anima academy [Inactive]

twilight sparkle

Yaoi lover
twilight sparkle submitted a new role play:

anima academy - The school that some have never heard of, but everyone has heard the rumors....

Anima academy, a school shrouded in mystery, a school most want to go to. But others have never heard of. The school has a terrible past though. Years ago a male student had went missing, they never found him and the case went cold. They never knew that he had been brutally murdered. A few years later a female student was wondering the halls and heard crying. She went down a hall where she heard the crying and found a boy. "Are you ok?" She asked walking up to him. He said"im scared..." she...
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I just read this overview and it seemed pretty badass I would like to join 
I'm not going to lie this is my first RP on here. I am very experienced in RP but on this app here I am not O.o care to guide me real quick? Where do we do the RP?
Nichole looked out the window of the bus she was riding. She sighed and rested her head on her palm. Nichole had never wanted to go to this academy, her parents made her because they were going abroad. she moved her bang from her eyes and decided to listen to some music. Nichole smiled and softly sang 'angel eyes' to herself. The bus stopped picking up more students. Nichole kept to herself around new people, it takes a bit of time for her to open up. But when she does shes a lot of fun.
Daniel woke up from the horn of the bus. He quickly got up and got ready. Which meant brushing teeth, coming hair, and eating breakfast. He had to do this in thirty seconds. He somehow managed to do so. He ran out for the bus as soon as the bus was leaving. The bus stopped for him. He got on the bus and found a open seat. He sat down across from a shy looking girl with black hair. He put a ear bud in and started to play Deadmau5.
Nichole sang a bit softly to herself nodding to the beat of the music. She then took out her notebook starting to write and smiled writing more. "Giggle poor me." Nichole finished and put the notebook away. Then looked out the window again. She then took out some pocky and munched on some happily.
Evan's thumbs flailed frantically as he played on his portable game system while waiting for the bus. He had just transferred to this new school when his father got posted in the military, so he came out to wait for the bus early. Evan looked up from his game when he heard the honk of a horn. Apparently the bus had arrived a few seconds earlier and he didn't notice while playing. He stepped onto the bus and grabbed a random seat behind a red headed boy listening to music and continued playing.
Jude waited at her stop patiently... and by that Jude was tapping her foot, looking from right to left every other second like she might have missed it, and making little sounds of impatience. She hated waiting. First day for her, she couldn't help but be anxious. When the bus finally came, she let out a "Woot!" And leapt on, watching everyone else doing their own thing. She felt creepy, watching. She was new to the school.. no, to the area in general and she wanted to memorize faces. The bus started moving again and she felt herself fall down the middle. She grabbed a seat, feeling pretty impressive and flung herself in with little concern for what might already be occupying it.
Tenchu stood at the corner of the busy street looking up at the sky, the wind tossing his dark black hair around. He was wearing the dark school uniform, which he actually quite enjoyed the look of. Just as he looked back down, the bus pulled to a stop and the doors opened. He slung his bag over his shoulder as he boarded the bus that would take him to his new school. He walked down the isle and took an empty seat towards the back of the bus. He had heard the terrifying stories about the academy, but didn't know if he believed them or not just yet. He looked out the window as the bus continued on.
Castiel sat on the bench by where Tenchu was standing, every once in awhile he would look at him for reference and he scetched out a black and white picture of him looking at the sky. "The clouds sure are beautiful today hmm?" he wasn't really too worried about the horror stories about the school but he had snuck some knives in his ink pouches just in case, nobody would expect anything.
Kaito hears the bus and then he wakes up frantically. He fell out of his bed as he frantically starts to get ready. He made sure he turned on his alarm but it looks like he slept through it. He jumps down the stair in his house as he barely make it to the bus. He got on as he adjusted his uniform and tries to fix his hair. He was noming on a piece of bread as he looks at the seat. He notice a girl was munchy on pocky as he goes over to her. "Yo is this seat taken" he said as he always tries to make new friends
Eva banged her head as Metallica blasted in her eardrums. She hated school, and wouldn't be going if it wern't for the rumours she's heard about this particular one. As the bus rolled up, she ignored the driver and all the students laughing and talking amounts themselves. She plopped into a seat in the back of the bus, behind many a few that gave her weird, judgmental glances. She didn't care, she'd learned the hard way of how to he herself. Now she just had to survive the day in this murder stricken school. Her style indeed. She started playing with her arrows, trying to send the tough message to the others, 'Mess with me, you'll get hurt.' She slightly smiled as she remembered the family knife her dad gave to her before he died that was in her back pocket. 'just in case' she thought
Nichole blinked and said"huh?" Taking out her earbuds. "Oh hi. Who are you?" Putting her phone down and offered him some pocky. She smiled softly and watched the trees as they passed by them. And soon they were all on their way to the infamous academy. The bus pulled through the gate and the driver opened the door. He said"alright heres where your new home is until you graduate from here. Anyone need help getting their luggage off? Im mr. Yutari by the way." Standing. Nichole stood and said"e-excuse me.' Getting past kaito and stood on her toes opening the compartment above them grabbing her suitcases and satchel.
Getting comfortable, jude opened and closed her bag continually for three times and checked on her switchblades. When she was done, the driver stopped, she grabbed her bags. Naturally, it would be hard for her to live at a school. Her hyper personality is considered a tic and its seen as weird to new people. She grabbed her stuff and walked off, smiling as she passed Nichole.
Daniel sat back during the ride. When they got to the school he stood up grabbed for his book bag. He zipped it opened to see if his revolver was fine. "Alright. Perfect." He zipped it back up. He headed off bus. He stopped by a girl who was getting her stuff. He helped her getting her stuff. "Hello sweetheart." He said to her as he was walking off the bus.
Castiel got up and went on the bus putting all of his art supplies away and finding a seat next to Eva. 
he was the last guy to be picked up and as soon as he got on the bus he got off...
Tenchu watched as the other students started to exit the bus as he gathered his things together and joined them. He exited the bus staring over at his new school. Well let's see what the year has in store for me...
Delicately, Rose ran a white glossy brush through her hair, closing her eyes in relaxation as it glided across the silky strands. The buzz of her alarm clock caused her to jump slightly, causing the brush to drop to the floor.


She gasped, realizing she was about to be late for school. Snatching up her bag and dashing out the door, she ran past the counter that had toast and a fresh glass of orange juice waiting for her. But she couldn't risk being late, so she ignored the refreshing smell of her breakfast, and ran towards the black motorcycle parked across the street. Her mother watched her from the window, a sad look in her tired eyes as she sighed, and began putting away Rose's breakfast.

Rose gripped the handle on her black Ducati and sped down the street, rain splattering the front of her helmet. Ignoring the rain and pulling into the school's parking lot, she slipped off her bike and ran through several puddles before entering the school. She gripped her wet helmet tightly, before letting out a small sigh of relief as she wandered down the hallway.

"All that running for nothing..." Rose muttered to herself, realizing she was early. Running her fingertips through her red hair, she led herself towards the auditorium for orientation, and plopped down into a seat.
Nichole blinked and said"um thank you?" Holding her suitcases and walked off the bus. "Bye mr.yutari! Thanks for the ride!" She said waving at him walking into the school. Some teachers led them to the auditorium for the orientation. Nichole sat down and put her suitcases beside her. She sat down and looked around seeing all the students and saw the headmaster walking onto the stage.
"Well in kaito and I'll see you in the school" kaito said as he Nichole left the bus. He gather his things as he exits out. He takes a good breath of air as he starts to make his way to the academy. He sits down as he notice the girl sittin behind him was Nichole. He gave her a friendly wave as he didn't want to disrupt the presentation
Jude sat near Nichole and smiled at her, figuring they might see eachother fairly often. Or at least she hoped to meet everyome at least once. Her smile transfered to the guy in front of heras well. She set her duffle down as well.
Kaito smiles at the girl that waves to him and he waves back to her. He then looks forward as he made sure his weapon was tucked away in his bag. He found it weird they had to bring weapons to this school. He has heard of the rumors but he thought they weren't real
Tencho walked into the giant auditorium and took a seat towards the back as he watched the other students pile in. It didn't seem to be as many kids as you would usually see in a school, but he assumed that must be because of the scary rumors that this school had about it.
Castiel's long albino hair blew in the wind as it was suddenly windy he felt awkward since all of the girls's hair was doing the same thing. Was he the only guy with long hair here? yep looked like it. Now he felt awkward
Rose set her motorcycle helmet on her lap, smoothing her hand over the front and wiping off the remaining droplets of rain. Flicking her amber eyes upward, she took a long glance around the auditorium. Many of the students hadn't arrived yet, but she was surprised at the number of people who were already here. Not many people got here so early.

One of the auditorium lights flashed in her direction for a moment, blinding her for a few seconds. She groaned slightly in irritation and outstretched a hand to block the light.

"Sorry!" One of the men working the stage lights yelled towards her, lifting the light away from her face. Rose blushed slightly, smoothing the back of her hair in embarrassment as people began staring.

"It's quite alright! No worries!" She called back softly, sliding back in her seat while trying to hide her burning face.
Nichole blinked and waved then saw the girl next to her and smiled some."hi, um whats your name?" She asked softly before the auditorium began. "Hello students and faculty! My name is Gregory Smith and I am the headmaster of the school! I know you have heard rumors of of the ghosts of the school. But I assure you that is just a silly rumor!" He laughed smiling and was a stocky bald man. the lights flickered some and he looked at the man controlling the lighting for the orientation. He gave him a sigh that it wasn't his doing. And gregory gave them the story that the rumors came from. Nichole got creeped out and sighed rolling her eyes.

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