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Fantasy (Always Accepting) In the Name of the King

Jaymira nodded, moving to stand. "I'd wait to meet this "guy you know" however I'd rather see what the shops have to offer," she mutters to the man, taking the gold off the table and sliding it into her draw-string pouch on her belt. "Thank you, sir," she says to the bar tender, "I should be back well before we're leaving."

Flicking her hood back over her head, the woman ducks out of the tavern, making her way toward the shop in question, one she'd passed by earlier on her way into town. There was no bell to signal her presence in the store and the front desk was empty, however the shop itself and its contents were fascinating. She made her way to a shelf area stocked with small bottles of ink of varying colors and began to scan the scrawled labels.

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