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Realistic or Modern Apocalypse Survival

We awake in a camp called Vexel town and I Neil am the leader and I need your help to survive in these horrible days.
Daniel packs a few of his gathered supplies as he looks around the small ruined building he was currently staying in. He gets up and walks out, knowing there was nothing left to scavenge in there.
Walking out with his medical pack and a baseball bat Daniel sees getting ready to look around a nearby hut. They didn't look dangerous, but there was two of them to one of him. He spent a moment watching, keeping his bat down to not look hostile.
I kick the door in and aim my pistol into the darkness as i walk in I scavenge a flashlight that was laying on the table I cut it on and search a cabinet and receive SPAM and a box of cereal. As I stuff the items into my backpack a zombie grabs me and I am barely holding it off.
I yell for Kevin "shoot it Kevin! Somebody kill it" my gun is on the ground it dropped when it grabbed me
Eliora upon hearing a mans yell runs in the direction without her brothers consideration.

"Inside!" Charlie yelled to the girl in front of him as he watched their surroundings. He'd prefer not to yell but saw no use not to since the man inside had. He holds his machete high as he watched their surroundings while Eliora runs inside. When she catches sight of the struggling man she without much thought kicks the zombie off the stranger powerfully before shooting it directly in the head.

"Hey. You okay?" She questioned turning to the man she had saved.
"I am now, thanks for saving me I'm Neal I protect a camp up north and me and my friend were scavenging when this walker attacked me." I say as I pick up my pistol and hold out my hand
Upon hearing the gun shot Charlie stepped inside of the building cautiously weapon at the ready just in case but instead calmed down at the sight of no bloodshed other then the dead.

Eliora smiled and took his hand happily,

"Names Eliora this is my brother Charlie, nice to meet you Neal as long as you weren't bit."
"Not a scratch on me haha" I tried to act tougher than I was " Nice to meet you both, would you like to help us scavenge this town I'll give you food and shelter."
Elioras smirk grew a little now that they knew the man before them wasn't a ticking time bomb waiting to kill them.

"I'm all for it, you?" Charlie spoke up for the first time and eyed his sister expectingly.

"Food, shelter. Sounds like a win win to me." Eliora answered before giving Neal a thumbs up.

"We were heading towards a store we've been working on breaking into for awhile. It's been bounded up for a while so supplies is a most likely with that place. And yes Friendly! Unless you cross us the bad way."
Daniel hears the shout from his position. He looks around for a moment before replying. "Friendly over here!" he yells back from his position. It would be great to not have to do this by himself.
Daniel takes a look around, before remembering his building was a small motel. "Over here by the small motel!"
As he sees someone approaching Daniel gives a wave with his free hand. "Hey, over here!" he says as they approach. "What brings you out to this godforsaken part of the world?"

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