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Fantasy And they were roomates... (Closed)

Sora smiles as they all pile into Sora’s jeep, and go to the baby store. Sora looks at a white crib whereas the twins are looking at blue and pink ones. “Guys we just found out we were having a baby. We won’t know the gender for a while.”
The twins settle on getting a pink blanket and a blue blanket just incase and they start arguing over carpet colour.
Sora smiles and buys a few more onesies without Don knowing and a closet to hang them up in with numerous racks
Sora smiles and orders Chinese, getting gravy and chips for him and Akina and whatever else the others wanted.
When the twins leave Akina is asleep on the sofa so Sora puts her to bed and carrying a sleepy Donatella back to their bed.
Sora smiles, “I’ll be an hour or two at most. I’m on the hunt for 20 demons.” He kissss her lips and hugs her.
Sora returns numerous hours later without a scratch on him. “Well baby, we’re in control of the child now. Turns out that busting a demon underground fight club was worth it: 120, 100 more than I needed.”

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