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Fantasy Animals at Heart || Casual || Accepting


Goldenhill - Tavern
Form - Beast

The Plains dog seemed pleased with the answer the hyena gave. He well knew her people should never be underestimated and he found her casual bluntness likeable.
It was then the serpent merchant approached and offered her own skills. Ayi was happily surprised and it showed in his sun-gold eyes.
"I know of some of yours to be very good healers, and clever enough in their own right, if you have even half the wit I have seen in your people then we would be lucky to have you." He glanced at the others then to let them know he was not even over-selling the facts. It was the dragon girl's turn to speak next and her excitement earned a warm and caring smile from Ayi with a nod of approval.
It was the lioness, stoic and stubborn that (to his surprise) seemed the most resistant. He blinked at her curt answer, a bit taken aback by the apparent arrogance of the gesture in her taking her leave. He cracked a wide smile, white teeth shining under black lips, then he began to laugh.
He laughed loud and long at the lioness' back, it would have made a hyena proud.
"Ha! What is this? I thought your people knew how to pick your fights? Else pick your allies when they fell into your lap?"
He was grinning at her, his eyes filled with genuine amusement, "If you go about believing everyone is at odds with you, one day you will wake up and find it true. You know exactly how far you'll get alone, so come, let us all go to the tavern."
He stepped to Zafina even as she tried to walk and laid a gentle hand on her shoulder, ready for her to lash out at him though, if she was of a mind.
"I will buy you a drink and you think about what I am offering, yes? Whatever your demons you can do that at least."
If she turned around in that moment she would see one of his best and most winning smiles. Years of chasing his oath had tempered his soul fire into a hearth-like warmth that spread from his eyes to sooth minds and moods.
Ayi felt he should at least give her a chance to change her mind. She would be a good asset, but they could do it without her too he decided.
He stepped toward the tavern, a gesture made with his long staff, his necklaces of bone and tooth cackling merrily at his neck as he walked.
"Come. Let us all go."
Ayi walked on then, leaving the others to make the choice and follow or not.

The tavern was well-stocked with Raan, either just coming from the square else locals who seemed slightly disgruntled with the sudden influx of strangers.
Ayi paid them little mind and found places for all he'd encountered, whether they would come with him or not.
He glanced about the room and found a couple more faces that looked promising, mainly a pair of bears that would add substantially to the muscle of their little team.
"So," he said to the band, his expression was one of polite curiosity, "tell me how you've all come here, why do you wish to take on such a strange and possibly dangerous endeavor? There are easier ways to win coin surely, and some of you don't appear to even want it."

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse DergTheDergon DergTheDergon doneanddusted doneanddusted StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18

Mentioned: Ridge Ridge Maxilgal Maxilgal
Last edited:
Tokala Balgair
Location: Goldenhill - Palace Courtyard

Tokala had been idly observing the interaction between the small band that had grouped together. His intentions remained to find a group he could (semi)trust to join in the hunt. However, this small group seemed rather... tense. The fox, still in his Jul form, watched as the lioness stalked off, leaving the others watching her back as she left them. Hmm, he pondered, perhaps someone else.

Scanning the courtyard, Tokala could see all sorts of Raan gathered that could quite easily carry out their task single handed, and he wouldn't put it past most of them. Frowning, he figured, while he reckoned they would make good protection against others, most seemed the type to turn on any partners. Clocking a few more leaving the courtyard, Tokala decided to follow them into the tavern.

Making his way to said Tavern, Tokala immediately clocked two bear-Raan upon entering the building. Interesting. He chose a quiet stool at the corner of the bar, ordered himself an ale and waited, observing. He decided to keep an eye on how things progressed before deciding who to approach. This would also, by default, allow him more time to decide how to do said approaching.
Brejvarr Ulfhedne
Goldenhill Palace - Courtyard
The short woman apologized back, even though he had meant it as an insult. It was not uncommon for Brejvarr to be rude against strangers like this, so he was a little surprised when she answered him in a friendlier tone than he had expected. Brejvarr noticed the small dagger by her side. What was she possibly hoping to accomplish with such a tiny weapon, he thought. Looking over to the man once again, Brejvarr saw he was waving them over. They both walked over to him, the short woman getting there slightly before Brejvarr.

Once they were all within good conversation distance of eachother, she introduced herself to the others. Her name was Farren. She didn't say anything else, clearly waiting for a response from either Brejvarr or the man. Being the silent type, Brejvarr didn't say a word. He looked at the man once again, arms crossed with an impatient look on his face, waiting for him to say something first.

Mentioned: Raku Raku Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear

P.S: Sorry if it's short, I'm currently sick.
Mika Iris
Location: Tavern
Mentions: Maxilgal Maxilgal
Mika slowly made her way with Skos into the tavern. She took in a breath as she soon realized once again that Skos hadn't been listening to anything that had been said, all of which was important to learn in Mika's mind. Sitting herself down with her younger friend, her eyes gazed around the room at the large selection of people that gathered inside. Happily allowing Skos to purchase the drinks this time, her small hands perched around the handle of the mug she was given filled with her usual herbal tea. There was little that couldn't please Mika, but herbal teas always topped them all, they gave her a strange calming sensation as it were. Her eyes turned towards the door as a few more faces appeared, oddly there was little that surprised Mika, yet a hyena, a lizard, and a wild dog Raan were a sight to behold altogether. None the less Mika turned her attention back to Skos with a raised brow. "Now. What are you thinking, you must have an opinion on the news spreading through the city and of what the King spoke of, no?"
Not quite familiar with the features of other subspecies of Raan, all of these gathered strangers seemed, well, quite strange to her. The first couple of Raan to respond to her surprised her with their enthusiasm and seemingly utter lack of distrust towards her. The third, while not as amiable, still surprised Neya with her animosity being directed only at the others, not herself.Neya stood flabbergasted for a few moments, attempting (in vain, truth be told) to compose herself after that odd (for lack of a more apt term) interaction. The doglike Raan's words especially were very surprising and flattering to her. Before she could thank him or the amiable female standing near him, however, the lionlike female strode off. Neya felt curious about her, about what makes her tick. Smiling and curtly saying a quiet "thank you," to the ones who had welcomed her so, she followed the lioness, quietly. Catching up to her, she watched wearily as the doglike Raan continued to press her about his offer.

Once they arrived, the doglike one then spoke to the tavern at large. She decided to say her piece, if only to ease possible tensions about her among those gathered here. She turned to the doglike Raan, meeting hsi eyes, and spoke with passion. "I needn't the coin, however, I am a professsional alchemissst. I have been harasssed by many in many ways, accusssing me of being involved with Transsscendence. I sssimply wish to clear my name by actively engaging them."

StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 SilverFlight SilverFlight
Torck Hellic
Location: Tavern
Form: Jul​
Tor had heard the king speak. The way he spoke about the Transcendent. Just speaking the word of the cultist had given Tor a bad taste in his mouth. Like he had a cut on his hand then someone decided to pour salt in it. He had no questions, for Tor's ability to track and find his prey didn't come from information. It came from the bestial senses in his gut, and his gut was telling him that he didn't have any information that could be useful. Instead he went to the only place that he could easily come up with some way of getting something, anything that could give him a leg up on information. He needed a drink as well, he set out on his path, and made his way to the closest tavern.

Tor sat down at the bar and noted for the waiter to bring him an ale. He placed a bit of gold onto the bar to pay for the drink. The battle axe that he had on his back was barely skirting the ground. He focused on his ears and began to tune around to see if he could find anyone talking about anything that dealt with the Transcendent. He could hear anything. The bartender came over and placed a tankard down. He downed the whole thing in one swig. He placed another gold piece down. " 'nother. And keep em' com'n." He said as he watched the bartender walked away then came back with another tankard. He turned around in his chair and looked around. He could see that there were plenty of people in here, most of which had probably been at the kings speech.

He continued to scan around the room till he noticed a table with a few people in their bestial form. He stood up, grabbed the tankard and walked over to them. He grabbed a seat from one of the tables that only had a couple people. He didn't bother asking. He just took it. He set it next to the lizard lady. "Couldn't help but over hear. I'm here to find and kill these transcendent bastards, as I can tell you lot are here to do the same thing." He took a swig of the ale that he had. He had noticed that the plains dog was in the crowd that the king had addressed. "I can tell that you lot need some extra muscle. I think you could use me..."

Mariq Zemaat
Goldenhill | Palace Courtyard

It didn't take the two too long to make their way to him. That's what Mariq liked, people who didn't move slow. Once they did arrive, it wasn't to much surprise when the woman introduced herself first. Ferran introduced herself in a polite manner with a curtsy to them both. Now that she was close he could see what she had for weaponry. Farren had a small dagger as a weapon. From this Mariq could tell she wasn't much of a fighter as she only had one. Hopefully she had some other useful quality if she wasn't a fighter. Next was the wolf. He didn't introduce himself. He was probably the strong, silent type. Mariq didn't need much to determine that the wolf was a fighter though.

It appeared as it was time for Mariq to introduce himself. He let his staff slide off his shoulder and rest on the ground once more, landing with a metallic tink. With one hand on his staff, he preformed a small bow. "My name is Mariq" he said, lifting himself from the bow. It was usual for him to introduce himself in a formal manner. Next was to address the fact that they were eyeing him and get that out of the way. "So, I took notice to you two eyeing me. Care to explain why?" he said calmly. He knew why, but he wanted to hear it from them. He's dealt with this many times before, so it was almost routine.
Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear Brejvarr Ulfhedne Brejvarr Ulfhedne

The lioness rejected, which Mireille wasn't too surprised about. But Mireille dropped her childishness and instead traded it for an eyebrow raise and a smile (that could probably be seen as a smirk). Weren't pack/pride/flock/group animals, above all, supposed to understand the value of working together, especially when taking down a big group? Komodo dragons knew well not take on more than they could. A whole cult was far more than a single lioness could. Then, the dog laughed, which threw Mireille off a bit. She had thought of the dog as... calm. Anyhow, he poked a bit at the lioness. Mireille wouldn't be surprised if the lioness retaliated by bashing his head off.

Why was this guy so... happy? Not like Mireille was unhappy. It was just that he was jolly. Merry. Braum or Reinhardt. And it struck her that maybe he wasn't like a rich Raan flaunting, or just someone who didn't want money. He was a lot like a Raan who was satisfied with his life right now. But it could just be the former two, or something completely different. Who knows? When dog boy turned, Mireille considered grinning childishly again, but was too lazy to. The dog wanted to go to the tavern, but Mireille was sort of tempted to push the lioness. See what she would do. And so Mireille looked over to the hyena, who was probably the most likely to do so.

Mireille sighed after waiting a moment, and, having the patience of squirrel or something, decided to go with everyone else. She'd waited too long, and was frankly too lazy to actively sniff out the lion. And, besides, every other roleplayer was acting as if the hyena had gone along with everyone else to the tavern. Mireille was quiet the entire time. She had come here before, just never in her Jul form.
Skos Axehide
Form: Bear Beast
Skos glanced over at Mika thoughtfully. She had truly wondered why she had accepted her friend’s invitation to the hearing. In all actuality, it was probably because Skos thought Mika was as bloodthirsty as a newborn puffin. She was older, loving, kind, soft, and the best Raan you could ever hug...and Skos didn’t want her hurt. Of course, she’d never reveal that too much. She shrugged her massive shoulders and snorted roughly.

“I need to get out of town...do something with myself other than haul boxes and fight drunks.” Skos took a large gulp of the mead and rested the mug on the table. “We should probably find a party of adventurers...even with my strength and your Mika-ness we’ll be underprepared for fighting a cult.” Her eyes wandered the tavern before settling on one.

A wild dog.

“Dog!” She stood and motioned for Mika to follow, not listening to any objections she might have. “You seem to be making something of yourself here…” She glanced around the table as she comfortably plopped down with a thunderous thump. Her mug of mead followed almost just as suddenly.

Ridge Ridge SilverFlight SilverFlight
Eirawen "Farren" Ninovan
Location: Goldenhill- Palace Courtyard​
Her ears were turned towards both males but she kept her eyes about for anyone else that would come nearby. More people were dispersing and going off on their own and she begins to wonder how many of them would take upon the king's offer. She looks over to the wolf who stayed completely silent the whole time, she was waiting for him to say his name, but he didn't speak. At least the one that summoned them gave a small curt greeting. She really couldn't expect any less since they were all strangers here. It looked like it would be up to her to get the ball rolling though. "Ahh..well, I was hoping to form a team of some sorts, it's the smartest way. I was looking around to see if anyone else like myself was surveying the crowd for a potential alliance," she looks between both males again, not sure what else to say. They were obviously all here for a reason and thought that they could do it. No one could take down an entire cult by themselves, no matter how tough or brave of a fighter they were.

She wraps her tail around her waist, feeling a bit nervous and out of place. They were giants compared to her and had seen the wolf's axes. He looked like a tough fighter and she realized that she was going to be seen as a weakling. She was small, only had a dagger, and wearing a dress. But she was determined and passionate and wouldn't let anything stand in her way. She would fight tooth and claw if she must prove herself to them. She was hoping that they would agree to being paid equally, assuming the King would pay up to the group ho returned his daughter. She wouldn't be happy if her share wasn't even with the rest. Farren hoped that they wouldn't just toss her aside without at least giving her a chance. Perhaps it would even be best to find a few more to join their endeavor.

Raku Raku Brejvarr Ulfhedne Brejvarr Ulfhedne
Goldenhill- Tavern
Form - Beast

Ayi turned to her as the lady of the serpent spoke first, his eyes alight with interest. "An alchemist," it was not an exclamation but his excitement was clear.
"You and I must speak on that later, I feel I have much to learn from you." He glanced over at the young dragon, remembering the look she had set upon Neya when they met in the street, "perhaps we both could."
It was none of his business, he knew that, still he thought he might at least give the young dragon a foot in the door.
"Terrible affair this Transcendence nonsense, I am truly sorry your reputation has been tarnished, but I am most impressed with your courage and your honour. Not just anyone would call them out like that."
Ayi glanced idly towards the door, and, not seeing the lioness appear he ordered for himself a mug of steaming black coffee. When this was set before him he took a small flask from his bag and uncorked it. The scent of a sweet but strong liqueur wafted our from it, fruity and pleasant. He poured a generous amount into the coffee and set the flask on the table for the others to investigate and take from as they wished.
"Distilled from fruit of the amarula tree. A specialty of the elephant people to the South."

Just then a shadow seemed to loom over the table and Ayi looked up to see an enormous and rough-looking man standing before them. He took a seat for himself and Ayi was certainly not going to be the one to stop him. The fellow looked like it would take an avalanche to make him stop anything he wanted to do and from his scent and his overall demeanour Ayi deduced he was of the bear tribe. He was perfect.
Ayi grinned, clearly very pleased, "We can use you friend. Welcome to the table."
He paused, then thought,, "Actually, I might have a use for you right now if you like, you see those two lovely ladies of your tribe over there?" Ayi didn't point, or even look. "I would like to have them join us too, how is your charm?" but no sooner had he said it a booming voice called out one single word.


Ayi jumped and fixed the big she-bear with a look of innocent questioning, a gesture that betrayed his genuine knack for getting into trouble and his likewise well-practiced look of polite ignorance when he was caught. He pointed to himself as she strode over, bear and mead settling themselves down confidently before his growing team of allies. Ayi offered his usual warm smile to the white she-bear just behind her friend.
"Barkeep! A few more chairs here please." He raised one painted hand to catch the attention of the staff, then returned to her with a smile.
"We are going after the king's daughter and we need you." He said simply, then his gaze wandered to all gathered there, and even beyond, an invitation to anyone listening outside of their circle to come inside it. "I'm not the patron of this expedition, we all get paid when we finish the job. You bring your own food and your own gear...and a good sense of humour, and I think we'll all get on like family." His smile was knowing, of course family did not always get along, there were a multitude of personalities here, but he was an agreeable dog and was confident in their abilities as well as his own.

"I am Ayize," he began the introduction, clearly pronouncing the 'eh' at the end of his name. It was about time the others knew who they had decided to ally with. "I am a healer, my people have gifted me the soul name 'Life Catcher'." There was something in his voice when he spoke the last two words, was it regret? He wasn't about to pause for the others to develop questions however, he motioned at them all to follow suit with their own names, and a bit about what they did, smiling at the alchemist as he already knew.


"I'm not too keen on rushing in there like a mad bull." Ayi spoke when all the introductions had been finished. "I think we need to pool our knowledge of the Transcendence cult, and come up with a good plan. Where are they? How many of them? What sort of weapons do they have?"

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse DergTheDergon DergTheDergon doneanddusted doneanddusted Ridge Ridge Maxilgal Maxilgal Dak Dak

Mentioned: StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18
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Zafina the VictorusZafina had walked right past the tavern, not about to work with any of them. Her ears were as flat as she could make them while her long tail flicked in annoyance. Muttering curses and general nonsense beneath her breath to try and calm herself down, she was distracted by a sort of commotion ahead. Nearing he crowd she soon saw a storefront shattered with the apparent owner on the ground coated in glass. The man was clearly diseased, his veins a stark green against his sickly pale skin, eyes full of the terror of his final moments which were now glazed and unfocused. Pushing her way through to the front, the lioness crouched down and parted her mouth slightly. Breathing in the scents of blood and a bitter poison. Frowning she would then close her jaws, searching around until she found the telltale sign. A empty vial. Slipping it into a pocket Zafina stood, about to continue when something caught her eye. Two cloaked figures heading in the opposite direction. Knowing this was more than suspicious, she immediately began to follow. The pair heading towards the tavern.

It didn't take long for them to enter, the woman behind them to watch what came next. Gracefully they moved back towards the bar, one leaping over while the other drove a heavily clawed fist into the barkeep's chest. Her eyes widen in shock, grabbing her assailant's arm while a greenish tinge began to spread outward from the wound until she went limp entirely. Not necessarily dead, but not conscious. Silently they both began to raid the counter, taking food, spices, empty mugs, gold, and many other things, shoving them into a leather bag before moving to exit.

Zafina was still stood in front of the door. With a snarl she slipped her gloves on and brandished her father's claws. It being apparent she found who they were looking for.
Mika Iris
Location: Tavern
Mentions: Maxilgal Maxilgal SilverFlight SilverFlight

Mika quickly put her forefinger and thumb together over her nose. Shaking her head as she heard Skos begin to shout and others in the tavern. Why can this girl never use the manners she has...
Standing herself, she followed Skos over to the other Raan that were in the commotion of the tavern. Her back straight but her hood still up, no one would be able to see her full face except for the bottom part of her lips were the light was shining through. "Please excuse her manners. She does have some deep down." Giving a small bow she looked around the room at the group gathered, there was little that gave her interest, her focus was on whether this mission would go well or not and if everyone would get along long enough to not try and kill one another. "My name is Mika, you have already met my friend Sk-.." Before she could finish a large amount of blood scent began to fill the air. All of a sudden the tavern turned violent as a woman was left with wounds and almost seemed to be deceased within minutes. Mika wasn't one for violence, but she knew most people in the city. Often selling some spices and herbs to the woman behind the bar, a small spark soon hit at Mikas heart. Losing people was tough yet Skos was her main priority right now. Moving into the shadows of the tavern, Mika began to slowly whimper in pain, her eyes were strained and her veins bulged a deep blue. She began to change into her larger bestial form, it was something she preferred to do in private hence moving away from those in the group.
Torick Hellic
Location: Tavern
Form: Jul​

Tor looked over to where the Dog pointed out and noticed the two that they were talking about. He chugged his ale, got up and walked over towards the bar. The first thing he was gonna do was get another drink. He stopped at the bar, put his tankard down. he put another gold piece down. "Another barkeep..... Barkeep?... Where in the five hells...." He looked behind the bar to notice that the girl was on the ground. This green tinge around an open wound. It smelled horrid and he didn't need his bestial senses to smell it.

He peered out and looked around. It was at this time that he noticed the two in the robes, and the lion lady standing in front of them at the door. He sighed and began to walk towards them, he pulled out the giant axe on his back. He dropped the head to where it was close to the ground. He held it in his left hand and slapped his right hand down on the robes of the one that is farther shoulder. "Big mistake..." He said before elbow checking him in the back.

StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18
Jul Form
With: idek anymore

The dragon girl wasn't exactly listening. She'd gotten lost the moment the conversation started, and sort of spaced out... Oh look, someone got stabbed through the chest. Wait... Mireille whipped her head around, looking for the killer. Those thieves seemed pretty likely. Mireille went over to the dead woman. "Someone should check if she's still a bit alive." Mireille knew that made no sense, but she hoped someone caught on. Mireille tried her best to remember the scent of the poison, before looking back to the escapees. Someone was going after them, pulling out a giant axe form behind. Snappy emo lioness was in front of them, at the entrance. The girl maneuvered herself to the edge of the room, watching quietly. She didn't want to throw herself in just yet. She flicked her tongue out, again trying to "smell" everyone out. She wanted to remember them. She had to remember them.
Location: An alleyway beside the tavern, next to the secondary exit
Her stomach grumbled, where's the barkeeper? Late? Please come soon. Thoughts bounced around her head as she smacked her lips licking the inside of her mouth, having no preference to which form she was in Delia currently resides in her Jul form to keep herself from overheating.

Hearing a commotion from inside she lifted her head " Keep? " she muttered and after a moment struggled she pulled herself to her feet and knocked on the side door " Keep? Hey, you okay! " she raised her voice the best she could then coughed and swallowed.

Turning herself Delia trudged to the front of the tavern and her eyes widened " W-what? " she fumbled through words seeing the barkeeper fall to the ground and two cloaked figures raiding the tavern. Once they started to leave Delia stepped forwards but was blocked by a lioness she hesitated then looked past at the cloaked men glaring at the one who killed the barkeep letting out a low growl as her body turned and she shook dust from her now furry face " Bastards! "

StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 Dak Dak (I think)
Goldenhill - Tavern
Form - Beast

The plains dog looked up at the door just in time to see Zafina appear, he was about to smile and call her over when an unusual movement caught his eye. He turned just in time to see the the barkeep collapse and his eyes widened in shock, his humour and his warmth evaporated. He was moving before he realized it, just behind several of the others but while they went for the assailants and would-be looters Ayi made a beeline for the barkeep. He ducked under the counter in the space where the servers came and went, sliding with a fluid grace worthy of a hunting cat. He was beside the woman in a heartbeat, examining the wound and the strange tint to the veins, still spreading throughout her body. He realized then and there that if the poison was going to take her, there was nothing he could do. He did not recognize the symptoms, the scent of it mingling with the blood spreading in a crimson bloom over her chest. He could not tell if it was plant or animal toxin, if it was even natural at all.
Scrabbling at an ebbing hope he removed a tiny vial from the pouch he carried and tipped it into her mouth. It would slow her pulse, slow the spread of the poison a little, give him more time...perhaps. Poison or no, if the blades had hit her heart, death was only a matter of time.
His eyes darted to the serpent woman, the alchemist, disliking that he had to make the connection, but if this was some sort of dark alchemy, perhaps an alchemist and one of the snake tribe could shed much-needed light.
He motioned to her urgently, he needed her help.

DergTheDergon DergTheDergon
Locations: Outside the palace courtyard, by the shopkeeper victim, outside the tavern door, outside the windows on the left of the tavern.
Form: Jul(Niin)
Appearance: Normal, but slightly out of breath.

Italics = Thoughts
Speechmarks/Bold = Speech

Kali Yentra
~Just a travelling bard~
Hmm, how could I earn a large sum of gold? Kali pondered to herself, as she walked through the streets idly. She was in the capital, just popping by to visit an old pal, but she also had hopes of overhearing some information as well. Reaching the king's palace, her attention was piqued by a large group of people dispersing in the courtyard. How strange. She thought momentarily, before poking a bystander nearby. "Do you know what happened here?" She asked rather innocently. "Huh? Didn't you know? The king called for mercenaries and travellers alike to hunt down the Transcendent." "Wow, really?" It's about time. She thought to herself internally, her surprised expression still apparent on her face. I guess his daughter's transformation was too much for him to bear. Though surely the terrorising crimes nowadays should've been a trigger anyway. With an internal sigh, she looked at the kind man before her once more. "Thanks for the info." She grinned, before looking around for a tavern. That's always where the best information is, afterall. Now then, if the king himself personally called for it, the reward must be high. "Looks like a good opportunity for me~" She sung quietly, with an excited expression on her face. Though, I don't really know how to fight. She realized casually. "But direct combat isn't always the way." She resolved quickly, thinking that as long as she could locate them, she'd find a way. Somehow. Meh, she'd think about it later, locating them would be a hard enough task by itself. Though some of the most recent crimes have been awfully close to the capital, yet still slightly distanced away from it. It's almost like teasing, just before a decisive blow...

Suddenly, the sound of shattering glass caught her attention. Whizzing round, Kali noticed a large crowd had already gathered by the sound, blocking her view. Slightly annoyed by the interference of her vision, she sidled her way through the mass of gaping bystanders, only to be greeted by a dead, obviously poisoned or diseased man. His sickly green appearance was not a pretty sight, as Kali immediately began scouring the surroundings for any clues. Afterall, this was most likely done by the Transcendent, her ticket to gold. Noticing a discarded empty vial, she stretched her arm to reach for it, her eyes twinkling in hope and excitement, before a lioness got to it first. "Gah." She responded, disappointed that the clue had been picked up by another. Kali personally knew an alchemist who was in debt to her, and wanted to ask him to analyze the vial for information. Wondering if she could negotiate with the proud lioness, she reached out to get her attention. But, once again, her target was out of reach, as the Raan began sprinting off towards the nearby tavern. Oh, found the tavern I guess. She thought calmly, as she began chasing after the woman. Out of the corner of her eye, she managed to notice that the woman she was pursuing, was chasing after two suspicious individuals. Oh, interesting. Our culprits?

When she finally managed to catch up with the towering beast of a woman, slightly out of breath, she noticed that the felons had already got to the barkeeper, the poison slowly engulfing the victim's body. It seemed a dog-like Raan had already begun attempting to treat the woman, whilst the lioness before her seemed to be blocking the door. But, there tends to be windows in taverns right? Dashing over to the left of the tavern, she quickly realized that this tavern, did not have a single window. Doesn't it feel or get stuffy without windows? Kali pondered to herself, quite dissappointed. Returning to the back of the lioness, she peeked around her for any other possible escape routes. The whole building was rather simple in design, almost like a simple, giant wooden box. But turns out simplicity was rather secure, as the only main opening was the door. "Hmm..." She stared at her surroundings in great detail, slowly taking in the creaky appearance of the tavern. Finally looking up, she noticed that the ceiling was rather plain. Most taverns had a somewhat complex array of supports, planks and pillars, but there were very few of them here. It's not like they could just rocket through the ceiling. Kali chuckled to herself at the thought. Noticing that the thieves were ready to charge through the lioness to escape, she realized her time was up, and decided to just enjoy the show. Who knows, she could still overhear some information from them.

Tags: StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18
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Zafina the VictorusAs a man ( Dak Dak ) tried to check ok of the Transcendent in the back, they dodged almost impossibly fast, aiming to send a lighting-fast strike with outstretched claws his way. While this occurred, he other gave a guttural snarl towards Zafina, the lioness giving one in return as she gave a lunge forward, barely missing as they sidestepped, ramming into the taller Raan. Swaying her tail wide and rapidly to retain her balance, she glared in their direction but wasn't able to act as they used their mind-boggling ability to move to a smaller girl in their Jul form near the edge of the room ( doneanddusted doneanddusted ) and attempted their best to throw them into the lioness instead.

As the dog ( SilverFlight SilverFlight ) tried to assist the barkeep, she tried to speak but only caused the bleeding to worsen. Gripping his fur tightly, she half-gestured to a few bottles kept below the counter. Possible antidotes, or something more?
Ayize’s response to Neya’s reason for takin on this task caught her off guard. He seemed, surprisingly, entirely unsuspicious of her trade and, in fact, quite positively inclined towards it. Quite the different reaction than she usually received for stating what she did to make ends meet. In fact, she felt weary eyes on her as she spoke of her trade, likely from more judgemental Raan that were seated nearby in this bustling tavern. Her eyes widened at the Doglike Raan’s continuance, and she tilted her head in curiosity towards both him and the komodo-dragon female he unsubtly called out. Neya, too, had noticed the dragon Raan’s curious gaze, of course. He wanted to learn of Alchemy? It would be smart to do so for the mission, Neya supposed. Her expression then became soft, appreciative, as Ayie offered his condolences. “Yesss… it’sss bad for busssinesss… your interessst isss appreciated, though, and I would be glad to anssswer any quessstions I’ve the meansss to.”

She then passively observed the goings-on around her, fading into the background and getting a feel for the two new bear-women who were apparently joining.

All of a sudden, very shady figures burst into the room with clear malicious intent. Neya shot up from her seat, brandishing her bostaff and a well-practiced battle stance, however the thieves had already began to wreak havok. Rushing towards them, she found herself halting due to two things: Firstly, they were rushing at the lioness from earlier, poised to attack in the doorway, who seemed more than capable of handling things herself. Secondly, the barkeep had begun showing very clear signs of being under the influence of a fast-acting poison, something that, as both an alchemist and member of a race that can administer poison naturally, she recognized immediately. With these two facts regarding the current situation quickly understood, she rushed up to the woman’s side alongside Ayize. Looking for the specific signs (skin color changes, minute physical symptoms, sweating or lack thereof, etc.), she noticed that the woman was pointing underneath the counter. She acted fast. “I will look for an antidote, they’re easy to recognize,” she explained while rushing over there and quickly examining the vials before her. Choosing the one she felt the woman was pointing to, she rushed back over and handed it to Ayize.

StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 SilverFlight SilverFlight
Beast Form
With: StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18

The girl, still in her jul form, watched it all unfold, outwardly calm and composed. Gee, these people were fast! She took note to avoid their claws, too. Mireille was taken by surprise when one of the thieves grabbed her and threw her. The little girl felt herself crash into something. Not caring too much about who or what she knocked into, Mireille jumped away. Scales began to grow and cover her soft skin. She grew in size and length.
I am so fucking lucky for wearing stretchy clothing.
The komodo dragon sighed, dashing over to the entrance to prevent easy escape. They could probably break through the wall, though. You could now see Mireille hard at work, her tongue flicking in and out, her mind processing, a part of her freaking out because fuck, was standing at the entrance of the tavern actually a good idea? I'm going to end up like that woman, now am I? Hopefully the venom was enough for the dragon to take it.

She braced for a speedy attack.
Brejvarr Ulfhedne
Goldenhill Palace - Courtyard
Though it was kind of an awkward situation because of his silence, Brejvarr was used to it and simply didn't care. He had always been bad at introducing himself, so situations like these were not uncommon for him. Brejvarr stayed silent as Mariq and Farren talked, even though it made the situation slightly more awkward. When Farren had answered Mariq's question, Brejvarr finally took the chance to introduce himself. Looking between the two, he finally said "Hello... I am Brejvarr." Though it had nothing to do with what Farren just said, he couldn't stay silent for any longer than he already had, he thought. Looking back at Mariq, he spoke once more. "And to answer your question, I am looking for a team. You looked like a decent warrior." He looked over to Farren. "You on the other hand..." Brejvarr was silent for a short moment, looking down at her. "You look... Little. Tiny even... But you could do." He was clearly not the type to sugarcoat the things he said, being straight to the point. He wanted to ask Farren if she had any previous combat experience, but he had said enough by now, he thought. He looked at the two, waiting for someone to say something. Conversations really weren't his strong suit...

Mentioned: Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear Raku Raku

Mariq Zemaat
Goldenhill - Palace Courtyard

Mariq listened to what Farren had to say. She was right, a team was the smartest way to go at this situation. It was different han what Mariq usually did. Usually, his targets consisted of lower numbers around 1 to 10 maximum. That was if he was going solo. Now, he's taken down larger numbered targets with a team, but a whole cult far more than that. As the wolf introduced himself as Brejvarr, Mariq could tell he wasn't so enthusiastic about teaming with Farren as he wasn't hesitant to call her small, tiny even to quote. This made Mariq internally shake his head. That's something he doesn't like to hear, someone judging someone else by their looks. He is guilty of it as he too was pinning Farren as the "Non-fighting" type as well. He just nodded to both of them.

"That's what I thought you two wanted" he said as he looked back and forth between them. He took quick deep breath before continuing. "If we are to be a team however, we must be confident in each other's abilities. I understand how you would see me as a fighter, but just because Farren is only equipped with a dagger doesn't mean she can't fight. If she can't, then there is certainly some other quality that can be of use in this team" he said. Mariq spun his staff to let it rest on his shoulder once more. He looked around the crowd, seeing if anyone else was making their way to them. He didn't see anyone at the moment, so his vision returned to Brejvarr and Farren.

Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear Brejvarr Ulfhedne Brejvarr Ulfhedne
Location: In front of the tavern
The ground swayed under her feet making Delia dizzy and causing her to stumble, she put a hand on her head. That was pointless, now i have no energy. She mentally scolded herself having gotten caught up in her anger and changed so fast.

The fight in the tavern had begun, and all she found herself doing was helplessly watching... The lioness was fierce but the had no chance against the incredible speed her opponent possessed. Wishing she could help in some way she whined slightly and stepped forwards. Suddenly her knees buckled and she tensed as she fell, now grasping the doorway of the tavern.

Panting, Delia tried to get her own two feet back under her. Legs trembling as she attempted to stand once more, her body fought hard and finally she got her balance back though moments later she collapsed a second time into the dirt she fell
StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 SilverFlight SilverFlight DergTheDergon DergTheDergon (Someone... Anyone... Need help getting integrated in)((had to edit the post because of person who left))
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Goldenhill - Tavern
Form - Beast

" Ayi soothed his patient, "do not try to speak." Ayi had found some clean cloths under the bar and used them to apply pressure to the wound in her chest, stemming the tide of blood.
Ayi gripped the barkeep's arm reassuringly, then noticed she was trying to point to something. Neya was there a moment later, taking the antidote and handing it to him. He unstopped the bottle and administered the liquid carefully. Then he held his breath and waited, seemingly oblivious to the conflict going on over their heads.
It was in these few seconds that he began to think, there were many questions that clamoured to be asked but he turned to the serpent alchemist and asked only the first of them:
"How does a Goldenhill tavern come to have the antidote to a specialized poison crafted by rogue alchemists, and how were you able to diagnose it and recognize the cure so quickly?"
There were a lot of things he did not know apparently, but the more pressing matter in his mind was whether or not the barkeep could be saved.

StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 DergTheDergon DergTheDergon

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