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One x One Amethyst Ire (Private)


Junior Member





Positive Traits:

Negative Traits:

Overall Personality:


Basic History/Background:

Other Pertinent Information:
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Name: Amethyst Hays

Age: 19

Sex: Female


Bartering- Being raised by a merchant comes with it's benefits. Amethyst has spent her life learning just how to make a deal work out in her favor.

Singing- Having been one of her father's primary sources of entertainment for his guests, her voice has been harnessed and trained from a very young age, to be pleasant and soothing to the ear. She has knowledge of a vast array of songs, leaving her with just the piece for any occassion.

Tumbling- One of the other forms of entertainment her father preferred to have at many a party. She was provided with only the best of tutors to teach her how to keep her body limber and bend it to her will. Cartwheels, backflips and handstands are simple tasks for her.

Profession: Merchant

Positive Traits: Nimble, Educated, Determined

Negative Traits: Timid, Unsure of herself, Forgetful

Overall Personality: Amy tends to be a warm and welcoming person, albeit quite shy around strange company. Although she is not as strong as she would like to be she is strong of will and rarely gives up on anything once she has begun. She is quite well educated but one would not guess it by the way she speaks mainly because she spends so much time second guessing her words before they make it out of her mouth.



Basic History/Background:
Amethyst grew up in a small, seaside town named Raven's Bluff, with her father Henrik, mother Yelena and two younger brothers Hans and Galon. Their family was not wealthy but they made enough to live a comfortable life full of pleasures and seldom complained.

She was raised from a very young age to provide clean and wholesome entertainment to the noble guests of the house in the hopes that some day she could be married off in a favorable manner.Much to the pleasure of her father, the time and money he invested into her training did in fact pay off when his beloved jewel stole the heart of Stephan, a wealthy, land holding knight who had done business with her father ever since he was a boy.

Other Pertinent Information: Amethyst is terrified of horses and will not ride one. She is also deathly allergic to bees.
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