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Fantasy Aolaris Academy...HUMANS ONLY

Now it was late, and she was ready for bed. Grandmam had turned in an hour ago. In her small bedroom with barely enough room for a bed and a small bedside table, Vasilily took stock of all the things she'd need for school. Her backpack was stocked with notebooks, textbooks, pens and pencils. She had bought it new at the market disguised as a human to test out her illusion. It had worked without a hitch. Her class schedule was on the table and she read over the classes again. She was definitely excited. Tomorrow was her day. A hint of danger, a lot of excitement. One wouldn't know this about her, that she actually had a penchant for adventures. It excited her and was more interesting than daily life.

The young water elf went over to the square window which showed a cut of the sky shining with a million stars. It was a good view. She breathed her prayers to the goddess Vashtani for her safety. The Goddess was good. She would be protected. Her grandmam had nothing to worry about. 

Minutes later she was drifting off to peaceful sleep under the quilted covers of her bed...
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"Well then, I guess it's just you and me. Name's Eustass Petrovic, but you can call me Petro.", I said with a smile. While I hadn't expected to meet this many people today I was certainly grateful. Plus with all these new friends I won't have much trouble fitting in with everyone else at the academy! With that in mind I made a mental picture of Bailey in my mind, I didn't know many red heads so it shouldn't be too hard finding her again. She did seem nice enough, though a bit shy in some aspects.

@Bailey Forest Ellen
i sigh when my dad left the room, barely escaping punishment yet again. I lay on my bed big enough for four and pull the papers out from under my hood. I stare at the papers reading my fake name. Nero Dread. It sucked having to hide in this school because out of all the races in the world mine would be killed on sight. This war we lost...it cost us more than we could do ever imagine...and now we're slaves to the humans.... I stuff the papers under my pillow and blow out the candle on my nightstand. Better to be rested for the big day tomorrow.... I slowly drift to sleep, dreaming of my mother, holding on to the last hope I have of keeping her in my memories.
After a while Breeshey pulled her hood up and walked down a dark ally street and pushed open the door at the end. She set her stuff down and grabbed an apple before heading up to her room saying a good night to her parents spirits. She closed the door into her room and flopped down on to her window sillbed .

She stared out he window and placed the apple to one side for tommorow morning. 
she blinked in confusion as she shook her hand but went along and dropped her hand, taking a few marks on her features, her eyes diffrent colors... Well.. Don't see that often. "Oh!" She snapped quickly out of her mental picture and nodded "Alright, well, I guess I might see you around.." She said as Kerry transformed and left. 

She looked to Petro with a weak smile bit her shy side fought and it dropped quickly. "Well, um.. Bailey.." She stuck her hand out to shake his, her hand shaking gently "If you didn't catch it already.." She shook his hand and dropped it "I-I don't mean to be rude, but I have to run home to get my wallet as I need some last minute things before school so, again sorry, but I kinda have to go.." She didn't let him say good bye (for her to hear atleast), before quickly transforming into her shaggy dog and sprinting away

(Im so sorry! I'm on my IPad and had limited time to reply, I don't exactly look over it! Again sorry!!! @Nyctophiliac)
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Day 2


as the sun rose on dragon city the monsters and humans got up for their first day of school. I get dressed, fly out the window to the edge of the city, shift to human form, and run to catch a bus heading to the school. As I climb on board a hunter is at the door and stops me "I.D.?" My heart races as I pull out my I.D. card. he lets me by handing me my I.D. card back.  I will save my people...no matter what the cost.... I take a seat in the back of the bus and pull my hood up hiding my face from everyone. I look around and see three known hunters and four kids who's parents are known hunters. None of which would be too happy to find a dragon amongst their company.
"Ugh. My eyes are glowing again." In the darkness of the bathroom, Lianne stared at the mirror. She frowned at her eyes that seemed to be another light source. It did help her to see in the dark and pitch black places, but it just felt unwelcome in other occasions. Like trying to sleep. The hybrid sucked in her breath and moved towards the light switch. If she was gonna go to her school, with bright lights everywhere, she needed to face it. Bear and endure the pain. If only she hadn't turned into this creature months ago. 

Crap. What if her friends and classmates find out what she was? No. She won't let them. She was just as human as them. She wasn't a monster. Never will she be like one. The lights flicked on and Lianne hissed quietly, adjusting her eyes to the sudden disappearance of the shadows. It burned.... But she stood. She wasn't a full vampire. She was a hybrid. She needed her human half for these lights. As the burning sensation began to numb down, Lianne began to start her morning, first picking up her toothbrush.

~~~~~~~ After 30 minutes~~

The large rusted yellow bus jerked to a stop at the street. Lianne, with a hoodie and sunglasses, was waiting outside with her flute in a case. When the bus arrived, she rushed inside. The sun wasn't her best friend at all, and it stung her skin like fire. Hm, the sun was made of fire, right? Or plasma? She showed her ID to the driver before sitting down next to anyone. They helped block the brightness from the window. Her flute was in her lap and her hood was up. She turned to see who she sat with, hoping that they wouldn't look back, since it would get awkward or she might be found out. (She's the one who keeps staring till they back off) It was only a regular human being. He may or may not be a hunter, but she never saw him before. Looking away, Lianne didn't want to continue observing him or the rays of sunshine, so she instead changed her view to the ground. She missed the dark.
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Breeshey walked along the street to the school gate with her sythe case in hand , which was discised as a cello case and her school bag slung over her shoulder. She showed her I.D card to the guard and continued walking.

She spotted the known hunters and held on tighter to her case. She wasnt scared.... Maybe she was scared , Breeshey had never felt any other emotion then emptyness and loneliness. But this was entirely diffrent and she didnt know how to react so she stopped to think .
Vasililly prepped herself for the long illusion she'd have to cast with half an hour of meditation by the creek that ran behind their small house. She tapped into nature's power and lapped up the extra energy given off by the flowing water. It would come in handy. Soon enough, the sun came peering over the hills with the bright rays of dawn. Action time. Singing the ancient words of Transformation and Concealment, she made herself appear to be a normal human girl with long dark brown hair and blue eyes. Her pointed ears became round, and she tried for a few inches shorter than her actual height. Perfect.

Lilly walked the few blocks to the nearest bus stop. In the 10 or so minutes she waited some green shoots began to sprout and some moss smudged the sidewalk dark green. A minor panic attack took over her mind and she quickly scuffed out the tiny signs of life. Ugh, she still couldn't control the leakage of power thoroughly. She'd work on that this week. The brightly painted vehicle jolted to a halt in front of her and she boarded the slightly old bus. "I.D.," the driver demanded. She pulled out her 'ID' which was really a blank square piece of paper with a few runic symbols drawn on it with charcoal to make it look like the officially issued I.D.s. She knew the name section said "Vasililly Newbrand" and not her birth name: Lillienne del Oceana. The driver glanced at it and jabbed a thumb towards the seats. She breathed out a sigh of relief; she had passed the first obstacle. 
Kerry woke up from her natural alarm clock, the sun. Seeing as today she was leaving for this school, she stuffed all her belongings and some extra things that she took into a stolen satchel.  She made sure to pocket the fake ID that someone made for her, so she kept her name, but her race was Russian. She transformed into a hawk and flew to the bus stop, satchel in talon. She stopped short, however, and landed back in some trees so she could shift back and walked to the stop. 

When the bus arrived, she clambered on and promptly showed her ID before the driver could even ask. Then she made her way to the back where she saw two familiar people. She sat down in the seat across from them and pulled out a paper and pencil and scribbled down a few words before passing it over, grinning. So we meet again. She then looked around at the other people, not at all scared. She been through the human cities before, posing as a stray that's so fluffy and scruffy that you can't even see it's eyes. 
The screeching sounds of my several alarms going off all at once would have killed an elephant, though much to my sanity I wouldn't be offered such a graceful alternate to my sleep deprived state of mind. I shot up with a frightened scream, which doesn't usually happen but since I haven't been used to this wake up method for a while my brain couldn't handle what was going on.  I quickly scanned the room for any foreign anomalies to no avail. I calmed down and shut off my seven alarm clocks and prepared for my first day among the common people.

Stepping out the door with travel coffee mug in hand and backpack slung over my back and hoodie that secured my life. Moreover the early sunrise was at a slanted angle, making it difficult to angle myself at a good angle where I wouldn't burn. Even with all these inconveniences the sun has provided me I still appreciated its value to me and the world, while my kin would turn a sour eye towards it I wouldn't have the will to do such a thing. Walking toward the bus stop, however, I noticed the familiar rumble and tumble of a school bus barreling down the road that I was following on the side. Looks like I made it just in time! 

As it screeched to a halt I quickly walked up to the opening door with ID in hand prepared to quickly take to my seat, on my way to a proper seat I saw most of the people I had met yesterday, even the vampire girl I had seen scarcely yesterday since she left before we could make proper introductions. I nearly had to refrain myself from walking slower because I was a little afraid of her, while nobody would dare make a scene on a school bus I still was apprehensive. Although I couldn't be a stick in the mud, I had met all these other people yesterday and I had no trouble at all, why couldn't this be the same? She could be a very nice person herself, perhaps yesterday she was just in a rush to be somewhere. All I just need to was to introduce myself and maybe she'll open up. Gathering enough courage I sat down in the open seat in front of her and turned around to greet her, while I was shaking quite a bit from fear I remained my composure with enough grip to hopefully maintain a conversation.

"Hello there, I don't think we've talked much yesterday after whatever had transpired. I'm Eustass Petrovic, what's your name?", I said somewhat confidently.

I couldn't form much of a hospitable expression from my shaking but I tried my best. Hopefully I didn't come off as weird.

Ashel looked at the students surrounding him and he recognized two vampires...lucky. Those two could get away with staying in the open and no one would care...well that's not entirely true. They would be hated sure but him...he'd be killed if he was found out. Someone had to stand up to the hunters though. Screw them and their laws! If he wanted to be a student in this school he would be! As he looked around he decided to keep his mouth shut. He pulls his headphones out of his bag and plugs them into his phone listening to some old bands that are still quite popular in the world today. Even after the earthquake that formed Pangea, the governments taking control, and the monster war many artists from before still lived to play their music. Most artists that survived actually became monster sympathizers. Some held rallies to bring monsters and humans together. Ashel even attended a few. As he played his music he stared out the window watching the buildings go by. He hoped his dad wouldn't worry too much. The note he left said that he was going away for a while and that he would be back when he had gained the knowledge he needed. Lies. He couldn't tell his father that he was risking life and limb to go to a human school. His father would kill him.
Lilly took a deep breath and sat down in one of the seats near the middle of the bus. Some students were greeting one another and she felt so alone. Did the students already know each other from someplace? Did she miss out on something? Silently, she pondered these questions. It didn't take long for her to notice something strange going on with her illusion. Her vision was blurring and wavering from time to time, an indication that her illusion spell might not last as long as she hoped. It was strange, because supposedly this school was for all humans. There shouldn't be any high-profile monsters present to mess up her energy field. Yet again her vision wavered like heat from hot pavement. Unless something seriously strange was going on, there was someone who was quite powerful on this bus. The water elf swallowed with difficulty. Perhaps several someones. 
Breeshey continued on her way and boarded the buss showing a fake ID to the driver before looking around for a seat. She sat near the back reading the list over and over again , making sure there was enough names to last her all school year. Breeshey kept her case close to her self incase people asked questions.

Looking out the window Breeshey stared at her reflection like it would jump out and kill her. Reapers were not known for their looks but were knownfor their abnormal green and yellow eyes , which happened to be stareing right back at her. She looked behind herself before bulling up her hood and looking down at the list not wanting to be noticed by anyone especially the hunters.
Before long the bus arrived by the dorms and the students, humans or otherwise, piled off the vehicle. There were three dorm buildings, looking rather similar to one another with stone lining the double wooden doors and red tiled roofs. The only detectable difference was the insignia above each door. The first and closest one to them had a silver leaf, the next had a golden key, and the final one had a bronze quill. The bus pulled away with a puff of brown exhaust leaving the students on the sidewalk with their baggage in hand. 
A woman with tightly crimped hair tied in a messy bun came towards them at a fast clip. Her dark glasses were slightly askew and she seemed harried. "Nobody told me the students would be dropped off here at this hour," she muttered under her breath. "Alright, students!" She called in a loud voice that carried through the crowd. "My name is Madrigal San Maria, and I am the Residence Hall Director at Hugon Academy and overseer of the Goldilocks dorm." Here she gestured towards the dorm with the gold key symbol. "You will meet the other Dorm Overseers in a moment. May I welcome you to Aolaris Academy of Higher Learning!" A cheer came from the crowd. "Here you will continue your education and make the leap from Primary to Secondary school. Congratulations on making it thus far, but I advise you not to celebrate yet. Your classes will become more demanding and competition at this level is more rigorous, so keep your wits about you and make good friends who can help you along your journey. For now, follow me to the auditorium." She gave a pause. "Leave your things in the care of the dorm staff. They will bring your things to your assigned dorm." They noticed the half dozen staff in dark blue uniforms that denoted their status, then they were off.

The auditorium was a large space that kind of reminded them of a mini version of the Colosseum. Rings of seats centered around a low set stage. There were already students milling about, talking to friends, finding seats. Several adults also wove between the crowds calling for order and quiet. "You may sit anywhere you'd like! The Welcoming Ceremony and Principal's Speech begins in fifteen minutes!" Madrigal shouted over the din. Then she left making a beeline for the stage. Once again, the students were left to their own devices.
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Ashel had followed at the back of the group. When they reached the auditorium he sat down in the middle of the section leaning back in his seat. He pulled his hood up to cover his eyes. To most people it would seem like he had a headache but he was just sensitive to light. The bright flurecent lights were worse than the sun to him. As he looked around there were many known hunters and as nervous as he was he knew he had to hide it or he'd most likely end up a stain on the ground. No one deserved to live in this fear...someone needs to stand up to the hunters. I would but I can't do this myself. I need help.
Breeshey took a seat at the back and place her feet up on the seat in front of her. She yawned and leaned back wanting to get this over with , her eyes closed and started to fall asleep waiting for eveyone else.
As Vasililly took a seat neither in the front nor the back, but closer to the front she felt the most wavering of her disguising spell yet as a girl with cropped black hair crossed in front of her. She couldn't be sure, but the fae felt her dark gaze linger for a moment longer than normal. The girl sat down very close to the front. As she distanced herself, Lilly released her held-in breath. She really needed to take some kind of magic supplement at least temporarily to boost her abilities. To others it didn't appear that anything was particularly off, perhaps only her hair stirring when there was no wind, or a flickering of her eye color. But to her the disruption appeared as heat waves. It disrupted her magical energy field and could only be caused by a more powerful being. She made a mental note to keep an eye on the dark asian-looking student. 

Darcelle Ergore smirked inwardly. There were quite a few other monsters besides herself this semester. This was going to be fun. Perhaps she'd start a rumor about some of them being a little... odd. In particular she noticed a water elf, a reaper (which was unusual, and it excited the succubus), and at least one shape-shifter. They were quite easy tell by scent. And, of course, the Dragon Prince had come. In a way Darcy had expected him to come. He was defiant and defended the monster races equally and with fervor. Exactly the valiant and noble type of person she loved to depose and watch go down in flames. A small innocent-looking smile appeared on her lips. How she loved this school...!
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(Sorry for late reply...) 

Bailey lifted her head and slowly blinked her eyes awake as she stared at the time. As she hit it to turn off it stopped and she got up. She threw on some jeans and a simple lavender t-shirt with her chucks. She brushed her hair and quickly grabbed her bag. She grabbed extra belongings and threw them into a separate bag.

She grabbed her wallet which contained her I.D and some cash. She shifted to a shaggy dog and sprinted to the bus stop before she quickly shifted in the shadows nearby and walked casually up to the bus.   She pulled out her I.D and showed the bus driver before hopping on the bus and looking around at everyone, hoping to see any familiar faces.

As they arrived to the school she was a little nervous but shook it off as she exited. She followed the group as the women explained what was going on before going to the auditorium. She sat down in a seat around the back as she rubbed her bare arms 
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"Silence! Silence! May I have your attention students of Aolaris Academy!" A slim, older man with silver streaks in his hair called from the center of the low-set stage. "We will now commence the Welcoming Ceremony. I am your Vice Principal Andrew Tomolaris and I welcome you here, whether you be former students or new arrivals, with great passion. I now present the Principal Gale Jonson II." There was a great cheer and applause. Evidently Aolaris had great school spirit. A tall, broad shouldered man with pale gold hair walked onstage with the grand air of authority. Former hunter. For sure. 

"Hello, hello, hello." He smiled broadly displaying a row of perfect teeth. "Students and staff, this is the beginning of another year of Aolaris' finest academic institution. The history of this school is great; it was built by my great grandfather, Philip R. Jonson. We proudly sport a human only admittance policy as Aolaris city was the first the dragons laid siege to during the Early Wars. This was not instituted by hunters, as I am a former Hunter myself, but rather by the citizens. And the Board agreed to their demands. The demands of the people." Another wide smile. He continued to elaborate on the history for another ten minutes or so, then ended with: "So with that, I wish you the very best in this academic year. Now I will let Madrigal SanMaria introduce to us the staff for dormitory assignments." There was another change, switching the Principal and the Residence Hall Director.

"My name is Madrigal San Maria and I will be serving as the Residence Hall Director. As such I will preside over student life outside of the classroom. I am also the overseer of Goldilocks dorm for students in grades 14 and 15, our honored seniors. Without further ado, I present to you the two other heads of each dorm. Felice DeRhonda, head of the Silverfern dorm for grades 12 and 13, our esteemed juniors." A woman with strawberry blonde hair in waves to her shoulder stood from the row of staff members and waved. "Danielle McFee, head of the Copperquill dorm for grades 9 through 11, our newest freshmen." Danielle was a shorter, younger woman with thick brown curly hair and bronze skin. Her smile flashed in contrast. 
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Bailey sighed gently as she listened to the staff of this year in school. Man, school was school so always boring and full of speeches of lessons and teqniques and. Ugh.. She had been playing with the strings off her hood before realizing she would atleast look and the women leading her grade as she smiled weakly in return, though she couldn't see Bailey she atleast needed to make that a habit for around here..
Before long, the Director began to read off a list of names and which hall and room number they were assigned to. "...And if you need another reminder of which room you are assigned, just take a look in the hall directory located outside each hall. You are all dismissed! Have a very excellent year everybody. First period will begin in 30 minutes."

Hall Directory

[COLOR= rgb(37, 37, 37)]✔ [/COLOR]Akira ... grade 11, Copperquill hall room 122 @Ldybug123

Alyssa ... grade 14, Goldilocks hall room 118 @Firebright

[COLOR= rgb(37, 37, 37)]✔[/COLOR] Annelise ... grade 13, Silverfern hall room 110 @Lefic

[COLOR= rgb(37, 37, 37)]✔[/COLOR] Ashel ... grade 14, Goldilocks hall room 118 @Skeletonjack

[COLOR= rgb(37, 37, 37)]✔[/COLOR] Bailey ... grade 11, Copperquill hall room 104 @Bailey Forest Ellen

[COLOR= rgb(37, 37, 37)]✔[/COLOR] Breeshey ... grade 11, Copperquill hall room 104 @Fray Dracoheart

[COLOR= rgb(37, 37, 37)]✔[/COLOR] Darcelle ... grade 13, Silverfern hall room 139 (me)

Eustass ... grade 13, Silverfern hall room 145 @Trojanac

[COLOR= rgb(37, 37, 37)]✔[/COLOR] Jamson ... grade 13, Silverfern hall room 145 @pbtenchi

[COLOR= rgb(37, 37, 37)]✔[/COLOR] Kerry ... grade 13, Silverfern hall room 139 @Puggie

Lianne ... grade 11, Copperquill hall room 104 @Eezumi-san

[COLOR= rgb(37, 37, 37)]✔[/COLOR] Luna ... grade 13, Silverfern hall room 110 @Florence

[COLOR= rgb(37, 37, 37)]✔[/COLOR] Sin ... grade 11, Copperquill hall room 122 @Demonsoul

[COLOR= rgb(37, 37, 37)]✔[/COLOR] Vasilily ... grade 12, Silverfern room 207 (me)


The students dispersed into the building with the classrooms following after some TAs (teacher's assistants). With their summer letters they each received, they also got the room numbers and teachers for each class along with the name of the class and period number. Hopefully, all the students would find their classrooms in time for roll call. 

All around the campus building when the bell had rung, teachers began to call out names. ((Everyone on board must say "here" for roll call!!! ))
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Annelise groaned. "It looks like I'm going to have to be sharing with two other people." She said this as if it was the worst thing in the world. Then, she muttered to herself, "At least I don't have to share rooms with a boy," she tutted, "The filthy animals." She didn't really care if anyone heard her or not. If one looked closely, they would see a silvery mist exit her mouth every time she breathed. If one was close enough, they'd notice that this wispy fog was as cold as ice. Annelise realised this and switched to breathing through her nostrils. 

Huh? What was that? Did someone call my name? The ice nymph looked up and saw a teacher calling her name. Oh. This must be for role call. Annelise raised her hand in the air, "I am present," she declared confidently which was enough to earn a few snickers from the other students. She always liked her presence to be known. Some people looked back to find the source of the voice and found themselves staring at the ice nymph's elegant face. To each starer, she fixed upon them an unbreaking glare with her piercing blue eyes until they looked away in embarrassment, then she would move onto the next person. This was her way of mentally asserting her dominance.
Ashel stood up and made his way to his first period...history. "Here!" He called out when the teacher spoke his fake name, Nero Dread. He was not looking forward to this class he knew that it was going to be the one sided version of the war...he would gain no new information from this class but he needed a full schedule to live in the dorms. He listened to the lecture and took notes on his phone. Thank the celestial dragons electronics weren't banned here. He listened closely to the only part of the speech that was historically correct...the end of the war. Two dragons were captured. Teenage brothers. They were interrogated for information and then were experimented on. One was turned into the cyborg hunter, jackal. The other was enhanced with a biological drug that strengthened him and made him greatly more powerful than any monster. They were going to try "convincing" (brain washing) him to fight for their side but the dragon king surrendered for the return of his sons. Only one came back. Soon after the rest of the armies fell and the war ended. Ashel was the returning son and he knew that all of what the monsters were going through now were because of him. His brother was a cyborg because of him. What they didn't say was the oath that the returning son took to avenge the monsters, end the hunter's reign, and save his brother. At any cost.
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