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Fantasy Apotheosis - A fantasy/after-death roleplay

Humanity's greatest curiosity has always aligned with death. What come after life, what happens when I die?

Kind and gentle souls are kept in a safe haven, were they are allowed to rejoice in a different sort of reality, one in which all of their dreams and aspirations are met, one where they are eternally young and hopeful. When they have reach the emptily of joy, their souls are returned to earth. This land is called Apothesis.

Others, deemed unworthy are scrapped and the remnants are used to forge new souls, creating an endless cycle of rebirth and renewal.

But something truly wicked has broken this cycle, of rebirth and creation. The souls of Apothesis, were thrust in to an entropy, a void were time is still and the residents are restless.

In Apothesis' dying breath, it blessed 5 human souls and released them in to the realm of shadows, a land between life and death. A strange creature has managed to develop in this unsurveyed land for countless centuries, slowly growing in power until it was able to break the cycle. It is the cultivation of countless wicked souls that somehow never passed, these souls combined in to one, creating a terribly fearsome creature. It is called, the grue.

The land of shadows is dangerous, it is the passing point between souls, both the cruel and the kind. It is a reflection of the real world, it has forest, and buildings identical to Earth but is devoid of life. The sky is grey, and the clouds and time are still. Monsters similar to the grue call this place home, though they are not nearly as strong. Though you are not powerless. When kind souls converge they are transformed in to spirits, whom will eagerly bless you with powers meant to combat these wicked creatures. The only way to find salvation and return to Apothesis is to find and defeat the grue.

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The city was still, and time was unmoving. The sun sat still in the center of the sky, giving off an eerie white light rather than the usual yellow. Creatures without true form darted back and forth, as if they were frantically searching for something, passing through cracks and under the doors of houses. The city was somewhat modern, brandished with sky scrapers and other towering structures, but it was devoid of any real life. This still image of reality needed to see change, and quickly. The grue is still steadily bolstering its power, planning on ruining the physical plane like it has already done to the ethereal.

Two awakened from their slumber, after being so sound asleep. They awoke in the center of a vacant middle-school gymnasium. Both Theodore and Raphael had lain on it's dirty floorboard. How would they react after being thrust in to this world so suddenly? They had remembered the events that had transpired prior to their deaths, and they were well aware of the fact that they had died. But, where were they now? And how? And the most important question was why?

Another pair snapped awake, this time on the highest floor of an apartment complex. The peculiar light of the sun beat upon their skin. Both pairs of eyes were allowed to open, after a very long slumber. Gaius the gladiator and Michael the student. They came from very different time periods, one devoted their life to slaughter, and the other never harmed a hair on anyone's head. Death was something that even existed here, to an existent. The instant your heart stops beating, is the same moment that your body would become twisted and transformed, and you would emerge as another monster.

The child Maria and the woman Shizuka snapped awake in a cathedral. Their experience was similar to the others. Although, they were not alone in the tiny building. A creature waited and watched, from the shadows with a pair of unmoving eyes. It would make sure it's presence was not known until precisely the moment it wanted to show itself.

A beacon of light had stretched from the ground to the unseen heights of the world. It would be the first thing you would notice the instant you peer upwards, towards the sky. It would be the best place to go in order to pursue answers.

@Maiza Avaro







Raphael ThomasLocation :: Old Gymnasium || Mood :: Confused, slightly scared || Thoughts :: "Fuck..." || With :: Theodore (


Death. Such an awful thing. Of course Raphael saw her sisters demise coming for sure, though not as soon. The call was rather difficult to accept, despite being prepared it was only that she had been caught off guard. School had taken a serious toll on her with studying late into the evening and sometimes even the next morning with limited power naps to fill in some free time. But after driving down to see her father, Frank and having to comfort the mess he was along with other legal related issues she had little time to grieve.

But that's what killed her.

As the funeral was held, in which Raph didn't really pay any attention due to never really being a religious person, she got up and left early. And with nothing to distract her from the loss of her sibling...she reached her breaking point. The woman drove to the nearest gas station, bought a pack of cigarettes as well as a lighter before walking along the street and trying to light the damn thing. Did she feel guilty no only for doing this but Angelo's death? Hell yeah, though there was nothing she could do now.

Unfortunately the slowly setting sun brought a brisk breeze. It had the potential to be nice though not when trying to get a flame to ignite. Growing annoyed, she ducked into an ally and gladly was finally able to light the damn thing. But right as she was to take a long drag, someone appeared in front of her clad in rather heavy clothing and thick mask, his eyes only barely present.

"Might wanna pay up, your sister owed quite the cash..." Rolling her eyes and not giving a damn any more, she leaned on the brick wall. "I'm assuming her death wasn't an accident then, figures." Before lifting the cigarette up to her lips and taking a rather large breath inward. The hitman was growing impatient, glaring sharply. "I don't have time for this bull shit, give me the fucking cash." Letting out a slightly amused short, she blew a stream of smoke in his face before growling "Go rot in hell."

He had a temper alright. Causing him to snarl "Then join the lying whore!" Before plunging a blade into her stomach.

Pain exploded around her lower torso as the skin was broken and nerves shredded, the steel deep within her entrails. Raphael's face paled as the narcotic fell from her right hand and landed smoking on the asphalt below, her hands instincts moving to cover the wound despite it being impossible due to the man standing in front with the knife still held firmly. He leaned in towards her ear and whispered "I wonder how your father will take loosing his second and only remaining daughter." In response to this, she spat a mouthful of blood into his face. Which caused the behemoth of a man only to grow angrier and drive the dagger in deeper, causing a brief spasm in her gut, the stream of blood becoming more intense as it pooled around her feet not only extinguishing the cigarette but staining the ragged hoodie she wore as well as her hands. More of the liquid rose up in her throat along with stomach acid and bile, throwing her into a spluttering cough, some escaping her mouth.

Examining her assailant's face, it was obvious the bloodlust he felt was growing. His lips twisting the fabric around his mouth into a twisted, glee filled smile. Though that was almost he exact oppsite of what Raph felt, the rush of adrenaline she felt had numbed a large portion of the pain though that didn't help the horror, dread and fear that accompanied it. The hitman twisted and turned the blade a bit more, and gave it one last shove before ripping it out and taking a step back, allowing the woman to slide collapse to the pavement. He turned and left without another word, though Raphael struggled to breath and slow blood loss, though that was difficult due to her slowly numbing limbs. This is where it finally hit her...

She was dying.

Left for dead like a doe hit by a car.

The woman couldn't process the concept, though substituted with what she hadn't done and everything she regretted in life.

It didn't take long either, the wound was severe enough to allow blood to drain from her body and join the ever growing pool at an extremely constant rate, leaving her extremely cold and numb before her vision faded all together.

Little did she know, that wasn't the end of it.

Raphael's eyes were soon forced open rather suddenly, as well as gasping for air similarly to a fish out of water. After refilling her lungs, she slowly sat up and looked around...a school gym? The woman then immediately recalled being stabbed and felt along her stomach whilst looking herself over...the fabric was torn but the bloodstain along with any pain had vanished. Though when she lifted her hoodie up a bit and examined the skin beneath, a rather ugly scar was in place of the wound. Lowering her top, the woman's breathing quickened as she slowly took in all these facts.

She was dead.

But breathing.

And physically...somewhere...

So how could she be dead?

No, the scar proves that it had happened.


Her eyes remained extremely wide as she tried to make sense of all of it. She was never religious, but was it all true then? Was this some type of limbo-purgatory type deal? If so why the fuck make it look like a dilapidated school gymnasium?

All while having this crisis, she had failed to notice the other man that was on the floor nearby, still having yet to wake.
Gaius Gordianus

A loud, very loud, scream, of rage and of fear. Gaius awakened in a dystopia absolutely dumbfounded by the towers rising into the skies. The very oxygen he inhaled made him shriek in disbelief, the smell and the taste was so different! Afterwards he yelled in anger for having died in the first place, The Saint was very serious when it claimed his planet had modernized to a very extensive point. Gaius needed time to recuperate and re-breath the very air that terrified him, though whereas he didn't understand this planet, another did.

Gaius was so puzzled as to the Industrial and Commercial buildings he gazed upon that he had no time to realize someone else awoke beside him. He seemed to be a tall slender man about his own height but definitely lacked the muscle and mass Gaius had carried, stitches formed across this mans arm where he must have been wounded prior to death.
"I can't remember one bit of Latin... What is this language???" Gaius knew Latin all his life but now as he thought back to it, Zip! Nothing, as if the very tongue he remembered had fell off the very plane of existance. Gaius began cranking his head back towards the other person who was standing at the edge of the roof eyeing the horizon, was he depressed or frightened like he? Not a word came out of his mouth just absolute silence as he peered at the yonder.

The garments he wore layered over one another
"What wealth does this man possess to be able to wear such garments?" Said Gaius to himself before looking at his own garments, they were the very clothes he wore before death, during time in purgatory, and as of this moment. The black leather tunic, the lion pelt slung over his shoulder as a sash, and the black cloak. These were the dark colors of the gladiators but the armor of the Roman militants, they would contradict what Roman soldiers in reenactments wore but this was actually the closest thing to what the Romans equipped during cold winters. Gaius was missing the gladiators helmet however, he did not wear it most of the time while he fought but when he did it was more for symbolic reasons more than anything. Gaius's whole life was surrounded by Rome and the Gladiators lifestyle, alas there were no Colosseums to be seen in this city amidst the towering structures and black streets. The saint claimed the year was 2016, two whole millenniums had passed, TWO! What ever happened to the moments in between, What ever happened to the Roman Empire, Gaius would have to assume the worst and accept that he was no where near Rome.

Maybe he should fling himself off the rooftop and go to hell, No that was incorrect, this IS hell. Gaius did not believe he could take ten steps away from this apartment complex before ultimately meeting a horrible demise. And so he laid on his back once more, the future of the ethereal plane and the physical plane were in danger, a creature was growing stronger and more powerful as he laid on his back but he did, because doom seemed to take shape in a dystopia. Gaius fealt shattered within as their wasn't a single thing he could recognize amongst the mass of abnormalities, just foreign structures that Gaius was forced to accept as alien or the colonization of a greater empire. The very existence of the world he remembered disappeared and this was where he was now, a world of such superior advancements resting itself on the hands of a man in doubt and disbelief.

Gaius rose to his feet with very little effort and bitter feelings. Broken and unwilling Gaius walked in circles around the apartment complex he stood on. A reality check is desperately needed Gaius thought to himself still in dismay of his surroundings, he needed to accept it all, accept the air, but most of all, accept this world. Gaius had to take time to live in the moment, this included the strange geography and square buildings, he needed to accept every detail of the picture. The shade and the lines, cracks and holes, one at a time, just staring at these things for the longest times. Was this what the other man had been doing the whole time, Living in the moment?

Gaius fealt he had accepted the strange new world, he set his mind on a new goal, of being able to live within the moment and accept the world he lived in. Gaius was ready to move along but the other man struck his mind once more, he shouldn't leave him there without reason, thus he decided to engage in conversation with the man.
"What is this Empire that we have appeared in, young man? What of the Roman Empire?" Gaius spoke fluently and in surprise. The slender being turned towards Gaius and spoke for the first time "The Roman Empire? That was a millenia ago... They're not around anymore, I believe we are in the United States..." replied the young man. Gaius's fealt his heart sink to his gut as it began lodging in his throat and stabbing him in the stomach, The Great Roman Empire had fallen and wouldn't return again he realized.

Gaius looked away from the other man, this fact too, he would painfully accept. Gaius placed his thoughts elsewhere but his heart would ache in throbbing pain, accepting it as reality while it compressed his heart. There was a task at hand and he needed to get it done, maybe the other man and Gaius shared a common link between one another and he was determined to figure it out. Though there were almost no similarities between the two whatsoever Gaius still had to figure it out, whether it meant he had to stick around with the man as long as he needed too. "I am Gaius of Rome and I was sent here by the Saint, And who are you strange man? A friend of mine once said you wouldn't find a prophet in a bumbling city but in the quiet of a desert. Are you a prophet? And if so, what do you know?" Told Gaius to the man unaware he was even in a city but instead thought it as a technological wasteland.[/font]
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"My only regret Sal, is that I die before you. But at least you can die knowing that I was goddamn right!"

"Yeah yeah kid, hey honey can you hurry this up?" Sal said with a sigh "This guy's gonna give me an aneurism before you even get to kill me."

And one round of vicious stabbing led Theodore here, on his back staring up at a distant ceiling. The Pale guy's sleeveless hoodie obscuring the top half of his vision. The floor beneath him was flat, almost cool to the touch, and his clothes didn't feel like they had the many cut marks they should've had.

So this was hell huh? As un-impressing as it was now, Theo could only assume the eternal skewering over a fire pit was soon to come.

Strangely enough when he leaned up with a grumble, the layout immediately reminded him of a school gymnasium. Not sure which type of endless torture could come from a school besides limitless boredom or something of the same caliber, but Theo reckoned that pretty much anything could be made into endless torture by the demons of hell. They'd had millions of years to perfect their craft they could probably torture someone with a stray eyelash and it would somehow be effective.

How did he know this was hell?

Well Theo never was the type to flutter about spreading peace and joy, joining fundraisers and donating to charity, some might say he was even kind of an ass the majority of the time. He didn't really mentally align himself with the type of people to be accepted to that boring farm of pansies in the sky, so he was most likely being prepped for some insane torment.

Maybe the fixed clothes meant he'd always be perfectly fine after every session of madness-inducing, spirit breaking bullcrap these things ended up putting him through.

He turned his head to spot some other random chick off to his side a bit, who from her actions was either another sinner waiting to get the good old skewering or a demon trying to lure him into a false sense of security. Who was he kidding, with his luck she was probably thinking up ways to hang him by his internal organs already.

"Hey," Theo called to her before lying back down on his back and staring up at the ceiling blankly "if you're here to torture me, can we save any sensitive areas for after the rest of my body goes numb to the pain?"

(@StoneWolf18 )
Michael wasn't sure how long ago he had faded away. All around him, all Michael could see was an endless expanse of darkness, or was it his own eyelids? He wasn't sure. He looked around into the black expanse for a few more seconds, before a blinding light came out of nowhere. Pretty soon, Michael found himself looking at what appeared to be the sky. He blinked the spots out of hie eyes, and lifted both of his hands to his head. However, he felt only one hand rest on the side of his head. It had been two whole months since he had his right arm amputated, and he still hadn't gotten used to being left with one arm to feel and touch with. By then, the spots had disappeared, and Michael looked around. They appeared to be on the top of a tall apartment complex.

"What the hell? Where...",

Michael's gaze rested over the edge of the roof. Beyond the edge, one could immediately see other high rises. However, all seemed ruined and lifeless, as if nothing had been inside them for centuries. Beyond the buildings was a desolate landscape, similarly devoid of any life. However, what was even further beyond this caught Michael's attention. A brilliant pillar of light issued from the ground, its source unknown, and extended up to what could be called the "sky" of this place. Michael was immediately entranced by its brilliance and magnificence, especially among its desolate surroundings. He continued to stare at it when he heard a grunt from behind him.

"Who's there?"

Michael's head whipped around, and he saw another man laying down, unconscious. This man was incredibly burly, and covered in scars. He was dressed in what seemed to be a tunic, along with a sash and something made out of furs. Definitely not from Michael's time. Michael stared a little more, but as the man was still sleeping, his attention quickly returned to the pillar. It was here that he remembered his previous life. As he stared at the pillar of light, he remembered the burning pain on his right side, the shock of the nurse's face as she came to check on him, the wave of fatigue and the fading of his vision, and the piercing sound of the heart monitor as he fell into the darkness. Michael was so lost in thought that he didn't notice the man behind him wake up and mutter to himself. However, it was when the man finally addressed him that he noticed.

What is this Empire that we have appeared in, young man? What of the Roman Empire?

"The Roman empire? That's long gone, it fell a long time ago", Michael answered out of surprise. It took a while for the other question to register, "As for what empire this is, I don't really know...". Michael's voice trailed off.

He watched as the man looked down, in what was presumable sorrow. However, he quickly looked back up at Michael and spoke again, "
I am Gaius of Rome and I was sent here by the Saint, And who are you strange man? A friend of mine once said you wouldn't find a prophet in a bumbling city but in the quiet of a desert. Are you a prophet? And if so, what do you know?"

So this man was from Rome, and presumably the time period of the Roman empire. That meant that where they were in right now existed in some sort of place outside of time. How else could he explain the man from two millenia ago that was speaking to him now? Michael's head hurt, and he answered back "
I don't know about the prophet part, but I do know a little about where you come from. The Roman empire, that is. As for this place, I-I don't really know anything, I was wondering if you knew.". As Michael finished his sentence, he sat back down, glanced once more at the light, and waited for the man to respond

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Raphael ThomasLocation :: Old Gymnasium || Mood :: Extremely Confused, Hopeful|| Thoughts :: "I'm not sure we're in Hell..."|| With :: Theodore (


Raphael was pulled out of her metal panicking as soon as the man nearby spoke before returning to his position on the ground. Torture...what? Forcing herself to calm down, she processed his words and coming to the mostly assumed conclusion that the guy apparently thought he was in Hell. And if he was indeed correct, which wouldn't surprise Raphael, it brought her back to her previous question of why the fuck would it appear as such a building? I mean, she had no particularly fond memories of her childhood though nothing outright horrible either, so it couldn't do with her past...

Shaking her head as if to clear it, the woman located her voice (as it had been deeply burried in a pile of various emotions) and spoke in response to the man. "I...uh...don't want to torture you...?" Her voice wavered ever so slightly as if she was unsure, and she was. If her confusion wasn't obvious enough, then she didn't know what else to say. Squinting in the extremely dim light that seemed to originate from nowhere, she examined him. There were multiple scars on his face, one only half visible due to the odd sleeveless hoodie he wore, but he held an otherwise impressively muscular build, causing the woman to wonder who the hell he had been when he was alive.



Oh, right.

She was dead.

Remembering this
small detail it caused her to contort her features into a grimace, trying not to imagine the guilt and grief Frank would feel. Loosing both his daughters only days apart, he would need some heavy support (as possibly antidepressants) to get through it all. But...if she was dead, and Michelangelo is dead...would she be somewhere in this...whatever this was? Possibly...if it was more than just a large and rather creepy school gym. This caused a flutter of hope to blossom within her, giving the woman motivation to stand, which was promptly met with an unstable feeling and soreness in her limbs that forced her to sit once more on the dust and debris coated floor.
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"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you just say you don't want to torture me?" Theodore asked in mock confusion before his frown came back in full "Well I don't want to get tortured so join the friggin club lady, life's all about putting up with shit you don't wanna do or don't want to happen so I'm more than ready for the afterlife to be the some old bull."

Theo glared at the ceiling and crossed his arms behind his head "Despite the high probability of you waiting for just the right moment to bust out the pitchforks and human sized grills, even if I gave you the benefit of the doubt then pretty much nothing's changed."

He leaned up once more and grumbled as he leaned on one hand to face her "If you're just some dead chick in the same boat as me, then that just means we both get to wait together before were sautéed and eaten over the course of the next trillion years."

He grumbled some more before slowly rising to his feet, he didn't bother massaging the multiple stiff joints in his body, figuring that they were just going to get torn apart in half an hour so who cares.

"Sure, working together we could probably make a break for it before our demonic captors come." he pointed out as he folded his arms "But realistically they'd probably wait just long enough for one of us to go crazy with despair and eat the other before swooping in all arrogant smirks and stuff."

That was far from the worst case scenario, but was one of the many cases that popped to mind at that very moment.

Theo closed his eyes with a sigh, "Name's Theodore lady, just call me Theo it's much easier. It won't matter once the torture starts, but I suppose idle chit chat can distract me from the inevitable. Just know that when you turn on me I won't treat you to shock and awe."

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Gaius Gordianus

The other man had no knowledge of this world it seemed to Gaius, though he himself had known very little he knew his objective. Gaius still had his gaze set on the other man whose gaze had been set on the horizon. "The saint had sent me here to defeat a source of evil that threatens the physical plane, I was sent here to do so but I've no clue where to look, though it seems clear not here." Gaius explained to the man as another objective was set. Dark forces loomed in the physical realm and Gaius needed to vanquish said evil to restore the balance between the ethereal and physical worlds. The stairs extended towards the ground and lead to the black street directly under Gaius, stairs were a rarity in most buildings he had seen while the Roman Empire stood but the square structures must have held many of them.

Gaius moved around the apartment complex opening and closing drawers for potential supplies he could use before taking off into the world. Gaius didn't find anything of use to him except a large kitchen knife he could use in defense but otherwise from that the area was devoid of any kind of equipment. Gaius looked up at the ceiling fan whipping in quick circles as cool wind blew on his face, the lightbulbs hung directly under the fan emitting a bright yellow light. A strange world indeed Gaius had stumbled upon.

Gaius turned his head 180 degrees to the man whose gaze would not change, a white beam of light seemed to be lighting a one story building. Gaius spoke
"Young man will you assist me on my travels? I believe the light will guide us to this fearsome beast." the building was only one story but was fairly wide and had windows placed in the sides. Gaius continued his scavenge while awaiting the mans answer.

Gaius came upon an oddly shaped device lying next to a small case holding what looked like miniature spears in its holster. Gaius fitted the case into a slot under the grip of the device and stared at the piece hanging under a slot where he could fit his finger into. Gaius pulled on the piece with his index finger but nothing seemed to happen, while flipping the device over he noticed a rectangular piece on the top of the device and discovered he could pull this. Gaius could direct the device with his wrist and also noticed that something occured once you pull the small fingerpiece after cocking back the rectangular piece, it made a loud pop that frightened Gaius and the man. A golden dart streaked forward and struck the wall, piercing it and leaving a hole with a pretty large circumference, he pulled the fingerpiece once more but the devce clicked.

The other man still had his body turned around, locked onto the distance , the stare burning the horizon Gaius did not understand this mans concerns nor did he understand the device, but Gaius raised his own concerns, did he release a demon by triggering the devices functions? Gaius could care less though as he dropped the device and started heading for the stairs, turning back to the man.

Gaius grew concern at this point, what hold had the horizon on this man that he was almost oblivious to the surrounding area? Gaius cocked his head to look down the lengthy stairway and counted the steps there were. Gaius took his first step officially beginning his descent, his movement and pace was very slow and cautious. Calling back without turning back, Gaius shouted
"You've forgotten to answer my question young man! Are you going to follow or decompose in here?" he asked. Gaius waited a few seconds before resuming his descent again while he awaited the mans response.

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Shizuka Heiwajima

Shizuka's eyes snapped open as she awoke from a deep slumber, revealing their bright amber color for all to see as they frantically darted across the room, trying to figure out her current location, which her mind identified to be a cathedral. The question was, though, why and how was she here? She was just at Yata Misaki's house a while ago to get him to pay his debts, wasn't she?

Sitting up, Shizuka noticed someone else in the cathedral with her. A child, no less than thirteen years old, was laying down on the floor next to her, sleeping soundly without a care in the world. However, that was when the young woman noticed something off about the child that was with her. Looking at her more closely, she saw that there were stitches around her arms, almost as though they were reattached. And that was when it hit her.

She was dead.

Shizuka's hands then immediately flew to her vest, unbuttoning it along with her dress shirt just enough to reveal her chest. And just as she thought, it was there. A bullet scar right above her heart. For a while she just stared at it, her gaze intensely focused on the scarred flesh as though it held all the answers. And then, she heaved a sigh, massaging her temples to supress the incoming migraine she was beginning to have.

"Well, it's not like I can do much about it." Shizuka muttered to herself as she slowly stood up, buttoning her dress shirt and her vest once more, hiding the scar that revealed how she had died. Dusting herself off, she idly wondered what to do with the child on the floor. Deciding that it would be best to take the child with her, she kneeled down next to the girl and carefully took her in her arms, her immense strength allowing her to carry her with ease. "Now what do I do?" She questioned herself as she began trudging over to the exit of the cathedral.

That was when Shizuka felt it.

Eyes staring into her back with hostility.

Narrowing her bright amber eyes, Shizuka swiftly turned around before coming face to face with what can only be described as a monster, growling at her like an uncontrolled beast. Carefully taking a step back, she couldn't help the words that poured out of her mouth.

"Well shit."
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Raphael ThomasLocation :: Old Gymnasium || Mood :: Annoyed, Confused, Hopeful, Curious|| Thoughts :: "Who shoved a stick up your ass?"|| With :: Theodore (


This sorry excuse for a conversation she was having with the man who occupied the gym with her went from confusing to annoying real quick. Raphael could be a pessimist if she wanted to, though this guy was taking the phrase "Glass half empty" to a whole new level. He then introduced himself as Theodore or rather Theo as he stood, closing his eyes in an obvious impatience.

If by chance she was suck in hell, Satan had placed her with the right person cause she already wanted to rip his head off.

Yet despite that small fact, Raph was a bit reluctant to automatically assume that this was one of the many levels as illustrated in "Dante's Infero." She would've expected something a bit more...depressing maybe? Whips and chains? Screams of the many souls being tortured without end? Being shoved a steaming pile of guilt? It was awfully more tame than...anything pretty much. Standing and ignoring the cries of protest her taught muscles gave off, she responded in an irritated tone. "My name is Raphael, and I'm not sure we're in Hell though due to how skeptical you're being, it's obvious that a few words won't change your mind."

Turning away from Theo, she examined the gymnasium to see if there was anything noteworthy in the surrounding area. The building itself was dingy and coated with more than enough dust, but it wasn't anything inside that caught her eye. Near the very top of the building, there were a few panes of glass stained with age. Though it was clear enough to notice a bright blue beam showing in the distance. "I wonder..." She murmured to herself before trying to make her way over towards that wall, searching for any type of exit.
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Michael listened as the man told him about what he thought, that he was sent here by a "saint" of some sort, to slay some fearsome beast. Michael didn't know of any saint, and he certainly hoped that there was no beast. If he had to guess, he would have said that this saint was probably some sort of religious figure, and that whatever this man in front of him believed was rooted in Roman mythology. However, wisely Michael kept his thoughts to himself. The man asked "Young man will you assist me on my travels? I believe the light will guide us to this fearsome beast.".

Michael hadn't really though about exploring, but now that the subject was brought up, it sounded a lot better than staying here. Plus, he wanted to see what the pillar of light actually was himself. At any rate, it would be better to travel with the "gladiator", in front of him than alone in this wasteland. The other man, Gaius, his name was, had begun rummaging through the various drawers and containers in the apartment that they were in, and Michael realized that he should probably do the same. He looked through a series of drawers and cupboards in the minuscule kitchen of the apartment, taking pauses to once more stare at the light, but unfortunately found nothing but dust. Michael was about to move to another place in the apartment to search when a loud gunshot pierced the silence, followed by a whoosh-thud as a bullet streaked by, barely missing Michael's torso, and embedded itself in the wall. He jumped, and instinctively moved his hand to cover his head. When the ringing stopped, Michael turned and stared at the gladiator behind him, looking a bit surprised as he examined what appeared to be an old revolver in his hand. Michael, however, was indignant.

"What the hell was that? You could have killed me!"

Gaius seemed to have not heard Michael, and examined the gun a little bit more. To Michael's amazement, he then proceeded to lose interest, drop it carelessly on the floor, and started down the stairs. Michael, still in angry shock about almost being killed (again) by this man, no longer doubted this man's purported identity. "Unbelievable, this guy..." Michael muttered to himself. As if on cue, Gaius called out from down the stairwell, "You've forgotten to answer my question young man! Are you going to follow or decompose in here?". Michael called back "Yeah, yeah. I'm on the way, wait up!". He stepped to the door, hesitated, and picked up the revolver. Michael had never fired a gun before, and it would be especially difficult with only one arm. Still, it was better than being wholly unarmed. He holstered the gun in his pants pocket and ran down the stairs after the man. Once he caught up, Michael asked "So, about this beast, is there any way you could tell me more?"

Gaius was close to finishing his descent, another door had blocked the way but Gaius twisted the knob and pushed it forward to have the scent fill his nostrils. Gaius stepped outside the doorway and into the dark street looking left and right to marvel at all the sights, he fealt obliged to admire such distant technologies for the moment. The sounds of footsteps notified Gaius that the young man was finishing his descent he called down to Gaius asking him of the beast, one foot came after another as he seemed to dodge the last step on his way down. "I am uncertain of its intentions but it threatens the existence of our very world, and for that it must be killed." said the burly gladiator.

The beam of light seemed to crack the sky in two, and burn the building it laid upon. An intriguing sign indeed Gaius took it as a sign from the saints that would direct him to a very important place. His feet struck the ground quietly against the road, Cars were sprawled out onto the streets and into the square buildings, the destination was ten blocks away but there seemed to be alot of interesting things Gaius would see along the way. Rodents chipped away at garbage in alleyways before catching sight of the two men and scampering out of view. The eerie silence did not seem to be leaving anytime soon, "This city is devoid of any life" Gaius pondered to himself.

They were halfway to the destination having crossed five blocks they came upon a supermarket that was devoid of life as well. Gaius decided he should check out anything that was inside the large building, "Do you think their is anything in there that we could find?" Gaius called back to the young man. He didn't wait for an answer however and he stepped towards the doors which opened by themselves. Gaius saw what looked like a huge indoor market where people frequented for their groceries, it was all theirs and they were free to pillage. Gaius grabbed one of the baskets and started wandering through and around the aisles grabbing a variety of goods that he had no clue were. Cabbages, Green Beans, and even a box of muffins, Gaius was on a collecting spree.

Gaius got lost in the supermarket as he was so absorbed in the items that he did not realize he was lost. A loud crash could be heard in another section of the supermarket, assuming it was just the young man being a clumsy fool he casually walked towards the aisle where he heard the sound. When Gaius turned into the aisle he was assaulted by a ferocious beast, he wrestled it and slammed it against the wall of canned beans. The creature was stunned and Gaius went to snap its neck killing the furious monster.

Gaius heard loud footsteps coming his way expecting to fight another one of the beasts. Gaius had no weapon but he was willing to swing the dead animal he slayed by the tail if it could do any significant damage. Gaius swung as soon as he saw the black figure turn into the aisle striking it in the temple. It was only the young man coming to investigate the loud sounds, "My condolences young man! You should be cautious, however!" Gaius exclaimed as he held the dead raccoon by its tail. "I've believed I have caught one of the creatures the evil beast created! They could be after us!!!" Gaius said to the young man, the poor thing must have been overwhelmed after being struck so hard in the temple. The young man sat there for a moment as Gaius awaited some sort of response to come out of the man.

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Maria Valrick

Maria's happy youth was stripped away from her at such a young age, she was happily making her way to her school one day. The school that she had fallen in love with, not for reasons you might expect though. She fell in love with the people that she tortured and couldn't wait to see the consequences she would dish out to them if her demands from yesterday weren't met. But she would soon come to realize that no one can be free of punishment for their actions and justice will come for everyone, at any moment in time someone will get judged and their fate will be sealed.

Maria was grabbed suddenly unable to fight back do to her small structure, she was blindfolded soon as she was kidnapped. She couldn't tell where she was going or who was taking her, she began to panic. But not on the outside as that would most likely make the situation worse. But she couldn't help but show her fear, she was shaking vigorously in her seat. Her mind was racing, she knew she would have to think of some way to get out or maybe a way to get help...help? Who in there right minds would help her? Her supposed "friends" they wouldn't think of it. Her father! No...he was busy, her mother was probably busy to..

It wasn't long until the vehicle she was kidnapped in had stopped. She was dragged out and walked over to some building she could only assume it was a building, she would never know..for the next week she would was tortured. Not just physically, also emotionally. The next week was her last days on earth, before she was judge and her fate was sealed. Because no one can escape their fate, not by age, gender, power, religion, or even by trying to balance it out with good deeds.

Maria woke up, her eyes fluttered open as she began to slowly look around. Her gaze was still blurry, but she could make out her situation. Maria could only remember the last few moments before she had been killed, she turned her head lazy and squinted at her arm. She could see stitches and also feel and move her arms freely. Maria turned her gaze to the woman that held Maria in her arms.
'..mom?' maria had thought to herself, her gaze was blurry and she couldn't tell if it was her mother.

Her emotions reacted faster then her mind, her now reattached arms quickly wrapped around the woman's neck holding her tight as Maria tried to hide her now teary eyed face in, what she thought was her mothers arm.
"I-I am sorry..I am s-so s-sorry." Maria said, sniffling as she spoke and was barely understandable.

@Maiza Avaro
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The creature stood still, he waited and listened. The two beings among him were unlike the spirits that often transpired among his land, the same spirits that made up a considerable portion of his diet. There was something different, something that made them look even more appealing than the usual lost soul. The woman grazed upon the gymnasium, unaware of the fact that she was being watched by two eager eyes, waiting for an opening. The exit was hard to see because of the poor lightning, but two double doors rested in the south-most portion of the room, whereas she was looking for them at the opposite end..

The Aka Manah slowly stalked along the hard flooring of the gymnasium, its step was silent, and its skin was transparent. He would be practically invisible under the dim lighting that had surrounded him. He approached from behind the women, his slowly fingers danced towards her neck, contorting and bending in unnatural ways. A stray ray of light hit him, amplifying his image briefly. The girl was still unaware of his presence, but he was clearly visible to the other gentlemen that stood inside of the gym. This fact was unbeknownst to the monster.



The dead raccoon's body started to sizzle in the man's hand, the temperature became so intense that he was forced to drop the corpse on the floor of the market. The body of the raccoon twisted and contorted abnormally, as the shape gradually grew larger and larger. A nearby shelf of the super market was knocked over, which created a sort of domino effect, creating a string of loud thumping noises among the floor as various products spilled. The Agares was finally finished transforming, brandishing its true and terrible form. The cunning creature was disguised as an animal that had only existed on Earth, a fact that the two were unaware of. The beast was slightly stunned still, from the damage the gladiator had done when it was still disguised.

A mighty claw came crashing down at the floor besides the gladiator, the monster's vision was still impaired from the previous blow it had sustained from the gladiator. The instant his fist met the floor, the ground underneath it shattered, sending the gladiator skidding against the tiles of the supermarket. The Agares let out a mighty roar, it's voice bellowed through the entire super market and shattered every window in its vicinity.



The Dybbuk had watched them for a few moment now, stumbling by the creatures by a stroke of luck. He was just a few seconds from starting his feast on them, when their eyes jolted back open. The creature watched them still with curious eyes, never having seen anything else like them in the world of shadows. The monster licked its lips with a animistic grin, drawing closer and closer to the pair. Whatever they were, the smelled quite delectable to the young Dybbuk.

The canine like monster slinked in the ground, becoming a mere shadow. He drew closer and closer...now merely a few feet away. His eyes grew wide with anger when the perceptive women noticed him before he could reach his prey. The beast let out a primal like roar, before it suddenly shot forward towards them, taking many awkward twist and turns as it did so, before it finally reached the floor underneath the two. It traveled in a circle around them, keeping them trapped in its radius. He prepared a claw to strike them should they try to leave the circles radius. The area became smaller and smaller as the Dybbuk zoomed in on its prey.

@Maiza Avaro


(Go to neutral character's to see what they look like. The goal is to get away and meet up at the light. )

Theo could feel his new acquaintances annoyance as she spoke, but he was use to that reaction by now. Hell, he practically waited for it every time he spoke to someone. He rolled his eyes at her rebuttal as he watched her set about observing the gymnasium they were in.

He'd already assumed it was some type of school almost immediately after awakening, but the gyms at his schools usually had multiple exits. Besides the windows, nothing immediately jumped out at him, and the architecture of buildings in hell could be any kind of screwy. But his eyes had drawn to the darker parts of the room once the easily viewable parts were deemed fruitless.

He had glanced over what seemed like the standard gym double doors in the dark, but had considered the possibility of it being locked and bolted to prevent escape.

Despite that, he still turned back to that 'Raphael' chick to mention it if for nothing other than something else to talk about when he caught sight of it.

Now Theo never before had had problems regarding sight before, in fact most of his peers just assumed he had trouble seeing due to the seemingly obtrusive nature of his self-defeating sleeveless hoodie. But even he had to pause for a second at the sight of what he could only label as a life sized humanoid stick figure creeping up on Raphael.

He tilted his head to the side at first due to its appearance, he had immediately labeled it as one of their would-be torturers. But it looked more like the desolate void type of being and less of a fire and brimstone demon. It gave him a small thought as to the true nature of their situation, but he filed that away for later as he called out to Raphael.

"Fine I believe you, lady!" He called out to her loudly "If we were in hell, that thing behind you would probably look a bit more demonic right?!?"

(@StoneWolf18 )

(@Brinie )

Raphael ThomasLocation :: Old Gymnasium || Mood :: Frightened|| Thoughts :: "SHIT!"|| With :: Theodore (

@GrieveWriter) Narrator (@Brinie)

Raphael sighed as he mentioned something behind her. Turning around she said "I have a na-" though as she noticed whatever "it" was, her voice soon died in her throat with a look upon her face that clearly said something with the word "fuck" involved. The demonic thing looked over to Theo and gave a low snarl before disappearing from view, appearing as if it melding with the shadows once more. Setting her jaw and remaining silent though not able to hide all of her emotions, the woman let her eyes scan the room more intently, not able to shake the feeling of being watched. "Have you seen a door? I think it would be in our best interest to...I dunno, get out of this damn place!"
Theo's eyes glued to where the creature's last trace was, just melting into the dark like that... his thoughts were interrupted this time by Raphael calling to him asking for the door. Well, so much for just a conversation piece.

"Pfft double doors in the dark over there." Theo said jabbing a thumb over his shoulder before rolling his eyes "But they're probably blocked or something, or maybe that things camping around it somewhere, or it might even lead to a dead end."

He wasn't going to be banking on hell's architecture, but he needed to get a better look outside before he could come up with any other guesses on their true location.

"Or perhaps it just looks like door but is really a trap or something" even as Theo continued listing off literally everything wrong with trying that door, he crouched low facing the door with a grunt of annoyance "Maybe there are more of that thing just waiting on the other side..."

Still complaining, he charged towards the door "Or perhaps there's nothing but another identical gym on the other side..."

Connecting with the door's handle first, Theodore was not prepared for how easily the door swung open when pressured. Flying out of the gym, Theodore's momentum carried him down several steps which led up to the gym's entrance.

Collapsing on the ground with a groan, Theo looked up with a questioning glance to see that the gym he had just busted out of was indeed connected to a school with a gate surrounding its perimeter. Beyond the gate was the unmistakable rising forms of an urban looking city.


"Oh god it's fuckin' Limbo." Theo muttered as he rose from the ground.

The desolate appearance and almost blank feeling that seemed much more palpable outside, if this didn't look like a place of in-betweens the he didn't know what did.

Still, this depressingly dilapidated environment was interrupted by the seemingly out of place beacon which immediately drew Theo's attention once he got to his feet.

(@StoneWolf18 )

(@Brinie )
Gaius responded, "I am uncertain of its intentions but it threatens the existence of our very world, and for that it must be killed.". Fantastic. Michael was stuck in some abandoned, unknown world, with a man that existed 2000 years ago, hunting some world-ending creature. What a great place to spend the afterlife in. At least I'm not burning eternally in hellfire, Michael thought to himself as he followed the gladiator outside of the apartment building. Now that they were at the bottom of the city, the buildings were more imposing, and the sense of isolation was even more profound. Michael gazed down the street, toward the light. Right now, it was the only source of light available, and its brilliance shown off every object outside. It was then that Michael realized how quiet the city was. Aside from the crunching of him and Gaius's shoes, and the occasional creak or groan (Michael assumed this was from the old abandoned buildings, but he wasn't to sure), there were absolutely no other noises.

Gains called something out to him, but it didn't register to Michael. He was too busy gazing around him, into the dark, lifeless abyss in the surrounding buildings. Michael never liked the dark, and as he gazed all around at the darkness contained within each building they passed, he imagined horrific creatures lurking within, ready to snatch him up. Michael gripped the handle of the revolver reassuringly, and followed Gaius into what appeared to be a supermarket. The doors opened up immediately, accompanied by a rush of stale air coming from the interior of the market. All sorts of items sat on the shelves of the supermarket, undisturbed. Gains immediately began rushing all over them, collecting as much stuff as he could. Michael was more cautious. Something wasn't right about this place. Michael wasn't sure why he was uneasy, but he warily drew his gun, and held it in front of him. He scanned the shelves for anything useful, and then proceeded to freeze in place as he caught sight of a pair of glowing eyes looking at him. It was as if he couldn't move, as the eyes continued to stare down at him. Thankfully, they withdrew and retreated into the darkness. Michael, however, was still on edge. He was now fully in favor of running out of the supermarket and never looking back, when a large crash issued several aisles to his left, follow by a loud laugh that only his gladiator companion could make.

Michael rushed over, and found Gaius swinging a dead raccoon around by the neck, having broken it. Michael breathed a sigh of relief, it was only a raccoon after all. My condolences young man! You should be cautious, however!" Gaius exclaimed as he held the dead raccoon by its tail. "I've believed I have caught one of the creatures the evil beast created! They could be after us!!!". "I don't think so, I'm pretty sure that's just an ordinary raccoon", Michael responded, and then realized that there probably weren't any Raccoons in the Roman Empire, "Yeah, they're just ordinary animals, pretty common in Nor-". He then paused and observed in silent horror as the raccoon dissolved into black mass, which then proceeded to expand rapidly. Gains dropped it quickly, and the mass began to grow arms, a mouth, and quickly increase its size. When it had finished, a multi-limbed, snarling monstrosity stood before them. It roared and swept one of its limbs out, knocking the gladiator across the tiles. It swung again, and knocked over all the shelves like dominos. It was then that Michael realized that he was standing right in front of the beast.

Michael was frozen, again. He could only watch as the monster stumbled forward a bit, claw its face, and steady itself. Just as it appeared to notice Michael, he finally found his motor control, drew the revolver, and fired a shot aimed for the monster's "face". The Monster shrieked, but Michael didn't check to see if he had done any lasting damage. "
Run!" he shouted back at Gaius, who hopefully wasn't too injured, and sprinted toward the exit of the supermarket.

Shizuka Heiwajima

Shizuka narrowed her eyes as she carefully watched the beast circle around her, holding the girl she carried closer to her chest as she tensed her muscles, preparing for flight or fight as the monster began to get closer and closer. "Don't worry, kid." She whispered to the sobbing girl, her gaze softening at the quiet apologies that the girl muttered under her breath, even though she knew that they weren't meant for her. Her bright amber eyes then flickered back over to the beast, and silently cursed as she saw that it was far too close now for her to make a run for it. Gritting her teeth in frustration as her eyes narrowed once more, she knew she had no choice but to face this creature.

"Just leave this to me!" Shizuka yelled with fierce determination gleaming in her eyes. Just as the beast was about to pounce, the Japanese woman swiftly brought her leg up before dropping it upon it's head with as much strength as she could put into the kick, effectively bringing the monster to the floor of the cathedral, crushing the wooden planks underneath it, and even making a rather large crater on the cement the structure was built on. While the creature seemed to be immobilized, Shizuka was not interested in sticking around to find out whether or not it was dead.

Breathing heavily as the adrenaline left her body, Shizuka tightened her hold on the child in her arms before rushing off to exit the cathedral, pushing the doors open with her body to reveal a seemingly desolate urban city. Looking around wearily, she took notice of the complete and utter silence, save for the occasional creak of wood and the whispering of the wind. Only one thought ran through her mind.
'Where the fuck are we?'


Maria Valrick

Maria held the woman tight, and wouldn't let go. But as soon as the woman spoke 'Don't worry kid.' Maria froze..this wasn't her mother her voice was not as clear and beautiful as her mothers. Her mind began to race again, until it finally caught up to her. If she was dead then how would she be seeing her mother in this weird limbo she was in? Maria's gaze was now blurry from the tears that fell from her eyes. She pulled her face from the woman's arm and wiped her face with her arm, trying to get rid of the evidence that streams of tears fell from her eyes.

Maria saw a strange beast circling them and felt assured as the woman told her she could handle this. Maria didn't know what was going on or what this weird world would hold. But she knew she needed an ally, thankfully this woman with amazing brute strength had found Maria. Though Maria was being protected by her..she couldn't imagine if they were enemies. More thoughts raced in her mind, like 'How did this woman die? With this strength she probably got killed by surprised like Maria did..'

Once they finally exited the Cathedral, Maria jumped out from the woman's grasp and landed safely on the ground. She looked away to try and hide her embarrassment.
"I um..I am sorry i called you mother. You look a lot like her, except that brute strength." She took a deep breath and turned around to face the woman. "My name is Maria and I was wondering if you had any idea on where we are or maybe where we should go?" She spoke boldly like she was demanding an answer. She held her right arm and brushed her fingers across the stitches. She then looked down at the floor and her expression changed. She looked sad and her tone was a bit shaky. "A-are we really dead? Because...I shouldn't have my arms back last I remember."

@Maiza Avaro
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The dead creature seemed to have been dead, the look on the two mens faces as they really just found out they encountered a hellish demon. Like a watermelon being smashed into the ground and exploding from the sides from which the darkness seeped out. It had poor sight upon transforming and slammed its heavy claw next to Gaius knocking down a series of shelves. Gaius stared straight at the beast until a golden bullet zipped by and the young man shouting "RUN!" afterwards. The beasts bad eye had been hit and it yelped in terrible agony.

Gaius took a U-turn and darted right out of the aisle. The beast crashed through everything in its path signifying its recklessness, you could compare it to a rhinoceros, it has no sight but getting caught in its stampede marks the end for you. The adrenaline flowed like a powerful current taking the two men through unrecognizable alleys and streets. Its might and vigor allowed the beast to slam through these alleys and continue its stampede, roaring like there was hell to pay. It was closing the distance and they would have to do something if they wanted to survive. They were unarmed and that would not do the trick.

Would Gaius die knowing only that he learned one thing and that their were square buildings with stairs? Wait, that could be their way out, brilliant! Gaius thought to himself, now how to go about it. Gaius realized he still held the basket in his hand and he may have come up with an effective idea. As they passed through alleyways if Gaius could snatch an item he would, bricks, potted plants, and garbage, he put all of it in the basket.

As they ran out onto a street with multiple buildings Gaius scouted out for the tallest one. It was a Wells Fargo building that seemed to reach for the sky barely striking the clouds. As the pair passed by it Gaius yanked his assailant by the arm and headed towards the fire escape. He dragged the basket and the young man to the center floor and busted a window before dragging the man inside. The dark creature scaled the brick wall and was in pursuit.

Time to execute the plan thought Gaius in his head. He opened the knob to a door that lead to a huge flight of stairs leaving the door open. If they were lucky the beast would rely on sound to find them, Gaius dragged the man to the stairs leading to the roof while dumping the contents of the basket, letting potted plants and other items smash onto the steps leading downwards. He eventually threw the basket down when he ran out of items to throw and started crouching. Gaius turned to the young man and whispered in his ear "Quietly... Very quietly, head to the roof." . The pair had ran up most of the steps and their adrenaline started to die out, they were exhausted but they had to control their breathing as they tip toed up the steps.


Raphael ThomasLocation :: Old Gymnasium || Mood :: Frightened|| Thoughts :: "I mean, it's better than Hell...right?"|| With :: Theodore (

@GrieveWriter) Narrator (@Brinie)

Raphael was right behind Theo as he rammed into the doors, though a tad more wary of the stairs. Once she was able to get a good view of their surroundings herself, she was quite surprised. Very much so that the only word she had heard the man next to her say was "limbo." And that described the urban landscape quite well, it rather bleak and drained of color, the only sign of life being the blue beam she had noticed from inside the gym. "The beacon, should we move towards it? It's not like we have much else to do..." She trailed off, awaiting response.
Shizuka Heiwajima

"It's fine, kid, I forgive you. It happens a lot, anyway."
Shizuka waved off the apology the girl had offered to her as she thought back on the many times she was mistaken for someone else. All because she had bleached her once chocolate brown hair to golden blond. Yawning rather loudly, she stretched out her limbs as she felt incredibly stiff, making a satisfying pop before she idly scratched the back of her neck. She definitely felt as though she had slept for a very long time, and that may as well be the truth at this point.

"My name's Shizuka, by the way. Shizuka Heiwajima"
The former bodyguard introduced herself to Maria with a slight grin that soon faded into a rather confused look at the girl's next two questions, looking up to the sky as though the answers would be there. "I'm not really sure where we are, but as for where we should go..." Shizuka trailed off as her eyes caught sight of the beacon of light that appeared to be originating from the very heart of the city. Almost immediately, her bright amber eyes lit up as she pointed over to the structure with a small smile gracing her lips. "I believe that's where we should be going. Come on, kid!" The Japanese woman was about to begin walking towards the light when she heard the next few words that poured out of Maria's mouth.

"I suppose we are dead." Shizuka said almost nonchalantly as she paused in her steps, shrugging her shoulders before her expression turned more solemn. Turning back to Maria, she offered her a reassuring, yet bittersweet smile as she added, "I should have died a long time ago, though." Approaching the girl, she bent down slightly and gave her a warm, yet rough smile. "You, however, should have lived much longer than you have. You deserved a chance to grow up." The older woman stood up straight once more before taking Maria's delicate hands into her calloused ones before leading her away from the cathedral. "Now let's go."

Theo grumbled in response before standing slowly, the inevitable wave of negativity about to come from his mouth was pretty much palpable right when he began opening his mouth.

"What's the point, we're in limbo. As in nothing but empty desolation for all of goddamn eternity!" he threw his hands into the air as he let his own negativity fuel him "All we can do now is pretty much wander this damn landscape until we go mad from the emptiness and succumb to either those wraith things or other lost souls!"

Even though he was doing his standard complaining format, he was already making his way towards what seemed to be a rusty gate which led out into the city.

"Whatever, if that light thing isn't anything maybe I can stave off the inevitable insanity by breaking stuff here." he mumbled as he kicked the gate open and paused to look over his shoulder "But that's only if I last long enough to get there, so hold off on that backstab would ya?"

Without following up or waiting for a response, Theo already continued in the beacon's direction, though it seemed it was still several blocks away.

(@StoneWolf18 )

(@Brinie )

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