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Fantasy Anthrian Experiment (OOC)

She has. I can understand it too as to why she hasn't had the time to make a character. As far as I know, she's still gonna be joining us.
Sounds like she has been going through some rough times, I can understand if she doesn't have the motivation at the time to write up a character sheet.
Sorry to butt in, but I want to thank you for being very understanding and patient as well. Things are going back to normal, so I'll be back to brainstorming in a short while.

I also want to apologize for the amount of time it's taking me to come up with characters, it's really been a while since I've done this sort of thing so I've been drawing a lot of blanks when I finally start on an idea.
Sorry to butt in, but I want to thank you for being very understanding and patient as well. Things are going back to normal, so I'll be back to brainstorming in a short while.

I also want to apologize for the amount of time it's taking me to come up with characters, it's really been a while since I've done this sort of thing so I've been drawing a lot of blanks when I finally start on an idea.

Welcome back! Can't wait to see what you got.
So, was this actually going to start? Sagy hasn't been on for 6 weeks. Should we wait longer?
It's going to start. Sagy forgot actually, that's kinda why she hasn't been online. But she still plans on making a character.

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