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Fantasy An Adventure between LetsGo and Ao

While Sir Daemon was unconscious Raelie and her father met in the shop to discuss the events. By discuss, that meant there was very strong reprimanding some stern talking to, mainly from her father to her. She sat on a stool while her father just yelled at her because of her irresponsibility. All Raelie could do was listen to her father lecture her. She sat remorseful as her father tore into her, he was so frustrated he was switching back between standard and Omli. "What you did was absolutely ridiculous! You're are lucky that Daemon was here! I have half a mind to send you back to Omlirc!" Her father ranted. She knew she messed up but she already felt bad enough because of the injuries that were caused to Sir Daemon and the blood that took forever to clean up. Which she was lucky to had just finished the majority of the shoppe front.

Her fathers assistant was still tending to Daemon while all her father did was yell at her. "Drusive come here really quickly!" Her father yelled to his assistant. He left the infirmary side and come into the shoppe. He stood against the door frame with his arms crossed "Yes Doctor?" he asked whimsically though he knew that this was a very stressful instance.

"Drusive, have you been able to stabilise Sir Daemon?" Her father asked him offhandedly, keeping his disappointed face towards Raelie. She kept her eyes away from his face. "Well Doctor Boss, he's doing well. Raelie cleaned some of his injuries well, little mini doctor boss has a bright future ahead of her. Though... a little word of advice, don't get into random fights when you take over as a doctor."

Raelie just groaned and placed her head in her hands. Luckily, she was able to hear Sir Daemon yell for her father. Taking that chance she rushed up and passed Drusive into the infirmary. She moved to his bed frame immediately and looked down at Daemon. "Are you okay? Are you well? I'm so sorry, so, so, so, sorry. Sir Daemon I've been taking care of you when I can but my papa has decided to be rude about everything and just ugh." She spoke quickly in Omli but when she noticed Sir Daemon's confused expression she knew she needed to slow down.

"Quiet Raelie." Her father hushed her rudely and pushed her to the side. "Sir Daemon, forgive me, I have yet to introduce myself. I'm Doctor and Apothecary Ryder. It is my first name. You're free to call me Doctor though. But aside from that, I owe you my thanks. You saved mine and my daughters life. Anything you want, or need, we will give to you willingly."

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