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Amethyst Ire (Private)


Junior Member
Amy's ice blue eyes flew wide, her hands dropping in a sad attempt to break her fall, as her feet fell out from under her. Struggling to rise back up, she heard the men who pursued her calling back and forth to each other in loud, jovial tones. She could feel her muscles trembling and hear her heart thundering with the very same panic that had left a foul iron like taste in the back of her throat. She wasn't going to die, not today, they would pay for what they had done to her family. Forcing herself the rest of the way up she braces herself and takes off at a loping sprint once again, her lungs and ribs screaming with agony at the exertion.

Pushing ever forward, her heart leaps with unbridled joy as she spies the tall, weathered walls of what appears to be a temple or monastery of some sort. She changes her heading, and surges forward crying out in a high, ringing tone, "Help! Someone, anyone, please help me! By the gods, please help!"
The temple looked empty, none of the torches were lit, the walls looked chipped, the statues looked weathered away by the intense snowy conditions the mountains tend to have. The temple looked like it hasn't been tended for at least a decade. But deep within the temple, a large gust of wind came out of the main building, causing the snow to stop for a moment before it started falling normally.

A shadow formed above Amy. A few seconds later, a humanoid landed in front of her. The humanoid looked at the men that been chasing her. The humanoid was cloaked in shadows, due to the hat it wore. It looked up at the group before he held out his hands, seemingly ready for a fight.
Amy skids to a stop as the shadowy figure lands in front of her, a tiny gasp escaping her lips. Looking behind her then back at the newcomer, she silently hopes that they were there to lend her a hand and not the ruffians who had slaughtered her family in cold blood. "P-please, there are too many! T-they killed...Oh gods, run!", She urges the figure to flee with her in a panicked tone, desperation clear in her eyes as the group of four burly men draw ever nearer, closing the gap between them. She knew she was weak and there was nothing she could do to stop these men if they caught the stranger and regardless of his intents she could not stand the idea of seeing another person hurt. Looking toward the weathered temple she reaches for the stranger's arm and motions to the walls. "W-we can hide in there. Surely, there's a lock or something of the sort."
The figure looked down at Amy for a second before he walked pass her. "Head up the stairs and wait for me there. I'm not allowing anyone invading my home." He said in a monotone voice, which sounded male walked towards the group of brutish men that were pursuing the young woman. The man cracked his knuckles, ready for combat.
She visibly pales when he refuses to move but does not press him and lopes off to do as she was told. Looking over her shoulder, she can see the men barreling down towards the shadowy man who had come her rescue. Torn between running back to aid him and staying out his way, she sighs heavily and moves inside the temple, closing the door behind her. Amy falls to her knees and silently offers up a prayer for the man's well being.
The shadow man was surrounded by the bandits. There was six of them. One went to punch his right ribs, the shadow man grabbed the man's fist, quickly twisted his forearm and kicked him hard in the stomach, hitting him hard enough to make the bandit loose all the air in his abdomen. Two more charged at him, the shadow man jumped up and did a split kick, hitting both of them on the face, making them fall down to their knees.

The last three growled in anger before one of them was able to grabbed the shadow man from behind. The shadow man reared his head, hitting the third man right on the nose. The last two men looked at each other before the shadow man grabbed the hilt of the his katana and slowly pulled a little bit of his blade out, all of the air seemingly stopped for a second, the air seemingly started to collect itself around the blade as the shadow man whipped the whole blade out, letting a huge gust of wind, which was strong enough to throw the bandits down the mountain.

The shadow man put the blade back before he walked up the stairs, and into the main temple. He opened the doors, immediately noticing Amy on the floor. "What are you doing?" Asked the shadow man, in the same monotone voice as before.
Rising from her knees, she looks up to the man in wide eyed wonder. "I-I...praying. Father always said if I found myself in a situation I could not overcome then I should pray and the gods would listen. Are you hurt? Those men, th-they're evil!", she stammered softly as she looked him over for injuries. Not being able to immediately see any signs of blood she turns her blue eyes down to stare at the ground, shifting slowly from foot to foot.

Her brow creases deeply and she wraps her arms tightly about her waist, her teeth sinking into her cheek as she struggles not to cry. They had taken everything from her, mother, father, brothers, and betrothed, they were all gone now. Amy would never see their faces or hear their laughter ever again. For what, money, a pocket watch, and her engagement ring? They would have gladly handed all of those over, they didn't have to kill them! Rage and anger boil within her, mixing and mingling with her sorrow. Sniffling softly she speaks in a tone barely above a whisper, " I don't know how you defeated those men but I would greatly appreciate it if you would teach me. I don't have much, they took everything, but I'm a hard worker and a good cook. I- I'm honest and a good student, all of my teachers have said so. Please sir, I implore you, those men have to pay!"
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The man looked down at the woman for a moment before he shook his head. "I must decline your offer, but you're more then welcome to stay here now, from the sounds of it, you have no home left, so I'm not gonna let you go back the way you came." He said before he walked passed her. "Come on, I'll show you to your room then." He said as he kept walking, not seeming to look back at her.
She sucks in her breath looking up at him with confusion before simply dropping her head back down and nodding softly. "O-of course, I...please don't think me ungrateful. I truly am, but my family is still out there...somewhere. I cannot just leave them, they deserve better.", she replies in a sorrow filled voice before turning for the door and pulling her cloak tightly around her.
The man stopped as he listened to Amy. He let out a long sigh before he said under his breathe. "Can't just let her leave like this." He looked up and towards Amy before he said. "Alright. I can teach you." He told her.
She turns to look at the man her eyes wide with wonder. She had not expected him to change his mind but deep down she was glad he had. Truth be told she had no clue where she was nor, did she know how to get back to where she came from, she just knew she was determined to make things right at any cost. "I...th-thank you sir. I promise, you won't regret it."

She turns herself back around and shifts her weight from one foot to the other, focusing her gaze on a small crack in the floor. Wrapping her arms tightly around her waist, she patiently waits for what the stranger will ask for in return. Nothing in life was ever free or so her father had told her.
The man looked back at Amy and said. "Just want you to know that the training will be hard, it'll probably be the worse time of your life, you'll break your bones, your muscles will turn to mush, and your spirit will erod away, but I want to warn you first. That this is all to help you." He warned his now student.
Amy nodded and accepted the fact that her life was about to become much more difficult than it was before. Looking up from the floor she directed her gaze toward the stranger and spoke in a very business like tone, "Yes sir, I don't expect it to be easy by any means. My father died protecting me, I intend to be sure no one else does ever again. As I said, I don't have much but I can clean, cook, and sing. I can also juggle, dance and tumble but somehow you don't seem the sort who would be interested in such. I'm sorry I'm rambling, I promise I don't usually, it has just been such a trying day. I suppose we should talk business now. What are to be the terms of me staying here? Do you have a specific way of doing things around here or a set of rules? Is there any place that is off bounds to me? Oh yes, my name is Amethyst, but you can call me what you want, the name has no meaning anymore."
The man held up his hand when she was done talking. "I don't have any rules really, don't you see the temple? I'm the only resident, I just have to ask you to mind yourself, and don't enter my room without my permission. And I don't mind having a chief, and I can help with the cleaning, this is my home after all. Speaking of which, I will you the way to your room, if you will follow me." He said before he started walking again.
Amy shoots him a grateful smile and moves to stand at his side, her hands neatly crossed behind her back. "O-of course sir, I wouldn't dare be so rude as to intrude upon your privacy or disturb your peace, you'll hardly even notice I'm here.", she says in a soft, warm tone. "I suppose I am ready when you are, please lead the way."
The man nodded as he started walking again. After a few minutes of walking through the dark, cold, and long hallways of the temple, the two soon arrived at the housing quarters. The man slid one of the sliding doors and said. "This will be your room, it has the basics, bed, little table to eat or have tea, and a desk, in case you need to write a letter. And I hope you don't mind the window at the head of your bed, it'll shine through during dusk and dawn." He told her as he looked through the dark room.
Amy silently followed behind the man, mentally filing away the path they took as she lead her to her room. The cold, dark, emptiness of the place should have reminded her of how alone she was, with the pairs footsteps and the blustering wind outside being the only sound to reach her ears. It didn't though, somehow the cold stone walls just made her feel more safe and secure and the wind whistling against the outer walls brought her comfort. Their pace slowed as they reached the room that was to be her new home and her new teacher slid the door open, allowing her to peer inside. It was not the biggest of rooms but it was spacious enough for her to be comfortable. She could see that he was correct and it did indeed have everything she would need in order to be comfortable. The table lay in the center of the room and was big enough for two people at the most, the desk in the corner was just big enough for an inkwell and a stack of paper. Yes this room would be just fine. "I don't mind the sun. It can be comforting at times. Thank you, it is more than enough and probably more than i deserve." she replies in a soft tone, offering a small half smile. "A-are you alone here? It seems so...quiet."
The man nodded as he turned around. "Alright then, and you're starting to learn my teachings in the morning, so you deserve to have a room in my temple." He went quiet when she asked if he was the only one in the building. "Yes, I am alone here. I've been living by myself for a couple years now." He said before he looked back at her. "Learn to control your emotions during your learning, it'll help you out in the long run. Now get to bed." He said before he started walking down the hall.
Amy nodded softly, and stepped into the room. Turning, she inclines her head to her new mentor. "Of course sir, I shall do my best. Thank you again for your hospitality. If you need anything please let me know." She replies in a soft tone before watching him go.

Alone in her new room, Amy slides the door closed and unties her cloak, draping it over the table. Sitting on the side of the bed she considers his advice, control her emotions, if only it was that easy. She would give anything to be rid of the agonizing emptiness that clutched at her heart threatening to still it's beating and the fires rage that urged her to kick and scream and wound anything she could get her hands upon. Emotion, sadly was the only thing she had plenty of at the moment and it did not seem all that willing to let her go.

Silently she wipes the moisture from her cheeks and settles into bed. Tomorrow would be a new day, she would wake up and greet the sun with a smile, just as her family would have wanted her to. Yes, tomorrow she would begin her new life, she would be the best of students, he would see. Amy would never allow anyone to be stolen from her again not would she ever run like a coward. Filled with false bravado and big hopes, she ever so quietly cried herself to sleep that night, praying the morning would find her in better spirits.
The man walked to the very end of the hall, where he slid a door open and walked inside, his room was about the same size as Amy's, but it didn't had the desk, and there were two windows, instead of one. He took off his hat and robes before he climbed into bed and fell asleep. He woke up when he felt the faint rays of sunlight peaking over the tip of one of the other mountains in the distance. The man got dressed in the same looking attire as last night before he walked towards Amy's room. Once at the end of the hall, the man knocked on Amy's door a few times before he stopped and waiting for a response.
Her eyes slide open, blinking rapidly as she adjusts to the early morning light. Glancing at the stone walls around her, she sits up and stretches slowly before rising from the bed. It had snowed again in the night, she could taste the crisp, fresh moisture in the air. The cold from the floor goes straight through her as her feet meet the floor, sending goosebumps up her arms and setting her teeth to chattering.

Yawning, she makes her way to the sliding door and opens it, raking her fingers through her messy raven hair. "S-sorry, did I oversleep? If you can show me the kitchen, I can get breakfast started.", she murmurs, sleep still thick in her voice.
The man shook his head. "It's only dawn, and I woke up not too long ago. And I'll bring you to the kitchen." He said as he started to lead her, they went down the same hallway, and walked through a few more large rooms in the temple, soon they made it to the kitchen, it looked well kept compared to a lot of the other rooms in the temple. The man looked at Amy and said. "Make your specialty." He instructed.
Amy nods her face breaking into a small half smile as she hastily pulls her boot on and walks out the door. She quietly follows him down the hall, the movement warming her and bringing her shivering to blessed end. Her gaze roams across the weathered stone as they move, and she finds herself wondering just how long her new teacher had been alone on this cold and empty temple. What kind of people used to live here? What kind of history did these cold stone walls have hidden deep within them? She would have to make a point of asking him sometime.

She follows him into the kitchen with wide curious eyes, flitting around the room and opening and closing doors and cabinets, studying their contents. It seemed as if she would have everything she needed here to fulfill her position as cook. The pantry was surprisingly well stocked for someone who lived on their own and the utensils, while old, would work just fine. Gathering flour, salt, eggs, and a partial wedge of cheese, she makes a soft shooing motion toward the man. "It will take a bit of time for things to finish, please go relax. I will handle this.", she says in a soft tone, continuing to move about the kitchen to gather supplies.
The man shook his head as he watched her. "I'll stay here, I need something to watch other then the morning sun. As you imagine, life here can be rather slow and quiet, so watching someone doing something is a very nice change of pace." He said as he sat up on one of the counters that wasn't being used, sitting in a criss cross position. He wasn't lying, most mornings, the man would spend his time praying on one of the many decks, wanting to asorb the heat of the morning sun, that's he spent every morning ever since he first came here all those years ago.
Amy raises a brow high and chuckles with amusement, her eyes shining. "Very well then, if you prefer to sit in the kitchen, I surely will not argue. I can imagine it gets quite lonely around here. I've never really been alone for more than a few hours myself.", she quietly chatters away focusing on her work in order to remain relaxed. Lighting the large brick oven, she moves away toet it heat.

With practiced hands, she sifts flour, yeast, sugar, and salt into a bowl before adding in water and butter. Taking up a large spoon she mixes the ingredients together until they were a smooth off-white dough. She tests the thickness of the dough before sifting flour over the wooden counter and pouring out the dough. Looking around with confusion she giggles and pulls a round ceramic cup from the cupboard using it to roll the dough flat, then flipping it over and cutting out small round circles. Beaming with pride, she places the biscuits on a pan and twirls on her heel, practically bouncing her way to the oven and placing them inside to bake.

She returns to the countertop and cleans up the mess, then takes out two plates. Slicing a few pieces of cheddar she places them in a v shape in the center of each plate, then sets the plates to the side, reaching for a portion on dried ham. This she also slices but instead of placing it on the plates she moves over to the oven and skewers them on a long two tined fork, then opens the oven and places the end of the fork in the embers.

Not one to be idle, she bustles about the kitchen cleaning and humming a soft Gaelic sounding dirty, occasionally stopping to take a deep whiff of the delectable scent of breakfast cooking. She stops for a moment and drops two eggs into the coals before pulling out the warm lightly brown biscuits and toasted ham, using a large worn rag to protect her skin.

She carefully removes the ham from the fork and sets it beside the cheese, then places two biscuits on each plate one at the top of each piece of ham. Returning to the oven she scoops the eggs out with a large spoon and drops them in a bowl of water for a few minutes before shelling and placing one in the center of each plate. Dropping a few grapes next to each egg, she brings them over to where her teacher sat and sets the plates down with a flourish, before hopping up next to him. "I hope this will do.", she chirps softly and places her own plate in her lap.

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