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Fantasy Aolaris Academy...HUMANS ONLY

Bailey sighed as she was to lazy to take off her clothes and change into pajamas so she Kalies in bed and threw her shoes off and put them aside her bed and lairs down on top of the bed. 

Sadly, she couldn't get very comfortable so she left the room and closed the door as he turned her head to see if anyone was out she quietly walked around the halls, Even if she wasn't supposed so, if she walked she would sleep a lot better 
Annelise just walked around the school. As she passed somebody, they might've felt a sudden chill but dismissed it as nothing. She hadn't attended any of her lessons at this school yet. I will probably stop bunking by tomorrow. It wasn't that she didn't want to learn, she just despised the idea of having to sit next to someone for a relatively long time, especially if they were *gasp* boy. As she walked around in random patterns, she didn't realise how much time had passed. It was already dark outside. Suddenly, she stopped. "What...?" she muttered to herself. She muttered something in German and then quickly looked behind her. "...Nothing," she said, but she knew there was something. She could see a distinctive shadow out of the corner of her eye. When she sped up, she could hear another pair of footsteps quickening with hers. For the first time in her life, she felt worried. She brushed this feeling off and regained her calmness. It's probably some kind of pervert stalker, she thought. She'd met her fair share of those, all of which ended up with painfully sharp icicles lodged into them. However, somehow, this feeling was confused. She leafed through various plans in her head. She silently nodded to herself and started walking with more purpose. She walked towards and empty part of the school and stood waiting with her arms crossed. This should lure the stalker out... hopefully. The ice nymph didn't even know if there actually was a stalker, it was nothing but a strong hunch. She was starting to wonder whether or not she was just being paranoid.

@Skeletonjack (because Jackal's tailing her.)

Jackal knew she was into him so he circled around through the school and came up behind her so he could silently take to the skies and follow her from there. He turned on his thermal vision so that he could see her through the dark clouds and through the buildings.

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