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Fantasy Aolaris Academy...HUMANS ONLY

Breeshey wasn't too interested in her first lesson history. She sat in the back and sother "Here" She said sounding slightly annoyed about being stuck in here first what would seem to be hours to her. Most of the time she tuned out knowing the story from the monsters perspective, She didn't care about the humans perspective all they were to her were things to be killed for the grim reaper. Humans had no right to cast out the monsters when they started everything. She growled quietly and kicked her feet , she wanted out of this dumb class and to go back to her jobut of killing humanso. 
Kerry was sitting in the way back of her World History class for first period. When the teacher had called on her, she replied lazily. "Yeah, I'm here." She contemplated whether or not she should put her feet up on the desk. She decided not to, seeing as she needed to know how these teachers punished bad behavior first before deciding if it is worth the trouble. Instead, she just opted for laying back in the chair. She only listened halfway to what was being said. Wars with monsters, how evil the monsters were, times when the monsters were defeated, and other crap like that. This school was completely biased.
What if her illusion didn't last until school got out? What if her grandmother found out that she was going to an all-human school? What if...?

"Vasilily Newbrand," the teacher called from the front of the room.

"H-here!" she squeaked, hating how her voice caught. She lowered her head at a few snickers from around the room. 

History. From the viewpoint of the victors. She wasn't exactly excited to be here. Sneaking a look at her schedule, she planned to go outside during her 3rd period study hall and let the illusion drop for a few minutes. Lily really hadn't held a spell for this long before, not one of this caliber. She breathed a quiet sigh. 


Darcelle yawned. She had a free period right off the bat. As it was, she had wandered to the top of the school, the roof. The view was quite grand from here. She wondered vaguely if her mischief had been discovered yet... the way she had tampered with the room assignments, it was just too funny! She let out a snicker. That cursed Dragon Prince... well, maybe she should call him Dragon Princess by what she knew was on his school file by now. Her snicker turned to full blown laughter. If only she could see the look on his face when he found out, oh yes, now that would be something to laugh about. 

And the rest of the non-humans here weren't safe from her touch either. She wouldn't forget about them. A wicked grin curved her lips, revealing perfectly white teeth. Her human mask was perfect: innocent, cute, attractive, and weak-looking. It just goes to show how much you can trust someone's appearances...
Bailey had grabbed a notebook and a pencil and began to wander off to class. She entered the room and sighed weakly as she sat in the middle of the room. As the teacher called her name she blushed weakly only to give her face a little color and to show her freckles a little more "Present.." She said loud enough for he teacher to hear before she opened her notebook and started to sketch in it at she wanted to be mostly left alone, not wanting to attract others though she thinks she may have met a few people here already.

She listened to what humans called the war 'true'. She sighed and didn't bother listening, just sketching out the speaking teacher with another sigh, waiting for the false history to be over.
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With his enhanced sense of smell Ashel knew there were other monsters in the room and a smile spread across his face. I'm not alone. I knew there had to be more than just me and my roommate!

"Mr.Dread is there something you find amusing about the freedom that we gave the dragon prince? Because I would love to know how you can find it amusing that we didn't slaughter the lot of those beasts when we had the chance. Take note children, monsters are nothing but filthy animals that have yet to find their place in the food chain, which is most certainly below us!" The teacher reprimanded 

He shrunk down in his seat as the eyes from different students stared at him. He clenched his fists and bit his tongue to keep from blowing his cover. The way she spoke about them...if it wasn't for him and his brother none of this would be this way....
The teacher called out a boy for smiling in a rude manner. Vasilily turned her head along with most of the rest of class and titters came from around the room. The boy clenched his fists and seemed affected by the teacher's words. Her glamour rippled the air again. Hopefully they would be too busy staring at the boy to notice. She made a conscious decision not to be called out like that in front of the class. Things were bad enough as it was: her glamour had been wavering all morning! There was definitely a powerful being here... just who was it? Slowly the rest of the period trickled by. She didn't learn anything particularly new, but the class most certainly was taught in a way that was biased towards the humans. But of course... 


Darcelle ran a hair through her cropped black hair that framed her face in a bob. She breathed in deeply and exhaled. It was time to make some trouble. So what if it was the first period of the first day? Better to get started early! She was no procrastinator like humans tended to be. 

"Come, my beasties..."  she murmured with a pleased smile creeping over her face, spreading her hands wide. A summoning circle began to spin and glow on the ground before her. Her death beetles, also known as plague beetles or carrion beetles. They would drain any human dry by absorbing energy. Large, armored bugs began appearing in flashes of darkness, a primordial ooze dripping from their hard-backed shells, antennae, and spines. They numbered 30 in all, no small number. Soon the roof was covered in creepy crawlies some the sizes of large dogs. "Go and give the students a warm welcome... from hell."

@Eezumi-san @Trojanac 


@Bailey Forest Ellen 

@Fray Dracoheart 



@pbtenchi @Skeletonjack
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An alarm went off and all the students gathered in the courtyard. All the staff had their hunter weapons with them but they were unneeded. "Students gather in the center. This is a level 4 alert. We are under attack" the alert levels were based off the type of monsters that wet attacking. Level 5 was the lowest amount of threat which was reserved for fairies and similar monsters, level 4 was animal based monsters (like shapeshifters or werebeasts) and insect type monsters, level 3 would be the undead, level 2 is for demigods, demons, and angels, and level 1 was for dragons and gods.

standing between the infested building and the students was Jackal. He stood guard and if any one of the death beetles came close he blasted them with antimatter until they were nothing more than a burn stain on the ground. Some students were later found inside dead and word was sent to the higher ups to punish the monsters for this crime.
Breeshey walked inside to assess what had happened and to lpoke at the bodies mummbling a quiet prayer that they may reach deaths awaiting arms safely. She may not like humans but didn't want their lifestival to end until the fortold date on her list , which updated with the names of those to die that day. None being any of the dead students.

"Who could have let these workers of death into the school and why?" She questioned herself as her walk continued avoiding any beatles like any normal person would do , yet they didn't bother her in the slightest they both had the same job but Breeshey was more calculated and followed her orders unlike these 'monsters'.
deleted (They seem to have changed how to delete posts since I last had too.
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Bailey had quickly grabbed her things and wandered out to the courtyard as alarmed to do so. As she walked up she remembered they had hunters with weapons. So she stayed frantically silent and sat down in the grass as she began to pull blades of it and smile weakly 
As the staff cleaned up their rooms and Jackal walked around trying to get information out of the students trying to figure out who or what had spawned in the beetles, the bell rang declaring first period had ended and second period was beginning soon.

ashel almost cried at the sight of his brother it was all his fault. This was never supposed to happen to him. If he hadn't convinced Adrian to come outside with him they wouldn't have been captured and their father wouldn't have surrendered so easily. He wanted so badly to save his brother but right now there was nothing he could do. So for right now he just headed to current events.
Kerry followed the other students with a feigned expression of fear on her face. She genuinely was unconcerned but curious as to who summoned, from what she heard, demon beetles. She had been smelling a familiar scent all morning, the scent of other monsters. That would mean there would have to be more monsters at the school. She wondered who and what they were. Maybe it could be the ones she had met before school started. Sadly, all she could do is wait for the beetles to be gone. Then, when the bell rang, she left for her cooking class. 
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Ater arrived late, though it was fine since she lacked a first period. Apparently some emergency occurred. She didn't care though, it was time to begin getting her place in humanities society. She adjusted her glasses before walking into the building. She fast walked to her second period, math. Entering the slowly filling class she took a random seat. She didn't recognize anyone, which was fine since she didn't know anyone to begin with. It was miraculous that she ended up in this class. She hadn't even known what math was till 3 days ago. She observed the surrounding students as they walked in, her eyes were extremely dull so she couldn't note anything special about anyone. She just shrugged it off as humans being humans.
The current events teacher was a little more laid back than his history teacher. A lot more laid back. Although he had an abrasive stance against the monsters he wasn't a complete asshole about it. He talked about how some humans and monsters were working together to create even better scientific and structural advancements. He said how he felt that, like humans, there were good monsters and bad monsters. When asked why he joined the war he said it was because he was an uneducated fool when it came to monsters. Every day he now strove to understand them more so as to avoid being racist for no reason except that society was as well. If only other people were like that then maybe Ashel wouldn't have to sneak into this school. Maybe monsters wouldn't have to hide and shy away from humans out of fear of the hunters' wrath.
Darcelle frowned. Her monsters had been taken care of too quickly. Were there more than just the hunters fighting her beetles? But of course! The monsters in the academy. Well, this was just a foretaste of what was to come... The alarm rang and she blended in with all the other students filing out of the building. Then she saw why her creations were being killed at such a fast rate. It probably had something to do with that robotic-looking boy. Yes, he was quite unusual. White hair, red eyes... who else could he be but that abomination, Jackal? She had heard of him, well, actually rumors of him. He seemed to be ridiculously strong. Perhaps even strong enough to compete with her. This didn't sit well with the succubus. She bit her lip and pouted childishly. Something would have to be done about that. She began hatching a plan in her head. There was nothing to do for now, only blend in and pretend to be a normal, frightened little girl. The energy the beetles had collected would be transferred directly to her when they died. Excellent, just what she needed, a little pick-me-up. Her aura began to radiate slightly, but was invisible to any human. 


The alarm shocked Vasilily from her thoughts. An attack...?! Monsters?  She was thoroughly frightened. Not for herself, but for her classmates. Would they be okay? Apparently so. A boy with a huge amount of power was protecting the students. He made her glamour shimmer more than before. She had to get out...! When the teachers were distracted, she slipped away from the crowd and to a nearby stand of trees. She ducked behind a particularly large oak tree and released the illusion spell. A sigh of relief. She would go back soon, but she needed a break. Hopefully no one would find her here. After all, the student body was focused on the bug-like monsters. Once the bell rang students were allowed to re-enter the school and she joined them quickly rushing off to her second period class. 
Under normal circumstances their was no way for an infestation of death beetles to up and attack the school, judging by the ooze on their shells they had been summoned, probably by another monster. That settles it, if he were to slay it himself he would certainly receive fame, and maybe, just maybe impress his father. He folded up and flew back out the window to see if he could spot anything, and he saw Darcelle, he flew directly above her and transformed, ready to impale her Sephiroth style.

Akira made sure that he put his beanie on, covering his ears. He also had his tail stuffed in his pants so no one would see. He walked to his second period class fairly quickly. Once there, he took a seat in the back of the classroom.
The history teacher walked up to Akira. Glaring down at him she stated coldly "Mr Akira is it? Hat off." She crossed her arms standing with a very intimidating stance.

(Oh shoot I didn't plan for that haha. I'll figure something out)

"A...Ah...sorry..." Akira whispered softly to the history teacher. He hesitated for a moment before reaching up towards his head. He froze a bit, biting his lip. His hands trembled slightly. @Skeletonjack
The next class seems a boring as the first to breeshey, she was more concerned about who or what let those things into the school and what their reason was for doing it. Breeshey knew if the other monster or monsters found out she was a reaper they would blame her for letting loose those crazy death machines into the school.
"Now Mr.Akira...." she tapped her foot with an aura of annoyance "or would you rather take a trip to the principal's office?" When she said this some of the children oooed in silent whispers.

Akira suddenly remembered that he could make his ears dissapear for a limited amount of time. He did so quickly and removed his beanie. He opened his backpack, putting the beanie inside. "I...I'm sorry about that..." He said quietly to the teacher. @Skeletonjack
On 11/28/2016 at 2:26 PM, pbtenchi said:

Under normal circumstances their was no way for an infestation of death beetles to up and attack the school, judging by the ooze on their shells they had been summoned, probably by another monster. That settles it, if he were to slay it himself he would certainly receive fame, and maybe, just maybe impress his father. He folded up and flew back out the window to see if he could spot anything, and he saw Darcelle, he flew directly above her and transformed, ready to impale her Sephiroth style.




Time: Past during mass exodus from school

Darcelle became aware of a presence above her rushing down at great speed. She glanced up. It appeared that the being intended on impaling her. A smirk formed on her lips. The fool, you'll just look like you're attacking an innocent student. One of the teachers, evidently a Hunter, threw a circular object between the student and her attacker. It morphed into a magical barrier and halted the kid. Another teacher who caught on to what was happening shot a net from a launching device, effectively subduing him. 

The first stormed up to the boy. "WHAT were you thinking?! Attacking a student? That could get you an expulsion! We have enough to deal with at the current moment. Straight to the headmaster, off you go! Loggins, escort this young man." The second teacher hurried over. Sweat shone like a sheen from his balding head and a frown was directed at the now trapped boy. With his muscular arms, he carried the still-entangled boy to where the principal was directed the effort to exterminate the insects. 
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"Good. now don't let me catch you with that on in my class again." She walked back to her desk and started the lesson.

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"Yes m'am..." Akira said quietly to the teacher. He sighed quietly in relief. He was lucky that the teacher hadn't seen his ears. He relaxed and paid attention to the lesson. @Skeletonjack

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