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Realistic or Modern Apocalypse Survival

Jace had finally outran the zombies chasing after her. It felt like an eternity before the girl found a safe hideout. She chose to stay there until someone, a human, came or until she dies. One of the other 
Richard calls out from tall grass, "I was told this was a camp looking for people, people to live or people to die and be picked off?" With his left hand he cocks the gun and takes off the safety waiting for his answer.
(well my character was invited by karmeil's character, over a radio broadcast. However he uses a radio once more near the camp as to not get shot at when he walks in. No response came and now he is hiding in a tall grass near the camp trying to figure out if he will have to defend himself.)
Jace slowly came out of hiding and spots a nearby camp. Maybe there are survivors in there.. she thought making her way towards it, knowing little about what was going on
James returns to his safe house with a pack of gum, two AA batteries and a dead car battery. He takes a piece of gum out the pack, puts the car battery and the other batteries on his makeshift workbench and sits back, unwrapping the piece of gum and putting it into his mouth.
Richard crawls in the grass, his gun in hand and makes his way toward the closest tent. He stands up behind the tent and peaks his head around the camp, trying to figure out clues of who are these people.
Richard quickly points his gun at the man who managed to sneak up on him, "I was told there were survivors here, and that a Mr. Neil invited me to come and make a difference. Tell me is this true or is this merely a ruse to kill me and take my possessions." He stares down this man, and if the man looked at Richard's pistol he would realize its cocked and the safety is off.
Richard stares at the man, and puts the safety on his gun with his thumb, then slowly holsters the gun not taking his eyes of the man in front of him. He asks the man, "Why did you approach me unarmed, are you certain that we are all good people?"
Richard sighs, "So if I was bad person, I could have shot you in the head and then make my escape through the trees. You should carry some kind of weapon even if its a piece of lumber, one wrong move in this world can leave you dead." He cracks his knuckles and looks over the man's shoulders, "I don't mean to sound rude, I have been travelling alone for awhile and its made me rough with my social interactions. Are you the leader?"
Richard looks at the gun and at the man, "Look i dont want to fight, in fact i cam here to meet your boss and see if I live here and be a member of a society again. Living in the world alone is depressing and dull, I miss the warmth of a fire as people share stories." He gets caught up in a flashback for a moment then roughly coughs, "So if i could meet your leader or be put somewhere i can wait for him that would be appreciated. I am private steiner." He sticks out his right hand covered in a worn army green glove
"Ey! Put the damn gun away!" Axel shouts to Kevin. "A message from Your friendly neighborhood gunsmith, never point a gun at a good person." He said.
Richard raises a hand to the man who called out, "Its alright i pointed my gun at him first, with the recent radio silence I wasnt sure if you guys were good or bad people. " He approaches the man and sticks out his hand, "Private Steiner; US miltary, I was brought here by a radio call out from your boss and when he didn't reply I was concerned."
James stands up and walks back down stairs. He hesitates in opening the door but puts his feelings of fear aside and opens it, going outside in a crouched run. About now was the time he went out looking for other survivors.

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