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Fantasy Angel X Demon (Male Demon needed)

“Yeah” he muttered obviously upset with her comment.

“And angels have their heads shoved so far up their own asses they think they know everything” he got up from the table fishing into his wallet a moment. He placed a twenty on the table.

“Should more than cover what we got, the waitress can keep the rest as a tip.” He moved for the door and left her behind.

The waitress arrived shortly after with the dessert Vin had asked for.
She quickly followed him out staying right behind him and grabbing his arm. "hey.... Don't walk out like that.... I was just joking..." She says softly. "Talk to me... Please.." She says in a concerned tone.
“You make it hard to tell” he muttered pulling his arm from her grasp.
“Were your other comments about demons jokes too? Like that we always kill the weak?” He leans against the outside of the wall not running from her anymore.
She looks down. "No... That's what I had always heard... If you where weak and helpless your at their mercy. Which scares me..." She looks away bite ng her lip nervously and her hands shaking along with her body. "I'm sorry okay."
He sighed, “it’s fine” he shook his head. “I shouldn’t have freaked out on you....” he stood back up straight.

The waitress stuck her head out the window, “did you still...?” She holds out the to-go Vin has neglected to get. “Oh right thanks.” He took it from her as she headed back in. He looked to Lila, “I do have to get going though, have to get ready for tonight...maybe I’ll see you around sometime...?” He offered with a smile not wanting to leave off on the wrong foot with her.
"you name a time and place and I'll be there. Witching hour is a nice time for me and how about the cliff that over looks the city?."
He frowned, “Are you sure your comfortable coming out during the witching hour?” Last time she was out at that time she’d been attacked.

Then again maybe being out and away from people she would be okay. No people no demons right?

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