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Community ~*April 2024 Buddy Event!*~

Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Sighing softly, it seemed like baiting the Shadow buddy wasn't enough to keep it simple enough to catch. Now without a fall-back plan if she fails, she would have to hope her newfound bird friend that was not her friend would not flee from her.
"Please mister Shadow friend, I'd just like to catch you and we can be good friends... " she spoke nervously as she activated the ball, hoping that this time would be the one. She really didn't want to be here all day missing balls just to come back emptyhanded. And with no balls.

Try to catch.​
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry

  • who goes there!

    “Hey look Nickelas this looks like another on of your kind. Do you know them?”

    He asks his Metal buddy as Griffin got ready taking out a A Buddy Ball. He presses his thumb on the button in the middle promotly tossing it lightly towards the unknown Metal Buddy. Nickelas just simply watched curiously.

    Action 1:
    Attempt to catch Buddy in mesa

    Supplies: 1 Bait, 9 Buddy balls.

Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter

There was a slight twitch on Adelhein's right eyebrow at another failure to capture the creature. Welp, not much to be done except keep trying, right? Preparing one more ball, he launched towards the metal buddy, to attempt to catch him once more.

1 - Throw Buddy Ball

Bait 0/1
Buddy balls 4/10
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

"Hey you goddamn shitcloud... stop trying to escape your fate"

An irritated Izuru saw his attempt to catch this thing fail and one of his balls was wasted. Contemplating whether or not to smack this thing upside the head for wasting his time. Izuru instead chose to try again. There would be plenty of time to hit the critters once they entered the training phase of this experiment. Plus he needed to make sure not to damage the goods since there was a chance it would negatively affect their performance. Pulling out another ball from his pack. Izuru chased after the cloud who had the gall to refused indentured servitude.

  • .x8 - x7 Buddy Balls
  • .x1 Bait
  • .x1 Wind Buddy

.Try to Catch a Buddy:



By now, Glacier was getting tired; not physically, of course, but his mind was beginning to grow weary from these failed attempts.

As the ice buddy continued to just float there, munching on the bait, Glacier only half-heartedly threw another ball; it landed on the snow, just a couple feet away from it.

"Please, just... get in?" Glacier said, in hopeful desperation.

Current Location: Ice Zone

Action: Throwing ball (Buddy baited; need a 10, but it doesn't flee)

Balls: 1/10
Bait: 0/1
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

"I missed again... this is going terribly... " Squink mumbled disappointedly as she checked her ball-count, seeing that she had 8 left. Hopefully that was enough to bag the pretty bird before it made its departure, but things haven't been looking well so far. Sighing as she took another ball and pressed the button on it, she looked to the Shadow bird that she felt like the buddies were always taunting her the more she kept failing at trying to get one.

"Hopefully this time it'll work, I really don't want to go back to sifting through rocks again... and if that Griffin guy sees me it'll be really embarrassing if he's gotten one and I haven't even managed to get one at all so far. He probably has like... fifty by now, imagine how many everyone else has" she worried herself as she tried to throw another ball.

Try to catch the Shadow buddy (again).​
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter

The teen started to consider that the professor had given him some faulty Buddy Balls since, so far, all his 6 attempts had been met with failure. Still, it wasn't just the right time to take more aggressive steps. Trying to keep his composure against the mounting irritation, Adelhein would grab another buddy ball and launch it against the creature.

1 - Throw Buddy Ball

Bait 0/1
Buddy balls 3/10
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry


  • who goes there!

    “Aw it ran away.”

    He said, taking out another Buddy Ball. Nickelas would stand near Griffin’s side also looking around for something… Nickelas didn’t know but was particularly curious. Griffin would be looking around for another buddy in the nearby area. To see if anything else popped out. Only time would tell if it was Earth or Shadow, though he would use the bait and hope for the best there.

    Action 1:
    Look for another Buddy in mesa

    Supplies: 1 Bait, 9 Buddy balls.

Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

By now considering her luck, it felt like this whole buddy-catching thing didn't feel like it was for her if she couldn't even get one. Looking to seven throws left, she took yet another one and prepped it hoping that this might have been the one. This felt like gambling in a way, and gambling was awful. Squink sighed a little that she was partaking gambling that involved the collection of wild creatures, something felt a little inhumane about it, but it was for science and experimentation apparently. Squink felt like she wasn't getting any science or anything done at this rate, and was being taunted by the mere presence of a bird.

Catch the bird this time.​



The ice buddy seemed to contemplate the proposal, before giggling and going back to the bait.

Glacier, normally calm, was growing irritated of repeatedly failing to catch what amounted to an inferior ice-elemental animal. "I... I cannot stand for this mockery any longer... <[submit to your superior avatar of ice, or leave my presence!]>" Glacier suddenly exclaimed in both beastial & analog, grabbing a nearby rock in his jaws, and throwing it in frustration at the buddy.

Current Location: Ice Zone

Action: Throwing ball (Using ROCK)

Balls: 0/10
Bait: 0/1
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Catching the second Buddy of the day and tapping the ball a few times with his leek. Izuru crouched down like a yankee and scrunched up his face. "Congratulations little guy... I've made the executive decision to make YOU my frontliner. Together you and me are going to catch a whole bunch of your friends to blend up into a nice little smoothie for you to chug.... please don't resist" said the dragonkin while poking the ball a couple more times. Tucking it back into his pack with the rest of his stuff. Izuru went back to crawling back through the low poly grass to look for more Buddies. Wriggling around through the foliage like some kind of worm. He would bite the heads off of flowers so he would never have to stop for food.

  • x7 Buddy Balls
  • x1 Bait
  • x1 Wind Buddy
  • x Lightning Buddy

.Looking for Buddies:
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As Ceylan journeyed through the red dirt canyon area, he could feel the dry air and the warm sun. It didn't take long though for him to come upon a small creature no taller than a small child. It looked almost like a pile of rocks and mud all stuck together and a pair of cute mossy green eyes staring up at him. It pawed at the ground with an almost hoof like foot. Then lowered its head and charged at Ceylan. "RAH RAH"

(Throw a ball! Or a Rock! Maybe a rock! I mean maybe the bait but?!? Don't forget the d10!)
Elvario Elvario
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Yet another missed ball, and down to six. Sighing as she took the next, she was gonna be so disappointed if she didn't get this bird. If this bird didn't get caught, maybe she was never truly meant for catching buddies. Crossing her fingers again, she hoped that the next one would catch and she wouldn't have to feel so bad about getting nothing all day anymore.

Catch it.​
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter

Now, having only 3 Buddy Balls left, the young magus mind wondered towards more aggressive options. Indeed, who did that little creature thought it was to try and stand against a magus of his caliber? That buddy would learn his place pretty soon. With those thoughts on his mind, Adelhein threw another ball towards it, hoping this time it would work.

1 - Throw Buddy Ball

Bait 0/1
Buddy balls 2/10

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

It would not take long for him to spot an earth one. It looked surprisingly fierce and proud. “Hello there~” He'd call out to it. “Would you like to join us as well?” As he asked it, however, he could suddenly see himself being charged by it... What? Woof? Wait? With a tad bit of a panic, he quickly threw a ball at it.

Actions: – 3. Catching a Buddy: Attempt to catch a buddy using the provided items.
Balls: 7/10
Bait: 1/1
  • Wind: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Water: 1 (Regular Stats)
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter

Adelhein had decided: that would be his very last try before taking a more aggressive stance against the little creature. Letting out a long sigh in exasperation, he took a moment to gaze upon Saber, seeing her emotionless expression. Trying to copy her, he swallowed down the increasing frustration, throwing another ball at the metal buddy.

1 - Throw Buddy Ball

Bait 0/1
Buddy balls 1/10
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

"And another miss... " Squink sighed as she took the next one too. Five left. At this rate she was going to have to cry to the Professor that catching buddies was completely impossible and unfair, it was like this entire thing was just trying to make fun of her poor luck. How terribly this was going was just reminding her of her unfortunate circumstances on most of her other adventures, having proven rather useless and unimportant then when all the other companions she was travelling with were so very capable.

"Please let me just get this one and have something to show for my efforts for the day... " she grumbled quietly.
1. Catch the bird. Do it now.​



Mentions: ( Moonberry Moonberry )

The ice sprite flew to the side, escaping the rock, and finally decided to flee; bait still in it's little hands.

Glacier, meanwhile, slumped into the snow. "Perhaps... it was for the better?" He thought aloud, simply resting in the ice cold zone.


After some minutes, Glacier got back up, and left for the lab.

With ears & tail drooping, Glacier approached Professor Blanchard. "Professor, I... require more balls and bait, please."

Action: Travelling to lab
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry

  • who goes there!

    “Nickelas, this one looks cool doesn’t it?”

    It looked like a shadowy bird. Due to that, Griffin kept his wings folded behind his back. Nickelas would just tilt its head at it as Griffin took out the bait. He held it out to the bird-like buddy for it to eat. This was how he won Nickelas over. Maybe it will work a 2nd time? Yet that was all he could hope really. If it failed, it just failed, so he would try his best to befriend it.

    Action 1:
    Attempt to catch Buddy with Bait.

    Supplies: 0 Bait, 9 Buddy balls.

Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Izuru spotted the little windy dude like the one already in his pack. Sprinting full tilt at the thing while it lazily floated about in the air like it owned the place. "Minemineminemineminemine!" said Izuru while almost getting onto all fours like some kind of animal. The little feathery dragon was probably scared out of its mind given that Izuru looked like it was about to pounce on it. Whipping out his balls to try and catch this goddamn lizard. He yeeted yet another ball at the fluffy reptile.

  • x7 - x6 Buddy Balls
  • x1 Bait
  • x1 Wind Buddy
  • x Lightning Buddy

.Try to Catch Buddy:
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry

  • who goes there!

    it would seem as though the Shadow Buddy would be more stubborn then Griffin hoped. Or maybe less stubborn? It didn’t run off this could go rockier or smoother then it did with Nickelas and he knew he only had limited chances. He took out a Buddy Ball and carefully tossed it.

    Action 1:
    Attempt to catch Buddy with Buddy ball after giving bait.

    Supplies: 0 Bait, 8 Buddy balls.

Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

It's fine, it's only four balls left. Surely the next one, right? Squink was becoming so disappointed with her luck.
1. Catch.
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter

Finally, after 9 attempts, Adelhein had managed to capture the little metallic creature. Letting it out of the buddy ball, he looked at it with palpable curiosity. "So, you have finally come to the realization that it was useless to keep resisting me, eh? Seems like there is some sort of rational thought inside that little head." The young magus said, venting his frustration about the whole ordeal, kneeling down and gently poking the side of the head of his new buddy with his index finger. "I will call you Metallumino from now on." Seeing that, the creature didn't quite understand what he was saying, he would turn to Saber Alter, speaking in a confident voice. "No need to go back to the laboratory just yet. I still have one more Buddy Ball. Let's search for another one and try to capture it."

Saber Alter observed impassively as Adelhein succeeded in capturing the elusive metallic creature at last. Her keen eyes noted the intricacies of its form and movements, filing the observations away.

When her Master spoke to her, Saber Alter inclined her head briefly in acknowledgment. "As you command, Master," she rumbled in agreement. Her mission was to provide what aid she could to fulfilling Adelhein's goals and maintaining his safety.

Turning her gaze back to scanning their surroundings, Saber Alter resumed her vigilant watch. Her enhanced senses swept the smoldering landscape, seeking any further signs of life among the fires and fumaroles. Spotting suitable targets for capture could prove her usefulness, while staying alert for threats kept her primary duty.

One hand still resting casually on Excalibur Morgan's hilt, Saber Alter began prowling further across the treacherous terrain. Her armored boots crunched lightly over volcanic stone and ash, leaving minimal traces of disturbance. Any being with a sense of self-preservation would have a difficult time sneaking up on her heightened awareness.

Even as she searched, Saber Alter remained mindful of guarding her Master's back, never straying far from Adelhein's side. Her vigilant protection would allow him to focus fully on his magical pursuits undeterred.

1 - Search for buddy

Bait 0/1
Buddy balls 1/10
Metal buddy "Metallumino": 1
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Squink's patience was growing rather fin, and she was no longer having any fun anymore. With only three balls left in her possession and no bait, she had to hope that one of them would do the trick. The others who had come along on this little experiment probably had so many by now, why was it proving so impossible to get just one? What would the Professor even think if she came back with nothing at all and no excuse to say about it other than just an unlucky outing?
"Please let this be the one, I will name my first born.... Squinklet, if this one catches it" she pleaded to whatever deities of Chaos were in control of her misfortune.
1. Catch. The bird.​
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry

  • and the

    Griffin would take out yet another buddy ball as Nickelas quietly observed, seemingly interested in what was going on. Griffin tossed the ball at the Shadow Buddy with care to make it not come off as a attack of sorts, he didn’t wanna accidentally scare it away.

    Action 1:
    Attempt to catch Buddy with Buddy Ball after giving bait.

    Supplies: 0 Bait, 7 Buddy balls.


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