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Fantasy (Always Accepting) In the Name of the King

Dogmatic Hermit

Hyperactive Rodent Knight
As the flames settle two stand in the smoldering ruins of what used to be a small village. They look around at the carnage they have sown each removing their helmet. One revealing long black hair and eyes the color of fire. The other a mane of gold, eyes the same, highlighting her feminine features. They stare at each other for a few long seconds before he speaks up. "What we do in the name of our king."

-12 Years later-

You hear that thethe borders are once again bristling with hostility, the political arena in turmoil, and the whisper of war again travels across the countryside. All three Kings have called for noble warrior, and despicable thief alike, to join their cause.


Andrea takes the first steps on her journey to the capital of Akkadia, She bore her armor in her pack, and her fathers sword at her waste. Her flame red hair tied back. She smiled knowing she would honor her family.


Jason had wept as he was dragged from his home and conscripted in the name of the king of Brittania, but now he marched head high and fury in his Emerald eyes, a fury for his own nation, but he could not run, he could not die, because it meant his younger brother would be conscripted in his place.


Mercurio strode confidently into the throne room of Queen Alisa. Offering not even a bow. "My three-hundred men are yours for the low price of 1000 gold a day" The queen nodded and waved her hand. He took his leave twirling fast enough to reveal his sharply pointed ears.
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The sun rose over Routgate slowly, casting it's golden rays down at a slow pace. Inside the many houses lining the street, citizens lay cozily in their beds, dreaming away with no worries whatsoever.

He hated that. He hated that all these people were so soft, content with just dreaming away with no ambitions. No pride. No goal in mind. This is the way the Silver Savage thought.

He marched through the still empty and quiet streets of Routgate, on the move to the local tavern to see if any jobs had come up. The empty hilt of his blade jangled by his side as he moved. The morning sun glinted off of his silver armor, giving him a look that almost made him seem like a ghost.

As he marched, he began to think about why he was still here. Sure, Routgate was the capital of Britannia, but there was little to no action here. The real interesting parts were out there in the world, where he hadn't explored yet. He shook his head and looked down to the ground as he walked, lost in thought...
Jaymira had been walking from her small house out beyond the city limits and recently entered Routgate. She was most regrettably out of apples and tea (and an assortment of other things- but apples were most important) at home and had come into the city with the intent of finding some. Keeping her head down under her cloak, Jay tried her best not to draw attention, a fairly easy feat as a long shirt covered her tattoos and her staff was at home.

She quickly finds a stall selling both apples /and/ tea. Not making eye contact with the stall owner, she picks what she wishes and pays for the items. Stepping away from the place out of the throng of the marketplace, Jay notices with a sigh that her coin pouch is getting light. Work would be needed soon and her growing reputation as "witch woman" didn't help getting jobs from locals. Where better to go than where people get too drunk to care if someone's a witch? Jay sighed and started off toward the tavern nearest to her location and ducked inside in search of the last resort job list.
Routgate was a grand old city, built up by tough stones and populated by tough people. Its inhabitants loomed everywhere, a flock of oafs and fools who no doubt clamored for the attentions of the wicked King Arlon and his dreaded armies. It was difficult for Cedric to hide his distaste for the place, even more so as he received searing glares from the more intolerant townsfolk. He moved away from the main marketplace, and instead made his way somewhere less crowded. Eventually, Ric began to hear the sound of raucous laugther from the brightly painted tavern.

The Red Goblet looked more than appealing, even if it seemed a bit bland for Cedric's taste. He pushed open the yellow door and welcomed the heat coming from the crackling fireplace. It had been too long since he had slept in a good bed, and longer still since Cedric had enjoyed a good, stiff drink that left his throat burning. The tavern was like all others, barmaids moving about with speed and grace. The building was alive with merriment, and the song of musicians rang through the tavern, a delight to hear. Snatching himself a spot at an empty table, he caught the attention of one of the passing barmaids. "A flagon of ale, please" he said to her, smiling politely.
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As Andrea bobbed down the road a spring in her step and a smile on her face, she was all but oblivious to the roadside, and failed to notice that the road signs were broken and pointed in the wrong directions. Taking a left when she should have taken a right. She heads not east but west. Not to Akkad, but to Routgate. Nonetheless she continued to whistle on down the road. Fantasizing about what it would mean to be a knight for her king.

She trodded along in this manner straight through the night. Approaching city walls at just before dawn. As she approached the gate the guards stopped her. Asking to search her bag.

As they cautiously shuffled through her bag their expressions remained emotionless and sterile. After a short while they returned the pack and waved her along. Turning around she asked where the nearest in was. They offered only silence as a response. Turning around she wandered down the streets. I need food, and sleep, then I can speak with the king.

It took her long enough but just as the sun was rising she managed to locate a Tavern, shuffling inside she plops down at the bar.

"Give me ... anything."

At dawn the the marching ceased. They had arrived at the capital of Brittania. The order was given, they were to occupy the wall, acting as reinforcements for the city watch. A boy in front of him named hatch leaned back and whispered something to the affect of "I knew it, their expecting something."

Looking up at the wall a massive structure meant to keep out entire countries. And he was expected to defend it. Seems Kinda wierd.


Storming out of the throne room Murcurio is greeted by his second in command, Archi. Archi was his nephew, if there was anyone he trusted to watch his back it was this pup.

"We are the queens dogs, now lets drink." Returning to the camp just out side the city walls Murcurio grabs a bottle of ale out of the hand of some poor fool that was already blasted.

"To the battles that we will fight, and spoils, we shall earn!" Mercurio chugged half of the bottle before handing it to Archi. "Drink boy"

-Aron the bartender(New NPC)-

After serving a young ginger a plate of roast, and a mug of ale, he sets to wiping down the bar. Not long into this he finished. He watched as a pretty young woman, who seems vaguely familiar, yet he can't quite places his nose ...Finger on it. He walks out from behind the bar grabbing a glass of wine. Handing it to her with a smile, brushing back his hair, he did everything to accentuate his elven features.

"Please have a seat. Would you like something to eat?" He asks with a grand arm motion to the chair with the least nails holding it together.

As he looks up he notes an elf enter.

"There's a seat at the bar." smiling "Would you like a drink?"
With a small sound indicating surprise, Jaymira decided she wouldn't turn down a free drink and with a backward glance at the list of jobs, accepted the drink. In that motion, her cloak hood fell down revealing long pointed ears with numerous runed earings of all metals and charms. She accepted the glass of wine with a tattooed hand and shook her head to the offer of sitting down. "Actually, I was wondering if you know of any jobs, any myths or legends that need hunting down?" On a quieter note she added, "Particularly for a mage, if possible?"
"There's a seat at the bar. Would you like a drink?" the barkeep asked. Ric looked up from his mug of ale and noticed that he was an elf. Sitting at the bar was another of his kin, a woman with jewels and piercings decorating her leaf-shaped ears, which reminded Ric of the wise women back in Caledorn. He decided to make himself comfortable over at the bar, taking a stool between the fire-haired girl and the elvish maiden. "So, what brings two of the Ed'hel so far from the groves?" he asked, after gulping down the rest of his mug's contents. "I am here to sample the beverages, of course, but what about you innkeeper?"

Sipping on her drink she listened to the commotion behind her. Deciding it was nothing important she began to dig into the plate of food. There was something odd about in a good way, the meat was sweet mingled with the heartiness of the beef. I'll have to ask about this. Just then a roguish bard set's down next to her and ask's the barkeep a question. I'll just sit back and listen.

Heels together, stomach in, shoulders back, chin up. Guarding the gates was mostly a job consisting of looking good. Boring beyond belief. At least everyone looks interesting shifting his eyes, he watched the myriad of people and creatures that flooded through the gates, and so his day carried on.


Guzzling ale and being merry

-Aron the Bartender-

"Well I'm a half breed, so I'm in town visiting family." Flashing a smile he turns back to the girl. His smile twisted into something vicious "I may have a job or two." Looking around he leaned in to whisper to the other elves. "I would need a vow of secrecy." Reaching beneath the bar he pulls out an peace of parchment browned and worn with age. On it's surface was writing in an ancient arcane language. "You need to sign this. All three of you." He pushes it toward the three at the bar.
Jay glances warily over the parchment, having never before encountered a magic-rooted language she wasn't familiar with. A few characters she's seen before but never in the context of long writing and reaching into her memory, Jay found no meaning to place them with. His change of aura caught her off guard as well, going in seemingly an instant from a charismatic barkeep to whatever the smile he currently wore meant. Dark eyes squinting, Jaymira continued to study the writing, hand still in the folds of her cloak indicating she wasn't ready to sign anything if need be.
Cedric's eyebrow quirked in surprise and curiosity as the parchment was pushed towards him. On it was a jumble of symbols and runes, nothing like he had ever seen before. He was left wordless as the half-man spoke, finding it difficult to restrain the sense of amusement that came his from ramblings of "secrecy" and such. This was an odd way to hand out work, that much was evident, but it seemed as if he were being tested in more ways than simply the potential job. That intense gaze from the half-man seemed to peer deeper than just the skin.

It was if he was being scrutinized, studied, and Cedric couldn't help but feel discomfort well in his chest, only to be pushed down and crushed by confidence and self-assured calmness. "My apologies, good sir. I haven't a clue what any of this is, really." Ric said gently as he pushed the paper back towards the innkeep.
As the paper was pushed across the table Artagan lifted his drunken head from the bar, throwing a glance over it before he had to fight of a belch that could kill a small dog just from the stench. Buisness had been going miserably the last few months, the whispers of war caused tension to build up like thick fog in the night, and the bars filled with drunks was seemingly the only place that seemed to have a little liveliness, unless someone decided to throw a punch.

The Smith pulled out a piece of worn parchment from his pocket, anyone who was close enough and interested enough could read that it was a summon to the kingdom of Akkadia to work the smithy for armor. He then proceeded to pull out a golden ring and began rubbing it with his thumb, "Oh Scarlett, what has happened to me." he mumbled, letting out a hearty belch.

Glancing at the paper face stuffed, she shakes her head. "please forgive me if I turn it down, I'm here to see the king." She looks at the others they appeared anxious and ... suspicious of this man. "I will leave you to it. "Returning to her meal savoring each bite she listens carefully to the rest of the exchange.
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Guarding gate (nothing important)


Still drunk

-Aron the Bartender-

Carefully watching his patrons refuse to sign the parchment. Sighing he looks back and forth his eyes softening. "I'm glad your smart enough to not blindly sign a contract." He begins laughing as he tears the parchment in half, "I can't have idiots working for me." Pulling out a couple of bottles of ale and passing them out. "Indeed I do have work. A couple of towns over near the border of Argonmoor in Algarstead, there's a man named Vernon. He's got a shipment of exotic wine's but needs an escort." Reaching under the counter he pulls out a small coin purse and counts out fifty coins. "twenty-five percent up front, the rest when I have my wine."
"Blindly accepting a contract can cause all sorts of trouble," she mutters, looking up at him. It's a little mundane, Jaymie reflects, but she won't pass up work. Her thin hand closes on one of the bottles and she glances down at it uncertainly before taking a tiny sip, enough to put a small fire in her. "Escort to where?" She would accept, no matter the place, but it would be bonus points in her book to find a place she hadn't been to yet. If she had been there, however, and it ended up being a place not as keen on having magicians run around, then Jay'd be taking extra care on the journey.
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The immediate change of subject did little to quell Ric's suspicions. Then again, what had he to fear from a simple innkeeper? "I see" Ric commented idly, rubbing the back of his neck. The proposed contract was awfully tempting; it seemed simple enough, and the coin would help to spur him on, nothing about this arrangement felt the way it should. Ric leaned forward in his stool with a forced grin starting to take shape on his face. "Deal" he murmured. He waved over a barmaid to bring him more to drink. "There will be no more trickery this time, correct?" he said, with just a hint of impatience.
Artagan looked up at the bartender, his eyes red and tired from the long night of drinking "One mor ale fer me an-*hick* an one for this genlmen right ere" he said, smacking Ric on the back heartily with a loud drunken laugh. The Smith tried to stay positive about the war, perhaps this one would do him good after the last pne had destroyed everything he had ever loved. This was the only day he ever went completely overboard with alcohol, it was his wedding anniversary or would have been if his wife wouldn't have been killed in the Siege of Sprut. "Shay Bargeeper, yur lookin fer peaple to wark fer yerrfine shelf?" he asked, only catching bits of the conversation going on next to him.
Adrian sat in the back corner of the bar with his staff leaning against the wall as he listened to the conversation about the job. He had been enjoying his ale quietly, but the mention of the job made him speak up," So how much does this job pay?" Adrian was clad in dark blue robes covered with runic symbols as if drawn by a made man, but amplified the defense of the cloth. Taking another swig of his ale Adrian watched the others carefully. He needed the money at this point and he couldn't keep paying people in illusionary money. Word would no doubt get around and he wouldn't be able to buy anything. Though maybe he could earn some money by putting on a light show for the drunks in here.
Woody crept out of his makeshift shed, left behind at the outer edges of the city. He decided that today would be a roaming day and thus he donned his robes and equip his scythe, giving off the illusion that he was simply a man dressing as the reaper. As he didn't have eyes in the first place, the cloak didn't much bother him and his magical vision allowed him to see right through. The only problem was trying to keep the flame from lighting him on fire.

Regardless, he kissed his plank wife goodbye and mounted his donkey, heading out to AKKADIA in order to see their current plans.

For those between the two locations, they will see what appears to be a Reaper imitator mounted upon a donkey

Grabbing a bottle of ale What the hell, the war will still be around next week, I'm in. Looking at the faces around the bar she wondered how many of them were going to take this job. The girl down the bar looked indifferent at first glance but the desperation showed the longer you looked. The elf looked like he would take the job, entirely because he could. The drunk, obviously was drunk, and the fellow in the corner was obviously interested.

Smiling at those in front of him. "Good, can you all head out this afternoon?" hearing the flashy customer in the back speak up. "It pays two hundred gold a piece." He smiled again "A bonus if your back within nine days." He begins to clean up the bar again "Do you need anything else?"
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Jay finished her drink and her hand dropped to her lap, taking a glance down at the fading tattoos laced up her arms. They'd need replacing before she could leave, if possible. "Do you know where in town I could find Astral Ink?"
Adrian smiled at the amount of money, " I'm up for it sure. As for Astral Ink I may know a guy if your willing to pay a referral fee." Adrian got up from his corner with his staff in hand to review the contract before signing. Pouring over the contract he looked for any phrasing that could be detrimental to him or the others.

(Sorry it's a bit short on my phone at school)

"Great!" Aron blinked at the request for astral inc, and paused when the fancy pants in the corner announced that he knew someone who had it. "There's only a few places in the city to get astral ink; the court wizard Arzadall, the local smugglers, occasionally one of the shops, and apparently this person that fancy pants over here knows." He pulls out enough gold to pay each 25% in advance, and passes it out to those who have taken the job.

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