anima academy [Inactive]

Kat went over to a table that had random belongings,"Is it this stuff? I saw this when i came in..." She said. When Serena asked her the same question back, Kat hesitated for a moment,"umm..." She started,"I really have no where else to go.." She gave a nervous laugh and a forced smile.
Serena walked to the table and picked up a back pack

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.7f9fd5f9a388d1e198f8d3c4ef9c46a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19218" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.7f9fd5f9a388d1e198f8d3c4ef9c46a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She smiled and rummaged through it

"Yep everything's here!" She closed then swung it over her shoulder and looked at kat with a slight frown

"What do you mean you have no where else to go?" She said sadly



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Kaito saw rose on the ground and bloody and Nichole went to rush to her. He immediately pulls out his swords as he looks around. "Nichole patch her up and let's get out of here" he yelled as he felt anxious now and a very bad feeling the bottom of his heart
Kat looked away from her,"To put it simply..." She stretched her hands and arms outward and gestured to the books around her,"These are my friends." She gave a small smile. She picked a random book and opened it,"I dont really talk to people but with all these words from books, it feels like theyre talking to me!" She put the book back,"I dont even think half the people out there know i even come to this school." She giggled. She hook her head,"Sorry i dont mean to express my troubles. I just dont know how to talk to people or what to talk about." She explained.
On her way through the hallways, she followed a trail of blood toward the Infirmary where she found a bunch of commotion over a wounded girl inside. Just then, another girl which seemed to have gone through hell pulled out a pistol and shot the supposed locked double doors. Astonished and confused Eva watched with interest, not wanting to get in the middle of all the crap unfolding.

As Eva watched, she frowned when she realised they weren't taking care of the wound properly. It looked infected already, and they weren't disinfecting it with alcohol or heat. On intuition, she stepped out and lowered her bow, stashing it away on her back, although her brass knuckles still on her fingers, just in case.

"Your doing it wrong..." She muttered, stepping up to her and analysing the wound. "This doesn't look natural..." She stated, looking up at the others. "What the hell has been going on?" She asked, thinking back to Elizabeth in the Auditorium.
Nichole said"t-the ghosts behind the black door did this. Ugh." Wincing as her own wounds hurt. She shook her head clearing it and then went back to trying to treat rose's wounds.
Eva hesitated. So the feelings in her chest wasn't random or just her imagination. Was it because she tried seeing what's inside earlier that she had this connection? No... Was it because she met Elizabeth? She didn't technically Meet her per say...

Eva continued to collect some disinfectant, water, stitches and thread, all the wile thinking back through her whole day. What did she miss? There was something awfully wrong, and she had to find out what.

So If this chick said it was ghosts behind the black door... was Elizabeth involved in this?

"What are your names? And tell me exactly what happened..." She muttered, trying to copy her elder brother and how he used to always put her into situations like this, always beating her up leaving her for dead. She shook her head from the thought. It wasn't the time to dwell on the past. Especially not now.
Lilith listened intently, finally understanding why she's felt the way she has.

After many minutes past of her patching up the girl the others called Rose, she sighed and sat down to think things over. She debated weather to tell the others about her encounters. She knew she wasn't going crazy, that was for sure, but she still couldn't understand why this was happening. What did the ghost want? She thought back to The white haired boy's conversation with Elizabeth. Her brother is what she wanted. Who was her brother?

"We need to find the police records of the attack from a few years ago. I think all this points back to the murder..." She muttered, thinking if she knew what happened, she might have a way of solving the problem.

"And we need to go see what this ghost wants... why now? and why us of all people..."
Nichole nodded agreeing. "I think they are stuck here they're vengeful. They need to pass on and fast before we all get killed. Nichole said"but first we have to get rose to a safe place." Biting her lip. She thought of somewhere they could take her." Wait my room we can take her there to rest. I have my bible and my cross necklace in there."
Eve almost laughed. "I don't think myths and hollywood can help us." She answered, but agreed with Nicholes suspicion on why the ghosts were haunting the school. "Take her to her room, that way she can't hurt anyone and baby proof her room so she can't try to kill herself again."

She suggested. But, theres the problem of everyone else. "You said there was only one ghost... a girl right? Like I said, we need to know the history of this place before we can vanquish it. Because we don't know what were doing, I don't think crosses and holy water can help." She then stopped, thinking that over again. "You can try though. Maybe the myths are true. But I don't want to piss this ghost off any more than we have to."

Eve didn't know why she was trying to help everyone. If it were up to her, she would just leave and let everyone deal with it themselves. was it the empty feeling in her chest? The curiosity and adventure of finding out about all this supernatural voodoo? Maybe. But first Eve had to get everyone to a safe place. "Take as many first aid equipment you can, gather as many people as you can and go to the auditorium we were in this morning. I want to see if this ghost is who I think it is" 
She frowned and took that back, "No, sorry, take as many people as you can and hide in Rose's room. I'll meet you there. I want to go see if this Ghost means what she says..."
Nichole nodded and picked up rose gently. She then said"rose wasn't trying to kill herself it was a ghost." Nichole told kaito to follow her to rose's room running.
Eva nodded, "Yeah, but wasn't she a doll?" Eva sighed, and watched as the others left to Rose's room. She needed to find the white haired boy again. Maybe he knew something about all this.

On her way to the Auditorium, Eva passed the library and thought she heard voices. Curious, she stepped inside, but then remembered she had a mission to fulfil and left toward the Auditorium.

(What are you planing? Like, do I just make up whatever to keep the plot alive, or do you have a plan in mind? Also, sorry I don't like 1x1ing in group Rps so I probably won't post anymore until more people post.)
Charon had arrived late to the school for certain reasons and upon his arrival he began roaming the halls in search of someone or something that would give him an idea of where he should be right now. After a while, he discovered what looked like a trail of blood on the ground. He drew his M1911 and a knife and began following the trail. He ended up in what appeared to be an Infirmary with a pool of blood on the ground, probably where someone had been lying on the ground.

On her way to the Auditorium, She passed by a student who she hadn't met yet. As she passed him, she hesitated. She was curious to know what he knew, if he had experienced anything that could help her research. But her inner desire to be alone and figure something on her own won. If he wanted to know her, he would make the first move. Hopefully he would see her leave to the Auditorium.

Once in the Auditorium, she realised the White haired boy was no where to be seen, although his equipment was still in place. Eve thought if she tried to summon Elizabeth again, maybe she could find out more about the school's history in the supernatural.

With the lights off and the summoning equipment in front of Eve as she knelt, Eve whispered a chant she had seen Castiel do,
"I call upon the Peaceful Dead. If there are any among you who would speak to me this night then be with me now in this sacred space. Indicate your presence and readiness by showing yourself to me this evening."

Suddenly the lit candles in front of Eve whipped out due to an unsettling wind. Then came a voice of a little girl. She sounded as if she was laughing. "Elizabeth?"

Kaito nods and he follows Nichole to rose room as he helps carries rose on his shoulder. He looks at Nichole as he heard something about ghost. "Ghost are not realy right it was probably just a maniac right....." He said as he felt really uneasy right now. He bit his lips as he looks over his shoulder as he felt a bit paranoid
Nichole said"they are real kai."Nichole said as she laid rose down on the bed then Nichole ran to her room and got her cross and bible. She came back and kept an eye on rose worried.Nichole took some Advil for her lingering pain.
"Rose is in pain but you also look in pain shouldn't you rest as well" kaito said as he looks over at her. He was worried as she was just recently injured as well. He still doesn't know if ghost are real or not hit these event need a reason
"You don't look fine" kaito said as he looks at her with a worried look. He was fine staying up and look over bot her and rose
Nichole said"want a snack or something? " giving him a special k bar and ate one trying to keep calm. She hugged angel, her pikachu plushie, close scared.

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