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Futuristic Angelic Dome

Conner walked into the practice areana with a sub piled high with all different kinds of peppers. He originally wanted to finis eating then practice. But instead of the sparring areana empty, he saw Mariki, no doubt piloted by miki at that moment, digging her elbow into some poor guy's stomach. So he sat down and prepared to waych the show. The first bite he took, however, came with an extremely loud crunch. They probably heard it, so Conner waved his free arm, and said "Don't mind me." and continued eating.
Miki watched as his heath bar diminished to zero. A loud buzzer sounded in the arena. Miki stood up and walked towards her pod. She saluted him before sitting inside the pod as the doors closed.
"Depends. There are some good things and there are some things that are illegal." Miki said. She had never looked at the rules for it.
"Like booster fluid tanks, basically anything that is considered over powered." Miki said. There were to many things to list.
Cory eventually arrived to where Jack and miki where eating his ice cream. He saw Jack's Angel and studied closely "not bad" he said under his breath. He then went down there to talk with Jack and Miki "are you kids having fun?"
"Thank the gods I didn't do Anything illegal then." Conner said through the final mouthful of the sub he was eating. Sparks was swaggering behind Conner, trying to show off his improement as much as possible. What it was, was a small cylindar with six holes in it on Sparks' shoulder. If anyone asked what it did, Conner would explain how it shot out little metal balls. It wasn't accurate, and it couldn't do much. But hopefully it would destract his opponent long enough to get close.
"I think that my powers are good enough." Miki said. She flicked her hair across her shoulder, looking at Conner. Mariki was following right behind her. "I can't wait for the competition. It's tomorrow right?" Miki asked.
"Think so. Got my master card for repairs just in case though." Conner said as he took a seat. "I wonder who my first opponent will be." he said, thinking out loud.
"If it's me again, you better watch out." Miki said. She had that signature mischievous grin on her face. She was pumped. "And yes. You should." Miki said.
Conner looked at the kid. He sparred against her and he wasn't signed up? Well, he was signing up right now so it didn't matter. "I saw you verse the kid." Conner said to Miki, "You should have gone easy on him. He didn't stand a chance."
He returned and looked at them both. "I suck..." He looked down... "It felt like the angel was...rejecting me..."
"No, if your angel was rejecting you, you wouldn't even be able to pilot it. You did your best. I lost to her to, so don't feel to bad about it."
"Nah. I was just being awesome." Miki said. She placed her hands on his shoulders. "Embrace the suit, and feel its power." She said. She let go of his shoulders. "Tell me if you want to fight again. And if your good." She paused, smiling at him. "I might not go easy on you."
"I..." He clenched his fist. "I wanna go again." He walked into the center. "I...I felt something while piloting it..."
"Well then. Let's see what you got." Miki said. She smiled and walked back to the piloting room, putting on her suit. "Ready drummer boy?" She yelled, smirking inside her pod.

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