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Fantasy Angel X Demon (Male Demon needed)

“You know you’re pretty judgmental for N angel” he grinned, “‘you love the damned, you kill those that are weaker” he remembered her words.

“Don’t feel bad for me,” he offered, “I have a job, so I don’t get tortured like the rest of those ‘poor souls’”

“I actually feel bad for you” he shrugged “you get in trouble if you don’t meet your quota right? I have a feeling you’ll need all the help you can get.”
She looks down softly and shrugs. "It has its ups and downs.... Some of the downs are sad." She sighs. "I only feel that when i'm down here though." She says gently, before knocking and calling the boy out to talk to him. After a while or so she had saved the boy and he was determined to save his mother. She let him go to do the rest of the work. "Thank you." She looks at the demon and then back down.
“Don’t mention it” he shrugged with a yawn, “they can’t all go to hell after all”

He glanced away from her, then back. “Is that all you were doing today?” He asked.
She nods. "Yes it was." She shrugs softly and starts to move away. "I should go back to my room ive already gotten into enough trouble for one day." She says softly.
“Downstairs” he said simply. “We don’t always travel together.” He explained, “just for work, and Kinos the only asshole, Kibusto’s annoying but he’s a good kid” he smiled a little. “He’s like a brother to me”

It was clear that he cared about the third dog that had been there the last night.

“Kino won’t bother you again,” he got back to the point. “I reassured him what our objectives were last night.”
"what are your objectives?" She seemed very confused considering any objectives they would have would be to kill her or Damn those. She follows him to a small shop and sits down in a corner booth away from others so not to be heard.
“Is soul Steelers have targets we are given. Our objectives involve ensuring they stay on the path to damnation” he explained.

“We also bring those who have already souls their souls regardless of behavior down to hell, they always think they can go to heaven because they were on their best behavior” he scoffed shaking his head.

“We do not hunt or kill angels,” he said plainly. “I don’t know what got into Kino last night but I really am sorry for what he did to you” he explained.

A waitress came up to their table.
“What can I get for you guys? Or do you need some more time?”

“I’ll just have a coffee, and I would like whatever sweet thing you guys have to-go, so long as it’s not chocolate”

She nodded and looked to Lila now, “and for you miss?”
"Coffee, a few sugars in it." She says gently and looks back at him once the waitress was gone. "Who are some of your targets?" She asked hesitantly.
“I’m sorry” he shook his head, “that’s not really something I’m allowed to talk about.” he shrugged.

Really he could have if he wanted to, but in giving her names it might encourage her to go looking for those people to try and save them, and if she did he would be in a lot of trouble.

He was not interested in being in trouble.
I understand. " She looks down disappointed and sighs once the coffee was brought she sips on it silently
Vin blows over the top of his own, he takes it black. Much like his soul.

“You wouldn’t want to start talking to me about the people your trying to save right?” He reasons. He makes a bit of a face mostly as the heat behind the drink.
She shrugs softly. "I suppose not. ." She didn't see to concern with it as she stirs her coffee. "Why the sudden interest in me"
He blinks taken aback a little by the question. He’d been asking himself the same question hadn’t he? What about this angel was so interesting that he tracked her down to see her again?

He shrugged as nonchalantly as he could. “Guess I felt bad?” He offered trying to come up with something that could make sense and answer the question. He takes another sip of his coffee to give him time to think.

“Kino is my responsibility and he really did a number on you last night. I feel I should make it up to you somehow,” he set the cup down.
She wanted to ask if that was true but didn't as she nods softly. "you already did by saving me." She says softly
He shrugs again, “I told him to get off you, that’s not very much. I mean if you don’t want me around you can always say that,” he offered.

This angel had to be tired of him by now. Her kind typically didn’t enjoy putting up with his kind.
"Oddly enough I find you interesting. I have found your world interesting. I don't wish to go to your world but i do find it interesting." She shrugs taking a sip of her coffee and looking out the window for a moment
He shrugs again, “I told him to get off you, that’s not very much. I mean if you don’t want me around you can always say that,” he offered.

This angel had to be tired of him by now. Her kind typically didn’t enjoy putting up with his kind.

Vin couldn’t really say the same, he wasn’t all that interested in the angels or their fanciful fluffy cloud home.

“Because of those goth guys you dated?” He grinned
"Oh right right, you were just interested in gothic guys" he grinned bigger leaning over the table closer to her. He batted his eyes behind his sunglasses.
“Oh a phase!” He laughed, taking a another drink from his cup.
“That’s what made you want to explore during the witching hour right?” He guessed, “You’re previous phase in the dark?”
She looks away from him and bites her lip. "I just happened to-" She started to lie but remembered she wasn't allowed to lie no matter what the situation. "I was a bit curious i suppose that's all. Why you have some kind of human crush on me." She returns batting her eyes.
He leaned back away from here.

“Uh, funny you ask, I don’t have any kind of romantic feelings for anyone anymore” he frowned quickly, he waved down their waitress.

“Could I get the check, and that desert?”

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