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Fantasy And they were roomates... (Closed)

A few hours later Sora returns with all black bedding for him and pastel pink and purple bedding for Akina.
Akina runs in, excited, leaving her father outside of the door with numerous bags.
Looking over, Don laughs. “Hey Akina! You guys back from the store?” She picked up the little girl. “Let’s held your Dad out okay?”
She giggles when Sora struggles to come through the door with the bags. He separated them into four piles: for him, for Akina, for groceries and random decor.
She looks over. “Well you’re quite the organizer. You need anymore help?” As she speaks, she notices he’s quite handsome for a human.
He smiles and asks if you can put Akina's bedding on for her whilst he puts the groceries away.
"Thank you," Sora smiles at her and goes to put the groceries away. After doing so, he goes into his room, getting changed and walking out in a muscle t-shirt and basketball shorts, then grabs all of the bags that are for him.
Glancing out of the room, Don stares at him. Woah woah stop. You don’t have time to be crushing on a human guy... even if he is super cute. She shook her head, finishing up and carrying a Akina out. “You guys hungry? I can cook some lunch.”
Sora replies with, "yeah, I am pretty hungry. I'll make lunch, it's fine."
After half an hour, he walked in with two normal sized proportions and a smaller sized proportion before putting Akina in her highchair and letting her eat.
Sora cleared his throat. "It all depends on what you want to know about me."
“Well I was living with a friend in their penthouse. They got into some trouble with the law and well... they didn’t have enough money to keep it.”
“Well I don’t know. What are you comfortable sharing with me? I’d just like to know you better so I don’t slowly drive you crazy. I’m a little difficult sometimes.” She smiled jokingly.
"Well, I'm 19. Almost all of my family are Asian. I have a lot of tattoos. Anything else?"
“Oh? Sure, if you wnat.” She admires how comfortable he was talking to a complete stranger, and how he was very confident in himself. It was hard being a single parent, so a confident single parent was very rare.
Sora travels to his room and comes out with 'Disney's Hercules'. "It's mine and Akina's favourite. I hope you don't mind."

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