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Fandom an elevator ride. ooc chat/plotting.

OMGGG SKLFJSD there's always gotta be that ONE guy lmao

AHAHAHAHA true <3 jk the true teaching is oBvIoUsLy friendship lmfao
Yepppp the bringer of misfortune!

Ah yes. Literally, there should be a room where you have to be nice to everyone. 'Befriend your group or get shot down'
"overcome your fears" alec's like "shit which one-" then hears thunder or something and he jumps into the arms of the nearest persson and shouts "not that one!"
MSDLKFJDSKL it's saw but like
with less murder! :D
die is a jk dont worry we aint killing anyone here slkfkjsdf
MSDDLFKSJ no shooting with bullets <3 just non-fatal poison darts and tranquilisers LKJDSFKLSDFJDS
Five finds a gun and tries to shoot everyone and a little flag pops out with the note "be friendly"lfmaks
mans more likely to try and shoot himself skskskks hes under a lot of stress <//3
skskkssk yesssss elliot gets to know everyone and matches them based on what they have in common slkfjsdlkflfkd
Yes yessss Elliot plays that important role. There will be struggles but in the end he'll somehow manage to make everyone friends with at least someone else other than himself.

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