anima academy [Inactive]

Her pulse was there it was faint, but there. Chiro cackled and smirked. Nichole whimpered and trembled still unconscious. Angel lay next to her normal now but had a bit of Nichole's blood on her. The glass shards were painfully in Nichole's back.
Serena walked inside carefully feeling like someone was hiding, she looked to bookcase and saw a book on the floor and picked up

"Someone must have dropped this..." She said inspecting the book

"If I find them I'll give it to them " she smiled and looked around the library for her lost stuff.

"Oh and if your hiding don't worry I'm not a paranormal" Serena laughed to herself a bit thinking this might ease whoever is hiding...
Rosaria let out a small gasp of relief as she found the girl's pulse was still beating, but was faint. Glancing behind her, she stared at Daniel and Kaito with a desperate look in her red eyes.

"She's breathing, but barely. Please, go find help!" She exclaimed, sitting at the girl's side and watching her breathing and heartbeat carefully. She noticed the plushie laying next to her. It had blood stains on it as well, and Rose wondered if a ghost had attacked her as well.
Kat quietly pushed some books aside to look through the case. She watched as a girl picked up the book she accidentally dropped. The girl seemed nice, and she really wanted that book, which happened to be about the paranormal. She peeked around the corner of the book case and watched her walk further into the library. She stepped out from behind and folded her hands. She fiddled with her fingers a bit not really knowing how to approach this stranger who didnt even know she was standing there yet.
Kaito saw the girl drop and ran to her side like rose. He was thankful she was alive but they had to get her to the docotor or something. "Rose go find the nurse, docotor, or whatever I'll stay by her so she won't bleed out!" He said as he had to deal with friends getting hurt. A memory made him stop but he shakes his head. He takes off his shirt and rips it as he put it against Nichole wounds to try stop the blood coming out of her body. "Who could have done this....." He said in a low whisper
Nichole screamed and sobbed as the pressure was pushing the glass shards deeper into her back. She struggled against him and thought he would kill her. She was terrified and in a lot of pain.
She felt some movement and turned around to see a girl. Serena smiled and walked over to the person

"Hi! I'm Serena" She said happily holding the book in her hand

"This yours?" She handed the book to her wondering if this was the girl who made the book fall
Rosaria glanced up as Kaito ran to help as well, and she nodded quickly as she ran to go and get help. Running down the hall, the lockers and doors she ran past turned into a blur of color. Her heart raced, beating faster and faster as she entered the nurse's room.

"There's a girl that's been hurt. She's by the black doors," She gasped out, her lungs burning for the freshness of air. The nurse's eyes widened, and she immediately grabbed bandages and a first aid kit. When the nurse left, Rosaria felt an odd chill dance on her skin, causing goosebumps to appear on her arms.

She was alone.

The room's lights flickered off and on, eventually turning off completely. The darkness enveloped Rose, her breath being caught in her throat as fear invaded her mind. Darkness had always been her biggest fear.

Lifting her feet to run, she found all parts of her body were immobile, and she couldn't control them.

"You're still my puppet, remember?" A girl's voice whispered into her ear, an earsplitting scream escaping Rosaria's lips as blood splattered on the wall next to her. A knife had been stabbed completely through her stomach, slowly getting ripped out by the girl behind her. When the knife was removed, Rose gasped and collapsed to the floor, a pool of blood forming around her.

The girl laughed at Rose's weakened state, crushing her delicate fingers with her foot. A few of the bones snapped from under her boot, and Rosaria screeched out in pain.

"Get away from me!" She screamed out. But it only gave the ghost more satisfaction. Grinning the girl stabbed the knife through Rose's hand, and than vanished in the blink of an eye. The door behind her slammed loudly, locking Rose in.

The nurse gasped loudly when she saw the blood next to Nicole.

"Oh god..." She whispered, trying her best to tend to the wounds as fast as she could.
Nichole screamed in pain and crued as the glass was removed. "W-we have to go..w-we have to get out of this h-hall. Now. P-please." Trying to crawl forward.
"Wow calm down Nichole don't move it going to be worse" kaito said as he looks down at her. He didn't need her be more in pain as he looks at her. The nurse tell him to hold her down as he complies and holds Nichole down to be treated
The nurse slowly helped Nicole out of the hallway, motioning for Kaito to follow them. As soon as they were out of the hallway, the black doors behind them shut loudly, causing a gust of wind to blow towards them.

"Okay... I'm almost finished tending the wounds." The nurse murmured to herself as she wrapped a few bandages across the remaining cuts and scratches. When she was done, the nurse helped Nicole to her feet, and helped her towards the nurse's room.

"Let's get you rested." She said reassuringly to Nicole, nearing the nurse's room which was jammed shut.

"That's funny... I don't remember it being shut." The nurse wiggled at the door handle, peering through the window and gasp when she saw a bloody figure collapsed on the ground inside. Soft whimpers could be heard, and Rose glanced behind her as the door handle shook.

"Open the door! Please!" She exclaimed weakly, her voice shaking as more blood was spilled on the floor.
Nichole said"oh crap. Rose back up from the door! Now back up!" Getting her gun and aimed it at the door knob."get as far back as you can!" Before shooting off the handle and kicked the door in ignoring her pain."nurse!"Nichole said getting to rose.
Rose scrambled to get away from the door, but her hand was nailed to the floor by a knife, and her other hand lay broken at her side. Gritting her teeth, she lifted her broken fingers, and wrapped them around the knife. Clenching the knife, she gasped out several times in pain before pulling the knife from her skin.

A scream escaped her lips, and tears flooded down her cheeks as she flung the bloody knife to the side. A large, gaping hole deepened on the middle of her hand, but she was in too much pain to notice. The door was flung open behind her, and Rose's vision began to blur.

"Get.... Away. Before she gets you... Too." Rosaria choked out, blood splattering onto the floor with every word. The nurse screamed at the bloody sight, and immediately lifted her onto the table to tend her wounds.

"Hey! Stay with me!" The nurse exclaimed as Rose's eyes began to dim more and more.
Katsuya jumped back a bit when Serena caught her. Her eyes darted around, not really knowing what to do. She gave Serena a small nod as a greeting back and when Serena held out the book, Kat slowly took it from her,"Thank you" the words hardly came out of her mouth. She observed the stranger and thought she wasnt such a scary person after all. The muscles in her body became less tense and she looked up at her,"Im sorry if i startled you..." She said a little louder this time,"hope i didnt spook you too much, considering the rumors going around n' all..." She apologized further as she walked back to the book shelf and put the book back. She flipped through the pages just before she set it there, and spoke as she skimmed through, not really paying attention to the words. She stepped back into the open, infront of the shelf to look at Serena again,"O-oh!" She caught herself being rude,"I-Im Katsuya...or Kat.." She shrugged while her tiny voice stuttered, she didnt introduce herself to others very often...
Serena laughed at kat

"It's okay, nice to meet You kat, and the rumors don't really bother me I actually love paranormals..." Serena smiled and looked around then looked back to Kat

"Hope I didn't scare you either" Serena said and pulled out a book from the bookshelf, the book was named "mythical creatures of the world" she turned to the contents and looked for ghost and when she found it she turned to the page

"Hmm. The page is empty..." She closed the book and put it back in the book shelf where it was then turned to Kat

"The book had a page on ghosts but for some reason the page was blank..." She said.
Katsuya tilted her head,"a blank page??" She thought. She blinked blankly at Serena,"M-Maybe the writer forgor to write something about them?" She shrugged "stupid! Stupid!" She thought, and kicked herself in the head,"What author forgets to write something in their own book?!" She had an inner conflict and started to wish she never suggested that thought.
Just as the boy was about to answer her, Eva heard commotion out in the hallway, toward the black doors. Curious, she was about to leave Catiel when the pain subsided and left completely. "What do you think about all this?" She asked, not really waiting for an answer when she heard multiple screams and yells.

Curious, not scared, did Eva leave Castiel, not worried if he was following or not. With her brass knuckles on her fingers and her arrow poised to be shot, she cautiously made her way towards the direction of the scream

On her way through the hallways, she followed a trail of blood toward the Infirmary where she found a bunch of commotion over a wounded girl inside. Just then, another girl which seemed to have gone through hell pulled out a pistol and shot the supposed locked double doors. Astonished and confused Eva watched with interest, not wanting to get in the middle of all the crap unfolding.
"Hey! Hey! Calm down Kat the world ain't over.. Plus you probably are right...everyone forgets things!"

She smiled and tried to calm down kat.

"Don't hit yourself" Serena said demanding-Ly not liking to see someone hitting them selves.
"S-sorry..." She looked at the ground bashfully,"I dont talk to people much..." Her small voice explained. She peered up at Serena briefly then looked back down, playing with the hem of her school uniform skirt.
(I do to :( )

"It's okay I didn't mean that offensively " Serena said worried she accidentally offended kat and waved her hands I front of her as if to make her laugh, Serena realized that might not work sense waving hands aren't that funny.... Serena mentally face palmed.
Kat immediately brightened up her face with a smile at Serena's silly hand gestures. She giggled a bit and let go of her skirt,"Thats ok~!" She blinked her ocean blue eyes at her. She tilted her head,"So..." She took this as a chance to talk to someone and maybe make a friend! "Wh-what brought you into the library by yourself...i mean with all the spooky things going on..." She continued.
"Looking for some of my stuff...I lost me back pack"'she said with a bit of a accent and a smile

"What about you?" She asked kat

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