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Fantasy (Andraus X Robyn Banks)

The two princes bowed before the soveriegn king as he approached them. King Robert and Queen Cersi simply nodded as a sign of respect. "Lord Troy, Your reputation precedes you. We weren't sure that you would be arriving, let alone accept our offer." Robert said with a smile plastered on his face as well as his wife's.

In the mist of it all, Amaris and Henry exchanged looks, as if being in the same room could set the room ablaze. The reason for the tension between the two was unknown to most except Leith who seemed not to notice or even care in that matter.

As the Le Fay family listened to Troy, Amaris interjected his declaration in her head. His words sounded poetic enough to leave the guards in awe. 'to ensure that all who dared to shroud your kingdom in darkness.' Ha! If only he knew who he was speaking to. There was nothing that she found nothing righteous from any Le Fay in the room except one.

King Robert remarked. "I applaud you for those words.I am curious to what made you cooperate and what you would like in return. Minas Toth is not known to assist many nations in need. I am sure no king would sacrifice his men for a another just from the kindness of his heart. Is it Gold, more land perhaps? Anything is negoatiable with good reason."

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"My offer would sound insane to many, but I know you- you are people of reason, and if it can be done, you would see it done. What I bring with me is merely a sample of the power I offer to your Kingdom, the benefits of what could occur if you side with me....along with the prospect of more." Troy said, before pacing.

"I have personal scores of my own to deal with- A kingdom I once served, now my target. No doubt, once word reaches their ears that I have come here, they will renew their interest in taking what is rightfully mine. What I propose is a war pact- I will not help you gain control of a parcel of land from Slewoth....I will give you an army that will take control of the entire kingdom, and rest it upon your grasp." Troy said,

"What do I want in return?.....In exchange for helping you in your war, I wish aid in mine- I plan on bringing my army to conquer Alamar, but I know that I alone cannot accomplish this. Once conquered, the land will be mine. After that, we can discuss a more...permanent alliance, one that would solidify our place as the dominant power in the land." Troy said, before stopping in front of them. "Ambitious, is it not? Maybe, but it is possible. I am living proof of their weakness...."

He would then look towards Amaris. "There is also another matter I have my attention on- largely small in scale compared to this, but a personal matter which has drawn my attention for some time- Someone from my past I am looking for, and want back alive, or if not, what happened to them. I willing to pay generously for any information found." Troy finished.

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King Robert and Queen Cersi was interested from the first time he spoke, the flattering did help his case with them. Being gifted an army of skilled mages was an offer that could not be taken lightly especially if it included taking over defeating an enemy permanently. If this was successful that would continue their conquest as well as gain more resources.

Amaris knew who he wanted to find, the same person he wanted since he lost it all, Annabelle Connors. She knew finding a person in question would be done with ease for the Queen with her eyes and ears all over the Continent.

The only catch was Alamar. The two countries were currently at peace with eachother and trade was better than ever. However, It was a risk they were willing to take. The two rulers looked at each other, obviously having the same thing in mind. "We do not doubt the possibility of the termination on both countries. Seeking conquest is something that we embraced greatly and therefore accept your pact. If you are willing to split your army of 500 men for the battles we face, we will do the same." Robert announced. "

"Delaying the gossip of your visit will be simplistic as well as finding the individual of your interest. I will have my ladies and spies get to it right away. We will deliver any report of the matter to you. "Cersi added. "I may need something to start the search however, some information, a picture if you have one."

Amaris stepped forward and bowed before the kings and queen. "I would like to make myself of service, accompanying Lord Troy to Alamar to represent Xerith and keep it's best interest in mind. I know that traveling with his legion of men would better suit our goals."

Henry and Leith looked surprised to see their sister give such a request especially with her current status. Robert thought about the situation, give a slight shrug of his shoulders. "Only if King Troy allows it to be so." Amaris eyes shifted towards Troy, awaiting his response.

Andraus Andraus
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"Oh, do not worry my King and Queen- You shall see the results of this alliance before I take Alamar. How about a show of good faith- Fort Starkhaven, a fort commanded by a Slewothan General. I shall take my forces, and capture the fort myself. In one weeks time, your banner shall fly over it." Troy said. He would hand something to Mordred, before the large knight would leave. "I already agreed to help you in your last dispute first. Consider it....how you say, a test?" He said. He was giving them the illusion they were in control, that they held the higher ground in this event.

But like always, he never revealed his full hand. When Amaris spoke up, he would look towards her. He was, without a doubt, miffed that she had broken into his private room, and gone through his information and personal business, so this little bit of revenge would suit him quite well, and give her the message that he was not to be toyed with.

"Of course, I would love to have such a brave and beautiful woman fight alongside my legion, I would protect her as I would any in my household" He said, bowing his head. "As for a picture? Your daughter could aid you with that, she had procured one recently, how convenient? " He said. Underlying message? She was caught snooping through his stuff, and would do well to be more careful. A bit of humility for the proud princess.

"May I take my leave, my lords?"

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The meeting hasn't even ended yet and Lord Troy was already acting so prideful... Typical. The two rulers seemed pleased with the strategy, attacking a fort without any of their men in battle. "Very well, do what you must." Robert replied.

Amaris wasn't much for the flattering but the remarks we're something she could take a liking to. "Yes, I couldn't agree more." She pulled a picture of the maiden from the pocket of her dress and approached her parents. "I recent found this when I was doing some investigation of my own.unfortunately, my skills in esponiage were lagging." She said it with no remorse or sensitivity towards the matter. It just wasn't in her nature. "Annabelle Connors, last seen six years ago. She is probably nineteen years of age. I will give the rest of what I know to your informants. "

"Thank you princess Amaris, I will have them get started right away. You may leave now, King Troy, I personally wish you luck on your endeavor." Queen Cersi said. When Troy exited, Henry snickered. "Well done it seems that you have left a 'good' impression on him."

"Hold your tongue. This has only begun." Amaris looked towards King Robert. "I will keep you posted throughout the journey here and back. Just because he promises such extravagant things, doesn't mean that we should trust him entirely. No matter how Heroic he think he is, he's still damaged, and that can be used to our advantage. Everything I have learned about him will be sent to you as well, I can find possible safety nets, if things does not turn out as planned or we are given a better offer...now if you excuse me, I have a expedition to prepare for."

Andraus Andraus
On her way out (if she would pay attention) She'd see a couple of servants and a few lady's in waiting approach Troy, along with a few guards. He was in the training room, likely keeping himself busy to prevent his skills from lagging behind.. They were rife with questions on the man, as stories about him were wide and varied.

"Some say you were chosen by the old gods!"

"Did you really build the kingdom all by yourself?"

"How did you come to be a leader?"

Troy looked rather amused, but spoke little. "My story is not as glorious as others paint me to be. I prefer truth or being glorified, as being glorified demands expectations that I cannot always meet." Troy said.

"Pft, yeah right! They claim you are a great king, but I've seen nothing but bluster and boasting. None of you even carry a proper weapon!" A guard spoke up, his words slurred. He was likely drunk. "What kind of army can you provide, that we cannot give to our Lords?"

Troy would smile towards the guard, before finally standing. The guard had been practicing archery. "Very well.....let us see which can shoot truer, shall we?" He said, before pointing towards a target.

The guard would laugh, before taking his bow, and firing an arrow. It hit near the center of the target. Troy and the others clapped as this had happened, the guard turning prideful. Troy would then.....begin taking a step back, as if he was leaving.....Before throwing up his hand.

Now, They could see why he didn't carry a weapon.

As if drawing energy from the void itself, a bow materialized in his hand. Drawing upon this same energy, he'd knock a glowing arrow, before shooting it at the target. The target itself....would be vaporized, turned to glowing purple ash. Troy would then knock another, though the arrows would glow a soft blue instead of a vibrant purple. The arrow would go through the mans leg, pinning him. Try and his might, the guard could not remove it, though there was no tissue damage.

"Remember these words, for they may save your life one day- Your enemy never needs a weapon to kill you." He said, before snapping his fingers. The arrow would vanish, and the man would fall to the ground, before moving away quickly. Troy would then finally walk out.

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Amaris' eyes would follow the crowd of servants as she walked out. No doubt that Troy had found the practice room. She stepped closer to the area before leaning into the hallway wall, watching his little tournament with the guard.

She was impressed by what she saw, it wasn't common to see that level of magic outside the college. It seemed he was exactly as his people proclaimed him to be. The Lackeys looked at him in awe as the king left their presence.

"I must say that was quite the show, your grace." She said sincerely. Though, I do find your words contradictory." She adjusted her posture. "Just because it is not categorized as the ammunition we see, There is no weapon being formed against them... Like words, it's amazing how the tongue so small yet potent, can cause enormous damage. Weapons will be drawn whether we like it or not, what matters most is how we use them."

She walked alongside him, folding her hands in front of her. "I know the resentment you have for me and if I'm honest, I could care less. Being Royalty is merely a performance, you understand that don't you? I'm sure that you are a good, ambitious man and You think I have cross the line but that's just the way life works. This expedition is business, what's important is that we succeed in our conquest, keeping both of our kingdoms in mind, not our feelings."

Andraus Andraus
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"Words are not a weapon, the mistake of a fool...words are a means to an end. Calling words a weapon would be like calling yourself a murderer for giving a killer a knife. Just because he kills someone with it, does that mean you stained your hands with blood? No. They are a means to an end." He said, turning to face her, as they walked the halls. "I do not trust you, because I do not trust being in a den of vipers. As I am sure you know, the last time I was in this position, almost my entire house was slaughtered. What's to stop you from doing the same, once you get what you want? You think I actually trust anyone here? What a fucking joke." He said to her, before walking with her again.

He would keep walking, before finding a balcony, to see the city below. "For you, this expedition is business....for me, it closing the book- Sealing old wounds and settling old debts. The ghosts of my families deaths still haunt me. Once they're avenged, and my land made whole again, maybe perhaps I will be as well." He said, crossing his arms. "I need to find her...Annabella doesn't deserve to live like this. Hell, peasants wish for this life, not knowing what coin and station entitle. It just add more ways to die."

Troy would then turn towards her. "For all intents and purposes, you are not someone I can trust, one because I barley know you, two because I know you are people that could likely have me and my soldiers killed without a moments hesitation. If this war of yours wasn't a present issue, I have no doubt you'd try for it.....I agreed because of necessity- I have three kingdoms bearing upon my door, I do not need another if I can avoid it, and if I can down Slewoth, that number is reduced to two. So for now? I'll play nice and bow....only because the situation leaves me no alternative. But pay mind to this Amaris- Never mistake me for a fool, you're too smart for that." He said, before seeing a white raven fly past, a message attached to it's leg.

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"Don't worry the feeling is mutual. I will agree that we could deciding on destruction without hesitation but you have the same options as we do. You have the same opportunity to just claim Slewoth for yourself." She said. Her hands resting at her side. His words left her unfazed, she's heard worse things in her lifetime so far.

She could knew what he wanted, a hapoy ending. Something that could finally put him at peace, to make the nightmares finally end. Ot was funny to how clearly she can see other people's problems compared to her. She could see their pain, understand it, but couldn't feel it.

Everyone wants an Fairy-tale ending, a place where the slate is wiped clean. But the truth is afairytale, is just a fairytale. No matter where we go we take ourselves and our damage, with us. So is home the place we run to, or is it the place we run from? Only to hide out in places where we're accepted, unconditionally, places that feel more like home to us. Because we can finally be who we are...

"Your sister will be found, if anyone is up for the task it is the Silent Lady herself. The question that you face is what you will do when annabella is discovered? You can bring her back to live with you but all you will be doing is putting in the same position with more risks given that you are King now and Alamar will know that she's alive... I hope you're prepared to make the best decision when time calls upon it."

She then smirked as he went on with his warning. Pretending. A word that comes up so frequently through her head. It's normal for people to fake human interactions.For her, it slowly slipped into her typical routine. Pretend that feelings are there. For the world and everyone around her when the time is right. Who knows. Maybe one day they will be.

"Playing nice would be fine as long as you don't act that way with me. I am not asking you to trust me, I am just asking for cooperation." She watched the white raven fly past the window, her curiousity sparked. "I will never think of you as a fool, In fact I see you more as a challenge. I just hope you know that it is dangerous to confuse vengence with justice. I'll see you when we deport." She didn't saw another word before wandering off.

Andraus Andraus
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"Then I'll do what is necessary to keep her safe- I lost her once, I refuse to lose her again." Troy said, before looking towards her, as the raven flew over. Following after, they'd watch as the white raven flew close, before it landed on the window's edge, a message tied to it's leg. "The nines, who the hell would send a message via a white raven?" Troy said, taking it, before handing the raven a piece of fresh meat, which it happily gobbled up. Looking at the name, he'd raise an eyebrow. "It's to me...."

Troy would take the message, and scan it over. After about a minute or so, he'd lean against the edge, before holding it out towards Amaris. "That explains the white raven....That was a message from her Majesty, Queen Leliana. Seems she took the time out of her civil war to send me a cheerful greeting, expressing regret over my parents death and joy to learn of my survival." Troy said, sarcasm laced in his voice. "Underlying message? Is the rumor true that I am alive, and if so, will I support her?"

Troy would then cross his arms. "You have more joy doing this than I do, so you'd likely see more benefit in this than not- What do you suppose I should do, Lady Amaris?"

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Amaris followed the creature alongside Lord Troy as it landed on edge of the window. Someone knew that he was here, the question was who? Amaris took the note without hesitation and began to read it while he spoke. Queen Leliana, Former Queen of Alamar and leader of the rebellion.

Amaris was surprised that he would ask for her counsel. It wasn't look ago that he declared his wariness of her. "Well I suppose I can be trusted for some things after all." She said in mockery. "I can not tell you what you should do in this situation since I do not know your mind-set but I can expand so you know what is at stake."

"What I see from this message is the same matter you dealt with various nations. I'm thinking that because of your parents, Lord Zathrian and lady Vivienne, supported her in the past she would expect you to do the same. And what would she offer you? Honor, Gold, Land, a title. Things that you either don't need due to your current status or what you can do yourself when you conquer Alamar. It all comes down to who you think should be on that throne, You or Leliana."

She glanced down at the paper once again. "What I am certain of is that if Lady Leliana knows of your survival, Lord Bastion and your brothers may know of it as well. It seems we have let the rumors of your arrival in Xerith spread before we could control it. there are probably spies sending information here, I can create gossip to redirect them until they are revealed. An Alamar diplomat is here as well, We kept him unaware of the occurence happening at court though the speculation may change his tone. I'll leave him to Queen Cersi." "

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"Gods dammit, this was something I was hoping to avoid for now....agh, no use whining about it, now is time to turn this to my advantage." Troy said, snapping his fingers. It was true, his parents supported the Queen and her late husband, But he wasn't going to back down- Alamar would be his. However, this did also bring up the interesting fact...Queen Leliana had a claim by bloodline, and she WAS a widow.

"I think I have an idea on how to claim it, but that will take some planning, along with quite a few other issues present at the time. I'm not even sure it's the best idea, but it's something I'll have to consider" He said, tapping his hand on the railing. He wasn't looking for a marriage, and he first had to learn if that would be in his best interest. While true, it would save time, that was something that came with a lot of baggage, and it would also cause issues in the future, he was sure of it.

When Amaris mentioned a diplomat was here, Troy tapped his fingers lightly on the railing, before speaking up. "Really?.....I think i would be interested in meeting this diplomat." He said to her.

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She perked her brow as be bright up what he thought was a good idea. She wondered what it was but concluded that's it would be more pleasurable to find out as time progressed on. " If you need assistance in your so called plan I would be willing to help. I would expect it to be even enough, Alamar is in a civil war which means both financial and military wise, it'll be a matter of time before they fall into a crisis."

When he asked to in fact meet the diplomat, she wasn't sure what angle he was going for. "Lord James Valois, is the man you wish to see but I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish. He is part of King Bastion's privy counsel, if you speak to him, Your brother will know about your survival from that fire and be suspicious of Alamar's alliance with Xerith. I pray you know what you are doing." Amaris beckoned a servant over. "I need you to take us to where Lord James is presently, we have matters to discuss."

The servant nodded prior to escorting the two directly to Valois' chambers. The princess gave the guards a slight wave as if granting herself passage to enter. And there he was, Lord James, reading documents on his desk in one of the corners. He looked up to see the two, raising as a sign of respect. "I'm aware that you went expecting visit however it is quite urgent that we discuss a few topics at this time. I would like you to meet his Highness, King Troy of Minas toth. He requested an audience with you."

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Troy followed behind, a stoic face shown as he followed after Amaris. When she introduced him, he finally spoke up. "I should've known....It's been too long, James." He said...


Troy knew him?

Troy would look towards Amaris. "Six years ago, I was squire to Lord James father. He oversaw my training. The proudest day of my life was when Lord Valois's proclaimed my training complete. " He said, walking over towards the man, and hugging him. "It has been too long, my friend.....I am sorry I could not keep in contact. I've yet to learn of my parents killers, and feared revealing myself too soon would leave me and my remaining household open to attack. " He said to him.

Ah, now it would make sense.

Troy was playing it off as if he didn't know who attacked his house, even though Amaris knew he had a clear idea who did it. This facade would give Troy a bit of breathing room, as Lord Bastion was not foolish enough to attack a king, but would likely not hesitate to do something if someone knew of his crimes. If Troy played it off like he had no idea who had attacked him, it would give both his brother and Lord Bastion a false sense of safety....

One that Troy had full intention on exploiting later on.

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James eyes widened to see a face that fell off the face of the earth."Troy? Is that really you? I thought I'd never see you again." He said returning the gesture to his counterpart. "Yes Yes, of course I understand. " He held on to his shoulders taking a good look at him. "You haven't changed a bit, though you came out better than before! King of Minas Toth." He bowed in a playful manner."I wish I could say the same for Amaris, it changed drastically after you left... How are you old friend? Has life been treating you well?"

Amaris kept her distance from the two just observing their behavior with eachother. She let out a small grin, not out of delight to see the reunion, but the fact that Troy was acting oblivious to the cause of death to his house. She found it enjoying to see it unravel over time.

"You should return home, Your brother still lives,in fact he is in line for a throne of his own, If Lord Bastion can managed to defend it from Leliana. I'm sure he would be pleased to see you, the whole country would."

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"I am twenty-four my friend. Yes, becoming King of Minas Toth was nothing short of a challenge, but you know me- I never back down from one." He said. Good, he fell for it. That would make his maneuvers in Alamar all the more simpler. "I've heard Alamar entered something they call an 'Age of Industry'. Things have been picking up back home, huh?" he asked. He had to squeeze as much information as Lord James was worth. It was the only way he'd be successful in learning all he could about Alamar.

When he was told to return home, Troy shook his head. "I am afraid I can't....Though I'd love to see my brother again, I have my own kingdom to run, and I am not sure it is safe- As I said, my families killers could still be out there. I have to take precautions before I can make the trek home. " He said. Now he had to play this right- He had to make it seem like Alamar and Minas Toth shared interests, that both Kingdoms were in alignment with the same goal.

Thankfully, Xerith provided that just fine.

"I'm here on diplomatic business, actually- Xerith needed my Arcane Warriors for an upcoming skirmish, and I am all to happy to provide my armies." He said, patting James on the back. "Looks like we'll be on the field of battle together yet again, James.....Just like old times, eh?" He said, a grin on his face.

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"Yes, it is true we have progressed with the assistance of Xerith but not as fast as we first expected. The civil war is the main investment in these past years. I'm sure when the mediocre battle is said in down that will be our main focus once more." James informed.

"Sending gold, men, and technology for various services. It's was a solid negotiation founded by Lord Valois himself." Amaris added. She didn't want to specify on the services in particular especially since over the years, it was numerous.

He grinned. "Fighting like the old days would be glorious! However, a diplomats role lacks that sense of combat. I only participate in political affairs now." He chuckled." I thought war was a hassle but diplomacy is a fight of its own right. I would advise you to take some down for me on the battlefield."

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Troy would pat the man on the back. "Ah, that is a shame. I would love nothing more than to fight alongside you again." He said, before it dawned on him an idea-

Why had he not thought of this before?! He could play both sides of the war against each-other!

Despite the civil war, Alamar was still a kingdom to be reckoned with. He needed to have them weaked before he could defeat them, so why not play one side against the other? Lord James believed he didn't know who killed his parents, and Queen Leliana believed he would be loyal to his parents wishes. Amaris's words would then run through his head- Why play by their rules, when he could play by his own? If he played his cards right, by the time he brought his army to conquer Alamar, the Kingdom would have no way to defend itself.

He would have to thank Amaris for this later.

First though, he had to ensure that Lord James believed him to be an ally. "Tell you what. If we can't fight on the field of battle, why not hunt a beast together? A trophy brought to House Valois would be a good demonstration of power, and it could be seen as a diplomatic move by King Bastion for......whatever reason. " Troy said. He acted as if he was not an experienced ruler, though Amaris would know this was nothing, but an act. He was setting the playing field. "You get the trophy, but whoever bags the beast has to buy drinks when we return!"

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"That is fine by me, Troy. Just like the good days. I will be prepared to go in an hour, I should finish up in my report to his Highness as well as change into something more suitable." It was obvious that James' alertness was down in the floor at this point. He thought if this as nothing more than a reunion of old friends. Stepping away from diplomacy was something that he needed at this point and who knows? Perhaps he could get his king more men and money to strengthen his claim, leaving him with a better title.

Amaris nodded. "That sounds delightful for the two of you, if only I would occupy you. Unfortunately I prefer not to be the third wheel especially when it applies to an lasting relationship." She looked towards Troy. "I think we should leave him to his business for now, I recommend you to meet near the back of the castle, it the closest route to the forest." James nodded and bowed. "Very well, your grace. "

She waited till they were at a far enough distance to not be heard by anyone. "We'll played, King Troy. Seems you are already making your move on alamar."

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Troy would wait until they were out of ear-shot, before speaking. "I have you to thank for that, Lady Amaris. Your words in Minas Toth gave me ample inspiration to plan, and you leading me here gave me the opportunity I sought...." Troy would then take her hand and kiss it, a sign of respect and admiration, but from Troy? It was genuine. "Were I ever to find a woman as cunning, beautiful, and power as you, there'd be none to challenge me. I'd be more scared of my own wife than my enemies!"

Troy would then arrive to his room, before looking around for his hunting garb. It hadn't been long since he hunted beasts of the wild, but it was always a meticulous task to prepare for a hunt- There had to be a respect for the beasts, a respect for nature, and a respect for the hunt. Laying down hunting attire, Troy would turn towards Amaris. "If my plans ever came to fruition, and both kingdoms bowed before my will, would you ever consider ruling at my side?" Troy asked. It was not a declaration of love or a pact, but an honest question- He wanted to know Amaris's mindset of it.

Well, even if she said no, He still had to keep his mind on the hunt.

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She gave him a sincere smile, something that didn't come often for her. "You're too kind. We're partners now, your best interests are valued to me. I must admit that I have grateful that the way you perceive have shifted, even if it was ever so slightly."

Amaris followed him into his chambers. she simply observed Troy scavenger for his hunting gear while directing her thoughts to slewoth. The border was a few hours away from the capital, enough time for her adversary to scout them or even come up with a defense mechanism. Teleportation would be an option, though she wasn't sure if that would be the best option. What could she do?

She was pulled back to reality when his majesty began to ask her a question, a question she didn't expect to come so soon. "I would." She said without a hint of doubt in her voice "Only a dullard would let an opportunity of like that slide without considering the possibilities. If we are able to gain Slewoth in the name of Xerith and conquer Alamar from your fiendish brother. We would be the most powerful couple in the world...Of course, there will be repercussions for such a union."

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"No doubt. Such a union would bore powerful enemies and alliances. We would be uniting not one, not two, not three, but four of the most powerful kingdoms in the land. They'd never stand a chance to challenge us, thus would breed fear that we'd conquer them as well, which is tempting in thought, but ultimately useless in practice- Stretching our power too far would only lead to weakening us as a whole. " Troy said. Troy always looked at with a realistic and practical view, knowing full well that underestimating your enemies could be the difference between life and death.

As far as Troy was concerned, He'd rather be over-prepared, then not prepared at all.

Troy would then crack his neck as he walked out with Amaris. "It is not a matter of trust, Amaris, but a matter of reason- Do not doubt that I am weary around you, but I am, for the time being, indispensable. You stand on the brink of war with Slewoth, and that means you cannot afford a war on another front. More to the point, having allies lessens the impact on your economy and your kingdom as a whole. For the time, we are united in purpose, and afterwards, we may bring a union that will ensure dominance, but forgive me if I remain on my guard." Troy said. Keeping his guard up, and not trusting anyone, was how he had remained alive.

Troy would then finally be outside the castle, waiting to meet up with Lord James. He was tossing a coin in his hand, which bore the mark of a phoenix. It was a family heirloom, said to date from a kingdom from ages ago, during the time of dragons and fire-birds. The wars at that time were said to have burned the land asunder, allowing for fresh land and fresh kingdoms to grow, but much of the history from that time was lost.

Troy's little coin was merely a hollow fragment of that history.

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(XD the throwback is amazing. I love how you just mended it into the post.)

"Exactly. However, for the time being, it's only a consideration. If we do fulfill our goals, our thoughts might be altered. The things that we desire may have to face the reality of the events at hand. Perhaps we will even recieve grander offers. Therefore, we can only wait and see." She replied.

She walked beside him as she exited his chambers. She listened to him, understand the position he was in. "You have every right to be, you're in a dragon's lair, hoping the creature wouldn't eat you alive. Yet, you speak as if the same does not apply to Minas Toth. I already informed you that It's just politics. Trust would be preferred, though not required. Keep your guard up as long as it deems necessary. If you didn't, you'd be the one of the fools I take most nobles for." She said in a calm manner. "I'll show to where courtyard is, that's where you will be meeting your old friend." Amaris beckoned him to follow.

After numerous hallways, they had finally made it to the back of the castle. Some of the maidservants were tending to their chores, others simply enjoying themself by the nearby pond and not too far from where there was the forest. "While you're hunting, I'll try to find anything that could be useful to us from both Slewoth and Alamar. Maybe even spread some false rumors to give us more time to make the appropriate actions that can be used to our advantage." She looked around prior to continuing on. "I suggest you do not tell him too much about our alliance or the letter from the Queen lilliana. It will bring up more suspicion, he is still a diplomat, he will report to his king no matter the circumstances."

The glow from the coin soon caught her eye. It wasn't one that she could recall seeing before or even know exist until now. "That's a very peculiar coin. I'm guessing it is significant to your house."

Andraus Andraus
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"I will respond with as little information as possible. Information is like a weapon, which can cripple someone with the right words spoken." Troy said. "I understand what you said about Minas Toth, though- I may be seen as a Savior in my kingdom, but that does not change that many wouldn't hesitate to steal my power, were it to be presented to them." Troy said.

When she brought up his coin, he could catch it, before looking down on it. "Ah, this....a coin minted from the First Empire. Though it's value now is questionable, this little trinket has seen the rise and fall of many great houses. Most in my family held a superstition that it is cursed." Andrew said, as he spun the tale spoken to him.

"Originally, this is said to be the first coin of the First Empire, printed by the first emperor himself, Xander Azar. Though he inevitably fell to House Theron of Draodus, It soon found it's place in the hand of Yaro Azar, the first Emperor of the Second Empire. It is unclear how House Theron and House Azar ended their feud- Some say they killed eachother, others say they wedded and united, the records don't say, but what is said that the Second Empire eventually was taken over by the House Xhast, who were said to be tamers of the rare Ice Dragons. Lanister Xhast, the last emperor of the Second Empire, was eaten by his own mount."

Troy would then flip the coin, and balance it in his palm. "Now it is in my hand. This coin has survived the greatest challenges and terbulation of two ages, and yet it still gleams like the gold it was made it, from the very day it was printed. I have a great deal of respect for it- Despite it's age, it still holds strong. " He said, before giving Amaris a smile. "Silly, huh? A King respects a single coin? Maybe, but you cannot expect me to consider it trash, after all it's survived."

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"That's very intriguing to have such a trinket especially of this caliber." She said prior to listening to the history behind such a coin. It was a fascinating one at that. She heard various tales about the bastarfd queen and the phoenix king, They never seemed to have any consistency, There was something... Alluring to her.

"I don't think it's foolish." She replied returning a sincere smile. "Having Memorabilia is the only thing that connects us to the past. It gives us wisdom and strength. Or at least that's what I've been told." She took a moment to step back, thinking about the sigils and experiences between the two Noble houses. She could help but think... What if time could repeat itself?

It wasn't long before James arrived in his hunting gear, a grin plastered on his face, his steed not too far behind him. "Your Grace, I apologize for the wait. I was just finishing a few documents."

"It's fine, We just arrived in fact...I should reunite with my ladies, Perhaps even engage in embroidery. Good hunting to both of you." She curtsied, looking at Troy as if warning him not to screw up before making her leave. James bowed in respect. "Farewell, my lady." He then shifted his attention to his dear friend. "I expect this to be like the old days when we were young, Do you remeber? My Marksmanship wasn't as precise as yours. You would always tease me for it." He recalled, widening his smile.
Andraus Andraus
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