned.
"FINALLY, I can go back and now I'm not empty-handed! Maybe I should go somewhere a bit more relaxing for a while... maybe this bird friend doesn't like me because I spent so long just throwing balls at him... " she considered, sighing as she started to head back to the Professor's lab in order to stock up on more balls and some bait. Holding her caught friend in her hand, she wondered what she should name it if she even should.
"Usually, I feel like you're not supposed to name wild animals so you don't get attached, I might not be able to keep this, he probably wants them back afterwards. Probably why he was so willing to give them away for free too... " she thought, thinking that she'd hold off on a name for at least a little while. Although, now her firstborn was locked in with the name Squinklet now that she made a promise to whichever deities or higher beings controlled the odds of luck. Back to the Professor's lab!

1. Travel to Professor's Lab ( for stocking up purposes ).​
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Arriving in the volcanic zone was a little muggy considering Izuru tended to wear mostly black outfits. He had been raised on a mostly inhospitable mountain but volcanos were an entirely different beast it would seem. Volcano Zones tended not to have low poly grass to search through. However they DID tend to have a variety of fire or earth type monsters that would make for good attack or tank roles. His only choice was to search under rocks and near the lava. Izuru wasn't going back until he had used all of his balls.

  • x6 Buddy Balls
  • x1 Bait
  • x1 Wind Buddy
  • x1 Lightning Buddy

.Look for Buddies:
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry

  • and the results are…

    Griffin was kind of disappointed. And Nickelas hid behind him as well though the Shadow Buddy was still there. He would consider that one lucky. He grabbed another Buddy Ball and tossed it at the Shadow Buddy again. He knew he was going to restock pretty quickly for sure at this rate.

    Action 1:
    Attempt to catch Buddy with Buddy Ball after giving bait.

    Supplies: 0 Bait, 5 Buddy balls.

Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter

This time around, it were Adelhein's eyes which caught the sight of a small creature. This one, however, was just like the one which the silver-haired girl, Lauren, had also found. It looked like a little monkey, its pelt burning strongly with flames. Reaching into his coat, the teen took out the last Buddy Ball he had. Thinking long and hard what to do, his eye caught sight of a rock near his feet. Bending down, he grabbed the rock, using his magecraft, Elemental Affinity [Metal] F, to cover the rock with a dense layer of metal. It made it even heavier, more potent. He handed the rock to Saber, a sly smirk playing on his lips. "Throw this rock at that thing's head. It will make it easier to capture it, if you can hit it." He gave his trusted Servant the instruction, while he held the Buddy Ball in his hand, planning to throw it in tandem alongside her.

Saber Alter glanced sidelong at her Master upon receiving his instructions, studying his expression briefly. While harming creatures was not her intention here, she understood Adelhein's pragmatic purpose in subduing their target. A flash of amusement flickered in her cold eyes at his sly smirk before turning serious once more.

Silently taking the metal-coated rock, Saber Alter judged its heft and balance with a practiced grip. Her keen eyes locked onto the flaming monkey as it bounded about, calculating trajectories. When she deemed the moment right, Saber Alter drew back her arm in a practiced throwing motion honed to precision over lifetimes of battle.

The metallic rock hurtled through the smoldering air with knocking force, aimed unerringly for its small target. At the same instant, Saber Alter saw Adelhein ready his own throw in her peripheral vision. Her instincts and skills were devoted fully to aiding his goals by any means required.

Whether the rock found its mark or not, Saber Alter stood ready to react instantly if the creature evaded or retaliated. Her eyes remained locked on the unfolding scene, poised to draw Excalibur Morgan in a flash if the situation turned hazardous for her Master. But for now, cooperation and teamwork was the aim - another asset for study was the objective, if achieved through sufficient force.

1 - Rock

Bait 0/1
Buddy balls 0/10
Metal buddy "Metallumino": 1
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Izuru located one of the volcanic regions Buddies, some kind of metallic rhino. His experience with such matters informed him that it should at least have some kind of high defense. Although he was kind of confused why this one was so close to lava when metal was prone to melting when it got too close to said lava. Smelling something burning that seemed awfully close. Izuru was horrified to find that his leek was burning up from being so close to fire. Somehow vegetables being in such a hot environment was a bad thing?! Forced to part with his precious leek. Izuru blamed his Buddies since blaming the pocket dimension seemed kinda dumb. Grabbing his Buddy Ball and throwing it at the little rhino. The dragonkin was at least hoping things would at least get better with this.

  • x6 - x5 Buddy Balls
  • x1 Bait
  • x1 Wind Buddy
  • x1 Lightning Buddy

.Catch Buddy:


Encouraged by the light wind at his back and the sight of several small wind creatures drifting along the breeze, Michael's excitement grew. Observing their varied movements—some spinning, some flying straight, and others simply surrendering to the whims of the wind—he felt a connection to these carefree beings. The playful dive-bombs of one or two of the creatures towards his head, only to pull up abruptly, brought a rare, genuine smile to his face.

With seven Buddy Balls remaining, Michael decided to seize the moment. He took a strategic position, gauging the wind and the creatures' movements, aiming to align his throws with their flight patterns for a better chance of success. One by one, he pitched the Buddy Balls, his throws calculated and precise, hoping to catch as many of these wind creatures as possible.

Each throw was a blend of hope and strategy, Michael carefully observing the result of each attempt. His blue eyes tracked the trajectory of each Buddy Ball, his heart racing with anticipation.

mentions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia @SoftSmile Moonberry Moonberry
actions: trying to catch swarm

7/10 balls
1/1 bait
2 wind buddies
Ruby Larue
Gesture - Joyful Greeting.jpgBuddy Balls, hmr...” Ruby murmured as she dashed away from the Center Zone, “To... capture Buddies? Oh! Buddy Ball Buddies!” She exclaimed, blindly trusting her feet to lead the way since her eyes remained glued to the capture device in her hand. The way the sun reflected off the shiny surface-- “Buddy Ball Buddies for- no! By! By Professor Blankcard-- Brofessor Blankcard! B, B, BBB-- Bee-Eeyh!!” Ruby shrieked when she ran into someone and tripped over the stranger's foot, causing her to tumble forward and roll a short distance. Ending up on her back in the grass, eyes on the sky, Ruby turned her head back to see who she had collided with.

Hello!” Ruby greeted, bouncing back onto her restless feet, “You wanna team up and find-- or bind Buddy Ball Buddies? I'm heading--” She stretched out her words, eyes wandering the area before her hand pointed toward the Mesa in the distance, “That way! Let's go!!” She excitedly added, leading the charge into the red landscape between canyons.

Action: Move to Mesa Zone

10/10 Buddy Balls
1/1 Bait


StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

John was starting to regret his decisions in coming here... He was about to freeze to death! Thankfully, he was able to discover a new buddy, so perhaps it was worth the visit. He throws a ball.

With three of the wind creatures successfully captured from the swarm, Michael felt a sense of achievement. However, now out of Buddy Balls, he knew it was time to return to base to restock and plan his next move. Holding the Buddy Balls containing his new companions, he looked around the vast grassy fields one last time before beginning his journey back.

As he made his way back to the base, Michael's mind was already turning over ideas and strategies for his next venture. He considered the characteristics of the Buddies he had already caught and how they might complement each other.

Reaching the base, Michael restocked his Buddy Balls, and kept a look out for others while planning his next move.

actions: returning to base to restock

0/10 balls
1/1 bait
5 wind buddies
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry

  • and the results are…

    Griffin had frown on his face, but despite it he still grabbed another buddy ball. But man was his supplies already dwindling like crazy. He took one out and weakly through it hoping for…what the Shadow Buddies approval? He didn’t know. Nickelas silently watched.

    Action 1:
    Attempt to catch Buddy with Buddy Ball after giving bait.

    Supplies: 0 Bait, 4 Buddy balls.

Calliope Dar'Maoro

Buddy Balls x10
Bait x1


As she looked around, she didn't notice too many other people who seemed like they were struggling with deciding what to do. Maybe she would have to go off on her own and just figure it out. She looked down at the items the Professor had given her, particularly curious about the bait. What was it made of, how did it work? Was it just the Buddies normal food or was it some sort of special concoction designed specifically to attract or calm them? She broke a piece off and tested it the only way she knew how. The taste made her face scrunch in disgust as she spit it to the grass quickly. Why on earth did these things like this stuff?

Calliope was so distracted with the bait she didn't notice the small Beast woman heading straight for her. She cried out in surprise as the Squirrel tripped over her foot and fell to the grass. "Oh, my goodness, mmhhmm. Are you alright, hhhmmm? I'm so sorry, I didn't see you, mmhhmm." She reached down to help her up, when the girl suddenly righted herself and made her offer to team up. "Oh, uhm, well... alright, I suppose that would be good, mmhhmm." This girl did not seem like she knew what she was doing, but they figure it out together. Beat being alone. the Felisian smiled warmly and stowed her items, ready to move. "Alright, I'll follow you, mmhhmm."

Action: Move to Mesa Zone

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt
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INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry

  • and the results are…

    Griffin ended up grabbing a rock. He didn’t get why this buddy was being so difficult and he did not have the Buddy balls for it he figured. So he weakly tossed the rock at it to see what would happen.

    Action 1:
    Attempt to catch Buddy by throwing a rock (canceling out bait)

    Supplies: 0 Bait, 4 Buddy balls.



As Michael observed Ruby and Calliope meet up and set their sights on the Mesa Zone, a spark of interest lit within him. The Mesa Zone, rumored to be the home of the elusive metal Buddy, immediately caught his attention. Knowing the potential value and strength of such a Buddy, he quickly made the decision to join them on their expedition.

"Wait up!" Michael called out, his voice carrying across the distance to Ruby and Calliope. He jogged to catch up with them, his long coat fluttering behind him. As he reached them, Michael's neon blue eyes shone with the excitement of the new adventure that lay ahead.

"I couldn't help but notice you are heading toward the Mesa Zone," Michael said, his tone friendly and open. "I have a particular interest in capturing a metal Buddy rumored to be found there. Mind if I accompany you both? It might be beneficial to tackle the challenges of the Mesa together. Or at least.. someone to hear you if an accident happens. Sounded like a rugged region."

With a gesture that suggested readiness and camaraderie, Michael adjusted his belt, ensuring his Buddy Balls and bait were securely in place for whatever encounters they might face. The idea of exploring the red landscape of the Mesa, with its canyons and unique Buddies, was an enticing prospect.

mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
actions: move to mesa region

10/10 balls
1/1 bait
5 wind buddies
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry

  • supplies run

    After the Shadow buddy left, Griffin and Nickelas let out a sigh. That was sad. The cost of yet another companion. However as he was low on supplies Griffin would take Nickelas with him to go on a supplies run. The two would travel back from The Mesa Zone to the Center Zone lab to replenish their supplies.

    Action 1:
    Going to the lap to replenish supplies.

    Supplies: 1 Bait, 10 Buddy balls.




After acquiring more balls & bait, Glacier stuffed them into his satchel, before heading off to the ice zone once again. Maybe he would have more luck this time around.

Action: Traveling to [Ice Zone]

Balls: 10/10
Bait: 1/1
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry

  • After Griffin replenished his supplies. Both him and Nickelas walk their ways back to the Mesa zone. They still had a Earth Buddy and Shadow Buddy to befriend after all. And he wasn’t going to give up so soon. Though he did wonder after eventually achieving both which zone would he go to next? Perhaps the Field for a wind one? It was a wall back to Mesa. Griffin talked to Nickelas whom didn’t reply to anything. But was clearly listening.

    Action 1:
    Travel back to Mesa Zone

    Supplies: 1 Bait, 10 Buddy balls.



Lauren watched as the ball she threw on her first attempt flew past the buddy and straight into the lava river behind it, giving a slight sigh before reaching into her bag for another one of the balls. As long as it didn't run away she still had a chance of capturing it, and so she took another chance at capturing it.

Actions: Threw a ball to capture a buddy

Moonberry Moonberry

Moonberry Moonberry

Location: Beach Zone

The air fluctuated with energy. Mighty forces expanded across the land as the catapult's buddy ball crashed. He looked above his barricade and saw the toil that he had caused. A slaughter of his own men in attempt to rid the world of this wind buddy. "No.."


The creature withstood the blast with little effort. He had depopulated his own fortress for nothing. There was no turning back, war had begun.
"But sir-"
He mimicked another voice to himself
He drew his sword at the disobedient soldier "Reload!"
"Yes sir!"

Placing another ball onto his toy contraption. With determination in his soul, will the gods listen to his prayers and smite this wind elemental? "FIRE!"

Actions: 1-Throw buddy ball

8/10 Balls
1/1 Bait
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Mentions: ( Moonberry Moonberry )

Stepping back onto the snow covered ground of the zone, Glacier kept his vision & hearing focused on his surroundings, looking for another buddy.

Action: Searching for Buddy [Ice Zone]

As another one of her few buddy balls flew past the buddy and into the lava, Lauren was starting to get a little irritated. Still, she kept her composure and decided to try again, as it hadn't moved from where it stood.

Actions: Threw a buddy ball

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