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Fantasy And they were roomates... (Closed)

Sora kissed her, “you’re welcome baby, anything for you and our children and Akina.”
Akina giggles and hugs you whilst jumping up and down. Sora says, “I guess the twins were both right. Should we go and buy another white crib or will they be small enough to both fit in one for now?”
“Okay,” Sora kisses Don and holds her up as she gets a pain
Sora looks concerned, “Are you okay? Do you need a Doctor?”
She smiled. Two months passed quite quickly. One day, when they were watching a movie, she stood up and went to the kitchen. She gasped as pain filled her body. “AGH! SORA!”
Sora held her up, “Are you okay? Do you need a Doctor? Do you need to go to the hospital?”
Sora rang up the twins to take care of Akina whilst Don and him went to the hospital.
A few painful hours later and the twins were born. Sora smiled as he held Cora, the youngest and tiniest of the two in his arms, proud of his wife.
Laying tiredly in the bed, Don held Nick to her chest as he fed. "Sora... they're the most beautiful thing ive ever seen."
“I know baby, they are beautiful. And we get to say when they go to Hell or not because of the mass massacre of Demons I did.”
Akina walked in with the twins and wanted to hold one of the babies.
Sora took a photo and smiled at his family. He went with the older twins to the cafeteria to buy some food for all of them.

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