anyone got some good titles to recommend?


stuck in a tree
long story short, i just graduated from school and as celebration i'm gonna get myself a ps4. problem is that i have no ideas of what games to get with it (other than overwatch, which i've been hyped about for a while). i already made a status about this buuut only got a couple of responses. so i thought i'd take the request to the best board for the topic.

in case you're wondering, i'm into stuff i can just chill to. games with a storyline are nice, but i shit myself at horror games and don't take much interest with most kinds of first-person shooters. i'm the sort of person who spends their summers playing pokemon and the sims and undertale, but i can do stuff like life is strange too.

games that are going to be released later on are fine to suggest too, because i'll probably get another game or two at some point after the first couple.
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Oh, as far as games you can chill to Journey is a great one. Now sure how I missed that. Beautiful downloadable title where you play as this hooded creature making his way through a massive desert. Won a bunch of awards.
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This is kind of a horror game, it is not really casual, it's pretty gorey, and is a 3rd person shooter. Now you said that you didn't want horror or action or first person shooters (I don't know if 3rd person counts). Thing is though, it has, what I believe to be, the best storyline ever. This game is called The Last of Us. Of course it is the remastered version for PS4. This is by far my favorite game. It's about a man named Joel and his journey through the zombie apocalypse with a girl named Ellie. It is story rich and is almost like watching a movie. I think you would like it.
^ ooh aye i've heard that name before, rings bells... i'll have a look. thanks buddy-o!
Tales of Xillia is a lengthy JRPG but the series is famous for its character dynamics and development.

Heavy Rain is a story-heavy (PS3) title as well.

The Persona series is kind of like Pokemon with all the mons you catch and train but the themes and story are much darker. Not quite horror but not always all feel-good either. Persona 5 is still in the works but P4 is easy to get into.
Tales of Xilia is and amazing game,unfortunately it won't see the light upon the PS4 (I don't think)

I can recommend you Mad Max,the game is really easy and the graph are awesome.
it got a lot of hate but Beyond two souls is pretty good and available on PS4, you also have the telltale Games to chill with. Child of light is another, very pretty game to play too :)
oh gee golly thanks guys, i think that's more suggestions than i'll ever have the money for but these seem pretty cool. thanks a lot mhm ♪
Legitimately surprised that Dragon Age: Inquisition wasn't mentioned! I highly recommend buying the Game of the Year edition which comes with all the DLC. <3 If you don't wanna spend that much, honestly speaking the base game is really good by itself.

If you're looking for a Tales game that's in the PS4, I'm pretty sure you're thinking of Zestiria. It's an enjoyable game overall, although the story falls flat at times. The characters are loveable though. o /

If you're into Fire Emblem, Valkyria Chronicles is apparently good for fans of the franchise? I haven't gotten it yet but I'm definitely interested in getting it.
I read the title as


Instead of Titles. fml.
There's a whole big list for PS4 games really! Like you've already said, games like Life is Strange are really fun with their storylines, so I'll try to give you my top 3 based off of playability, storyline, and general overall chillness, in no particular order.

1: The Witcher 3

TW3 is like a Skyrim meets Assassins Creed (kinda) type game. You don't have to be a super experienced gamer to play it, and it's got a pretty rich storyline to follow, centered around the whole line of Witchers. It's chill in the sense that you can pick up and leave off mostly wherever, and there aren't too many overall stressful scenes in the game. The ending is sad, but it's sad in a finalizing and almost closure-type of way.

2: Beyond Two Souls

Oh, BTS. Now, I'm not going to lie to you, I cried during this. It ranks at about a 6/10 on the chill scale, but it's a really good game to immerse yourself in if you ever have one of those days where you just need to hole up at home. It isn't an FPS type game, but there are scenes with gunfights and at one point your character is in the army/military and is deployed into enemy territory. The best part about this game for me is the connections that your character, whose name is Jodie by the way, makes. There is a
heavy storyline, and I'll leave it to you to decide if you want this game or not.

3: The Last of Us

My only description for this is ugly crying.

(Honorable Mentions)

- Heavy Rain

- The Forest

- Until Dawn (Horror)

- Skyrim

- The Assassins Creed Franchise
I suggest Witcher 3 and the upcoming Skyrim Remaster. And the upcoming Hideo Kojima game, Stranded Deep, looks pretty interesting.
Just an absolute shot in the dark but if you got a remotely good computer you could get yourself into the Danganronpa Series. I only say on PC because I don't know if you have a PS Vita or Playstation TV. And also the newest game in the series is coming out for PS4 and PS Vita so if you started it you could get to 3 before it is released.

To say the least the games are about a group of students who are trapped somewhere and the only way out is to kill another student and get through a class investigation without being caught. Think of the game like Phoenix Wright but with a lot more death. It's one of my favorite series ever.
Not sure if you're into to Superhero-themed games, but a couple of good ones for the PS4 are Injustice: God Among Us and Batman: Arkham Knight. If you looking for Action/Adventure games, Uncharted 4 is the way to go.
Okay, this DEFINITELY is not a game that you can ever possibly chill to, unless you just so happen to be a god. But if you ever want to get into some more hardcore games, definitely pick up Bloodborne. Now, it's a very bloody game, with lots of creepy and gross enemies (there's one that's basically a giant fetus made of body parts), and it's a third-person action-adventure game where you use a variety of transforming weapons, as well as a not-very-powerful gun.

But if that ain't your cup of tea, then Limbo is a creepy sidescrolling puzzle-platformer that gets increasingly difficult as you continue. Guacamelee is a Metroidvania-style game themed after lucha libres and Mexican culture. Rocket League is soccer/football but with rocket-powered cars. inFAMOUS: Second Son is basically an open world superhero game. It can get difficult at times, but I would venture to call it fairly casual since it's easy most of the time, and fairly short. Ratchet & Clank is a third-person shooter with lots of cooky and really cool guns. It's also pretty easy, although some of the minigames are irritating. That's about all I can think of off the top of my head...
Uncharted. Also I would not suggest Injustice because it's online scene is dead. If you want a fighter, either pick up MKX or Street fighter V. Be wary, though as fighting games have a very high skill cap.

Also Neverwinter is free on the PS4, along with smite.

Suggestion: don't be like me and ignore the hard drive space. You'll regret it.

I suggest upgrading to at least 1TB of memory, and do this before installing any games.
monopoisoner said:
Legitimately surprised that Dragon Age: Inquisition wasn't mentioned! I highly recommend buying the Game of the Year edition which comes with all the DLC. <3 If you don't wanna spend that much, honestly speaking the base game is really good by itself....
To add onto that, if you're looking for a great story-line, I cannot recommend Dragon Age: Inquisition enough, but you MUST get the Trespasser/Last DLC if you get this game for the story. It sums up the game really, really nicely, adds some really difficult final choices to make, and may have even made me shed a tear or two a couple times, haha. (Not that the base game's ending is bad, of course. The last DLC just answers any questions you, if you're like me, didn't even realize should've been asked.)

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