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Fantasy Aolaris Academy...HUMANS ONLY

Jackal took the net out of the teacher's hands when the strong hunter entered the hallway. "Let me take care of the fool" Jackal untied the net. He held the young boy by the arm, forcing him to look jackal in the eyes. "Why were you going to attack the student?!" He was furious and his eyes glowed red like lasers. A metallic clang was heard from his arm right before it turned into a sword that was pointed directly at the jamson's throat.

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Whilst waiting for her class to begin Ater began searching within herself. As an ooze she could store non-biological materials; currently within her self was her schedule, ID, a small amount of money, and some miscellaneous items. All of these items were ones she collected in her path of consumption. Even her ID and schedule were taken from the real Ater Nan. She saw these items as a chance to find a stable feeding ground, now it was just a matter of getting large enough to engulf all those in the school at once. A goal that would take months of only eating the small amount of food from the cafeteria and the occasional passerby at night. But as an ooze time wasn't an issue. The issue was the new identification of magic prowess within the school. Her eyes may be rather weak but an ooze's ability to detect magic is unsurpassed. The class room was a side focus for here and her eyes zoned out as she searched within herself.
Bailey sighed weakly as she stared at her shecdule.. Study Hall.. She only sighed because Study hall was useless as history was quite boring so she had gone off to the study hall and sat there working on some of her newer shetches, mostly containing of animals and a grin was planted on her face as she wanted to try and scare one of her dorm mates.

~No!~ She thought to herself ~What if there human and your caught doofus!~ She sighed again and just sat there sketching with a partial amount of her tongue sticking out.
"W-wait, Jackal. I don't think you should threaten the boy with violence. L-let the principal handle this." The strong teacher was obviously afraid of the not-completely-human being who could turn his limbs into cutting devices.

@pbtenchi @Skeletonjack 


Meanwhile, back outside...

"Oh mi gosh! Did that boy just...?!" A girl squeaked. 

"I think he did...!" her friend replied.

"No waaaaay... could he have been the one to attack the school with beetles?" another boy asked. 

The students around her were predictably frightened, some became aggressive in voicing their anger. 

"Who was that kid? I'm going to give him something to remember..."

A shadow fell over Darcelle's features, and a smile crept over her lips. This was going better than she had thought. 
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A low growl came up from jackal before his blade retracted with a metallic clang. "Fine but I'm coming with you...." he turned and half-dragged jamson to the principle's office. Jackal shoved the boy in the seat near the desk and stood beside him like a solider at attention. 
Breeshey got bored in her class room , it was too loud to think straight so she waited for the teacher to turn his back and she ran out of the class room to find the corpseudo of a beetle or a live beetle in the hallways. She rushed past a group of students watching the boy be dragged away "Haven't you lot got something better to do then gawk and gossip " She said bluntly before taking off once more seeing a movement in the shadoes ahead.

Breeshey followed it to the staircase and took a seat looking around for anyone else around. "This is going to be the death of me... well if I could die anyway" She mumbled under her breath as the shape ran around a corner and out of her sight.
1 hour ago, Skeletonjack said:

A low growl came up from jackal before his blade retracted with a metallic clang. "Fine but I'm coming with you...." he turned and half-dragged jamson to the principle's office. Jackal shoved the boy in the seat near the desk and stood beside him like a solider at attention. 



Andrew Loggins sighed, then lead the way to the Principal's office. It was a mess at the moment. A harried-looking lady strode past in high heels with a frown on her face. A few other teachers with their magical items out were in the office as well. As they entered, all eyes turned to the three of them.

"This boy was caught trying to attack innocent students during the level 4 alert," the teacher growled. Matthias and I stopped the attack from happening and no one was injured."

The Principal looked up slowly from his work and pinned the boy with sharp eyes. "Name?" he asked.

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After examination of Jamson, Mr.Gale Jamson II decided to expel the delinquent student. If you couldn't keep calm during a small attack like that you would not survive this school. He was glad it was only the beetles that caused harm today he did not like have extra paperwork. Tragically he had to have his secretary send word to all the families of the lost. "Jackal! Patrol the halls and stairwells I want to make sure absolutely none of these carrion beetles escape!" 

Jackal saluted and and went on his way. He checked every hallway on the ground floor then every room. Now on his way to the stair case he heard the feint sound of footsteps. A teacher perhaps? He opened the door and looked up the stairwell to see someone about halfway up. "You there! Stay where you are!" He spun towards the stairs and bolted up them with great speed. His jet bosters helped with that. 

@Fray Dracoheart
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Breeshey jumped slight and ducked covering her head, fearing a hunter had found her or even worse... another monster "Bloody hell... " She mumbled and scrambled away from the man. She jumped up to her feet and kept her eyes closed from fear or possibly anger from being caught taking a breather on the stairs. "You scared me for a second ,I thought you were a... well as monster" She said laughing under her breath nervously,  she hated saying that or even acting human.

Breeshey looked around hearing a noise behind her "Aha! That's where it went" She mumbled before taking off after the sound down the upper hallways.

Ater wasn't paying attention in class since she was paying attention to the items she had collected over the small amount of time shes existed. Her mind snapped back to the outside world when she heard the sound of a student resisting teachers. As it was the first day of school there wasn't any actual school work just the teacher placing the basics of the class and what would happen in the future of the class. Ater hadn't even thought about life over a week in the future, and that wasn't going to change. She held the syllabus and looked over it. Much of the terms which a normal person would know was complete gibberish to her. In the doorway she saw a small carrion beetle skitter past. She began debating whether she should investigate this beetle or wait for class to end.
Jackal grabbed breeshey by her arm a little rough. "Get back to class I will take care of the insect." He turned you in the direction of her classrooms with a hard tug and rushed after the beetle. Within moments he flew past Ater's classroom and killed the creature. After killing it he continued his search on this floor.
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A mechanical sound came from the surrounding speakers that were distributed over the entire school grounds. "Attention! Attention! This is an announcement on behalf of our Vice Principal. To all of the academy's students: violence will not be tolerated under these circumstances. Students are to exit and enter the school in an orderly fashion. I repeat: violence will not be tolerated. Do not attack any monsters of your own volition. The only time violence is permitted is in a dire case of self-protection. Our staff is equipped to deal with threats and will clear the grounds of any malignant beings as quickly as possible. They will continue to patrol the school for the remaining duration of the day. Stay vigilant and take caution; travel in groups if possible. Thank you." 

@Puggie @Bailey Forest Ellen @Fray Dracoheart @Lefic @Demonsoul @Ldybug123 @Skeletonjack
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Akira listened to the announcement intently. Part of him disliked that monsters were thought of as threats. Him, and some other monsters wanted humans to accept them as they were. But at the same time, he knew it was true, some monsters were threats. @Nyctophiliac
Breeshey  sighed and walked to her next class and stood outside "we-they shouldn't stand for discrimination "She said quickly correcting her mistake. She leaned on the wall not listening to the announcement from the vice principle, he or she seemed to be the worse agenst 'Monsters' like herself.

She thought first a while until coming up with an idea for other monsters to meet up and talk about situations going on in the school but she would need a cover club name and some people to support this or she may end up not having this happen or being found out. She gulped slightly and decide agenst it for the time being.
Several minutes after the announcement the second bell rang and the students were allowed to file back into the buildings as all the critters had been eliminated. Each floor had been cleared, but now the staff and teachers not teaching were to patrol the hallways in order to look for suspicious activity. Anything out of the ordinary that has cause for suspicion was to be reported to the Principal directly. 

Time: start of 2nd period - resumed to normal/current time
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Bailey listened to the announcements with a small sigh as she then wandered back into the building after the announcements as she didn't pay to much attention to them. All she heard was monsters.. Monsters.. Who cared anyway... 

She wandered back to her 2nd period class with a small sigh and went back to her sketching in study hall
Breeshey sat at the back of her class writing her ideas down on a notepad while the teacher yammered on about geography or something, She made sure to make the notes look like a human had wrote it and didn't include anything about monsters or her identity incase it was stolen or taken by a teacher during. She wanted to be able to use this later on in the next few days to start the fake club she had yet to decide what it would be, probably photograph or something easy to quickly set up to cover any activity going on in the club room.
When the second bell rang, Kerry resumed her cooking class. As she walked to the classroom, she noticed that some teachers were patrolling the halls. Once turned to her, a glare stuck on his face. Wow, this school really doesn't joke around with monster attacks. What would it be like to be figured out? She pondered the question until she reached the classroom where she promptly claimed a seat in the back row. Some students were already there, and they watched her to see if she'd hurt them. These students are being too cautious. That's no fun. They've probably done this to everyone who had walked in. Her suspicions were confirmed as the students all looked up and watched the next person as they walked into the class. 
Vasilily jumped as everyone in the classroom stared at her as one. They seemed really quite afraid. Had they never had this kind of thing happen before? she wondered to herself. 

"H-hello?" It turned out as a question. "Is this the Cooking Class? Level One?" She noticed her spell has stopped fluctuating as much. Whether that was because the strong presence was no longer close, or whether it was because she took a break, she was unsure. On another note, she was being stared at as if she'd attack them at a drop of a hat! It was really uncomfortable, being scrutinized so closely. Surely... surely, they couldn't know that she wasn't human, right? It didn't help that she was already painfully shy around strangers... and she knew virtually no one in the school!

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Maple POV

Maple smiled gently as the student had walked in the door with a quite question. ~Well.. more for the class I guess..~ She thought and turned the rest of her attention to the questioning student. She just smiled at her and walked over to her "Hello.. And uh.. Yes this is cookin class level one, dear.." She responded to her with a friendly smile upon here face 

"Hello... and uh... yes, this is cooking class level one, dear..." The teacher smiled at her.

"Oh, thank you." She mustered up a timid smile, then scuttled over to an empty seat and sat down placing her things beside her. The room was half-filled with tables and chairs while the other half included cabinets and stoves and ovens. Vasilily looked around her, then glanced to the teacher. It seemed like everyone who was coming had arrived. 
Kerry watched the next student who arrived. Once again, all the students stared at her with fear in their eyes. It was was getting a bit old. The girl, however, was looking quite nervous. In fact, there was fear in her eyes as well as the students. Can't they tell that they they're scaring her? But maybe she could also be the monster who let loose the beetles. When the teacher let her know that she was indeed in the right room, the girl quickly sat down in a seat, not too far from Kerry herself. She looked at the girl once more, then turned her eyes to the teacher.

Breeshey looked around her class for anyone who looked similar to herself to join this club which she decode on calling 'The Photography club' as a cover for 'Monster club'. She needed a few members to back the club bring set up by herself or another monster if she is caught. As far as the humans were concerned Grim Reapers do not exist neither does Breeshey, as she had signed on the notebook. She was 'Charlie Veronica' in this school.

"Oh come on i need like minded people for this, that's all I ask" She mumbled and sighed after her quick sweep of the student seeing no one who she will trust.

= Lilly = 


The sound of a loud bell rang through the corridor,making Lilly drop her book for a moment and frown. No matter how much time passed,she would never get used to such loud noises everywhere. She picked her book back,running her eyes through. The book was turned upside down,which was probably weird to anyone who saw her. But she was just looking at the pictures from different angles. She remained sitting on the ground of the corridor,overlooking the area of dorms. She didn't fancy the idea of being the first there,so she simply waited. A bug crossed the ground in front of her,immediately capturing her attention.

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