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Fantasy Ambition | RP


The frozen white shapes danced in the air as the archangel Lucifer sat besides a window in a small cafe called Paradiso in a college town. There weren't many present. The Christmas season was upon them. Most students went home over that break. 'Home....' Snow was fitting to make Lucifer think of it.

Home was cold and beautiful. She hadn't seen it in too long.

"Here." A man with long, straight brunette hair slid into the booth across from her, besides a red haired man who had been pointedly ignoring the scene. Mugs were slid in front of both of them, steam rising up from it. "Sounded good. Peppermint hot chocolates." The white whipped cream was decorated with small pieces of crumbled candy cane.

"Really?" Azazel snarled the word as he took his cup and brought it up and under his nose so he could sniff it. "You realize that's a Christmas thing, don't you?"

"So? I see no problem with it. It isn't going to burn your insides." Samael pointed out, taking a long sip from his own beverage. "Besides, when are we above blasphemy?"

"I don't even know why I'm here," the other grumbled, slouching in his seat. He still held the mug, though he hadn't yet sipped from it.

"The Host is aware of our presence here," the woman with the platinum blonde hair answered, shifting her gaze from the peacefully falling snow to meet Azazel's hazel eyes. "I summoned you to join because you may be needed to deal with them, and your complaints that nothing is getting done. I thought I would show you the process."

"Not to mention Shemhazai may or may not have ratted out your schemes to try and perform a coup in Lucy's absence."

Azazel's face became as scarlet as his hair. He lowered his gaze as Lucifer smirked, averting her gold eyes from him. "You're fortunate I'm not simply killing you."

Azazel said nothing to that, though he glanced at Samael and gave the gray eyed seraph a glare, before he straightened up in the booth. "So why are we wasting time here? If the Host knows you've left Hell, should we really be wasting time here, dressed like college kids, drinking hot chocolate?" This was asinine.

They should be in armor or incorporeal. With wings. Instead he sat here in jeans and a black sweater, while Lucifer sipped hot chocolate in a white dress, and Samael looked like he was about to run off to a symphony in his button down shirt, black vest, and dress pants. They all seemed in the prime of life, likely as grad students to any who looked, but they were much older. Too old to be wasting this kind of time.

"Yes." Lucifer answered. She could elaborate, but she felt no need. Azazel knew little about the lengths God went to in order to hide the Garden. It was beyond Samael's direct knowledge, but not the knowledge of the line of Lilith, the so-called Lilim. Humans by any other name, but humans not cursed by the first sin, and many had entered the Garden to obtain the Fruit of Life.

"We're meeting an old friend." Samael offered, "One who can enter the Garden freely. They're some professor here - anyways, they're late. Not terribly surprising." Samael sighed and relaxed in his seat as the song changed to another Christmas melody. "When you live forever, time becomes difficult to watch." Samael waved it off. "Drink. Enjoy. I can get us a game? They have scrabble."

"No." Azazel and Lucifer were both in agreement there.

Samael pouted, "You're both no fun." He let his gaze leave them to take in the cafe again, looking for their Lilim friend once more through the fairy lights and icy window.

"How long will we wait before going to find them?"

"An hour. I think Samael has a phone number and address."

"Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Snapchat...."

"What are -,"

"Don't engage him." Lucifer warned. "Suffice to say, those of earth are easy to track."

The frosty winter air bit at the two angel's pale skin, causing Aeliena to shiver and shoot a sharp glare towards Julius. "I knew we should have gotten proper jackets," She hissed at him. "Human's wear actual winter jackets, who knew? Me!" She walked slightly faster against the snowy pavement, tiny flakes of frozen condensation falling around them. After years of living above the mortals, Aeliena had completely forgotten about the chilly winter air.

"Excuse me, who was the one who actually lived on Earth before? Obviously not me, sweet pea," Julius countered back. "Those jackets were the size of you, sweetheart. We aren't supposed to be pulling any extra attention towards us. Everyone would be looking at a tiny shrimp in a giant jacket," He tried to tease her, but was only met with an angry glare. Gosh, she was cranky. No wonder she wasn't a guardian angel anymore.

Tucking a strand of her white-blonde hair behind her rosy ear with a huff. "Read the plan again," She told Julius, sparing him a quick glance before crossing the empty street. A few cars and people lingered, but it was sparse. It was nearly Christmas, a time Aeliena enjoyed when she was a human. The smell of fresh baking, the cold snow falls, the presents under the tree. Then, Christmas wasn't nearly as extravagant as it is now. How many toy stores had they passed? Six? Kids were far too spoiled these days.

"Locate the Archangels, and then determinate them," He read the crumbled piece of paper out loud. "Easy enough," He shrugged with a hefty sigh.

Her eyebrows furrowed together, registering the words. "He sent two angels who haven't done anything in a millennium to determinate some of the most powerful angels to exist?" She muttered in disbelief. "Surely he doesn't mean kill them, does he? We would need an army to take out Lucifer alone," She stated, Julius nodded in agreement. Lucifer was powerful, powerful than most fallen angels. The stories and myths around her power were terrifying, surely he didn't send them to do his dirty work, did he?

"Maybe he is trying to confuse us. I mean, killing Lucifer would start another war, possibly wipe out Earth with it," He ran a hand through his golden locks, following a fast paced Aeliena

Aeliena's striking green eyes met a cafe shop sign, tugging Julius towards it. "Maybe. I think we need to do a little more research. She has to be stirring up some stuff while here," She shrugged.

The two angels stepped into the shop and were instantly welcomed by a cozy warmth and the smell of coffee. Aeliena instantly let out a happy sigh, following Julius who made a b-line towards the counter to order them both something to warm up. It was a small shop, "hipster" would be the correct word to describe it. None the less, Aeliena was happy to be in a warm environment. Yet, something left off. It had been years since she had to feel for an off aura, but alarms were ringing off in her head. Her eyes scanned the employees. Maybe a archangel in hiding? Pfft, probably not. Lucifer wouldn't be caught dead serving other people willingly.

As her eyes scanned the shop, they landed on a group of people. A red head, a brunette and a strikingly blonde woman. Her hand gripped onto Julius' arm, tugging him. "Julius," She trailed off, motioning towards the group of people that were radiating dark energy.
The silver bells jingled above the doorway as two blondes walked in it off the cold, flakes sticking to their attire. They were nothing out of the ordinary by human appearances, and a barista did hurry to the counter to take their order. The smile on the mortal's face was bright. "Can I help you...oh, are you with them?" The barista knew they were waiting for someone. It was a woman, a professor of some sort. The woman didn't really look old enough, but they had learned not to judge.

The conversation and the bells had already drawn the attention of the angels. Azazel visibly stiffened. He didn't recognize the woman, but he did know Julius. "What the hell?" He hissed under his breath. "Who is that?"

"Julius and Aeliena," Samael answered, almost yawning as he did so. "Lucy?'" He sought direction for this intrusion.

Lucifer had no idea who Aeliena was. She knew Julius. Once he seemed an ally but like so many others her proved cowardly. Neither seemed to worry her. Julius was that. Aeliena was beneath her notice.

Samael noted, "This may keep our friend out." Would. A Lilim consorting with their ilk would know to avoid such a scene.

Lucifer sipped the hot chocolate. "They're not stupid." The words were measured, spoken at a whisper. "They're no threat. Humor it."

A wicked grin cut across Samael's lips and he jumped from his seat. "Julius! Aeliena! Merry Christmas!" Azazel wasn't sure if he ought to laugh or cry.

"Long time no see - well I don't think I ever met you, Aeliena, you joined after I graduated." Samael had such a jubilant energy about him. "Get some drinks, join us, we were all just catching up!"

"How are you still alive?" Azazel demanded in a whisper.

Lucifer just kept a half-smile on her lips. Samael was far more capable than he let on, far more than a glorified pencil pusher, as some imagined. Knowledge was its own power, but other forgot Samael was a Seraph, too. Perhaps not an archangel, but the Seraphim were capable.

Two of them. Three of her own. It may not be so difficult to have Samael and Azazel distract, or herself and Azazel, while one of them went after their missing Lilim, but first things first: threat assessment. Lucifer wouldn't bring down the wrath of another archangel if it could be avoided.
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Julius' ocean-blue eyes landed on Lucifer, and he swore his human heart stopped in his chest. She looked exactly how she did all those years ago. If anything, more youthful and powerful than she was when under the guidance of God. He studied her for a moment, in a complete and utter trance. Well, hell. How are they supposed to do their job now? Somehow, Julius had a feeling this is what God intended.

When Samuel disrupted his train of thoughts, he stared at the male. God, how long had it been since he had seen him? He remembered Samuel as if it was yesterday, who couldn't? Not only was the man a fine specimen, he was extremely known upstairs. Although, Aeliena didn't seem as composed as Julius did. A look of confusion, and...terror was laced in her eyes as they flickered between the three heads.

Lucifer. Aeliena hadn't expected her presence to affect her this much. The last time Aeliena had even seen her was when her mortal life was ripped from Earth cruelly. Her rapid heartbeat pushed any sound around her out, her stomach churned and her eyes flashed with the memory of the pain the archangel caused her. Suddenly Aeliena wanted nothing to do with this. She wanted her comfort and safety back, to be able to wallow in pain and fear for all that she had lost over her long lifetime. Well, long to her. To the four other habitants in the cafe, she was a child. Yet, she didn't feel like one.

With her hands in tight fists, her own fingernails digging harshly into her skin, Julius looked at Samuel, and then Lucifer again. "Never realized those who turned against God himself even thought about Christmas," He said, glancing towards the cafe workers who seemed thoroughly confused. He made a mental note to wipe their memory before they left.

Aeliena just about jumped out of her skin when Samuel joyfully spoke her name. Her eyes flickered up to the tall male, everyone in the room seemed to tower over her, even if they were sitting. Any emotion fell from her eyes, replaced with a blockade, refusing anyone to see how she felt. Even if it the horror and pain were dragging their claws against her instead, begging to be released in a fit of anger. God warned them how powerful they could be on Earth. They were merely disguised as humans, they powers remained. After centuries of keeping her powers at bay, who knew what would happen if she had a rage fit.

"I've heard a lot about all of you," Aeliena carefully said. It was a true statement, anyway. Anyone who had stepped past the golden gates of Heaven had heard about the three. They were written in the history books, taught to every Angel until it was memorized. For Aeliena, it was impossible not to memorize the stories that lead to Thanos' demise. They were the ones who inspired him to rebel. They were the reason he was torn from her and banished for all of eternity.

Julius eventually gathered the two coffees, after paying and receiving an odd look from the cashier. He handed Aeliena her cup, noticing the drops of blood on her nails. Had God really believed this tiny angel could save the world? She could barely stand the look of the three in front of them. If this didn't make Julius a saint, he didn't know what would.

Of course, Julius picked up on what Samuel was doing. It was almost as if they forgot Julius was around for every ounce of their rebellion. Julius witnessed it first hand. He knew what each and every one was capable of. "Hell, why not," He shined his pearly white teeth towards Samuel, pulling up a chair for himself and Aeliena who looked as if she was going to burst, yet, her face remained stone cold. He wondered what was going on up in her mind.

"So, I assume God hasn't sent you three on a world-saving mission, now has he?" Julius questioned casually, his shoulders rolled back comfortably before he took a long sip of his coffee.
It was no surprise that the three were well known to Aeliena. Truths, lies, Lucifer didn't care which. Humanity knew both, though. Most mistook her for male but in the grand scheme something so trivial didn't matter. Gender mattered only for humans who could make use of it. Such a thing was a sin and temptation to angels who were meant to suffice off God's love alone.

It wasn't so easy, as Azazel knew best. That was still his sin.

Whatever Aeliena knew, it made her angry. That was evident by the pricks of blood upon her pale flesh. It was an oddity that caused Azazel to cant his head and straighten up a bit more to see better. Either the disguise fragile or she was containing quite a bit of fury. Azazel wasn't sure which he preferred as Samael ushered him to make a bit of room. They didn't come to share the booths but pulled up chairs instead. They still needed room at the end.

Julius relaxed. Played along. For some reason it annoyed Lucifer. She wished he was more uncomfortable, like his companion, but he fell into the role Samael assigned well. Old friends, catching up by chance.

"No." Azazel said flatly. "What would it need saving from, nukes? Human stupidity? Last I knew they had free will to destroy themselves."

Samael ignored them for the moment. He instead dug his phone out to type out a hasty message.

Lucifer added, "Father hasn't contacted me in years, Julius. None of you even send me cards." A smile did stain her lips but it didn't so much as touch her eyes. "I'm afraid I have no idea what goes on back home. Should I know something about a world saving quest? Usually Gabriel delivers these messages." The only one not afraid, and like Michael, capable...but not full of wrath.

One day Michael's wrath would be his undoing. God had to know it. "Were you promoted?" Unlikely.
To distract herself, she eagerly drink her coffee that warmed her insides, even if it burned. It was easier to swallow than knowing Lucifer had no idea what she had done to ruin Aeliena's mortal life. Over the years she began to realize she was better off as an angel, but it didn't make her any less mad that experiences were stripped from her because one angel decided they wanted more.

Julius tilted his head towards Azazel, his eyebrows raised in amusement. "There are plenty more problems than humans destroying themselves. Everyone knows Earth would thrive without them," He stated simply. "Human's aren't the ones who need saving, anyways," He didn't delve into what he meant anymore, but changed the topic.

"It's almost like you turned on him. Such a thing would make a person ignore your existence," He stated dramatically with a sip of his coffee. "I apologize, never got your new address when you moved out. Surely the Queen of Hell wouldn't have time to read my Christmas cards, now would she?" He quirked a brow up at her, before Aeliena poked his side, trying to tell him to stop egging her on. The last thing they needed was to have a full blown war in the cafe. Lucifer could kill them all at this very moment if she pleased.

"Gabriel is busy with other things, you know him, traveling between worlds," He waved his hand. It had been years since he had even seen Gabriel. He was a busy angel, no doubt. With a sharp scoff, he shook his head. "I think everyone knows it has been far too long since I have done anything to even be considered promoted. I guess that is what happens when people forget you created only the smartest scholars to ever live. Or, when a little Lucy outshines me," He looked towards Lucifer with a grin. "Aeliena, you are quiet familiar with that, aren't you?" He looked towards the girl beside him.

"Julius," She warned sharply, staring at him with furrowed, angry eyebrows. "Family drama isn't supposed to be discussed at the dinner table," She muttered.
The unknown angel Aeliena drank deep of her coffee as they began to speak. Or rather, as Julius began to speak, addressing both Azazel and Lucifer in his answers. It seemed he was no longer concerned about the humans, and those great scholars and inventors he supposedly created. ‘Pride cometh before a fall.’ Lucifer thought, but didn’t say. There she had two angels on the verge of it, though Julius wouldn’t.

His humor was still self-deprecating as he spoke of Christmas cards, not thinking himself important enough. Lucifer wouldn’t encourage it, either. Wouldn’t let him think he had ever been more than a passing thought in her mind, or that she was at all bothered he hadn’t fallen with her.

There were many in Heaven who should have joined her, and did not. Many that got away. Julius was just one of many, or such was what Lucifer told herself even as a wry smile was drawn onto her lips by his boldness at the use of a nickname. He knew her better than his companion. She wasn’t the sort to fly off the hinges and just obliterate a café for no reason. She didn’t start the blow-outs. Not even in Heaven. Michael threw the first punch, as it were.

“Good thing this isn’t dinner then, isn’t it?” Lucifer said to Aeliena, “You haven’t been part of the family for long, have you?” She wasn’t at creation or Lucifer would have known her.

Samael shook his head, answering that, though adding nothing to the gesture.

“Regardless,” Azazel huffed, “There’s no point in a jaunt down memory lane. What are a pair of angels doing here of all places? There some kind of prophet to be looking after, or are you just here to talk us back to Hell?” As he leaned forward, Samael slid out of the booth, passing a quick glance to Lucifer.

It was almost imperceptible, the nod, but it passed to Samael anyway. She understood. Samael would have to be the one to run off. He had the infernal technology.
As Julius watched Lucifer's every move, it brought him back to the days when he would watch her from afar, admiring her grace and utter talent. That is what she was, talented. She was so unique, unlike every other angel who all had the same dreams and hopes. She was walking to the beat of her own drum, not possibly stopping to think what others thought about her. She already knew she was above them all, that is what Julius admired, oddly enough. She was feisty, intelligent, quick witted. She knew what she wanted all along, and didn't let anything stop her from getting it.

Of course, being a follower of God, Julius had to shove every positive feeling, thought and opinion of Lucy away until he couldn't recognize how he felt anymore. It was the price to pay to be an angel, he always told himself. There was only one way he should feel, any other was a deathly sin.

Aeliena's testing eyes looked at Lucifer, before her words began falling out of her mouth. "I'd expect the person responsibility for my mortal death to know the answer to that," She suddenly said, surprising herself. Julius looked at her, an almost proud smile pulling over his golden features. There it was. The fiery side to her. Every angel had one, Aeliena's was just buried deep, deep down where very few people could reach. Apparently, Lucifer was one of those few.

As Aeliena was staring harshly at Lucifer, Julius' eyes followed Samuel as he left quietly. Where was he of to? Keeping silent, he turned back to the conversation, looking at Azazel.

"Should we really be telling you of all people why we are here?" Julius questioned. "Or rather, maybe you should tell us what you are doing out of Hell? At Christmas of all times? Never pinned you two as immortals who wanted to bask in the Christmas spirit. I'm not judging though. Something about those demented nut crackers really gets to me."

Aeliena quickly spoke, ignoring Julius' antics. He was just going to dig them in a deeper hole than they needed to be in. "We are looking for Thanos," She easily said, looking specifically at Lucifer. "There has been word he wants to prove he is innocent, to come back home," She easily lied. It was easy to lie for someone you loved, someone who held your heart in their hands. Even if they broke it into a thousand tiny pieces that could never be replaced. "Who better to talk to than the Queen of Hell?"
Ah. So that was why this Aeliena was so close to sinning, to wrath. Lucifer had ended her life. It was a pity it meant nothing to Lucifer, and everything to her. Lucifer had never once wondered how it felt to be so beneath someone that they didn’t even care about your emotions. She already knew that position. It was not a fun one, and yet, she felt no remorse. She offered no apology. No doubt, Aeliena was an accidental casualty. If she wasn’t, Lucifer would have remembered her. So, she let it slide, even if Azazel was glaring fiercely at her for it.

He certainly wanted to interrupt to hound Lucifer about the death, but Julius redirected, forcing Azazel to keep his mouth shut as he blabbered on about Christmas. ‘We only have to keep them talking while Samael does the work.’ So long as no archangel showed up, it would be fine – and really, why would an archangel pick Samael over her? ‘Perhaps because he’s the secret keeper? The Ophanim?’


When Aeliena again interrupted, Azazel gave her a quizzical look as Lucifer’s lips twitched. She was trying not to laugh. She was trying not to smile even wider at the query that was brought up. Thanos. Yes, she knew Thanos, he was still trapped in Hell. She may release him, one day, as she’d done others, but that day wasn’t today. “It’s the candy cane,” she told Julius, to momentarily grasp at her composure once more. She sipped the hot chocolate. “They’re tasty. Everything peppermint is.”


“Right,” she set the cup down and looked pointedly at Aeliena. “If you are trying to prove Thanos innocent, or if you are in any way trying to free him, you should instead be asking me about housing Hell because you are going to need it.”

It may have confused her why. Azazel rolled his eyes at the way it was put, “I was pretty sure it was a sin to question God’s omniscience. Have things changed since I was up there? Is God okay with his angels thinking he’s wrong now? Is that cool? If he’s in the forgiving mood or thinks he can maybe be proven wrong, I’d like to try and plead my innocence!”

Lucifer shook her head ever so slightly. This was why she didn’t leave Azazel alone in Hell. He probably would have let Thanos go as part of his coup in Hell. “You’re either a very poor liar, Aeliena, or you’re truly ignorant of the crime you’re committing by doubting my Father.” Damned emphasis. She could never stop doing that.
Julius listened to Azazel's words, while Aeliena seemed to clench her fists yet again to stop herself from doing anything to be summoned to hell like her previous lover. Julius simply took over for Aeliena, gaining a sense God hadn't allowed her to do anything for so long that it backfired, making her only more unstable. She was a ticking time bomb, ready to explode into a world of sinning. Weirdly, Julius understood the feeling. Wanting to rebel, to be apart of the magical world of sinning. He was close to it once, before he was tugged several feet back and forced to remain quiet.

"I think you have forgotten about forgiveness, or has your heart gone so cold the thought of being forgiven is unobtainable?" He questioned the red head with a quirked brow. "I find it funny you still think of him as your father, Lucy," He looked at her, suddenly deathly serious. His tone dropped several octaves, his face stone cold. "It's pitiful we still think of the same man as our father, you were the one to betray him. You don't deserve to even think of him as an acquaintance."

Aeliena was shocked, taken back by the harshness of Julius' words. He was being disrespectful, moments away before losing his self control. "Julius," She said gently, her angelic voice snapping him out of his daze. "I think it's time for us to leave," It was clear enough they weren't here to just sit and ridicule them. They were after something. Samuel did not leave unnoticed, she could tell by the determined look on his face that he was after something. They all were. But what? World dominance? To overthrow God? It was their main plan all along, they surely didn't bust out of Hell to tell a few angels off.

The two rose from their seats. Julius stared at Lucifer for a few long moments, recalling everything he once felt for her. Remembering every time he was tempted to join her, to go with her and show God that he was something more, that every person that out shined him was nothing in comparison to what he could do. He tore his gaze away from her, leaving the cafe with Aeliena, but not before flicking his wrist towards the innocent employee's, removing any memory from what they just witnessed from their minds.

"You are insanely stupid, you know that?" Aeliena hissed as they walked down the pavement, the sun finally setting over the small town. "Are you on our side? One wrong move and you know Father will have you vanished to Hell in a heartbeat," She shook her head, shoving her hands under her arms for warmth.

"Yeah? What about that tantrum you were ready to throw? You aren't too slick yourself, you know that? I could tell you were ready to explode. Isn't that why your authority over humans was revoked? Because you couldn't control yourself? Because Thanos ruined you so much you couldn't handle yourself?" Aeliena stopped and stared at Julius, practically fuming. "I know what happened that day, Aeliena. I was the one who vanished Thanos. Father knew I was the only one who wouldn't tell anyone,"

Aeliena stared at him in shock, he knew. He knew everything that happened. "I know Thanos didn't just hurt you emotionally," Julius continued. "I know Father knew that too,"

"Julius, stop," She begged, tears brimming her doe-like eyes, "He wouldn't want to hear you talking like that," She warned him again, shaking her head to shove out the dark thoughts.

"Aeliena, you can't run away from this, you are allowed to feel!" He yelled, a few near by light poles sparking from his echoing, powerful voice. "You can't shut those feelings out, you can't let people let you shut those feelings out! You know one day you will explode, and when you do you know you will be the one sinning," He watched as icy tears poured from her eyes, the truth out in the open, freezing cold air. He wasn't just trying to convince her, he was convincing himself. Whether it was a sin or not, he had no idea, but he couldn't watch a poor angel beat herself up because of someone's actions. "You are here to get justice. To take that anger inside you and use it for good," He tried to tell her, but she just shook her head.

"I'm done talking about this." She wiped the tears from her rosy cheeks and began walking in the direction of where they would be staying. She had enough of everyone telling her how to feel, who she was and what she wasn't. She was sick of it. Did Julius think she didn't know any of that already? He was a fool to think he was helping her. He was only making it worse.
There were few things that could get under Lucifer’s skin. Killing innocents wasn’t one of them. Death was only another state. Death was the true eternity, not life. Death was all that mattered, life was a petty test. The affairs of Heaven and her memory, the lies surrounding her name, could not bother her. Certain angels did – but too often she wore a front before the likes of her closest siblings, like Gabriel.

Oh, she would have killed to have Gabriel before her then, the stoic pigeon that he was.

Instead, she had Julius, and he hit the button. ‘He’s doing it to defend her.’ The first thought when the rush of anger that crossed her gaze, burned her heart, as he told her she could not refer to her Father as that – her Father. She tried to convince herself that he was looking to set her off only as a way of petty revenge for her non-reaction to Aeliena’s confession, but it didn’t stop the flush of anger.

‘I knew Him best. I was the First.’

Ages would never change that, not to her. No one knew the Father like her. None ever would, none ever challenged him, they just fell in line or openly rebelled. They never questioned.

Lucifer didn’t rise. She didn’t speak to deny them leaving, but watched them. Watched Aeliena, not Julius, until they were out. “Follow them.” She told Azazel, before pushing herself up to rise, no longer interested in staying either. “I will go after Samael. You know how to reach me.” Samael had phones for the mortals, but they had other means to keep between themselves.

“Me? What, am I supposed to stalk them like some creeper?”

“I really don’t care how you do it, but if they’re staying on this plane, I want to make sure they don’t call in reinforcements.” With that, Lucifer turned away and took a side exit, the cold not bothering her at all in the white dress. She wasn’t human. She never would be human; temperature was meaningless. Sure, she felt it – if she let herself sink into the moment or the plane, she might indeed acknowledge the chill, but she didn’t.


Telepathy was prayer. Prayer was telepathy, but focused to individuals like this, it required a certain skill, and it was not invisible – Lucifer’s golden eyes started to glow as she tried to force her way into Samael’s mind if he wouldn’t just open it, seeking it out.

It was a skill honed by any good angel, but especially those who were more inclined to the talents of the mind. It did not take long for her to feel the nagging presence at the back of her mind, and to be able to tap into the location of Samael as he opened his mind, and let her see briefly that he was with the Lilim, in her office on campus.

Lucifer followed the path of his steps to take her on towards the office.


Not far, in the opposite direction, Azazel did try to follow without being seen. The auras were easy enough to feel now that he was accustomed to them, the problem was pulling his own in and trying not to be noticed. He heard the sound of the electricity sparking, though he was too far to see it, too far to hear what Julius was saying.

He paused.

He took a breath, and then, blew it out, frosting the air far more than any human could, until it froze over into a mirror.

He had been the one to teach humans witchcraft and magic, and he knew he’d need to start using it to watch them. He didn’t speak in English as he addressed the frozen object, but in Enochian, the language of the angels. He spoke the names he knew, and the mirror’s face soon rippled like water, until it began to show him the view from the glass around them – the shops, the lights, he was able to watch them through such reflective surfaces.

He could stay out of sight this way, and hopefully, far enough from them so that they wouldn’t notice he was following, either.

It didn't let him hear, though, and he frowned as the reflections caught the glisen of tears. 'Not an angel for long indeed....' He was curious about the story, though he imagined he'd have to ask Samael of it. God didn't really make new angels after the original creation. It was rare that any new additions were added. He never even replaced Lucifer among the Archangels, nor Samael or Shemhazai of the Ophanim.
Julius allowed Aeliena to storm off, running a hand through his long locks of hair. There was so much he wanted to say, to feel. He was so limited to what he was allowed and not allowed to do, times like these he despised it. He had to follow the words of the bible, the teachings of his Father. He would be banished if he didn't. Sometimes he couldn't help but wonder, was being banished worth it for freedom?

Of course, the only person he could ask such a thing to was Lucy herself. She would know the answer, the right answer to make him turn. To make him chase after her and curl her into his arms.

It was not long until Aeliena was in the hotel room. It was strikingly clean. She always assumed humans were messy. It had been thousands of years since she was allowed to peek into their lives. She lost touch of what was in and what was out. Her finger tips grazed around the room, getting a feel for it. Her heart still thumped in her chest as she refused to think about anything Julius or Lucifer had thrown at her. Not to mention that red head, Azazel. She didn't know as much about him as she liked to, which angel was he again?

She believed he was the one who fell for the human, but she easily could be wrong. All that mattered was she knew everything about Lucifer. Her task was simple, yet she wanted it to be over already.

Stripping herself from her layers, she allowed her mortal body to soak in a warm bath, relishing in how wonderful she had forgotten relaxing like this was. It wasn't until a note fell on her head that she was taken out of her relaxation.

Don't forget what you are.

Was written in gold ink, it was obvious who it was from, and what it meant. He was picking up on her. On what she was feeling deep inside. He didn't like it, he was beginning to regret who he chose for this mission. He was pushing her boundaries. He should have known better than picking an unstable angel.

Aeliena dried herself off after draining the bubbly bath water, walking out in a towel with the note in hand, repeating the words over and over again. Aeliena almost jumped out of her skin when she laid her eyes on the red head, who stood looking out of her window. Her hands clutched the towel to protect herself from his eyes.


Julius did not return to the hotel, but rather lurked around the empty streets. His eyes looked over all the shops, taking in all the new possessions humans had created. He was impressed, to say the least. They had replaced books with modern technology, giving everything access to devices. It had been quite some time since he had looked around at humans, it was odd to be walking down the streets he used to watch over years ago. He was never a human, unlike Aeliena. He never got the luxury of knowing exactly what it was like to live without powers.

With his gloved hands stuffed into the pockets of his jacket, he stopped at a window, a television screen flickering, his name being called out.

"J-Julius..." It echoed all through him. "Don't...give...into...temptation...it's....a....trap..." He spun around, and suddenly the television went back to its blank state. He sucked in a sharp breath, knowing his Father was reaching out to him. Was he really worrying about Julius of all people giving in? When Lucifer was roaming the streets and Aeliena falling apart piece by piece? Julius was the stable one here. He had the most self control.

As Julius carried on roaming the campus streets, he felt a familiar aura that made his insides tingle. Lucifer. She was near. His eyes ran over all the shops, houses, condos, apartments until they laid on a campus building. What was she doing in there? His feet carried him close, trying to break through the barrier of the stone walls to pick up on the conversation. He got fragments, singular words that wouldn't help him figure out what they were saying, and who was saying it.
They split. ‘Damn it, Lucifer, what am I supposed to do now?’ There was only one answer to that, watch one in the mirror and follow the other one. So, with a sigh, he decided it would be better to follow the female instead of Julius. Odds were Julius would stand a chance of beating him if it came to a brawl.

He was also trying to avoid a brawl. Better to stay closer to the new angel.

He shifted between visions in order to follow Aeliena and keep a watch on Julius as well. It didn’t take long before he found himself before a hotel. ‘Really?’ Angels, sleeping on Earth. Well, now he’d seen everything. ‘Aren’t you doing the same thing?’ Well, they weren’t really sleeping. They didn’t have anywhere to check their things because they didn’t have things.

Sure, clothes, and Samael and his damn phone, but otherwise they just acquired new clothes when needed, and let Samael bankroll everything from his phone. Sinning had its advantages. Why would an angel need a hotel? Why were they staying on Earth for so long as to need it?

Azazel pondered it as he didn’t go in, but tried to figure out which room was the one belonging to the angels. ‘Wonder if they have two beds or one.’ Wondered if they would even consider such a thing. He tended to think the Heavenly Host had weeded out all of those like him.

He walked around outside a bit, turning over his mirror a bit to make it appear he was doing something, only then realizing how convenient Samael’s phone could be. At least he wouldn’t look like a nut. ‘Hells, I am not falling for that trap, Samael is the nut.’ Not him.

Eventually, he thought he narrowed it down, but he couldn’t see the people in the rooms right then. He had it down to three, and he saw one with a light on from another room. Bathroom, he assumed, and decided to wait to see. He leaned against a tree and flicked his attention back to Julius, who seemed to be wandering around outside the campus.

He should have looked back sooner to move himself around the tree, or out of sight. Instead, he noticed too late when he saw the sudden movement out of the corner of his eye and then looked into the room to see Aeliena, fresh from a bath. Another rather human activity, rather like how shocked she seemed. ‘Well fuck.’ He was caught. What now? He was frozen a moment, staring at her form covered by the towel, his thoughts drifting again to regions he knew better than to dwell on.

Memories of pretending to be human. Memories of wanting to be human, to live and die a human. Their small pleasures – once he would have enjoyed the hot chocolate. Baths. Things like that. They led to his downfall.

He shook himself from it, and did the only thing that seemed sensible. He stepped around the tree and put himself out of sight. ‘Smooth. Idiot.’


Samael was waiting for Lucifer at the base floor, and he opened the door for her, “Azazel?”

“Spying,” Lucifer answered, following Samael along towards an office, the decorations becoming more and more Greek and Roman. “What is she a professor of?”

“Classics,” he answered, coming to the door where the Lilim was waiting. She rose, inclining her head deeply.

“Lucifer. I’ve always wanted to meet you,” she said, as Lucifer walked in and took a seat. Samael took the one besides her, and leaned back once more, “Ever since I saw the connections between Venus as the Morning Star, and you, I knew the stories of you being masculine were a lie.”

Lucifer waved it off, “As much as I’m sure I would enjoy your company, Eila, we do not have time. We are not alone here. I’ve come about Eden, and the Fruit of Life.”

“Ah. That which I can access and you cannot.”

“Precisely. It is barred to the Fallen and to Eve’s children,” but not to the Lilim. “I know you cannot take anything out,” she’d asked Lilith before, “I’m looking for a side entrance, or some other way into the garden that you may be aware of.”

Eila managed a slight smile, “I’m not sure of a side entrance, though I can take a look,” she offered, then, “It may be by water.”

“That’s no trouble,” Lucifer shook her head, then noted the energy through the wall. A glance to Samael signaled that she wasn’t alone in feeling it, and Samael rose to go out and confront it, while Lucifer simply leaned forward, “If need be, I’ll burst through the front gates, but I’ll need to know the sealings. I can’t get close enough to the gates to read the inscriptions. Angel with the fiery sword aside, the energy is too much. Can you do that for me?”

“Well…Uriel doesn’t really like us to. He knows we’re not exactly in line with God.” Nor out of it, exactly. The Lilim were the forsaken, the forgotten. They could not be out of line – they never ate of the Forbidden fruit. Technically, they had no moral compass.

Lucifer dropped her voice. Perhaps Elia wouldn’t, but, “Where is Lilith?”

She pursed her lips. Frowned, and then shook her head, “I don’t know. No one knows. We haven’t seen her in centuries….”

As Lucifer expected. She sighed. “I’ll do what I can, Lucy. Lilith told us that one day you would call on us for something like this.”

“Something like this?”

“…war. The last war. Am I wrong?”

Lucifer didn’t answer. She only smiled.
Julius hid himself behind a wall just outside the building, trying all his senses to find out what was being spoken inside the building. He could feel the presence of someone else, who was it? Lucy wasn't bringing humans into this, was she? She was a fool if she was. If there was one thing Father had complete control over, it was the humans. He could kill them all with a single look, force them to endure a world of pain, make them suffer. He had done it a million times before and would no doubt do it again.

As he sat outside in the cold, he pondered on what he did exactly for Father to chose him to do this. There wasn't anything significant about himself, he felt. Sure he made a few people smart, but that didn't seem to matter at this point. He hadn't done anything these pasts decades to deserve this. Hell, what did Aeliena even do? Lose someone she loved? Why wasn't she banished for loving? Father was supposed to be the only love you felt, as an angel. Aeliena sinned yet he only punished Thanos. Though, Thanos wanted more. It only seemed right to punish him.

He sort of felt bad for yelling at Aeliena. She probably spent the past thousands of years dwelling on all of this. On losing Thanos, being stuck of a state of wanting to sin and wanting to do what was "right". Maybe Father chose her because she had that strength to battle both ends, to chose a middle state of neither.

His thoughts were interrupted as he listened to footsteps exit the building. He pressed himself against the wall, listening carefully.


Aeliena watched as Azazel vanished. What on earth was he doing? She quickly found clothes stashed away in the drawers, pulling the pair of black leggings over her short legs, and tugging a white t-shirt over her body. She peeked out the window, not finding him anywhere in sight. She remembered the letter, she couldn't give in. Curiosity was a sin, was it not? The more curious she began of the male the more closer she was to sinning. The closer she was to letting the world crumble in the hands of Lucifer.

Aeliena sat on one of the beds, before her eyes laid on a laptop on the desk. She sheepishly opened it, trying to figure out how to turn it on before the bright screen flashed before her. It was already logged in, thankfully. Her finger opened the internet app, the latest news instantly opening. Natural disasters, axe murders on the loose. She didn't expect anything less. Suddenly, the temperature in the room dropped serveral degrees. The hairs on her arm rose, she felt someone behind her.

"Aeliena, darling, long time no see," The voice boomed. She turned on her heel, a strong male standing before her. He circled her, looking her mortal body up and down. "Just as beautiful as the day I left, I see. Father really hasn't let you go, has he?" He chuckled. "What a pity. Hell would suit you. You were always quite the spit fire, weren't you? Oh, how Lucy would love to have someone like you on her side,"

Her eyes followed him as he walked around her, looking her up and down. "Thanos," His name was stuck in her throat, it barely came out as a whisper. "How-" He hushed her, his finger pressing to her lips.

"Hush, I'm not here to talk about me. I am here to talk about you." A wicked smile pulled upon his angelic features. Even as a demon, he was still beyond attractive. "I noticed, you have fallen a bit, haven't you?" He questioned, but continued speaking before getting an answer. "I've never seen you so angry as you were in the cafe, besides the day I was banished. You were in hysterics, weren't you? Fellow angels thought you had gone mad. God's little human finally fallen. I remember it quite well. You were all Hell could talk about," He dragged his finger across her cheek, sighing deeply.

"You are tempted, aren't you? Did I break you far too much? Tug on your heart strings a little too hard?" He titled his head, his dark strands of straight, shiny hair falling in front of his dark, dead eyes. "The messed up ones always make the best demons, don't you think? You always knew I wasn't right in the head. That's why you liked me, wasn't it? I was, what did you call it, unlike any other?"

Aeliena glared at him, regaining her composer. "You're here to get me to convert, aren't you?" She hissed, and he only grinned. "Why? Why would it matter to you?"

A cackle left his dry lips, and he clapped his hands together. "Why would it matter to me? Darling, it would matter to everyone." He looked out the window, sighing as if he was tired. "You see, when someone turns against Father, that is one more person who is done with his foolish games. Done with being pushed around, tired of being his minion. One more person who understands the need for freedom, to sin without worry." He stated, turning back to her. "And to have the one human allowed to be an angel, hell, that would be something," He shook his head, his large hand grasping onto her arm. "What do you say, doll face? Surely, Julius wouldn't mind. It would give him a little push." He tried to convince her.

"Thanos," She warned, taking a step back, feeling her blood boil. "I don't love you anymore. You have little control over me. Or anyone." She tried, her hand finding the closest thing she could grab, a lamp. That would hurt him, right? Father had neglected to tell her how to exactly harm an immortal on Earth, but surely this would work. She tossed the lamp his way, and in an instant he was gone, as if he was never there to begin with. She ran around the room, looking in every place she could think. He was gone. She began to think it was a figment of her imagination, that she really was going crazy. He was locked in Hell, was he not?

As Aeliena began picking up the shattered pieces of the lamp, sobs began to wrack through her body. It was only day one and she was drained, everything she had in her was gone.
Samael came around the building, and almost laughed when he saw that Julius was only pressing himself to the wall. “Now, Juli,” he said, stretching his hand out and letting a spear start to materialize in his hand. “You wouldn’t be spying on Lucifer, would you?” He hardly cared for any notice.

He wanted humans to know.

He didn’t move to strike at all, though. “We had enough chatting at the café for a day. You should tend to what you’re here on Earth for.” He fully expected it was them. Yet, he could recall that Julius had stepped back from the fighting.

So had Samael, but he had chosen to fall, just not to fight. A fight was pointless, after all. The victor was known long before the first punch was thrown – Michael. Always Michael.


Lucifer rose then, the conversation done. “You have Samael’s contact information?”

“Of course,” Elia said. “I’ll try to connect with the others and find out about Lilith, but I’ll book a plane soon to get the information you want. Uriel won’t like it, but Uriel can’t do anything about it.”

Lucifer gave a contented nod. Azazel would do better with the engravings and magic than she would, and once they could show him, they could get in if there was no secret way. Uriel, she could handle herself. Uriel may be the angel with the divine flame, but she was still the Lightbringer. The Morning Star.

“Good bye, Elia…and thank you.” With that, Lucifer exited from the room, and moved to leave the building as well, aware that Samael was still present, and so was that other presence. ‘Only one.’ So Azazel went after the other, then.


Aeliena did not pursue him out, and did not leave. Azazel took that to be a small victory for the moment. He was able to stay behind the tree, and wonder again if he was the stupid one, or if angels were. He just shook his head a bit, before he sensed the wild energy and fluctuations from behind. The room. He glanced around the tree.

He didn’t see anything abnormal, but vision could betray.

He felt it. Like a prayer, like telepathy, but not quite.

He observed as Aeliena seemed to interact with something he couldn’t see. He wasn’t close enough to hear, but he did see her throw a lamp at nothing. She ran around then, apparently looking for something. Whatever had bothered her was gone, even to her now, and it didn’t take long for her steps to take her back to the shattered lamp, and she began to pick up the pieces.

Azazel could have left it at that, turned back around, but he couldn’t. ‘Lucifer killed her.’ So she wasn’t an angel. So far as Azazel or anyone else knew, that sort of death was permanent. God preferred to banish them to Hell, but one day, no doubt, he’d give Michael permission to kill them.

Today wasn’t that day. Nor was today the day that Azazel turned his back on suffering. He moved around the tree and walked to the sliding glass, where he hesitantly knocked. “Need some help?” Probably not. It was literally just picking up glass. Perhaps she needed the distraction and the company, though.
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Julius let out a long sigh as he realized it was only Samuel. Julius could deal with him. But Lucifer? Hell no. He noticed the spear, but continued to stare straight forward at the attractive male. "Could you blame me?" He rose a brow at the male. "It isn't everyday the Queen of Hell is suddenly on Earth at the same time as me. Colour me curious." Curiosity. There it was again. A sin. Yet, he was here to follow her, so technically, he wasn't exactly sinning. Whether Samuel knew that or not, he truly did not care.

Tilting his head to the side, his arms crossed over his strong chest, looking at Samuel with an amused expression. "What makes you say that?" He questioned. "As if it matters to you, or Lucy for that matter," He took a daring step forward, close enough to feel the males warm breath. "I think we all know I won't take orders from you."


Aeliena was ready to combust. She had to be crazy. Hell was an impossible maze to just walk out of alone. Thanos had been there for centuries, if he couldn't escape before, he couldn't escape now. It only proved she felt more and more unstable. No one just materializes someone who ruined them like that. Maybe she just wasn't used to her mortal form, or maybe Father was testing her. Whatever it was, it made her feel uneasy.

Between her sobs and picking up the shattered ceramic pieces of the lamp, she didn't even notice Azezal's appearance until he spoke. Her head snapped up, her red eyes meeting his own. God, she really must be going crazy if a demon was asking her if she needed help. She sat there for a moment, frozen in confusion. Finally, she let out an unsteady breath and nodded, standing up and opening the door before she tossed the pieces she managed to pick up between her sobs into the trash.

"You didn't see, I mean, he was, Thanos-" She tried to manage out, but had no idea how to explain what on earth just happened without sounding like a lunatic. Julius would believe her, wouldn't he? He was on her side. He would know what to do, right?

Maybe this was her minds way of letting go of Thanos. Painting him as a mad mind for her to see. If she saw him as a horrible person, she would stop aching over him. She would smarten up and realize she had to move on. Somehow, this only made her feel worse.

Aeliena sat back down on the ground with a defeated sigh, looking at the broken lamp. "I'm actually going insane,"
“You should come to Earth more often,” Samael said lowly, the implications clear. Though Lucifer wasn’t caught up on all the technology, she wasn’t an uncommon face on the surface. She tended to be looking for particular people, normally Lilith, or to meet up with some on the verge of falling.

Julius may be that – but Samael wasn’t about to trust it, and he tensed as he felt the angel approach. He liked to think he was a better fighter than Julius, and his fingers flexed over the spear. Close-range wasn’t ideal for a spear. Close-range wasn’t ideal for Samael. “You know why it matters.”

His orders were to spy then. To keep watch. Samael shifted back then, seeming to phase, though it’d likely be visible enough for Julius – just not the human eye. His disguise started to break a bit, the energy at his back manifesting in six tendrils of white, but before he could think to shoot forward and thrust the spear, a hand clasped upon his shoulder and held him firmly in place.

Lucifer. He didn’t need to look to know it. She would be one of the few who didn’t need to break disguise at all to hold onto him while the energy threatened to break through his back and materialize the six white wings. “Samael, you’ll risk our friend,” Lucifer reminded calmly, and the Seraph relaxed his stance, let the spear fade away into light again, pulling apart like the white tendrils that danced behind.

They, too, were recalled, every white thread pulling away. “He is here for us.”

“So you’d kill him? I’d rather not deal with that fallout just yet.” Lucifer said. Not until she made it to the Garden. Not until she had the fruit. Then, perhaps…. “I think you’ve done enough here for the night. Go see Shemhazai.” Lucifer needed to keep tabs on hell.

Samael gave a nod and Lucifer removed her hand, letting the seraph’s wings appear for a split second, the tendrils of white coming forward and seeming to enshroud him fully, silver eyes turning that same, glowing hue, before he was gone, shifting between the planes as easily as Gabriel did.


Aeliena didn’t lash out at him, nor deny him. No shouts, only a nod, and he was allowed in. He moved by her, and went to the broken pieces, starting to pick up some on his own, wordless. Silent. She was not, not for long, and he lifted his hazel eyes up as she started to speak, giving her his attention as the cool ceramic waited in his hand for him to discard it.


“No, I didn’t see anyone,” he admitted.

It didn’t mean he wasn’t there. Angels had plenty of powers. Samael fell in line, sometimes, with illusions. Shemhazai. Gabriel and Azrael. Deception was their game, and their need to be in many places at once lent to that.

It was not his way, nor was it Lucifer’s.

Thanos was still an unknown. Lucifer didn’t trust him – she didn’t trust Azazel or Shemhazai, but she had released them soon enough. Thanos was still unreleased. Ignored. Forgotten in the depths. That could have left him with time to hone his abilities to reach out, if not physically, than mentally.

Perhaps he wanted to yell at God.

Azazel wished he could, sometimes.

“Maybe,” Azazel agreed, before realizing he shouldn’t have, but how could he not? Humans weren’t meant to be angels. This was another sick experiment by God, turning a human into an angel – she could be going insane, a natural detriment for what she was. “Or maybe not,” he said, looking back to the pieces of glass. “Gabriel is known for Astral Projections and dream manipulations. Azrael is a spooky son of a bitch,” well, he was the angel of death, “and Shemhazai and Samael are pretty good with that telepathy thing, too…maybe…you’re not going insane. Maybe Thanos did something?”

More ceramic into his hand. “Or you’re insane,” he didn’t know why he was backtracking, “A human who’s now an angel…that was unheard of in my time. Maybe it isn’t meant to be.” Why did he backtrack? He wanted to hit himself, but instead he rose and dumped what ceramic he had into the trash to avoid a direct look.
"Not many people agree with that," Julius muttered. He could only imagine how many complaints God was getting. In others eyes, Julius was incapable of most things. Father never seemed to deny it either. Was Julius only here because he wasn't much to lose? If Father lost him to Lucifer, would be really be losing anything?

He was snapped out of his thoughts only to see Lucifer behind Samuel, stopping him from impaling Julius with the sharp spear. Julius didn't know if he should feel relieved or disappointing. He was strong enough to fight Samuel, that was clear enough. Whether he would properly win was something he wasn't sure of, but he knew he could take him on.

Julius listened to them as they spoke. Not yet? What did that mean? Lucifer was a confusing person, that was clear.

"I never thought you would be the reason I wouldn't get stabbed, Lucy," Julius said, looking towards her with a skeptical look. "It makes me wonder what your intentions are,"


Her heart sunk. Thanos wasn't actually in her room. She made it up. She had to. Silently, she leaned her back against the bed while she sat on the floor, her knees pulling to her chest. She registered his words, taking them in. "I don't see why anyone would come after me," She admitted to him. "If anything I'm already half way to being kicked out of Heaven," The second she said it, she regretted it. It was true, after all. She fell for an angel. Got him vanished. Almost lashed out at an archangel and fought with Julius. Nothing she had been doing lately seemed very angelic.

"Maybe," She agreed. Father admitted he had plans for her, that she was meant to be a saint in her human life. He couldn't let go of what she would be, so he made her an angel. Maybe she was his trail run. Maybe he feared he would lose all his angels and have to resort to humans for his next cause.

"What is it like, to be free?" She asked, before quickly explaining herself. "I mean, why do it?"
“It’s Lucifer, Julius,” Lucifer said, an edge to her tone. She had hardly forgotten his comment about ‘Father’. His own informality with her, as if he knew her, wasn’t going to be allowed without reproach any longer.

It was already clear he didn’t, if he wondered at her intentions. “Unfortunately, my intentions aren’t for you to know. Yours are already clear. I suppose if you stick to them, you’ll know in time what mine are.” He could spy. So long as he didn’t get in the way, Lucifer had no intention of making a fuss over it.

“So you’re here to save the world from me.” She canted her head, amused, “Where’s my brother?” Heaven knew he was the only one who could stand up to her. She called the Archangels such – siblings. Yet Michael was the one she referred to, “Or perhaps I should say Michael. Even you are not unaware you couldn’t stop me. Certainly your Father must know as well that he’s condemning you to death if you try to step in my way.”

She may have kept him from Samael.

She may not be attacking him.

But, she certainly meant to make him think…to make him doubt, and wonder, what he meant to the Father. To Heaven. This seemed like suicide to anyone who could think. The mind was always the better thing to attack anyway, and perhaps she could have done it more gently...but she truly was not pleased with him right then.


Azazel almost laughed as he heard the question come from her lips. Free? A bit of a laugh did escape him, and he made his way back to the lamp. There wasn’t much left now. The rest of the ceramic, the broken glass of the bulb, just this one trip ought to do it. “I’m not free,” he told her. “Well, I’m more free than you are, maybe, but I’m not free. No one’s free. I’ve just chosen my cage.”

He had chosen Hell.

He had chosen Lucifer, though sometimes he did think of usurping her. “It’s nice not to be serving Him, though Samael will say we still are,” still dancing along to his tune. That he always meant for them to fall. Shemhazai agreed with Samael, so far as that was concerned.

This was all in his grand scheme. He meant for them to fall and suffer.

The ceramic pieces continued to pile in his hand. This was a better topic than Thanos, and he should always be trying to get others to join. “It’s not just about the rebellion. I didn’t want to fall. I just wanted to live peacefully on Earth. Humans are allowed the choice to do whatever they like, so why not us?”

Well, he knew why. Humans had ‘faith’, and they weren’t technically allowed to do whatever they wanted. They were damned to hell if they broke the rules, only they didn’t know it. Not truly. It was all in faith. Azazel had known it, and he willfully betrayed God.

He lifted again to brush off the rest of the ceramic on his hand, and then he took a seat on the bed. Near. He let his hand rest on the bed, palm up. “I wouldn’t change it. It’s still a better life than living in Heaven, even we’re all destined for oblivion one day. It’s better. Why do you follow Him?”
"It wasn't always," He added afterwards, looking at her with a look of reminiscence. There was a time they lived peacefully with their Father. When Julius was widely known as a powerful angel, when Lucifer didn't have plans to overthrow God himself. It was hard to believe but for a short period of time, everything felt fine. Julius didn't feel left out in the dark, Lucifer wasn't power hungry, Hell was an unimaginable place. It almost made him wonder what changed, but he realized. Angels got tired. Doing the same thing for eternity got old quick.

It didn't shock him that she caught on. She was smart. He made it obvious, anyways. It was to be expected.

"I haven't seen him in a long time," He admitted, trying to think about the last time he had actually seen Michael. Although Julius wasn't an active Angel, he kept tabs on everyone, including Michael. "I think he knew death was in my future the second he created me," Julius admitted, but didn't think about it for long.

"But, surely the Queen of Hell knows what she is doing without him, doesn't she? Or have you hit a dead end?"


His laugh lightened her mood slightly. It was genuine, or at least she thought. In the cafe she was led to believe he was the grumpy one out of the group, but the very fact he stood before her civilly led her to believe otherwise.

"Samuel seems to say a lot of things," Even she smiled, thinking to the male and how perky he was, despite doing it to mess with them.

Why did she follow him? That was a question she asked herself daily. "I didn't have very much of a choice," She told him. "I obviously could have left at any given moment, but when you are the one human that was granted a free pass to Heaven as one of His angels, leaving seemed...unthinkable," She explained, glancing up at Azazel. "I have to admit, though, we were sort of lead to believe you were all monsters who wanted nothing but to feast on us," She stated. "Unless this is part of you plan to kill me," She quirked a playful eyebrow up at him. Why did she feel so...comfortable? She wouldn't even shed her skin for Julius, yet here she was teasing Azazel as if they were old friends.

"I think I despise Lucifer for all of it, though," She sheepishly added. "I mean, if she hadn't of killed me, I would have liked a normal life and probably died of old age, or something natural," She shrugged. "Sometimes I feel it would have been easier that way, but nothing with Lucifer seems easy,"
Lucifer did not show her disgust, nor her longing, as Julius fixed her with that reminiscent look. She only gestured for him to walk, and started to herself. She didn’t want to stay in one place. Perhaps she had time to delay, but that didn’t mean she enjoyed it.


The fact that Michael wasn’t seen in a while was a touch worrisome. Michael wasn’t a messenger, he was the General of God’s armies. What could he be doing if not training or preparing, or protecting someone? ‘Perhaps that is it.’ If a crisis was about to befall Earth, her in particular, perhaps he was already there setting things up, a part of the board that Lucifer didn’t see.

Well, she usually tried to plan for Michael.

“If He is Omniscient, then He knew all of our fates, and He created us this way all the same. He created you to die, and He created me to fall, and lead countless others to their death.” A simple fact, not often acknowledged, by those who professed his omniscience. “I know what I am doing. I may not know the end result, but no, I have not hit a dead end. I’m not going to be telling you, Julius. If you’re going to spend your time in my company, you shouldn’t waste it fishing for what you won’t learn. Spend it wisely,” she advised, a sly smile curving her lips only slightly.

Julius always tried to figure more out…but she knew better than to speak so freely with one of God’s own little soldiers. Destined to die or not.


‘Samael never shuts up.’ That was a lie, but sometimes it felt that way. Sometimes, Samael didn’t know when to shut up, but even Azazel knew that was his whole purpose. Sure, he could fight…but Samael wasn’t a fighter at heart. He was a speaker. He was someone who wove words like tapestries.

Plenty had been drawn in by Samael, and then torn to pieces, not by his spear, but his tongue.

“Everyone despises Lucifer. I despise Lucifer.” Azazel said, smiling a bit at that. It was a truth even Lucifer knew. Many hated Lucifer, the first to Fall, and so, the first to Rise. “We’re angels, not cannibals. Not…most of us, anyway.” There was probably a cannibal in the group. He had some serious questions about Abaddon. “We’re not unthinking monsters. We all chose this, maybe recklessly, but we’re capable of reason.”

That was why they were truly dangerous.

“You still have a choice, now. If you don’t like following Him, you could leave him,” it was fairly easy. “Hell’s one alternative, but not everyone stays there. Not everyone really follows Lucifer, in Hell or out of it.” If she truly despised Lucifer, she still had the choice to ignore her. To leave Hell and live out a life on Earth. Lucifer didn’t care – it wasn’t worth the trouble to bring an angel to heel.

Let them live, so long as they didn’t get in her way. It was only when they got in the way, or threatened to, that she considered acting against them.
Julius' long legs kept up with Lucifer, looking down at the female as she spoke. Everything she said was right, he hated to admit it. There was a plan for everyone, even angels.

Nodding at his words, he continued to follow her. "Whatever you are looking for, I'm sure you will find it," He said gently. "You were always good at that, getting what you wanted," Somehow she always did. He didn't know if he was jealous or angry about it.

Suddenly, Julius stopped, his hand grabbing her arm to make her look at him. "Lets make a deal," He said. "If I get in contact with Michael for you, you tell me what you are looking for," He stated. He could do it, if he tried. Whether this was a good idea or not, it would get him closer to figuring out what her plan was. The sooner he knew, the better.

He just hoped Aeliena wouldn't kick his ass once he got back to her, this was risky business making an offer with Lucifer herself. Yet, he was confident this would work out. It was time for him to step up, anyways.


"It's not shocking you despise Lucifer, I mean, you look like you are in a perpetual state of having a stick up your ass," She bit back a laugh.

Aeliena's eyes looked up at Azazel, before she spoke gently. "Why are you doing this?" She questioned. "Did Lucifer tell you to watch me and get all buddy-buddy?" She rose from her spot, wondering if she told him too much. He could use everything she said against her, easily. He could tell Lucifer how unhappy she seemed, how she was a few short steps away from leaving their Father.

A small part of her liked to hope he was doing this because he wanted to, not to harm her. She wanted to believe that he wasn't like Lucifer, or even Samuel for that matter. She wanted to believe that everything he told her was truly to help her, not to benefit anyone else. She was tired of the one being used, being tossed around and told what to do.
‘Yes, I tend to be known for that.’ Only Lucifer never really got what she wanted. Not yet. Her patience was at least in tact. She had acknowledged it would take a long while to get what she wanted.

She was startled when Julius suddenly reached out to her. The contact was unexpected, and her first reaction was to try and yank her arm back, but when that first gesture failed, she didn’t try again. She acknowledged what Julius was saying, and understood he wasn’t threatening her.

Not directly. She wanted to believe the sincerity in his blue eyes as he spoke of finding Michael for her, but the suspicious part acknowledged another truth: “That’s sweet of you to want to bring Michael to me. I didn’t realize you wanted me dead so soon.” Samael said it would be that way. The Bible spoke of it in allusions. She was the dragon, and Michael was the dragonslayer.

Art depicted Michael as the one who kept his foot on Satan’s throat – her throat. “I don’t think that deal benefits me at all, Julius, so I’ll have to decline.” Even if she knew if she could make Michael break early, he’d fall…the cost of that was her death. If Michael gave into his wrath, it was her death.

It may be worth it…it would certainly upset God’s plan…but it wasn’t yet a loss she was willing to take. She reached up to brush his hand aside then. “Did Father really not tell you what his wayward daughter was up to? Does He really not know?”


Azazel scowled at the comment of having a stick up his ass. “You would, too, if you had to deal with Samael and Lucifer every day.” Even on their best days, they were both insufferable at times with their haughty attitudes. Sure, they deserved it…but they didn’t have to be such asses about it. Everyone knew how powerful Lucifer was. Yet, what was she doing with all that power?

Not enough. Not nearly enough.

At Aeliena’s question and offense, he quickly shook his head, and drew his hands back to his lap, “No. Lucifer told me to watch you and Julius,” he was doing a poor job watching Julius. “When you split I chose to watch you. She didn’t say anything else – this is my choice.”

He rose as well, keeping his gaze calmly upon her. “You can believe what you like, about me, about Lucifer, and all the rest of us, but we’re not…hateful monsters. We didn’t fall because we hated God, or any of the Angels. I think Lucifer even still loves God and Michael,” as fucked up as it was, he was pretty certain of it. “I tried to help humanity. God left you all to fend for yourselves after Eden, without even fire or metalcrafting…without anything at all.”

His lips twisted a bit, “It’s not my nature to let suffering go unchecked. We knew so much…you know how much knowledge we have as angels. Imagine seeing humanity at the beginning. Could you just let them…fend for themselves like that?”
Julius was seconds away from giving up, from throwing his utter assistance at her. He didn't know why he felt this urge to help her find whatever she was looking for, but it was there and raging him on to abandon his Father.

In utter confusion, his brows knitted together. "To be fair, he gave me very little detail before I wound up on Earth," He admitted. All he knew was he had to take out the threat, and he wasn't even sure if he wanted to do it anymore. How could he? With the mixture of his doubts and having a ticking time bomb as a partner, there were bigger issues than killing Lucifer.

"I'm sure he knows. Somehow he knows everything. He just didn't tell me or Aeliena anything," He rubbed a hand over his face, realizing he had abandoned her completely after their blow out. Hopefully she wouldn't be too mad at him for straying from their plan and going head first.

"I still believe I may be of assistance to you," Julius stated, tilting his head to the side. "I have access to Father, and many others,"


Aeliena looked at Azazel before pacing with a sigh. "Sorry for assuming," She muttered, looking outside to the cold, winter air. His words stuck to her, making her turn back. "No, I wouldn't have," She admitted. Through her years of being a guardian angel, she realized many things that God chose to do bothered her. He was so careless to let innocent people, like herself, die. He could care less if they suffered, to him their lives meant nothing.

"You said you were supposed to be watching Julius as well, correct?" She asked with a raise brow. "Do you know where he is right now? We got into a fight, or whatever, and he hasn't come back," She shifted on the balls of her feet, looking out the window with an almost sad look on her face.

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