Alliteration Game


₮ⱧɆ ₥Ɏ₮Ⱨ, ₮ⱧɆ ⱠɆ₲Ɇ₦Đ, ₮ⱧɆ ₣₳฿ⱠɆ
Roleplay Availability
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I want more forum games to play!  So... I'm creating one.  The rules are simple, each sentence must use a different letter of the alphabet (in order).

First Player: Alpha apples ate all Alaskans.

Second Player: Better bureaucrats boast best.

Third Player: Caste cruelty causes chaos.


  1. Sentence needs to be at least 4 words long.
  2. All words in sentence must start with the same letter.
  3. Must go in alphabetical order (a b c d . . . x y z) through the alphabet.
  4. Once Z it is, it restarts back at A. 
  5. Please don't break the cycle!

An aardvark always admires ants.
Poop... @Obsessed yours needs to be K, not L.
The girl I quoted deleted her entry, but I'll change it back lol

I thought that might have been the case considering I couldn't find where ya quoted from.  >_>  They could've just edited, lol.
Leopards love licking legs.
So we're on K?

*is too stupid to understand*

Kissing koalas kill kangaroos.

Wait, no? M?

Aaah. My brain. 
I thought of one for M but it's dirty-ish...

Momma makes me muffins.
Nobody needs notes now.
Tulips turn terrible today.

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