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Community ~*April 2024 Buddy Event!*~

INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry

  • and the results are…

    Unfortunately it fled. So Griffin and And Nickelas search for a another buddy

    Action 1:
    Search for buddy

    Supplies: 1 Bait, 7 Buddy balls.



Buddy Event.png

Mentions: Kuro ( Lolory Lolory )

With his supplies used up again, and a second buddy caught, Glacier made to leave for the lab again.

"I must return to the lab for the moment... good luck Kuro; I shall return here soon!" Glacier said to Kuro with a wave of his paw, before setting off.

Action: Travelling to Field Lab

Balls: 0/10
Bait: 1/1

[Ice Buddy]
[Lightning Buddy]
Last edited:
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter
(Mesa Zone)

The animal quickly fled, leaving Adelhein, Saber Alter and both Metallumino and Flamurillus without a new subject once more. The young magus started to search for another creature, among the canyons and bushes.

Action: Search Buddy

Bait 1
Buddy Ball 8/10
Metal buddy Metallumino: 1
Fire buddy Flamurillus: 1


Buddy Event.png

Mentions: Professor Blanchard ( Moonberry Moonberry )

Restocking on supplies, Glacier then approached Blanchard, fishing out the two occupied balls from his satchel.

"Professor Blanchard... I would like to merge these two buddies... with the ice type as the host."

Action: Merging Buddies [Ice Buddy (Host) < Lightning Buddy]

Balls: 10/10
Bait: 1/1

[Ice Buddy]
[Lightning Buddy]

Michael wasn't surprised first throw failed, but was all the more determined as he reached for the next ball and threw.

actions: ball toss lightning buddy

9/10 balls
1/1 bait
5 wind buddies
1 metal buddy
Mention: Moonberry Moonberry

The sight of a little turtle thing minding its own business sent Izuru crawling behind a rock. Peering over the mossy stone to spy on the reptile splashing in the water. Izuru quickly did a sick tactical roll to the side. Swishing his tail from side to side while quietly approaching the shell covered Buddy. He grabbed one of his three remaining balls from his sack. Once he made eye contact with the turtle. A ball was swiftly thrown at the turtle.

  • x3 - x2Buddy Balls
  • x1 Bait
  • x1 Wind Buddy
  • x1 Lightning Buddy
  • x1 Metal Buddy

.Catch Buddy:
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter
(Mesa Zone)

The young magus would find another one of those rocky creatures, this time not even giving the small being the chance of emitting a sound before chucking a rock towards the little fellow, hoping it hit and capture one of its kind this time.

Action: Rock

Bait 1
Buddy Ball 7/10
Metal buddy Metallumino: 1
Fire buddy Flamurillus: 1
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry

  • and the results are…

    It was another metal. At this point Griffin felt like some sort of Metal detector. Nickelas watched it curiously while Griffin took out a Buddy ball ready to throw it.

    Action 1:
    Throw buddy ball

    Supplies: 1 Bait, 6 Buddy balls.

Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter
(Mesa Zone)

As the rock flew through the air, it missed its target by quite a big margin, falling just beside the creature. Upon hearing the 'thud' of the rock against the ground, the Rocky buddy snapping its attention and ran away in a blink of an eye. Adelhein scratched his head for a moment, but didn't seem too affected by the little bastard managing to avoid its capture. The teen would then resume its search for the next buddy he would attempt to capture.

Action: Search buddy

Bait 1
Buddy Ball 7/10
Metal buddy Metallumino: 1
Fire buddy Flamurillus: 1
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter
(Mesa Zone)

With Adelhein's crimson eyes scanning the environment, soon enough he would spot another Rock Buddy. This one seemed to be a little occupied with eating the leaves of a nearby bush, one of the few that were present at the specific location he was at. Keeping his tactic, the young magus scooped a rock from the ground, throwing it directly towards the small animal's head, along with one Buddy Ball.

Action: Rock

Bait 1
Buddy Ball 6/10
Metal buddy Metallumino: 1
Fire buddy Flamurillus: 1

Michael wasn't surprised first throw failed, but was all the more determined as he reached for the next ball and threw.

actions: ball toss lightning buddy

8/10 balls
1/1 bait
5 wind buddies
1 metal buddy

Michael wasn't surprised first throw failed, but was all the more determined as he reached for the next ball and threw.

actions: ball toss lightning buddy

7/10 balls
1/1 bait
5 wind buddies
1 metal buddy

Michael wasn't surprised first throw failed, but was all the more determined as he reached for the next ball and threw.

actions: ball toss lightning buddy

6/10 balls
1/1 bait
5 wind buddies
1 metal buddy
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter
(Mesa Zone)

Adelhein had finally managed to capture the armadillo-like creature, its body an amalgamation of rocks. Deciding to name it Petrodillo, he would once more search around the area, seeing what else it could offer.

Action: Search for buddy

Bait 1
Buddy Ball 6/10
Metal buddy Metallumino: 1
Fire buddy Flamurillus: 1
Rock buddy Petrodillo: 1

Michael wasn't surprised first throw failed, but was all the more determined as he reached for the next ball and threw.

actions: ball toss lightning buddy

5/10 balls
1/1 bait
5 wind buddies
1 metal buddy
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As John searched high and low for his metal buddy, he had no luck. But an impish little monkey crept about following him and watching him curiously. When it seemed he'd given up hope the monkey leapt up and down, doing a flip. As if trying to cheer him up.

(Throw a ball or bait or a rock. Don't forget the D10!)
LightningJay LightningJay

Michael wasn't surprised first throw failed, but was all the more determined as he reached for the next ball and threw.

actions: ball toss lightning buddy

4/10 balls
1/1 bait
5 wind buddies
1 metal buddy
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter
(Mesa Zone)

The teen's crimson eyes locked onto some shifting bush at the distance. He could hear the hustling of leaves, knowing that there must be another one of the buddies hiding in it. When he got close enough to see what he had found, he found himself a bit crestfallen and slightly disappointed. It was another of the Rock Buddy, which he had already caught. Waving his hand, the young magus shooed the creature, not being interested in capturing another one of its kind.

Action: Run away

Bait 1
Buddy Ball 6/10
Metal buddy Metallumino: 1
Fire buddy Flamurillus: 1
Rock buddy Petrodillo: 1

Michael picked up the ball with lightning buddy inside. He smiled warmly and tucked the ball away with the others in his coat. Turning back to base, Michael started back to base to execute the next phase of his ideas.

actions: returning to base

3/10 balls
1/1 bait
5 wind buddies
1 metal buddy
1 lightning buddy

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