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Realistic or Modern All is a Dream..

Amber just sighed as she looked down avoiding her eyes as her hair fell back down over her eye" car crash few years ago glass cut me had to get stiches mom and dad was driving me to a doctor appoitment a drunk driver hit us" she say a tear rolling down her face
May was always a squeamish girl, and found herself dizzying at the sight of the scar.

"Oh...my god...t-that's horrible," she stammered, needing to find somewhere to calm down.

"I-I'll talk to you later, meet me in the music room, tomorrow," she nodded before rushing off, not in a straight line at all. She headed to the bathroom and washed her face, clearing her vision.

(sorry, I need to go to bed)
James closed the passenger door and got in the driver's side, put the key in the ignition and started it up.The engine purred like a cat, he threw it in reverse backed up and drove to her house, "Emmi.. You dont have to go back in there." He said, almost begging her not to.

@Rose Baker
She smiled halfheartedly at James, before saying, "It's alright. I.. I can handle whatever may happen. Just don't worry about me, kay?" She then got out of the car, closing the door behind her.

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James nodded and sat in the car, to keep it running, "Be careful." He said to himself when she went inside her house.

@Rose Baker
She entered the house, and gagged at the foul smell of alcohol. She stepped over a small pile of broken beer bottles, and walked past the bathroom. Hearing very loud retching, she almost felt sorry for her father. Sighing, she went up to her room and yanked a small suitcase from her closet, stuffing it with all her clothes. She grabbed a small makeup bag, and hurried downstairs. She saw her father exit the bathroom, and stared. He was in terrible shape. She noticed a gun laying on the table and nearly began crying. Oh please, don't hurt yourself, she thought, before leaving. She went back outside to the car, a few tears running down her face and her bags in hand. "I'm ready.." she said.

(Sorry for this being so long!)

James put the car in reverse but didnt backup, "What's wrong?" He asked her, noticing the tears down her face as he put the vehicle back into park.

@Rose Baker
James eventually shut the car off and turned to her, "Something's up.. please tell me Emmi." He pleaded with her basically.

@Rose Baker
James reached over to hug her then looked her dead in the eye, "You have to do this.. Sure i'll be worried for you, but he is your dad. Even though he treats you like an object, he loves you deep down... I just know it."

@Rose Baker
"If you really want to.." He started the car back up and began backing out of the driveway.

(Gonna give Emmi a chance to change her mind)

@Rose Baker
Soon as James was done backing out, he threw it in drive and drove off to his house that, when they arrived, had to go through a gate to get in that had 'JM' on it standing for his first and last name, "Well here we are, my humble abode." He pulled up to the front door and was immediately greeted by his butler, "Ah! Master James." The Butler said noticing the girl he was with, "Who's the Misses, Master?" he asked James who responded with, "That is Emmi, she's gonna live with us." The butler bowed to her, "Welcome Miss Emmi said the Butler."

@Rose Baker
Emmi stared, her mouth hanging wide open. She then closed it quickly and said, feeling slightly nervous now, "Hi. And, um, you can just call me Emmi.." She stared at the ground, hoping her face wasn't red. Wow.. he must have a lot of money. This place is gorgeous, he has a butler.. Wow.

"My apologies Miss Emmi." the butler bowed deeply. "Hey Emmi! Come here I wanna show you something." James shouted from another room.

@Rose Baker
Upon Emmi entering the room she would find James in a bathing suit, his body rather toned, "It's an indoor pool!" He said before diving in, He surfaced and shook the water out of his hair, "Join me Emmi!" He said.

@Rose Baker
She stared at him for a moment, before looking away quickly, her face red. She then said, "But I'm not wearing a swimsuit." She turned a deeper shade of red.

(Last post for tonight. I'll try to post tomorrow goodnight!)

"But wait... no-one can judge you here!" He shouted after her, "And if my butler does he'll hear about it later.." He said towards his butler who simply nodded.

@Rose Baker

(Okay off to play Skyrim then.)
She sighed, putting a hand to her head, before saying quietly, "Okay, fine. Just give me a sec, kay?" She walked out the door and returned about 5 minutes later with a dark blue swimsuit on. Oh my god. I bet I look awful, she thought, her face pink.

James looked at her, silently, "You look...." After a pause, "Gorgeous, Emmi.. come jump in!" He said.

@Rose Baker
James sunk in so that half his face was submerged, "This is my me place.. I come here to just... Relax y'know?" He said.

@Rose Baker

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