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Fantasy Anyone want to start a roleplay with me?

My oc
  • 20211011_234640.jpgThis is Lichen Face. Lichen Face is a large gray she-wolf with a couple of white patches and long white fur on her head that blocks the vision of one of her eyes. Her other senses are quite strong though. She also has a very long tail. Lichen Face's sexuality is lesbian. Likes: The sun, little bug friends, collecting feathers. Dislikes: Being approached from her blind spot, loud and whiny pups, rain. She is good at sneaking in the dark, her rank is beta but she usually fights battles or hunts.
    Lichen Face:
  • She would walk through the forest, just trying to find something to do. She sniffed the air in an attempt to find prey but didn't pick up on prey smells. The she-wolf would then lay down among the orange and red leaves that were scattered everywhere and sigh, feeling bored. Though suddenly her attention was drawn to a black beetle that began to crawl on her paw. " Hello there, little guy...." she whispered to it