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Fantasy An Alliance of Steel and Sorcery


Junior Member
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After about a decade and a half of being unable to leave her castle, Princess Anneliese Rosemary Valcrest would have normally assumed her grand departure would be much more exciting. Hearing the stories of her late brother gallantly riding across their nation on horseback, greeting local villagers personally, and fending off Cailleachean attacks always made her dream of one day getting to share heroic tales of her own. Instead, she was stuck sitting in a covered carriage with her attendant and personal guard both stuck closely at her side. She didn't even have a good window to peer out through as the carriage rattled its way along the bumpy passages. She knew that the trek to the neutral nation of Zobrines would be a long one, but she hadn't expected it to be so boring. Thankfully, a sudden halt told her that the journey was finally at an end. They had reached the small mountain village of Acrine. Her guard, Mathild, stood up to draw the curtain. She stepped out of the carriage first before offering a hand to the princess. "Come, my lady. We mustn't keep them waiting any longer than they already have." The princess gently took Mathild's hand and left the carriage.

Anneliese used her free hand to shield her eyes as she stepped out onto solid ground. The princess had grown so accustomed to traveling in the sheltered carriage during the daytime that she had almost forgotten how bright the sun could be. "Thank you, Mathild." She smiled at her guard. She took a moment to gaze around the village; Anneliese had heard stories of the incredible views one could discover looking down at the world from halfway up a mountain, but none of them lived up to what she was experiencing now. The sight of craggy peaks and distant valleys was nothing like the relatively flat lands of Valcrest, at least around the capital. However, she could only marvel for a moment before Mathild gently tugged on her hand. "Ah... My apologies. Let's go." The two began walking through the village. Small stone huts dotted the landscape, but the princess and her guard made their way towards a larger building in the center of Acrine: the inn. A distance from the inn's entrance, two armored soldiers stood at attention, watching Anneliese and Mathild. The visitors stopped in front of the two soldiers.

"We'll take the princess from here." One of the guards, a tall man gripping a lance, eyed the two visitors.

"Let me walk her to the entrance." Mathild hissed with a faint tone of concern.

"You know the agreement. No Valcrestians or Cailleacheans aside from the princesses are to set foot beyond this point. You wanted the zone to be as neutral as possible. Be grateful you could take her this far." The soldier's voice remained stern.

"Please, Mathild. I appreciate your concern, but I'll be fine." The princess gave her guard a weak smile, trying her best to hide that she was nervous. This would be the first time in years that she would be on her own. She'd have no help from her family or anyone else in the castle; if anything were to go wrong, it would be up to her to devise a plan. Not that she had a choice at this point... Or ever, really. Backing down would only make her nation look weak compared to its enemy.

Mathild sighed and nodded. "Best of luck, my lady. May the negotiations be fruitful." She bowed and returned to the carriage, entrusting the soldiers with the princess. They silently led Anneliese inside.

While the princess could imagine that the inn of a small mountain village would never be a bustling center of activity, the large, empty building was still a little eerie. The people of Acrine had been ordered to ensure that there would be no guests or staff at the inn during this meeting. One of the soldiers remained posted at the door while the other led Anneliese through the inn, showing her that it was completely empty. No soldiers nor assassins, Cailleachean or otherwise, were lying in hiding to launch a surprise attack. Peeking through the windows, Anneliese could see more soldiers stationed around the inn. They were all posted a small distance away, though their positions were carefully planned to ensure there were no blind spots for anyone to slip into the inn unnoticed. This little tour ended in a small office on the ground level. The room had no windows; the only light offered was a lantern placed on a table at the center of the room. Two chairs sat on opposite ends of the table.
"Please take a seat. We'll return with Princess Aria once she arrives." The soldier left, shutting the door behind him.

For the first time in what felt like her entire life, Anneliese was completely alone. No guards keeping a close eye on her, no attendants checking on her health, and no parents doting on their only daughter. What should have felt like a burden lifted off her soldiers only began to unnerve the princess more and more. She tried to occupy herself by gazing around at the artwork on the walls of the stuffy room in which she now found herself, but her mind wouldn't rest. Any moment now, she'd be face to face with the crown princess of Cailleach, the nation Valcrest had been at war with for years. The nation that had begun to deplete Valcrest's resources. The kingdom that killed her brother. But despite all she had heard about Cailleach, she'd never seen it or anyone from it for herself. It seemed about as real as the lands in the novels she'd read throughout her youth. Anneliese had heard plenty of stories about Princess Aria, a devious warrior who was not to be underestimated. The Valcrestian princess couldn't help but wonder how she'd possibly handle peace negotiations with someone so intimidating. She'd need to find some way to talk to her and earn her trust. After all, if Aria wouldn't let her guard down, Anneliese would never have a chance to kill her.

Acrine Mountain Pass - Kingdom of Zobrines
Thirteenth Day of Spring - 703 OIE

The only thing that was missing from the view out of the carriage window was snow.

To a Cailleachean Royal like Aria, the lack of snow outside her window was a constant reminder of the distance between her and her beloved homeland, the comforting blankets of frost and cold conspicuously absent from the dull stone greys and what little patches of green dared flourish amidst the perilous roads of Zobrines' mountain passes. Her scant escorts of Cailleachean mounted Knights themselves found the narrow and roughhewn roads a threat to the wellbeing of their horses; the bare path and plentiful stone was not healthy against bare hooves that were more acclimated to snow, and the widened wheels of the carriage struggled over every little bump. It was an undignified image that Aria wanted to project, even if nobody was around to see.

Such was the lot of an Heiress to a Kingdom's throne: always concerned about outward perception, always minding the image that onlookers would always trace back to her people. Cailleach had few friends and many envious could-be-enemies, and giving off the air of invulnerability was crucial to the Kingdom's continued survival. Valcrest in particular needed to be lulled into believing Cailleach an insurmountable foe in order to prevent any other would-be invaders from looking their way.

"Your Highness."

Brought out of her internal mussings, Crown Princess Aria Camilla Cailleach turned her head towards her carriage driver.

"We've arrived. Acrine awaits."


Acrine Inn - Kingdom of Zobrines
Thirteenth Day of Spring - 703 OIE

When the door to the tiny meeting place opened several minutes later, Anneliese knew that was now face-to-face with her counterpart from Cailleach, but words failed to describe the woman standing at the door. Tall, buxom, and certainly womanly in a distinctly Cailleachean way that made Anneliese suddenly seem inadequate in comparison, Crown Princess Aria Camilla Cailleach embodied her kingdom for her counterpart to witness. Her pristine ballgown illuminated the otherwise ordinary and drab room, yet paled next to impossibility of her snow-white hair, and the steel tiara atop her head.

Such was the way of Cailleach: prideful and powerful in a way that none could dare challenge, a type of confidence and strength that made Aria appear above Anneliese. It hadn't even been a moment, and already the political game was on between Royalty... and Aria had a head start.

"Princess Anneliese Rosmary Valcrest..." Aria's voice, smooth and lulling like a siren's call, all but disarmed Anneliese on the spot as the Cailleachean Princess curtseyed, head bowed low in a gesture of practiced diplomacy. "... It is a pleasure to finally meet my counterpart from the south. Let me be the first to thank you for offering parley between our great kingdoms..."

... and when Aria's chilling cobalt blue eyes finally opened to meet the jade hues of Anneliese's own, any measure of control the Princess of Valcrest had started being sapped and stolen away before her...

"... and let us hope this meeting brings forth progress for Cailleach and Valcrest."
Despite all the stories she had heard over the years, nothing prepared Anneliese for the woman who ended up walking through the door. She was regal and confident, yes, but the icy gaze that Aria cast on Anneliese after her greeting made it clear that the princess standing before her was more dangerous than she had ever imagined. A chill ran down Anneliese's spine, but she did her best to give Aria a smile as she stood and returned the curtsy.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, too, Princess Aria Camilla Cailleach." In a way, the princess felt that it might not be such a bad thing for her to appear so plain and unassuming compared to her rival. She might not be able to match Aria's powerful image, but she wasn't here to compete for a deal anyway. She just needed to kill the princess, and appearing weak might make Aria lower her guard... Or at least Anneliese desperately hoped that would be the case.

Still, the princess's heart felt like it was about to burst from her chest. It was easy enough to talk about an assassination mission, sure, but being face to face with her target was beginning to shake her resolve... especially with the power Aria seemed to exude even with a simple curtsy. If Anneliese even slightly misjudged her timing, it probably wouldn't take much for her opponent to overpower her.

Of course, she had one advantage that Aria couldn't possibly match: her talent for magic. Anneliese focused on that fact as she steadied her breath. It didn't matter if she didn't have the charisma to negotiate terms for a truce. Whatever they agreed to, all she needed was for the two to seal their deal with a handshake. Direct contact would make it easy for Anneliese to channel a lightning spell to electrocute Aria, and from that range, she was sure there was no way the princess would survive the attack. Anneliese just had to act as natural as she could until that moment.

"I'm looking forward to making an agreement that will allow both of our nations to prosper. I know my father has been adamant about this conflict, but I bear no grudge against you or Cailleach. I'd prefer to inherit the throne of a nation that cooperates with its neighbors rather than one at war." She wasn't really lying; while her brother's death still stung, Anneliese didn't think that dragging out this conflict any further would do anything to honor his memory. Unfortunately, she wasn't the one in charge of Valcrest yet, so she didn't have any say in the matter. If her father wanted to keep throwing his soldiers at Cailleach, there wasn't anything Anneliese could do to stop him. The thought of more lives being lost to the war made her stomach turn even more than this nerve-wracking meeting had done so far. Still, she agreed to follow through with this plan, and Anneliese had no intent to let her family down. She only hoped that appearing friendly and passive would make the job easier. "What can Valcrest do to help appease your people?"
If her father wanted to keep throwing his soldiers at Cailleach, there wasn't anything Anneliese could do to stop him. The thought of more lives being lost to the war made her stomach turn even more than this nerve-wracking meeting had done so far. Still, she agreed to follow through with this plan, and Anneliese had no intent to let her family down. She only hoped that appearing friendly and passive would make the job easier. "What can Valcrest do to help appease your people?"

"An explanation, for one thing."

Aria took a good long moment to stare at the Valcrestian Princess before taking a graceful seat at the lone table in the room, the single lantern atop painting the bright whites of her hair and ballgown with a heavenly hue of amber light. She brokered control when she gestured for her counterpart to sit across from her, directing the conversation in a way that felt... off... to Anneliese.

"Cailleach is a nation that prides herself on the hardiness of her people, but even we know that continuing this war would be an act of madness." The steel crown on her head twinkled like starlight when she reached up and slowly removed it with both of her hands. "We both know your nation has suffered deeply, untold thousands dead upon the grinding wheel of attrition against Cailleachean men, and an entire region of farmland reduced to naught but wastes only fit for frost to gather on. And today we are here to settle it..."

"... and yet, even with us being here: far from our homes in a foreign land, I find it strange that neither your king or mine have sought a ceasefire between our kingdoms before arranging this meeting..."

For a brief moment, the atmosphere in the room suddenly dropped from the coldness in Aria's eyes.

"... as if we both know the war won't end here."
Aria's request caught Anneliese off guard; she was prepared to feign an offer for some sort of political agreement, but now it seemed that the Cailleachean princess was already raising her suspicions. Had she already figured out the real purpose of this meeting? The way Aria examined Anneliese before sitting only made the princess feel more uneasy, but she carefully took a seat with the opposing princess.

As Aria explained her thoughts on the war and the meeting, Anneliese felt a small lump begin to form in her throat. It was clear that Aria knew there was some other purpose to the meeting now. The Valcrestian princess eyed her rival carefully; was she planning to strike before Anneliese would get a chance? No... If anything, it seemed that she had dropped the polite façade to discuss the real issue: the pointlessness of drawing out this war and the questionable approach to this meeting. And not just on the Valcrestian side, but in Cailleach as well...

A quiet gasp escaped Anneliese's lips before her eyes locked with Aria's, her brows furrowing. "That is strange indeed, Princess Aria. I know this conflict has brought nothing but pain to your people as well. As resilient and powerful as Cailleachean steel may be, Valcrestian magic has laid waste to the limited farmland your own nation has, and our military has the advantage of plentiful reinforcements. It's foolish for both of our sides to continue this conflict, which is why I wanted to speak to you..."

She had done her best to seem as calm as possible, but Anneliese's mind raced with questions regarding the true meaning behind Aria's words. The princess' thoughts kept returning to Aria's mention that both kings hadn't called a ceasefire... That both princesses knew this wouldn't be the end. Anneliese's eyes widened a bit as she realized that despite the way things had seemed once her opponent first arrived, the two may not be too different after all. Perhaps even the mighty princess of Cailleach was just a pawn in her father's game.

She pressed her hands together to try to stop them from trembling as she carefully considered her next move. Anneliese knew it was too late to try to bluff her way out of this. Aria had seen through the plan with ease... and seemed to be hinting that Cailleach had devised the same plot. If it came down to a fight, Anneliese didn't have the experience to win. She had been relying on the element of surprise to carry out her mission. But... what if Aria felt the same way about this war?

All her life, she had tried her hardest to live up to what her family expected her to be. She longed for a chance to simply be her own person... and it seemed that the opportunity had arrived. She took a deep breath and steeled herself to make the hardest decision of her life thus far...

"You're right. My father doesn't want the war to end with this meeting, and judging from your words, I assume it's the same on your side. It seems that the plan was for only one of us to leave this room alive." She swallowed her fear and continued. "We could follow their plan and stoke the flames of this pointless conflict... But to tell the truth, I want nothing more than to bring an end to it. All of this suffering all so that our fathers can command even mightier militaries... It's unfair. So... will you fight me? Or do you want to end the war as well?"
"You're right. My father doesn't want the war to end with this meeting, and judging from your words, I assume it's the same on your side. It seems that the plan was for only one of us to leave this room alive." She swallowed her fear and continued. "We could follow their plan and stoke the flames of this pointless conflict... But to tell the truth, I want nothing more than to bring an end to it. All of this suffering all so that our fathers can command even mightier militaries... It's unfair. So... will you fight me? Or do you want to end the war as well?"

For the briefest of moments, the twinkle in Aria's eyes seemed to brighten the room as she stood back up. Her steel crown still in her hands, she regarded her opposite with a newfound sense that lifted the heavy air between them. Valcrest was as tired as Cailleach was, as Aria had suspected from the beginning, and the meeting was a thinly veiled attempt from both sides at political regicide. Although the machinations behind their meeting was one founded in enmity, Anneliese did not cower or falter despite the pressure Aria had put upon her. The Valcrestian Princess cleverly read between the lines well enough, and rose to the occasion from under her father's thumb. She had proven herself worthy of Aria's respect, and Cailleach's by extension.

"I am the heir to the frozen throne of Cailleach, and the face and voice of her people before all else. Even as we speak, sons, brothers, husbands, and fathers continue to die for a cause that my family perpetuates. Were I to continue down that same path, Cailleach will be naught but a page in the annals of history within a decade."

The olive branch extended by Princess Anneliese was an opportunity too good to pass up. And Aria being the opportunist she was, she was going to seize it and make it her own for the good of Cailleach.

"I will not perpetuate a war that will bring about the destruction of my kingdom and people. If I must make a deal with the enemy to save Cailleach... then I will do so gladly."

Crown Princess Aria Camilla Cailleach, to be later known as the White Queen of Cailleach, would make a decision that changed history as Cailleach and Valcrest knew it.

"I have answered your question, Princess Anneliese; now I turn it back to you. Will you aid my dream, extend your hand in common cause towards a new peace? Or will you raise your sword against me, take my head as your father demands?"
A sigh of relief escaped Anneliese's lips as she rose from her chair, following her fellow princess' lead. Her decision to be honest and state her own desires rather than parrot her father's had paid off; it seemed that this meeting would end up paving a way to peace after all, as much as it surprised the Valcrestian princess. Of course, as difficult as it was for her to speak her own mind for once, taking action would be far more challenging... but as the future heir to the throne, Anneliese felt she had no other choice. After all, if the Cailleachean princess could stand up for her own beliefs to protect her people, so could Valcrest's princess.

Anneliese gave Aria a warm smile before answering her question. "I will stand at your side to bring a peaceful end to this conflict, Princess Aria. I refuse to allow this war to continue claiming the lives of good people in both of our homelands... And I refuse to back down until we've forged a future where our nations work hand in hand."

She offered a hand to her new ally. In a way, Anneliese found it a little funny that the same gesture she had been told to offer as an excuse to strike at Aria was now the only way she could think to cement their new partnership. She entered the room dreading the pressure and intensity that lurked beneath a seemingly peaceful meeting, but for once in her life, the princess now felt at ease.

"Since we seem to be in agreement, shall we get to work? The longer we wait, the more our people suffer... But if we unite, I know we'll be able to help them."

She couldn't help but give the other princess a giddy grin. It may have not been the regal look she wanted to establish in such a meeting, but the thought of Valcrestian and Cailleachean royalty working together for the first time made her too excited to worry about that.

Of course, actually figuring out a way to end the war peacefully wouldn't be so easy... Anneliese knew it wouldn't be as simple as protesting to their parents, and safe travel for the princesses would be difficult to ensure in either of their territories. But for now, the princess was relishing the small victory she and Aria had achieved together. She knew deep down that it would serve as the first step towards a brighter future for all.
A sigh of relief escaped Anneliese's lips as she rose from her chair, following her fellow princess' lead. Her decision to be honest and state her own desires rather than parrot her father's had paid off; it seemed that this meeting would end up paving a way to peace after all, as much as it surprised the Valcrestian princess. Of course, as difficult as it was for her to speak her own mind for once, taking action would be far more challenging... but as the future heir to the throne, Anneliese felt she had no other choice. After all, if the Cailleachean princess could stand up for her own beliefs to protect her people, so could Valcrest's princess.

Anneliese gave Aria a warm smile before answering her question. "I will stand at your side to bring a peaceful end to this conflict, Princess Aria. I refuse to allow this war to continue claiming the lives of good people in both of our homelands... And I refuse to back down until we've forged a future where our nations work hand in hand."

She offered a hand to her new ally. In a way, Anneliese found it a little funny that the same gesture she had been told to offer as an excuse to strike at Aria was now the only way she could think to cement their new partnership. She entered the room dreading the pressure and intensity that lurked beneath a seemingly peaceful meeting, but for once in her life, the princess now felt at ease.

When Aria met Anneliese's outstretched hand, the unexpected warmth from under her steel-clad fingers pleasantly tingled against the soft Valcrestian glove Anneliese wore. Truly, it was akin to touching warmed porcelain, the way Aria's cold white exterior gave nothing away to t he warmth underneath.

"To a future where our lands and peoples prosper rather than languish then."

"Since we seem to be in agreement, shall we get to work? The longer we wait, the more our people suffer... But if we unite, I know we'll be able to help them."

She couldn't help but give the other princess a giddy grin. It may have not been the regal look she wanted to establish in such a meeting, but the thought of Valcrestian and Cailleachean royalty working together for the first time made her too excited to worry about that.

"Not so fast." Aria held up her hand to stop her counterpart before she could get too excited. "While we have come to mutual agreement, we cannot take the first step before clearing the path forward." Turning to her chair, the Cailleachean reached her hand behind the simple wooden furniture, withdrawing to reveal an utterly gargantuan axe that, unbeknownst to Anneliese until just then, she had somehow hidden away to be drawn.


It was truly a beautiful example of the metalworking Cailleach prided itself upon. The polished steel shone like a mirror in the lanternlight; the majestic spread wings of a bird forged into the oversized crescent head of a weapon that Anneliese was slowly beginning to realize had been prepared in case violence really did break out. And to her astonishment, Princess Aria defied expectations set by her dainty (and admittedly very womanly) appearance by casually lifting the axe into her hands without an ounce of exertion.

"Now, be a dear and hide in the shadow of the door, please? I would hate to see the promise of a new peace be shattered before it could begin."
Anneliese was a little shocked by the warmth of Aria's hand that managed to greet her own fingers through the other princess' gauntlet. However, the shock quickly gave way to a sense of comfort. For all the stories she had heard about Cailleach's fierce, powerful princess, Anneliese was relieved to learn that Aria seemed to be friendly thus far. She nodded in agreement to Aria's words before adding her own: "To a future we build together as allies."

The princess was confused by Aria's mention of taking the first step, and her shock returned when her new companion retrieved a massive axe that had been concealed in the room. Anneliese wondered when she managed to sneak that in, but the sight of Aria wielding it with ease surprised her too much to continue pondering that question. She didn't quite understand what Aria was planning, but she decided it was best to do as she was asked. She gave a meek nod and took the position the princess had asked of her. Aria's reputation among the Valcrestian soldiers began to make sense... If she could heft that axe as though it was a mere stick, her swings had to be incredibly devastating. A quiet sigh of relief escaped the princess' lips as she realized how thankful she should be that their encounter hadn't ended in a fight. She then held her breath, quietly waiting to see what Aria had planned.

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